Passion, Vows & Babies_Anonymous Bride

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Passion, Vows & Babies_Anonymous Bride Page 6

by KL Donn

  “Get out,” I grumble at Trainer and Dodge. They’ve been two of my best friends for years, so when they laugh, I let it go, knowing their day will come. And when they’re fighting for the attention of the same girl, I will laugh with glee.

  “Jordan.” Megan’s soft plea draws my attention from the closing door.

  Grasping the front of her dress, I tug her to me as I step forward. “I’ve fucking missed you.” I know I sound angry again, but it’s this need I have for her.

  “Is everything alright?” Her hands pet my chest as I bury my face in her neck, inhaling her unique scent.

  “It will be,” I mumble against her soft flesh. “Once I’m inside you.” Her gasp is the opening I need to plunder her mouth. The grip I have on her hip is going to leave marks. I know it, and she likely knows it, too. Neither of us stops it.

  Her moan of desire has me deepening the kiss and tangling our tongues together like we are mating. The world melts away as my precious surrenders to me.

  “Jordan,” she sighs against my lips. A whisper and a prayer in the single sound.

  “Mag-pie,” I groan as she grinds herself on my thigh. “Baby, you gotta stop, or I’m going to take you here and now.” It’s the only warning I’ll give her.

  Her breath hitches and her lips move across my jaw, licking at the stubble. “I missed you too, Jordan.” The husky sound of her voice is like the day we met. I’m trapped in her vice.

  Picking her up, her thighs wrap around my hips as I carry her to my desk. My motions are jerky and frenzied, but I don’t care. I don’t think she does either as she lifts her dress and reveals that she has nothing on underneath.

  “God. Damn,” I snarl, dropping into my chair in front of her. Completely nude on my desk, her once pretty dress in a jumbled pile on the floor at my feet.

  Where did this bold goddess come from?

  “Please, baby,” she whines, running her fingers gingerly up her thigh as she spreads her legs.

  In a flash, I’m on my feet again, only taking the time to unbuckle my belt and drop my pants. “I’ll love you properly tonight.” She smirks at my loss of control.

  There’s no foreplay. No preparation to make sure she’s ready. I can smell her honey, so I know she wants this every bit as much as I do. I know she’s ready for me.

  Running my cock along the length of her perfectly shaved, wet pussy, I push ever so slowly into her. Our gazes remain glued to where my body is dominating hers as our pelvises meet in union.

  Simultaneously, we groan as our bodies dissolve into a single unit. The heat from her pulsing core propels my dick out of control with lust. “Fuck, you’re like molten lava.” My girl giggles.

  “And you’re like solid granite. I feel you everywhere. Your skin is so smooth. The veins are pulsing, and I can feel it. When you twitch, I feel it.” She smiles shyly. “I feel you, Jordan.”

  Fucking love this woman. Pushing her body to lay flat on my, thankfully, empty desk, I tower over her. “Hang on, baby.”

  She wraps her legs around my calves and won’t let go. She does exactly as I say and hangs the fuck on as I ride her into oblivion.

  Sweaty, hot, sticky, and rutting like a damn bull, I follow Megan into sated bliss as we climb over the edge together. Her screams fill the room as my harsh moans are buried in her neck.

  When she finally stops vibrating in my arms, I pull back to look at her. “You’re my heaven, Mag-pie.”

  “And you’re my serenity, Jordan.”

  “Christ, woman.” Leaning forward I kiss her gently, loving the feel of her softness below my hard edges. I’ll never get enough of her.

  Helping her up, I know we should get ready to go, but there’s just one more obstacle to be dealt with. Picking up the phone to connect with my new assistant, he answers on the first ring. “Yes, Mr. Maxwell?” His immediate response pleases me.

  “Wyatt, send Roger Dolan to HR immediately. Tell him he’s being fired. His constant gambling has compromised his position in this company, and we can no longer trust his judgment.” Megan’s eyes widen.

  “Yes, sir. If he kicks up a fuss?” He doesn’t stutter at my command. I like it.

  “If he puts up a fight, tell him I’ll have a lawsuit slapped on him first thing in the morning. If he leaves quietly, he’ll be paid handsomely to never return.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Megan is off limits. There will be no future contact initiated by Roger or his wife, ever.” Tears hover in my love’s eyes, swarmed with relief.

  “You’ll never hear his name again, sir.” Wyatt hangs up, and my wife is in my arms sobbing.

  “Hey now, what’s this for?”

  “I love you, Jordan. I know it’s too soon, and we still have so much to learn about each other, but I honestly don’t think I could love you any more than I do right now.” Her words are rushed like she’s afraid if she doesn’t get them out fast enough, they’ll get stuck.

  Smoothing the hair back from her face, I look her in the eye. “I’ve loved you from the moment you tried to scare me off. There isn’t a single thing in this world I wouldn’t do for you, Megan.”

  Chapter Nine


  Having Jordan with me as we wait for my OB-GYN is like a dream. He has far exceeded anything I would have ever thought I’d get from a man. Especially one that I married for the sake of parents that constantly berated me.

  “You’re shaking,” he murmurs in my ear, resting his hand on my knee.

  “I can’t help it.” I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It could be due to Jordan being here or because this is my first OB appointment. My family doctor recommended her, and now I’m terrified there could be problems. “What if there’s something wrong? What if I screwed this up already? Oh crap. Crap, crap, crap.” Holding my head in my hands, panic consumes me.

  Strong arms lift me into a comforting lap, and immediately, I feel better. My chest doesn’t feel like there’s a constrictor wrapped around it anymore. “Baby, do you think I’d have let you come without thoroughly investigating this doctor first?”

  I look up at his words. “You didn’t?” He smirks. “You did!” I half shriek. The infuriating man has the gall to just smile at what he’s done.

  Before I can say anything, a cheerful, “Miss Dolan?” is called out into the waiting room.

  Standing with me in his arms, Jordan walks to the now shocked nurse and quietly tells her, “It’s Mrs. Maxwell now,” with a commanding grin on his smug face.

  The nurse blushes and my glare at my husband amps up in response to face her.

  “Right, then,” she clears her throat. “Mrs. Maxwell, this way please.”

  “You can put me down now,” I mutter as we follow the perky nurse.

  After getting us settled in the room, she smiles brightly over at Jordan and says, “Dr. Stewart will be right in.”

  “If you don’t stop that they’re going to think you have an eye twitch.” Jordan laughs at me like he’s a comedian.

  “She was ogling you. You made it very clear of my marital status, and she ogles you! Who does that?” I can’t help that I’m worked up. Damn pregnancy hormones.

  “Horny nurses, that’s who,” an equally frustrated voice says behind us.

  Pushing my way from Jordan’s arms as he spins around, the doctor is standing there trying ever so hard not to laugh at my tantrum.

  “Pretty men make Mallory nervous.” Dr. Stewart smiles. “So, Megan, how are you feeling?”

  “Pretty?” Jordan questions from behind me.

  “I’m fine. Tired a lot. Craving some seriously questionable items, but overall, I feel great.”

  “Any morning sickness?” She helps me up onto the table to lay down.

  Her fingers on my abdomen are cold as I answer. “Occasionally, but not as much as I had expected.”

  “Good.” She looks through my file. “You’re nearly to the end of your first trimester, and if it hasn’t hit you terribly by now, it likely won�
��t.” Flipping through a few pages, she inquires, “You had some blood tests done before coming here. About a month ago?”

  Now I’m nervous. “Yes. Is something wrong?”

  “Have you had any spotting?” Why won’t she answer me?

  “No. None. Not since I realized I missed my period.” Taking a deep breath, my hands fidget. “What’s wrong? What did I do wrong?”

  “Do?” She’s genuinely puzzled by that. “Absolutely nothing, Megan. Your iron is a little low; nothing wrong with that. I just wanted all the information first.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Cross my heart.” She beams at me and makes the motion of crossing her finger over her heart.

  “Now, would you like to see the baby?”

  “We can do that?” Jordan asks excitedly.

  “Oh yes, Megan’s over three months now. We’ll have a good picture and a strong heartbeat.”

  “What about the sex?” My husband’s enthusiasm is reassuring.

  “Not quite yet. In a month or so we should be able to if he or she doesn’t hide from the camera.” As she leaves the room to get the ultrasound machine, I sag against the table with relief.

  “Told you everything was fine.” Jordan leans over to give me a sweet kiss on the forehead. His entire presence is reassuring.

  “Thank you for being here today, baby. It means a lot to me.” My whisper sounds magnified in the small room.

  “I will always be here, sweetheart. Nothing will ever keep me away from you.”

  “Here we go!” Dr. Stewart’s entrance is perfectly timed. “Cold gel.” She grins, squirting the lubricant on my stomach, then smirks at my squirming.

  As soon as the wand touches my belly, my eyes become glued to the screen. When I can’t see anything but black and white, I begin to worry.

  A low thumping fills the room, and it isn’t until she says, “There it is,” that it registers to Jordan and me.

  “That’s the heartbeat?” I ask, utterly amazed.

  She nods.

  “Wow.” Jordan murmurs squeezing my hand.

  One tiny sound.

  A low thump.

  It means everything.



  Six months later.

  “Hang on, honey, we’re almost there.” Megan’s breathing is heavy and labored as Trainer drives us to the hospital. Dodge is in the passenger seat talking to Dr. Stewart at my wife’s urgent request.

  “Jordan,” she calls sweetly.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Shut the hell up.” Her growl is heard throughout the car, and the doctor’s laughter can be distinguished through the line she’s on.

  “Right.” What the hell else am I supposed to say? She’s had me wrapped around her finger from the first word to pass her lips, and no matter what, I’ll do as she asks. Even when she’s been in labor for ten hours and the doctor tells us not to come in until the contractions are five minutes apart.

  Seeing my wife in pain, a pain that I can’t fix isn’t something any man likes to experience. But she’s been a fucking warrior. Until we moved her.

  I’ve never heard Megan curse the way she did as Dodge and I helped her down the stairs while Trainer brought the car around.

  “Your parents are meeting us there still?” She wheezes.

  “Yes.” I check my phone for an update from my mom. “They’re in the waiting room with Dr. Stewart.” After realizing how excited Megan and I were after hearing the baby’s heartbeat, my parents really stepped up their game. They went into full-on grandparent mode and asked a thousand questions, including permission to meet the doctor that was bringing their grandchild into the world.

  Megan insisted it was fine. Said the reassurance was something we could give them. Mom showed up for every appointment after that. The small examination room was always crowded unless a vaginal exam was required. I put my foot down in those instances.

  “Oh God!” Megan’s scream rips through the interior of the car as another contraction hits her. I watch her stomach ripple with the effects of her pain.

  “Two minutes now, Dodge,” I tell my friend, knowing Dr. Stewart is listening to everything. “Breathe, baby, I’m right here.” I massage her distended belly the way the Lamaze instructor taught us, hoping to give her some relief until the wave passes.

  “You fucking breathe,” she hisses. “Next time, it’s your turn, Jordan Maxwell.”

  “Not genetically possible, Mag-pie.” I have to stifle my laughter.

  “Don’t you dare Mag-pie me, or those forceps will be going where the sun don’t shine.” Her threat shuts my laughter down. “Don’t think I won’t do it to you two, too,” she snaps at the men in the front.

  “Yes, ma’am,” they say simultaneously.

  The remainder of the ride is quiet aside from Megan’s screams with each contraction. When we arrive at the hospital, my parents and Dr. Stewart, along with Mallory—who still can’t walk in the room with me without blushing—is standing there waiting with a gurney to carry my wife away to a maternity room.

  “Still two minutes apart, Jordan?” Mallory asks as she brings the stretcher to the car door I’m helping Megan out of.


  “Ohhhh, it really hurts. Drugs! You said I could have drugs!” Megan points to Dr. Stewart like she struck gold.

  “Let’s see how dilated you are before we talk about that.”

  “You rat bastard!” Her pointed finger swings around to Trainer. “You took too long. You said you had the route mapped out. You said not to worry. If I don’t get drugs, your ass is grass, buster.” He pales at her threat. Dodge, Dad, and I all burst into laughter.

  “Megan, sweetheart, let’s not stress too much.” Mom for the rescue.

  Dr. Stewart, Mom, and Mallory usher Megan up the ramp and into the hospital while we men just stand there and continue to laugh.

  “You better get going, son, that birth isn’t something you want to miss.” Dad chastises me, and he’s right. I won’t miss the birth of my child for anything in the world.


  Jesus Christ! Why does no one warn a person labor is so damn painful? Not in any of the Lamaze classes, at the doctors, nothing. No one said a damn word.

  “Where’s Jordan?” I panic when I don’t see him as we enter the elevator.

  “Oh baby, you put Trainer in his place and scared the crap out of him. Those boys are down there laughing at him.” I love my mother-in-law, I swear I do, but that doesn’t help.

  “I need him.” The tears streaming down my face are thick and hot.

  The women with me share a look of concern just as Jordan comes darting down the hall. “Wait up!”

  “Where were you?” I cry. “You promised.” Old insecurities of being left behind rise to the surface.

  “Never going nowhere, baby.” His easy smile and the love in his eyes ease my anxiety. “We’re gonna have this baby, and he’ll be perfect, just like his mama.”

  “He?” We never were able to find out the sex. The baby was a hider when it came to the ultrasound wand.

  “Just high hopes, love.” The teasing twinkle in his melting gaze makes me laugh lightly just as the doors in the elevator open, and I’m whisked away to a birthing room.

  After being examined and finding out I’m already nine centimeters dilated and its nearly time to push, panic sets in again. Jordan is always there with an encouraging smile and positive words. He soothes me in ways I never imagined.

  “I love you, Mrs. Maxwell. So fucking much.” God, I never tire of hearing him say those words.

  “I love you too, Mr. Maxwell, now please make them give me drugs,” I scream as another contraction hits me in waves of pressure and pain nearly unimaginable.

  “Sorry, Meg, it’s time to push now.” Dr. Stewart’s happy retort makes me wish I could kick her.

  Jordan crawls in behind me and braces his legs around my hips. Holding my hands in his, he kisses me below the ear and
whispers, “Push, baby.”

  And I do.

  For what feels like forever, I push.

  When we finally hear a tiny cry, I feel wetness on my shoulder and turn my head to see my amazing husband with a tear leaking from his eye.

  Lord, this man couldn’t be more perfect.

  “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell,” Dr. Stewart grins hugely up at us, “it’s a boy.”

  Taking our son into my arms, Jordan wraps his own around us, holding on dearly. Loving us with everything he is. “He’s perfect, Jordan.”

  “Just like his momma,” he murmurs into my ear, and I feel the smile on his lips.

  Happily, baby after.

  About the series

  The What Happens When series will begin with Anonymous Bride on Oct 19 and continue with untraditional love stories. Bringing you all the good feels, a ton of love, and maybe – if you’re lucky ;) a surprise baby or two!

  What’s next in the What Happens When series?

  I guess you’ll have to settle for this for now…

  What Happens When love is unexpected?


  Hey ya’ll, so I thought this would be a fun addition. I love finding new recipes and while I was writing Anonymous Bride, I wanted to include something Tahitian other than location. The obvious answer is of course FOOD!

  Were enticed by the meal served to Jordan and Megan on the cruise? I was! I even made it! Now you can of course mix and match your own flavours to this recipe, but I followed it… for the most part!

  Sweet Tahitian Chicken


  •1 Tablespoon vegetable oil

  •2 cloves garlic, minced

  •1 Tablespoon minced fresh ginger

  •1/2 cup Kikkoman Less Sodium Soy Sauce

  •one (20 oz.) can Dole Pineapple Chunks in Pineapple Juice


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