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Under the Stars: Bright Lights Duet #2

Page 19

by Louise, Tia

  The events are dragged from the hidden depths of memory to the front of my mind, no longer buried under rationalizations.

  “He kept the ones that incriminate us. None of the videos showing his involvement, the crimes that happened there, are still around.”

  The truth is a lead weight in my stomach.

  Molly watches me cleaning the bloody room in silence until I start to strip the bed.

  Lara speaks from behind me. “Do you know whose blood it is?”

  Glancing up at her, I nod. “I do now. I didn’t then.”

  She waits, but I shake my head. I don’t even know Tanya’s mother’s name. “Someone Landry knew.”

  Snapping out of her trance, Molly touches my hand. “It’s possible something is still out there. If he hid things, it’s possible he forgot where.”

  I pull back. “Are you being optimistic?”

  The tension in her brow returns as quickly as it left. “I’m only saying what I’ve seen. People hide things then they forget where they hid them. It happens a lot, especially with old guys.”

  “Right.” I meet her cocky glare with my own. “It’s how DollBaby was able to find Esterhaus.”

  Her eyes widen, and she’s out of the chair. “I’ve got to go out.”

  “I’m going with you.” Lara is right behind her, grabbing her sweater off the chair.

  Molly doesn’t even pause. “No, you’re not.”

  “It’s after midnight.”

  “Which to you feels like 2 a.m.” Molly pulls a black jacket over her shoulders, and snatches a small duffel off the floor. “I have to meet Joshua.”

  “I want to see Joshua.” Lara hasn’t stopped moving, and I know she won’t back down. Not after what she learned today.

  “Hang on.” I’m on my feet again. “Can we run another search first?”

  “I don’t have time.” Molly’s voice is a low exhale, and she’s gone.

  Lara is still pulling on her boots, but she stops to tap out a text. “She thinks she’s going to race out that door, but Joshua will tell me where he is.”

  Digging in my case, I take out a long-sleeved shirt. “I’m coming with you.”

  “No, you’re not.”

  I almost laugh. “Between you and Molly, I don’t know who’s more stubborn.”

  “If she’s doing what I think, you’ll only attract attention.” Her boots are on, and she’s at the door, but I stride across the room and lift her off her feet.

  “Mark!” She yelps, trying to struggle. “Put me down!”

  My grip on her is solid, and I deposit her roughly on the bed. “I’m a cop. I know how to blend in.”

  “Don’t you need to do more searching?”

  “I can’t do it without Molly, and if she’s doing what you think she’s doing, you need me with you.”

  We’re out on the street and a gust of wind hits us right in the face. Lara gasps, and I stop at a small souvenir shop and grab a black hoodie.

  “Put this on.” She shoves her arms in the sleeves and I zip it up. “You should put the hood on. Or put your hair in a ponytail. Gavin will recognize you.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’m a lot bigger than I was the last time he saw me.”

  Her phone buzzes, and she lifts it. “Josh says he’s at the Pony.”

  She starts out, but I catch her arm. “Pony?” My mind races back to the link Molly followed; the one she said was nothing. “Did he say a color?”

  “No.” Her fingers move quickly as she texts him back. “I’m asking for the address now.”

  “Molly said Gavin is doing the same thing here he did in New Orleans…” I think about the work I did for him, the rooms I guarded.

  I try to remember the search terms she used. She said them so quickly, but I remember sex club, exclusive, and teens. She was searching for their next meeting.

  “Here’s the address.” She sends it to me, and I pull it up on my map. A quick study, and I’m almost jogging up the sidewalk.

  She’s right beside me. “What’s happening?”

  “It isn’t what we came here for, but maybe we can end this tonight. If we’re lucky.”

  “How? What do you know? Did Molly find something?”

  “Is Joshua a part of whatever she’s doing?”

  “I don’t think so. He knows what she’s doing, but I don’t think he’s involved.”

  We’re a block from the bar, and the red neon sign in the shape of a horse’s torso juts out over the sidewalk ahead of us. I glance at Lara, and her head is uncovered, her long hair moving in the wind. Her lips are full and pink, and she’s the most eye-catching thing I’ve ever seen.

  “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say everyone is going to stop and look at you when we walk in there.”

  “It’s a gay bar, Mark. If anyone turns heads, it’ll be you.”

  “Doesn’t mean everyone in there is gay. We’re meeting Joshua here. Isn’t he into Molly?”

  “He could be bisexual.”

  “Bisexuals will notice you.” Turning her around, I gather her long hair in my hands and put it down the back of the fleece jacket then I lift the hood over her head. “Tie that close around your face.”

  “This will attract even more attention,” she grumbles. “I look like an idiot.”

  “Stay close behind me. Keep your face down.”

  We approach the small bar that looks like a piece of modern art. The façade is a curved strip of black metal with studs around the top, and a cheeky, hand-written sign warns prudes to stay away.

  The message on the website flashes in my memory. Black pony…

  This is it.

  I’m ready to charge inside, when Joshua steps out and intercepts us. “Come with me.”

  He walks away from the club at a brisk pace, but Lara and I both hesitate.

  “Hang on,” Lara calls after him, “Josh… wait.”

  “The message said it was—”

  Joshua pivots on his heel and rushes to us, grabbing my arm hard and pulling us close. “Stop talking.” He raises his voice. “Great to see you!”

  He glances around us. Two men in dresses and blond wigs smile broadly and skip past us into the bar.

  He smiles and nods before leaning in to speak. “Anyone hears you, they make one call, and it’s gone.”

  I’ve only been around this guy a few times, but he’s usually smiling, pretty casual and laid-back. This change has me on edge.

  He takes off again, and we follow behind him, keeping our heads down. After a few blocks, he turns into a coffee shop and slides into a wooden booth beside the door.

  “What’s going on, Josh?” Lara pulls the hood off her head.

  “Candi texted. She’s out tonight.” His hands are clasped on the table in front of him, knuckles white. “This group is dangerous. Ultra freaks and criminals.”

  My jaw clenches, and I’m glad I put on my shoulder holster before we left the apartment. “How do you know where they are?”

  “I don’t. I only know the Pony is where they go to pay and get the real address. They have a guy there waiting. It could be anybody, and if they think the cops know—”

  “Makes sense,” I say nodding. “But what do we do now?”

  “Wait for Candi to text me again.”

  A waitress appears at the end of the bar, and we all order coffees. She leaves, and I lean back against the wooden booth. This is way more action than I anticipated coming to this town.

  “We need a plan,” Lara says. “The three of us can’t storm into a… a place like that and expect to get away with it.”

  “She’s right.” I lean forward. “When I worked for Gavin, only the people who knew about the club showed up at the door, and even then, they were only let in with special cards.”

  Joshua’s brow quirks. “What kind of cards?”

  “Business cards but different every time, impossible to forge.”

  Three coffees are set in front of us, and the server di
sappears in the growing crowd. Lara shifts in her seat, the tension rippling off her in waves.

  “What are we going to do?” she asks softly. “We can’t just sit and wait while who knows what’s happening.”

  Joshua picks at the paper sleeve surrounding his cup of coffee. None of us drink the hot beverages.

  “Once we know where they are, we can figure it out.” Joshua’s eyes flicker up from his cup to mine. “It’s impossible when we don’t know what type of venue we’re dealing with, if there are windows or doors—”

  “If it’s like the old club, there won’t be any windows.” My voice is grave and my eyes focus on the cup in my hand. “And only one door.”

  “Two,” Lara softly adds. “One for the girls.”

  “And it’s bolted once everyone is inside.”

  Joshua leans back in his seat and lets out a groan. “Molly…”

  “I need to walk,” I say, standing. “Is there any chance you have an idea where the place might be?”

  “None.” Josh shakes his head. “It could be anywhere.”

  “Take us to any potential spots, anywhere that has back rooms or hidden passages. Do you know any places like that?”

  His lips poke out and he nods. “A few.”

  “Let’s start with that. At least we’ll be moving around, and who knows. We might get lucky.”

  “The only luck I want is finding Molly.” His voice is low as he stands. “And it not being too late to save her.”


  Revenge is beneath me, but accidents happen.


  The wind slams into my face, stealing my breath, and my heart thuds in my chest. Nothing is going the way we planned… as usual.

  Taking out my phone, I shoot a quick text to Evie, How are you? How’s my little angel?

  Her reply comes pretty fast, considering it’s after midnight where she is. Sleeping like a baby. House alarm set. Pete outside guarding.

  Thanks so much, I type. Hope to be back soon.

  Any luck with the search?

  The guys stop in front of me, and I almost bounce off Mark’s back.

  “Let’s go in here,” Joshua says, holding the door for a funky art-deco bar that has murals drawn all over the exterior.

  “It doesn’t have any hidden rooms I know of,” he continues, “but a lot of the local kids hang out here. They might know where Candi or Brittanie are tonight.”

  My stomach sinks. “You think Brittanie is a part of what’s happening?”

  “I don’t know why else Molly would have wanted to go.” His jaw tightens.

  We step into the neon-lit bar. It’s crowded, and a DJ behind a raised table at the opposite end of the dance floor plays house music loudly.

  “I need a beer,” he says in my ear. “You want anything?”

  I shake my head no, and Mark goes to the bar. Evie is waiting on my reply to her text, and I’m trying to decide how to tell her everything with my thumbs. Ultimately, I settle on, Still working. Hope to have more soon.

  Good luck, she replies.

  Take care of my baby for me. As I type the words, my chest hurts. I miss my little girl so much.

  Don’t worry.

  I wish that were possible.

  “Who are you texting?” Joshua is across from me looking as anxious as I feel.

  “A friend. She’s watching our little girl.”

  He nods in the direction of the bar. “He’s a good guy. How long have you been together?”

  My mind races through the ups and downs of Mark and me, from the day he saved me at the theater to him taking me down the alley for food, to our night on the town, to his attempt to fight off Guy’s men, to our surprise meeting on the train in Canada, to the glorious weeks we spent in Nice when I was pregnant, to him finding me again at Roland’s…

  “Almost eight years… sort of.”

  “Sort of?”

  “It’s so complicated.”

  Mark returns carrying two beers. He hands one to Josh. “Figured you could use this.”

  Joshua takes it and clinks their glasses. “Thanks. Cheers.”

  They take long sips, and the house music seems to grow louder around us. We’re in the middle of a sea of bodies swaying, nodding, or full-on dancing. Lights strobe and flicker in excited patterns, and I’m not feeling any of it.

  My lungs are too tight to breathe, and all I can think of is Molly in a deadly situation. Not to mention, we haven’t done what we came here to do, if it’s even possible anymore.

  Mark said Gavin only saved the videos that incriminate us. Is it just for insurance in the event we come after him, or is he building a case against us, trying to trap us? We can’t take that chance.

  “Want a sip?” Mark holds his beer toward me, and I smile before taking a long gulp.

  His warm hand finds my waist, fingers tracing the skin just above my waistband. It gives me comfort in the way only Mark is able to do, and just when I think I’ll go crazy from waiting, Joshua nudges me and lifts his phone.

  He studies the face, my heart beating faster, then he types a quick reply.

  “What’s happening?” I ask.

  “Candi’s on her way here. She said one of the girls who works with Brittanie at the piercing salon is with her. She might know where they went.”

  “They’d be that lax with security?” Mark’s deep voice is near my cheek.

  “I doubt it.” Josh takes another sip of beer. “But Brittanie would. She’s pretty immature, talks a lot.”

  I cringe at the implication. Of course Molly is all over this situation. It’s her own nightmare replaying in front of her.

  Mark’s hand tightens around my waist. “If this piercing chick knows anything, I’d say Gavin is slipping.”

  I glance up at him. “Or he’s getting cocky.”

  “That’d be great for us. Cocky means careless, and we need them to be careless.”

  “Here they are.” Joshua leaves us standing by the bar to go and meet rainbow-haired Candi and another girl, who’s far less colorful.

  Piercing girl has a short asymmetrical haircut dyed jet black, and she’s wearing the usual skinny black dress under a long-sleeved flannel shirt, torn black leggings, and combat boots. Her face has an assortment of jewelry, from her lip to her nose, and all along her eyebrow. Joshua seems out of place still dressed in his work clothes.

  The three of them talk, but they don’t come to where we’re standing. Candi glances in my direction, but she acts like she doesn’t know me. The other girl never looks our way.

  A new song starts, and the group breaks up. Piercing girl heads out to the dance floor, arms over her head. Candi goes to the door and leaves. Joshua returns to where we’re standing.

  “They didn’t have a definite location.” Mark lets out a groan, but Josh is undeterred. “But Rhiannon has acted in the club before. She said there’s a tattoo parlor closer to the park with a back room like a speakeasy.”

  “Makes sense,” Mark says, and I look up at him wondering why. “If there’s a raid, they can run into the park and escape, or hide.”

  “She suggested we head that direction. I’ve got the address here. I’ll text it to you.”

  We’re back on the street walking fast past taverns and bistros, past sushi restaurants, and brew pubs. It’s crowded as always, even though a light drizzle has begun. I pull the hoodie over my head and snuggle close to Mark’s side.

  “A tattoo shop with a back room?” Mark looks to Joshua, who’s at my other side.

  “Not sure they’re one and the same. They could just share the building.” He shakes his head, watching his feet cover ground. “But I don’t know. All of this is new to me.”

  We’re getting closer, and we still don’t have a plan for how to get inside. The security on these places is so tight. Mark knows you have to have the right credentials. I’ve only been inside once, and I’d been roofied.

  My mind races for anything that could work when I spot a costume shop ahead.<
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  “I have an idea.” I grip Mark’s arm. “You’re not going to like it, but it’s the only thing that will work at this late hour.”

  He frowns, but I jog ahead into the elaborately decorated shop. Feather boas, mannequin heads with Pulp Fiction-style wigs in black, blue, hot pink, and rainbow are in the window. I start grabbing supplies.

  Ten minutes later, we’re back on the street heading up the last block before we get to the tattoo speakeasy.

  “You’re right, I don’t like this.” Mark’s teeth are clenched as he speaks.

  “If you have a better idea, I’m all ears. Otherwise, this is the only way.”

  Joshua only shakes his head. His jaw has been on the ground since he learned I was a burlesque dancer in New Orleans. Now he just follows my lead.

  Stopping at the alley around the corner, I take off the hoodie. “Give me your blazer.”

  Josh takes off the grey sharkskin and hands it over. I give him the hoodie, which he pulls over his white dress shirt. He looks more like the Emo kid I’m used to seeing in it.

  “Wow,” he says, as I remove the rest of my clothes, leaving me dressed in a black bustier and thigh-high fishnets.

  Sky-high black stilettoes complete the look, and I pull the hot pink Pulp Fiction wig over the skullcap stocking on my head. My lips are a deep, sparkling pink, and I’ve painted huge black wings around my eyes.

  “I don’t like this at all.” Mark’s eyes are burning.

  “I know what I’m doing.” It’s a lie. It’s one of the biggest lies I’ve ever told, but I do have a kernel of an idea. “I know how this place works. I’ll act like I’m supposed to be there, I won’t eat or drink a thing, then when they’re all doing what they do, I’ll see if I can find a door to let you in.”

  “Lara…” Mark’s warm hands grip the tops of my shoulders. His blue eyes sear into mine, but he knows I’m right.

  We don’t have another choice.

  This has to work.

  Waves of déjà vu hit me as I walk around the room unrecognized by anyone. It’s two rooms connected by an open wall. In the main one are several hard couches with thin cushions, making it easy to have sex. The décor is the usual black, red, velvet and curtains. Small tables hold finger foods and champagne. It’s very warm, and the scent of sweat and come is in the air.


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