Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 11

by Tracy Lorraine

  I had my arms around his shoulders and legs wrapped around his waist while he held me tight with one arm and rubbed my back with the other to try to calm me down. I was just so overwhelmed by the whole thing. I loved the Morrisons with all my heart; they were my family, but I never expected them to do something like this for me. They had already given Hannah’s inheritance that she had from her grandparents to Ryan to help him buy his house. He fought them because he didn’t feel he deserved her money, but they just insisted harder, and now they have done this for me. I can’t believe it.

  My sobs subside a couple of minutes later, and I realise that no one has said anything. I lift my head up out of the crook of Ryan’s neck and see Susan, Pete and Emma staring at us. I suddenly realise how this must look to them, and quickly remove myself from Ryan’s arms. I have already had to calm Emma down once about the two of us; I really shouldn’t be doing anything to make her believe that there actually is something going on between us, when there isn’t.

  “Can I see the rest?” I ask, trying to break the sudden tension we have caused.

  I am in awe as I look around what was our flat. The living/dining room is now a large office with two massive desks in it. The bedroom that used to be Hannah’s is now a meeting room with a giant table in the centre; Susan said they used her room for this, because they wanted her to be involved with the decisions. My old room is now a mini living room. It has a sofa and TV for us to have our lunches in. Emma’s old room is currently empty, and the little kitchen and bathroom are the same as before. Everything is themed around our black, grey and pink theme, and all the furniture is really modern.

  Once I have seen everything and got myself over another couple of breakdowns, we head downstairs and outside. It is then I see the massive Angels Designs sign that now hangs between the two front windows. I love it.

  Megan is in the coffee shop with Lilly and Dec, who are waiting for us to come down. I say hello to them all, and explain to Lilly how much I love the decoration and all the furniture she has chosen upstairs. She beams at my praise. I chat to Megan for a couple of minutes about our plans for tomorrow night, before I am ushered out of the coffee shop with everyone.

  I get back in Ryan’s car, and Lilly and Dec join us while Emma goes with Susan and Pete. I can’t help but think she is pissed off after my display with Ryan upstairs. She is going to have to get used to us being close, because I can’t be without him. I just get settled in my seat when I feel the blindfold coming back around my eyes from behind me.

  “For fuck’s sake, not again.”

  “I’m afraid so,” I hear Lilly say behind me. “I’m under strict instructions from Ryan.”

  I hear him and Dec get in the car, and then join in with Lilly’s laughter at my pouting face.

  “We aren’t going far, Molls, stop sulking,” Ryan says. I just fold my arms over my chest and huff my annoyance.

  Ryan was lying when he said we weren’t going far. I have been sat here in the dark for ages. Eventually, I feel the car turn off and hear the others get out. They have been talking amongst themselves during the journey, but I didn’t join in with them. I was trying to show them how miserable being blindfolded was making me, but apparently they didn’t care.

  Once Ryan has successfully gotten me to our destination, without letting me fall on my arse, he takes the blindfold off. I instantly see why he did it; he had brought me to our favourite pub, and sitting in front of me are obviously the Morrisons, but also Steven, his wife Debs, their two little girls Poppy and Mia, and Daniel.

  “Happy birthday, kid,” Steven says as he gets up and comes over to give me a hug.

  I’m so happy to see them both. It’s been ages since we have spent any time together. I hug Daniel after Steven has put me down, then Debs and the girls, who are very excited to see me. Poppy is six and Mia is four; they are both the spitting image of their mum, with light blonde hair and pale skin. Poppy has her mum’s blue eyes, whereas Mia has her dad’s green ones. They are both stunning. I can just imagine how much stress they are going to cause my big brother when they are teenagers.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. I only spoke to you both on the phone yesterday, and you gave nothing away,” I say to them both. I realised that I hadn’t told them about my change of address, and that it had been a couple of weeks since we caught up last. I chatted with them both for about twenty minutes, and in that time, they gave me no clues that they would be seeing me tonight.

  “Ryan phoned us at the beginning of the week to invite us. He told us you were going to see the office. What do you think?” Daniel says.

  “I love it; thank you so much for helping do it.”

  “No problem, anything for you, Molly-moo,” Daniel says, while rubbing his hand on my head, messing up my hair like I was a little kid again.

  We had a brilliant evening. I had my family with me, and I couldn’t be happier. I loved them all, and was grateful to have such amazing people in my life.

  It is now just past midnight, and Ryan and I have been home long enough to get ourselves drinks. I am sat on the sofa with my laptop; as it was now officially my birthday, I had something to check. Ryan puts some music on and comes and sits down next to me with a beer in his hand.

  “What are you doing?” he questions.

  “I just need to check something.”

  “What is so important that you dived straight for your laptop as soon as you got in?”

  “Nothing much,” I say to try to stop him prying any further. I hate what I am about to check, but I need to know what it’s going to be this year. I know it will make Ryan mad if I tell him the truth. I get the webpage up I need and log myself in. I open up my account and see that, as usual, it’s already there. I feel a lump form in my throat, and my eyes tear up a bit. Every year I hope it is going to be different and they will actually do something to show me they do actually care about me. Even a card would mean more to me than this.

  “Molly, you look upset, what’s wrong?” Ryan questions.

  I knew I should have done this when I was on my own. “Nothing, I’m okay.”

  I go to shut the lid of my laptop but Ryan is faster and grabs it from me to look at the screen.

  “What is this?” he asks as his eyes running over the page. “Why have you had thirty thousand pounds paid in to your account with the reference of ‘love’?”

  “It’s nothing,” I can feel myself get more upset as he turns his head to look at me.

  “Holy shit, it’s from your parents, isn’t it? When you said last week that you would hear from them on your birthday, this is what you meant, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. I fucking hate it. Every birthday and Christmas, the only contact I have from them is a bank transfer.” I can feel the tears starting to run down my face.

  “All I have ever wanted from them is their love, and for them to be actual parents to me, but all they do is palm me off with money. Just because money is the centre of their world, doesn’t mean it’s mine. I’m sure it’s all a tax fiddle or something, because it’s a different amount every time - like they just have some money to lose, so gift it to me. Some years they really ‘love’ me, and others not so much. I would be so happy just to receive a hand-written card from them, because at least they would have gone to the effort to write it themselves and put a tiny bit of thought into it, instead of getting their accountant to send whatever he thinks is a good idea each time.”

  I take the laptop back, and move the money out of my current account and into my savings. I log out, wipe my face, and have a big gulp of wine.

  “I don’t even know what to say to that. I really fucking hate them for what they have done to you. You’re right; their money means nothing without their actual love.” I can tell he is getting pissed off, because I can see the muscle in his neck start to pulse. “Have they always done this?”

  “They wouldn’t let me have any before I was twenty-one, so I couldn’t use it for university fees or for living like
I told you on holiday. But since then, I get two loving deposits in my bank account each year.”

  “What do you do with it? Because you don’t live like someone who is loaded, and I’ve seen your bank account before now - it looks like a normal working person’s.”

  “The only people who know about this are my brothers, and Susan and Pete. I never even told Hannah about it. I hate it. I want to work for my money, not sponge off them.”

  “I understand that, and it’s not like I’m going to go and shout it from the rooftops. You know you can trust me, Molly.”

  “Yeah I know I can, Ry, I just hate talking about it.” I blow out a big breath and start explaining. “Well, I got big lump when I turned twenty-one, as I said. I paid off the debts I had accumulated as a student. I gave Susan and Pete the rent that I believed I should have been paying for all the years I lived in their flat for free. They argued, a lot. They wanted me to keep it for myself, but I wasn’t taking no for an answer. I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually used the money for the conversion to the office, to be honest. Then with my brothers’ help, I bought two cheap run-down flats in the city, did them up, and now rent them both out. I wanted to put the money to work, not just blow it on expensive clothes, holidays and cars, like the other trust fund babies I grew up around. Steven reckons if I sold the flats now, then I would easily double my money. I hate that I have used the family business for it, but Steven and Daniel are brilliant at what they do, and I knew I could trust them with it. They are sworn to secrecy. I never want my parents to know.”

  “Wow, and what about what you get each year? What do you do with that?”

  “Well, it kind of depends on what I’ve been doing at the time, and how much they ‘love’ me. I bought my car one year because I was starting to need to meet with clients, and going on the bus wasn’t cutting it. I paid for Hannah, Emma and me to go on holiday to celebrate graduating, remember?” Hannah and Ryan were together by then, so he would remember us going.

  “Yes, you went to a Caribbean island, didn’t you?”

  “Yep, we did nothing but sunbathe and drink cocktails for two weeks. It was amazing. I wanted to treat the most important people in my life to an unforgettable holiday. Every year, I give some of it to charity, and make sure the people I love are looked after, no matter how slyly I have to do it!” I watch Ryan as he takes this information in.

  “Do you remember that one night not long after we all met - we had a takeaway at the flat. You and Hannah had an argument about paying, but she won in the end. Later that night, I came out of the bathroom and caught you in her handbag with her purse in your hand. When I questioned you, you got all defensive and awkward. I remember accusing you of stealing. but you said you were putting something back in for Hannah. You were putting the cash for the takeaway in, weren’t you? Is that what you mean by helping out slyly?”

  “Yeah, stuff like that. No one ever notices, especially if I wait till they’re drunk!”

  “So, have you done it to me before?”

  “Yeah, of course I have. I’m not telling you what, though, because then you’ll be on to me! So, this year’s money, I guess, will be helping me set up the office. I’m gonna need computers, printers, a projector just for a start. Oh, and a member of staff.”

  “I’m just going to let that slide, but I’m watching you, Molly Carter.”

  I’m woken up Saturday morning when my phone starts ringing. I begrudgingly open my eyes to see who it is.

  “Steven, do you know what time it is?” I grumble. Then I hear giggling.

  “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you,” my nieces start singing to me.

  “Aw, thank you guys, that was lovely. Best birthday present ever.”

  “Auntie Molly?” Poppy asks.

  “Yes, Pops”

  “It’s lunchtime, you should be awake by now!” she admonishes me.

  “Um, yeah I guess I should.” I hear a commotion in the background as Steven comes on the phone.

  “Happy Birthday, kid.”

  We chat for a bit, and I open the present the girls gave me last night. It’s my favourite smellies. Debs always picks the best presents. Not long after I hang up and lie back down, feeling like I could sleep the day away, my phone goes again with Daniel.

  “Happy Birthday, Molls.”

  “Thanks. You sound as bad as I feel,” I comment at his sleepy voice.

  “Yeah, I may have gone out after the meal last night,” he explains. “Yes, just help yourself,” I hear him say away from the phone.

  “Got a friend, Daniel?” He’s a bit of a player, my youngest big brother. He has never settled down with a woman, ever.

  “Yeah, just some blonde I met last ni- yes, sorry baby, I know you have a name. Is the coffee ready yet?”

  “Oh God, I think I should let you go. If you are up for another night out, we are all going out tonight. Not sure where yet, but I can text you.”

  “You know me, Molls, can’t turn down a night out.” My brother may be thirty-seven, but he is still twenty-one at heart, I’m sure. I’m just waiting for the day he meets a woman who knocks him on his arse.

  “Okay, I’ll speak to you later then.”


  I snuggle back down again into my covers, when I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

  “Yeah,” I groan. No peace for the wicked.

  “Happy birthday,” Ryan chimes as he walks in with a tray full of food and a huge bunch of flowers.

  “Wow, is that all for me?”

  “Yes, I though you could have breakfast in bed.” He places the tray down on my bedside table, and I see he has got me all my favourite pastries, a pot of tea, orange juice, and a huge display of dusky pink flowers of all different types. He stands back and heads to the door.

  “Where are you going? I can’t eat this all by myself; come join me.”

  “I’m just getting your present. Don’t worry, I’m not leaving the food!”

  He comes back in holding a huge, flat, rectangular present. I instantly think I know what it is. I feel a huge smile break across my face; I can’t help it.

  “Can I open it now?” I put my arms out like a little kid to grab the present.

  “Of course, birthday girl.” I take it from him and rip into the paper to discover what I thought I would find.

  “When did you go back and get this?”

  “I didn’t, I rang them and had it delivered to Susan and Pete’s house. I knew how much you loved it, so it had to be done.”

  I feel tears welling in my eyes as I look down at the canvas in my hands. It’s a painting looking out over the bay where we stayed, the roofs of the beach huts are showing, and the sun is going down, just like the night I watched it from the hot tub.

  “I can’t believe you got it for me. Thank you so much, I love it.” I get up and crawl over to him so I can say thank you properly. I straighten up, place a kiss on his cheek and squeeze him tight. It’s when my bare arms touch his bare skin that I realise he is only in pyjama bottoms. A birthday breakfast can’t get any better than this, I think to myself.

  “Remind me, what’s the plan for later?” Ryan asks me around a bite of croissant.

  “Megan is coming over later this afternoon to get ready with me, then we are meeting everyone at the Indian at eight before heading on for drinks. Chris and Shane have it all planned”

  “Oh, what? They’d better not take us to the gay clubs again.”

  “Are you still grumpy about being hit on repeatedly that night?”

  “Yes, I have nothing against being gay, but I am not. I don’t need to spend an evening with guys coming up to me trying to chat me up.” I can’t help but laugh at the unimpressed face he his pulling.

  “Oh, come on, you can’t blame them. You’re hot.” This makes his head snap up to look at me.

  “You think I’m hot?” I can see the smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

  “Ry, are you serious? Yes, you are hot. You know
you are hot. Just look at yourself.” I say, waving my hand up and down in front of his torso.

  “Yeah, maybe. It’s good to know you think so, though.” He is smiling wide now. I realise I need to be careful; we’ve managed the week without any awkwardness between us. I would like to keep it that way.

  “Whatever, Evans.”

  We finish our breakfast whilst chatting about nothing important, and I try to keep my eyes on his face.

  Once we are done, Ryan takes everything back upstairs, and I run a bath to start my preparations for tonight.

  Chapter Ten


  I’m trying my best to keep any inappropriate thoughts about Molly out of my head, but I am finding in increasingly hard. Like this morning, for example. I took her breakfast in bed because it’s her birthday. I went down in just my pyjama bottoms, knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to pass up a chance to check out my body. I think she thinks she is discrete when she does it, but she really isn’t. I like the idea that maybe this whole thing isn’t just one-sided on my half. I like to have any opportunity to see if she is affected in the same way. I know I should be trying to discourage all of it, but I can’t help myself.

  I knew she had only just woken up this morning, because I didn’t hear any movement until her phone rang, yet she looked stunning when I walked in. Her eyes were bright and her hair was a sleepy mess. When she came towards me to say thank you for the canvas, I thought was going to have to run away when I saw the little pink nighty she was wearing. It barely covered her arse, and didn’t leave much to the imagination on top, either. My self-control was really stretched when she wrapped herself around me. Thank God for the plate on my lap covering just how much she affects me.

  Molly and Megan have been downstairs for a couple of hours already, getting ready for tonight. I have no idea what takes so long, but they must be having fun because I can hear them laughing together over the music from up here.

  I’m stood in the kitchen, having just emerged from the shower. I have a towel wrapped around my waist as I look in the fridge for a beer. I hear a noise behind me, so I turn my head and see Molly heading my way, with her hair loosely curled and her makeup done, but she is wearing a little vest top and shorts. She sways slightly, so I guess they have started the night early downstairs. She walks straight to me; I feel her breasts crush against my back as she leans into the fridge with one hand while resting the other low on my hip. She grabs the bottle of wine, and slowly pulls back slightly. Her hand moves from my hip, slides up my abs, wraps around the other side as she hugs me. I can feel her nose against my shoulder as she inhales and lightly kisses.


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