Storm Tossed: A troubled woman finds peace with herself and God in the midst of life's storms.

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Storm Tossed: A troubled woman finds peace with herself and God in the midst of life's storms. Page 15

by Beth Jones

  Jackson tells Faith that it’s going to be okay, something he often tells Rachel to reassure her. My husband Ray tells me this a lot and it greatly encourages and comforts me. What helps you to feel safe and secure and to know it’s going to be okay?

  Rachel was fighting hopelessness. Have you ever felt that way? Read Romans 5:2-7 about hope.

  Chapter 9—Desperate

  Have you ever felt desperate in a situation, physically, emotionally, or spiritually? What did you do?

  The Scriptures Rachel has memorized come back to her mind during the worst of the hurricane to strengthen her faith. This week memorize a Bible verse to help you during a future crisis, or for an area that you are struggling with now.

  How is Rachel’s separation from Jackson helping their marriage? Could it be preparing them for trials to come? Have you and your spouse ever separated? How did it affect your marriage? Read about my very difficult marriage to Ray in Promises In The Dark: One Woman’s Search for Authentic Love here:

  Rachel sings as she wakes up, having survived another night after the hurricane. What is a hymn or song that you love which encourages you? Play it now if you can, or sing it and worship God.

  Rachel’s grandmother gave her a mustard seed necklace as a gift when she was a child. What mountain do you need to speak to in your life with mustard seed-size faith and tell it to move?

  Rachel remembered Ann Voskamp’s line from her book, One Thousand Gifts, “Eucharisteo—thanksgiving—always precedes the miracle.” Begin to thank God and see the miracle you need unfold. Start a gratitude journal, writing down things you’re thankful to God for each day.

  Chapter 10—Redemption

  Adelle from Panama City, Florida, “just happened” to be visiting her friend Rylie when the hurricane hit and Adelle found and rescued Rachel next door. Do you believe things “just happen” or are a “coincidence,” or that God is intricately involved in every detail of our lives? Give an example of a “just happened” or “coincidence” in your life or a loved one’s, where God showed up in a miraculous way.

  Everything in Jim’s and Paula’s house was ruined and misplaced by the hurricane. What feels misplaced in your life? Recommended Reading: Joanne Heim’s book, Misplacing God: And Finding Him Again, available at Amazon here:

  Adelle began counting her blessings when the rain stops and the sun shines. Think of a tragic situation that you or a loved one went through. What was one good thing that came out of it?

  Adelle thinks to herself that she has to lose weight as she climbs all the stairs at the Topsider home of Rachel’s beach house. What unnecessary weights are holding you back or stopping you from God’s purpose for your life? Unforgiveness? Envy or jealousy? Pride? Anger? Resentment? Stress? Worry? Fear? Depression? Discouragement? Ask Jesus to take these burdens from you. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]”—Matthew 11:28-30, AMP

  Adelle tries to push the door of Rachel’s beach house hard, but it won’t open. She then walks around the side of the house and finds a broken window, drags a picnic bench to it, and climbs on top of the bench, carefully climbing through the window to try to find Rachel. If God has closed a door in your life, find an open window. Don’t quit. What step can you take today to go through an open window?

  When Adelle enters the bedroom, Rachel is so relieved to see her. They see the beautiful sign of a double rainbow outside. Rachel tells Adelle she wants to go home. Have you ever wanted to “just go home”? What were the circumstances? Read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32.


  Morgan talking about her cousin Adelle in Florida being okay after the hurricane and the other news grabbed Autumn’s attention. How is God trying to grab your attention lately? Are you listening?

  Adelle, Rachel, and some others survived the hurricane. It was a miracle. What miracle has God done in your life? What miracle do you need now? Don’t stop praying for it.

  Jackson was packing to leave for Florida to find his wife Rachel after the hurricane. When Autumn called with the good news that Rachel was okay, he missed the call. Who do you need to share the good news of Jesus Christ with, so they don’t miss it?

  Ben tells God that he’s “all in now,” after his beloved wife Mandy is okay following the hurricane. Are you “all in now” for God? What area of your heart are you withholding from God or others because you still want your way?

  Rachel is grateful to God for a second chance in life with her husband Jackson, their daughter Faith, and her stepdaughter Autumn. Do you need a second chance? God is great at “do-overs.” Read and meditate on Lamentations 3:22-24, NKJV: “Through the Lord’s mercies, we are not consumed; because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning.”

  How did God use the storm to speak to Rachel, Jackson, Faith and Autumn? How is this book prophetic of the storms in life and how does it apply to you?

  About the Author: Beth Jones

  Beth Jones is an International Speaker/Author, wife to paramedic Ray Jones, and mom of 3 beautiful daughters, Heather, Eden, and Leah. Her mission is equipping women to use their gifts for God, doing what they love, and prospering in all areas of life. You can get her free video, You Weren’t Born To Fit In, But To Stand Out, and find out more about Beth’s speaking and her other books at

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