Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 9

by Tracy Lorraine

  Eventually, it gets so bad that I’m constantly fidgeting. I feel Ryan get up from behind me and come to stand in front of me.

  “What are you doing?” I question.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” he says, as his hands go to my waist and he lifts me up with no effort at all, and practically throws me on the sofa.

  “What the fuck was that for?”

  “Just get fucking comfortable, I can’t cope with the fidgeting any longer.”

  I curl myself into the far corner from Ryan, and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow. He is right to think this is weird; we’ve watched loads of films together and we usually sit quite happily next to each other. Quite often I’ll be leaning into him while he has his arm around my shoulders. So me being so far away isn’t like me at all, and he knows it.

  “What the fuck now?”

  I think he’s starting to get angry. I just need to act normal. I think I’ve forgotten what normal is with us, though. I just shrug my shoulders in answer to his question.

  “Come here,” he grabs me and moves me over until I’m up against his side. Brilliant. I try to relax, I really do, but I know there is a sex scene coming next and I don’t know if I can watch and be this close to Ryan without panting or doing something embarrassing. Being pressed up against his hard body and being able to smell him is already hard enough.

  “What’s wrong? You’re as tense a nun at an Ann Summers party.”

  “Nothing,” I mumble

  “Molls, are you uncomfortable watching this with me?” I know that if I look at him right now, he’s smirking. Fucking know-it-all. “Fuck, you are! Seriously, we’ve watched worse than this together before now.”

  I can feel him laughing, and I know he’s thinking of the night his mate left the TV on an adult channel and hid the remote. Admittedly, we were pretty drunk and the curiosity got the better of us for about thirty minutes, but that was different. The sexual tension between us wasn’t as thick as fog on a winter’s morning.

  “I know, but after earlier it feels a little weird.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry. You just took me by surprise, standing there looking hot as fuck. It won’t happen again, I promise. Actually, no, I can’t promise that. Just relax, it’s not like I’m going to jump you any minute. Molly, you might be my best friend, but you are still seriously hot. I can’t help appreciating that.”

  “Hmm, I think you were more than just appreciating, but whatever. I’m sorry, let’s just watch.”

  I relax into him a bit more, and I feel him stroke my arm gently. I may have relaxed, but I’m still stupidly aware of my body. I suddenly realise that the way I’m laying, I’m giving him a great view of my tits again. I try to discreetly pull my top up a bit to cover the girls, but I stop in my tracks when I hear him say, “Are you trying to ruin all my fun?” and start laughing.

  “Fuck off, Ry,” I say as I move back to my side of the sofa, grabbing my drink.

  When the film finishes, I get up to put the next one in. I go with Bridget Jones’ Diary, thinking it’s a safer choice than the last one, while Ryan goes to make some more margaritas.

  By the time the credits come up, we are both well past the point of being tipsy. Luckily, the tension has drained, and it’s back to being like it always has been. Ish.

  “What are you doing?” I ask Ryan as he gets up and starts to move the coffee table.

  “Making some space. You said you brought Twister.”

  “You’re kidding, you actually want to play?”

  “You bet your sweet arse I do. Come on, Molls, don’t be a spoilsport. It’s that or strip poker!” he says with a smile.

  “I’ll go get it then,” I say sounding less than enthusiastic. There is no way this can be a good idea for us to do. No way at all.

  I come back with the game for Ryan to set up, the bottle of Apple Sourz, and couple of glasses. We down a couple of shots and get started.

  We’ve been playing for twenty minutes, and so far we have avoided any contact and are on either side of the mat. I’m thinking I might accidently fall over soon to end the game and stop the inevitable. I have my back facing the floor and am looking up at the ceiling, waiting for Ryan to spin and move. He’s sort of on his side next to me, with both hands next to each other, but his foot between mine.

  “Right hand red,” he comments as he begins to move.

  I breathe a sigh of relief, because this means he can just move his hand one spot to the right from where it is now. Unfortunately, Ryan has other ideas. He moves his hand over my body so that he is hovering above me, his face right above mine. His breath is gently caressing my neck, causing goose bumps to appear on my skin. I can feel my breathing increase the longer we stare at each other.

  “Are you going to spin, Molls?”

  “Yeah, sorry.” I reach out a reach the spinner “Right leg green.”


  I move my leg to the other side of his, so that now I am totally underneath him. This is exactly why I didn’t want to play.

  I hear a small moan come from Ryan and turn look at him. He looks exactly like he did earlier, just less sweaty. His eyes are dark blue and sparkling, his lips parted where his breathing is coming out in fast pants, causing his chest to move dramatically, catching my eye. I look back to his face in time to see his tongue sneak out and wet his bottom lip.

  My heart starts racing even more and my temperature is nearly at boiling point. I know that if I don’t move, we are going to end up doing something we don’t want to. Okay, maybe we want to, but we both know that we shouldn’t.

  I can tell by the determined look in Ryan’s eyes that he is not backing down. It’s up to me.

  I make a snap decision and let my limbs give way so my back hits the floor, and scrabble out from under his body, muttering about heading to bed.

  Chapter Eight


  It’s been three days since our game of Twister. What a stupid fucking idea that was. Yeah, I pretty much knew it would be when I mentioned it, but the thought of being that close to her was too much of a pull.

  Fuck, she was so close, all I would have had to do was lean forward a little, and my lips would have been on hers.

  Thank God she didn’t come back out to the living area after she ran away, because I would have been caught red handed jacking off after that little episode.

  We’ve had a great few days. Every morning, Molly has got up and worked on designs for different clients. I love watching her work; she gets so engrossed in her thoughts, and looks really sexy chewing on her pencil. All she needs is a pair of glasses to give her that sexy secretary look. I’m trying really hard to curb my feelings for her, but it’s not as easy as I initially thought. I think they’re actually getting stronger, not weaker, as our time here goes on.

  We went into the local town yesterday for a look around. It was a typical Cornish town, and all the people were lovely to chat to. Molly dragged me into nearly every shop we came across. I didn’t mind because it made her happy; she couldn’t wipe the smile off her face all day. She came back with a number of bags full of bits and bobs for her bedroom at home, and small souvenirs for the Morrisons, and Megan’s little boy.

  Our time here has been amazing, but it has gone so fast. Tomorrow is our last full day - how did that happen? I’m so glad I asked Molly to come with me, even with the odd awkward moment between us. We’ve done exactly what I wanted us to do. We’ve celebrated Hannah, we’ve talked about her more than we ever have before, and we have relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. I would have been bored here on my own.

  We’ve decided to go out for a meal at the local pub tonight, so we don’t have to cook. It’s a bit of a walk, but from what the locals have said, it will be worth it.

  Molly is laid on her front on the outdoor sofa, sketching ideas for something on her pad with marker pens. I walk over with a glass of water for her, and sit next to her.

  “What are you working on?” I ask, looking at the ske
tches she has around her. They look a little suggestive, to say the least.

  “You remember those fliers I did a few months ago for a club for some student nights?” I nod as I think back. “Well, the manager there is mates with the manager of the burlesque club in town. She contacted me a while ago, asking if I would do some stuff for her. She said she’d seen what I did for the club, and loved my style. They’re doing some bondage themed nights in a few months, and want some promo stuff for them.” I look back down at her sketches, and they start to make sense a bit more now.

  “These are amazing, Molls,” I tell her honestly. She has hand-drawn a range of bondage items, and used the markers to really make them stand out. “I think the whip, blindfold, and the one with the side of a corset on are my favourites.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. I’m going to do one with handcuffs as well, which I think will look quite cool. I’ll scan them all in when we get back, edit them further, then add all the text and stuff.”

  “I can’t imagine Hannah working on something like this.” Hannah was so sweet; in my head, her and bondage do not go together.

  “No, nor can I. It would have always been mine to work on, though, because they liked the hand-drawn elements I did. And let’s be honest, Hannah was a brilliant designer, but she couldn’t draw for toffee!” She starts laughing as she thinks back. “Do you remember when we had to do a life drawing class in our third year? The model was very offended by Hannah’s sketches!”

  “Yeah, I remember. She asked me if I would model for her so she could practice.”

  “Oh yeah, didn’t you say no?”

  “Of course I did. I didn’t want her to knock my self-esteem by drawing some sort of alien thing that was meant to be me.” Molly is really laughing now. “Oh, come on, like you would let her do that to you!”

  “No, there was no way she was drawing me either. I can only imagine what it would look like. No one needs to see that!” I can tell by the look on her face that she is deep in thought.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking…would you let me draw you?” she asks me this totally seriously. I would like to think she’s joking, but I’m not so sure.

  “Um…are you serious, you want to draw me… naked?” Yeah, like I said before, I know I’ve got a pretty good body, but could I really get it all out and lie in front of Molly while she stares at me? All of me? Um…

  “Yes, I’m serious, I’d love to sketch you and get all these in there.” Shit, she’s running her finger over my abs, tracing the muscles. I feel my dick twitch, ready for action every time her finger hits my skin. “We could put some grapes in front of your manhood if you don’t want me being embarrassed by how small it is,” she deadpans.

  “Oh, you’ll need more than grapes,” I wink back at her. “Seriously though, could you actually take it seriously if I laid out in front of you? You wouldn’t be able to touch, you know!”

  “Oh, fuck off Ry, why would I want to touch? And yes, it’s art - of course I could take it seriously.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I mutter, as I move back over to my sun lounger. The way she was touching me and her smell were messing with my head as well as my dick. “So, how is work going? I know you took on fewer clients after Hannah died, but it seems to me it’s picking up again,”

  “Yeah, it’s getting really busy. I was worried when I had to cancel on people after she died that it would be the end, but many of them told me they understood and would wait, which was amazing. Now, I’ve got our old clients, plus loads of new ones. I’m getting to the point where there is too much for me to do alone, and I need to employ someone else and get an office, but that’s such a huge step. I mean, what if it doesn’t stay busy, but I’ve still got someone else’s wages and rent to pay? It’s really scary.”

  “Molly, you can do anything you set your mind to. If you really think you are at that point, then go for it. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll start looking into stuff when we get back.”

  “Hey, so it’s your birthday Saturday, right? What do you want to do?”

  “Oh, don’t remind me, I’m not sure I want to be twenty-five. I mean a quarter of a century, really?”

  “It’s not that bad, feels the same as twenty-four, if I’m honest.”

  “You only say that because now you’re old and twenty-five, you can’t remember what twenty-four was like.”

  “Oh haha, very funny. What do you want to do?” I ask again.

  “I have arranged with Megan to go out Saturday night, so I was going to ask you, Emma, Shane, Chris and a few others to come as well. It’s been ages since we all went out. I think it would do us good to let loose for a night like old times.”

  “Sounds like a plan; I’m in. Don’t make any plans for Friday night, though. You’re mine that night.”

  “Wow, that sounds a little creepy. What are you going to do with me?”

  “Just a surprise for your birthday. I need to make a call; I’m going to walk down the beach.”

  I’ve been planning something with Susan and Pete for ages now, as a thank you to Molly for everything she has done for all of us these past six months. I wasn’t aware up until just now how imminent it could be, but the timing is brilliant for her birthday. Once I’ve organised everything with Susan, spoken to Emma, and made a few more calls to sort everything out, it’s time to get ready for dinner.

  “Wow, that food was amazing,” Molly says as we walk along the beach after getting back from the pub.

  “It was. Don’t think I’m going to be able to eat for a week after all that.”

  “Ah, the cheesecake! I think I’d drive down here just for a slice of that, it was so good.”

  “Please don’t start making those noises again, I’ve already warned you about that.” She is right - the cheesecake was amazing, but she sounded indecent whilst eating it, especially in a packed pub. If people didn’t know any better, they would actually think she was having an orgasm at the dinner table. It made me so hard it hurt, listening to her and watching her eyes roll back in pleasure. It got so bad I actually had to excuse myself to the bathroom to take the pressure off, if you know what I mean.

  We’ve been walking along slowly for about thirty minutes, trying to burn some of the food off we’d consumed this evening. We are carrying our shoes as we walk through the shallow seawater. Molly, as always, looks stunning in a strapless white summer dress that is fitted to her waist, then flares out to her knees. The white sets off her new tan well. Her hair is pinned up with a flower in it, exposing her neck. Every time I look at her, all I want to do is put my lips there and taste her skin.

  We managed to get through two bottles of wine during dinner, so, like most of the nights we have spent here, we are both well on our way to being drunk. We decided to get a taxi back from the pub, as we didn’t think we were fit to be walking along the road back to the hut.

  “Was I really that bad while eating it?” Molly asks eventually.

  “Yes, you were that bad. I’m sure every guy in that place was hard for you.”

  “Shut up, they were not. I wasn’t even that loud; only you would have heard me.”

  “Okay, believe what you like, but you’re not a guy, so you can’t possibly understand how hot it was, and what that does to us.”

  “Oh my god, you just said every guy was hard for me…that includes you, doesn’t it?” she asks me this with her face all screwed up. It’s seriously cute how embarrassed she is by asking this.

  “Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to, Molly.” I think that’s a good enough answer. She doesn’t need the detail of my little visit to the bathroom after her one-woman show.

  I turn around when I notice she stopped a few seconds ago, and see that she is smiling mischievously. I’m almost scared to ask. Almost. “What?”

  “Do you know what we haven’t done since we’ve been here?”

“Um, I can think of a number of things we haven’t done. What one did you have in mind?” I ask with a smirk. I’m sure we’re thinking of different things here ,though.

  “From the look on your face, none of the things you’re thinking of. Pervert!”

  “Charming, so what are you thinking?”

  “We haven’t been swimming in the sea. You up for it?”

  “Yeah, let’s go get changed and come back down,” I say, as I begin to turn in the direction of the beach hut.

  “That’s not exactly what I was thinking,” I turn back around to her as she says this. She’s walked up a little from the water, and dropped her shoes on the dry sand. She stands so she is facing me. I watch as her hands go behind her and she pulls the zip of her dress down. She has a small smile on her face as she watches me watch her. Shit. She drops her dress to her feet and just stands there, waiting. Fuck, she’s stunning; she’s standing there in a white lacy strapless bra, and matching tiny knickers that look like they show off most of her arse. I can’t move. I am stood frozen staring at her. I’m sure my eyes look like they are bulging out of my head, and my mouth is hanging open as I stare.

  “Ry,” I hear her say, but it does nothing to take my eyes away from her or to make my body move.

  She starts to walk towards me, slowly. I’m not sure if she is actually going slowly, or if time has slowed down so I can make the most of enjoying this. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. The way her hips sway as she walks…argh! She stops right in front of me.

  “Ryan,” she tries again, but it’s like I’m dreaming, and this isn’t really happening.

  I’m still immobile as I feel her grasp the top button that is done up on my shirt. Agonisingly slowly, it seems, she undoes one at a time, until she is at the bottom. She slips her hands onto my shoulders, and pushes my shirt off so it pools on the sand. It’s when I feel her hands touch the skin above my waistband that I snap out of my trance. Shit. She needs to stop, or she’s going to find herself pinned under me on the sand.


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