Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 26

by Tracy Lorraine


  I’ve gone out with Holly. Don’t worry about doing me any dinner.

  See you later.

  Ryan x

  I just stand there staring at his handwriting. I feel like I’ve just been kicked in the stomach. He’s gone out with Holly. Now I understand his reaction to me saying that I was going out with Adam on Tuesday night. I’m sure the look on my face right now is similar to his that morning.

  Deciding against sitting in front of the telly and waiting for him to come home, I take myself back downstairs for an early night. Not that I’m going to be sleeping any time soon. I was confident about what I wanted after talking everything through with Emma, but coming home to find he’s gone out with someone else has me questioning everything again.

  I hear the front door open just before midnight, and I see his head pop around my door.

  “Hey Molls, you awake?”

  “Yeah, the front door woke me up,” I lie. In reality, I was still thinking about him.

  “Sorry, I’ll leave you to sleep. Goodnight.”


  I listen to him climb the stairs before going back to not sleeping.

  After a long day meeting with clients and many bad nights’ sleep this week, I’m feeling ready to go home and spend my Friday evening snuggled down on the sofa with a glass of wine and a good chick flick. But I’ve just arrived for my pole dancing class with Megan to find out that tonight’s class is a two-hour session because the instructor is on holiday next week and can’t do the class. Everyone else looks excited by the prospect of two hours dancing. I, on the other hand, want to find a corner to hide in and sleep.

  “Come on Molly, look at least a little enthusiastic.”

  I plaster a smile on my face and do my best to look like I’m enjoying myself for the next two hours.

  By the time our instructor does our cool down routine, I’m really ready to have a hot bath and hit my bed. Megan has to practically drag me from the club and to my car. When we usually leave this place on a Monday night, it’s pretty dead, a complete contrast to what is going on now. There are drunken men in all directions. Many are shouting and hollering our way. Clearly, they think we are dancers from the club finishing our shift for the night. We both put our heads down, along with the other ladies that left at the same time as us, and head straight for our cars. I say goodbye to Megan and make quick work of getting home.

  I have my music on, hot bath run with bubbles so high they are spilling down the sides, and a glass of wine sat on the side waiting for me.

  I just slip my weary body into the hot, soothing water, when I hear a loud bang in the hallway. I sit up so fast it sloshes water all over the floor. My heart is thundering in my chest as I wait for something else to happen.

  “MOLLY,” Ryan hollers from the hallway.

  “In here,” I shout back, but not at the crazy volume he just did.

  My bathroom door flies open with such force I think it’s going to come off the hinges. Ryan looks seriously pissed off. I just stare at him in shock.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Molly? Why the fuck did you ever think that was a good idea? I mean, for fuck’s sake, all those slime balls looking at you. You promised me you had changed, that you weren’t going to be like that anymore. First you go off and sleep with Adam only a couple of weeks after you said you’d wait, and now I find out you’ve been doing this. What the fuck, Molly? You’d better have some fucking good reasons.”

  I watch as he rants and throws random questions at me. His hands have been through his hair so many times I’ve lost count.

  “Ryan, calm the fuck down. You’re gonna have to explain what you’re going on about. I’m a little confused.”

  “I will not calm fucking down, I’m fucking livid. I’m so motherfucking angry that you would put yourself in that position.”

  “What position? I don’t know what you are talking about.” And then the penny drops. “You saw me tonight, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, I fucking saw you. Care to explain why I saw you leaving a sleazy strip club in your skimpy clothes, looking exhausted? Why the fuck would you want to do that? It’s not like you need the money.”

  “Whoa, hang on. You think I was working at the strip club?” I can’t help but laugh at this, but the murderous look on Ryan’s face soon stops me.

  “Well, what the fuck else would you be doing there on a Friday night? Is that what you’ve been doing when you said you were going to dance classes? Dancing for arseholes for money?”

  “Ry, seriously, calm down. It really is not what it looks like. You’ve jumped to conclusions. Come here.” I put my hand out for him. He steps forward begrudgingly and takes my hand in his. “I am not dancing for scumbags for money, and I do not work at the strip club.”

  “So what have you been doing, then?” he asks, looking thoroughly confused. It’s only now he’s calmed down a bit that I can tell he’s been drinking and is slightly tipsy.

  “The club has dance studios at the back. I guess the dancers train there and stuff, but they also rent them out. Megan and I have been going to pole dancing lessons.”

  “Pole dancing lessons! Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” He now just looks hurt.

  “It was Megan’s idea. Apparently it’s one of James’ fantasies for her to pole dance for him. She saw an advert for the class and asked me if I would go with her because she was scared to do it alone. I agreed because I was intrigued, but she swore me to secrecy because she didn’t want James finding out and ruining the surprise.”

  I watch Ryan as he takes this on board. He drops down to his knees in front of me and grabs my other hand.

  “I’m sorry, Molly. I just jumped to conclusions. I saw you leaving and there were guys shouting stuff and I just thought…uh. I just saw red, the thought of guys staring at your body like that. I’m so sorry.”

  I lift my hand out of his and cup his cheek, stroking my thumb gently over his cheekbone. “It’s okay. I never thought someone would see us and think that. I should have told you. I’m sorry too.”

  I move my hand to the back of his head and pull his lips to mine. He only stays there for a couple of seconds before he abruptly pulls away and stands up. “What are you do-” my eyes widen in shock. “Oh.”

  I watch as Ryan pulls his t-shirt over his head before making quick work of the button and zip on his jeans. He takes his shoes and socks off, then steps out of his jeans. I can’t help my eyes roaming over his perfect body. He’s barely touched me but still, his boxers are tented at the front. His hands go to the waistband and I suddenly don’t know where to look. He bends slightly and his boxers slide down his legs before he steps out of them. He instantly snaps his eyes to mine that are fixed on his face and too scared to go lower. “It’s okay, Molls. It’s all yours.”

  I can’t help the blush that floods my cheeks at his words. He moves towards me and I break my eye contact and run them down his fine body. My breath catches in my throat as I follow his happy trail to his fully erect cock. I swallow hard and lick my lips. I don’t realise I’m doing it until Ryan speaks. “Like what you see, then?” He has such a smirk on his face.

  “Uh huh,” is all I can get out as I stare at him as he steps into the bath with me. I watch as he lowers himself with his arms and places his legs each side of mine.

  I know I’m staring at him, looking shocked with my mouth open, but I can’t help it. When his feet hit my arse, I snap out of my daze. “Please join me, why don’t you?” I say, laughing.

  “Sorry but I needed to be close to you. You have no idea how I felt when I thought you were dancing at that club.” He places his hands on my shins and slowly rubs up and down.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I should have.” I smile at him, feeling comforted by his need to protect me. Maybe I should be pissed that he even thought I could have been a stripper, but the knowledge of how much it angered him to think of other guys looking at me pushed that away totally.<
br />
  “Come here.” He puts his arms up and slides over to one side of the bath. He can obviously see my resistance. “I’ll keep my hands to myself, I promise.”


  Why the hell did I say that? There is no way that will even be possible if she slides her hot little wet body up against mine. I know I needed to be close to her, but this has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever done.

  After looking a little reluctant, Molly slides herself next to me. It’s a bit of a squeeze, making me glad I chose the bigger of the two baths for this room when it was being built. The feel of her naked body gliding against mine feels incredible. Tingles instantly shoot around my body from the amount of skin to skin contact I have with her. When I feel her throw one leg over mine and put her arm around my waist, I have to shut my eyes and concentrate on breathing for a few seconds. I’m so worked up that if she so much as touches my dick I’m afraid I’ll go off like a rocket.

  “Are you okay?” Molly asks. When I open my eyes and glance down at her, she has a confused look on her face.

  “Yeah, it’s just a bit much, you know? I needed a few seconds to pull myself together.”

  “I know what you mean. This is crazy but I sorta like it.”


  “Yeah, a lot, actually,” she says, squeezing me a little tighter against her. I can feel all the soft curves of her body against mine and it’s driving me crazy. “I know you said you’d keep your hands to yourself, but you can hold me. There are safe places to touch.”

  She tilts her head up from where it is resting on my chest, and I see a little cheeky smile playing on her lips. I move my arm that I have left running along the side of the bath and wrap it around her, griping onto her hip with my hand and holding her tight.

  We lie like that for the longest time, silent and completely lost in our thoughts, but suddenly I feel Molly tense up next to me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I just remembered something you said when you came in, having your little rant.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “You said that I’d slept with Adam after a couple of weeks of dating him, not waiting until I was in love, like I said I would.”

  “Yes, I did because it’s true. Isn’t it?”

  “Uh, no actually, it’s not. I haven’t slept with Adam.”

  “But you went home with him that night we went out with Abbi and Jax. I watched you to go at it on the dance floor, then you dragged him off like you wanted to eat him alive.”

  “Ugh, yes okay, we were a bit crazy on the dance floor, but that was only encouraged by you dancing with Holly. It was just innocent dancing until you two appeared and I had to watch her grind herself against you.”

  “You did that because of me.”

  “Yes.” She looks embarrassed, having to answer that.

  “Well, I was only dancing with Holly because I was watching you two. I was quite set on going to the bar and getting shitfaced until she stopped me and suggested I give you a show in return.”

  “Whoa, hang on. Holly actually suggested you dance with her to what? Make me jealous?”

  “Yeah, something like that. Apparently she could tell how miserable I was watching you two together, and wanted to help.”


  “She was with a group of coupled up friends and was lonely, plus she had just come out of a fucked up relationship and wanted to dance with a guy who wasn’t going to want to get in her knickers. Apparently I fit the bill because it was so obvious I was pining after you.”

  “Oh wow, uh, okay. You brought her home though and spent the night with her just like I did Adam. She was here the next morning having just showered.”

  “I can’t believe I’m admitting all this, I feel like a right pussy. I didn’t bring her home; she actually had to bring me home because I got so smashed after you left with Adam. All I could picture was you and him, and I needed to drown it out. Holly had to bring me home because I wasn’t able to do it myself.

  “I went a little crazy when I got home, smashed the glasses and mugs in frustration, then punched the wall a couple of times from the look and feel of my hands the next day. Holly stayed to look after me, make sure I didn’t die of alcohol poisoning or something. After I told her everything about you, I passed out on the sofa and she slept in my bed.”

  Molly slowly props herself up on her arm so she can look at me. “So you didn’t sleep with her?”

  “No. I’m not sure I want to know this, but what happened that night? You didn’t come home.”

  “Okay, well as you saw, I kinda gave him the impression on the dance floor something was going to happen. I’d already explained to him previously that we were going to have to take things slowly and he was happy with that. When we got in his flat, things did get a little heated but it just wasn’t right, and I made him stop. We ended up just going to sleep.”

  “What do you mean it wasn’t right?”

  I watch her let out a deep sigh while she contemplates her words. “He wasn’t who I wanted him to be. Every time he spoke, touched me, kissed me, it just wasn’t right. He wasn’t who was in my head.”

  I have to do it. I have to ask - I can’t leave it like that. “Who was in your head?” I ask quietly.

  Her eyes snap straight up to mine.


  Holy fuck, my heart is beating so fast after hearing that one word it feels like it’s about to break through my chest. I pull her tight with the arm I still have around her so that she falls on to my chest and I kiss her like she is my only lifeline. Having her breasts pressed against my chest while her lips are on mine is the best feeling ever. I grab on to her arse to encourage her to straddle me. When she does, my dick lines right up with her sex and I can’t help but grind against her. The feeling is out of this world. She obviously feels the same, because we both moan into each other’s mouths at the same time.

  “Ry,” she says into my mouth, but I just can’t pull away yet. I’ve wanted her for so long that I now never want to let her go.

  Eventually, she pulls her lips away from me, but I just go for her neck instead, needing to still have my lips on her.

  “Ry, I know what I just said, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be happening anytime soon.”

  “That’s fine, as long as I can do this.”

  I continue kissing and sucking on her neck whilst running my hands from her knees up the backs of her thighs, over her arse then up her back. I continue to gently rub myself against her. I know she is ready for it, because the heat coming from her is unbelievable.

  She pulls herself away from me so she’s sitting. Unfortunately, there are so many bubbles in here that I still don’t get a look at her tits. I guess good things are worth waiting for. She puts her hands on my chest and looks down at me with heated eyes.

  “I’m not gonna lie, I’ve thought and dreamt about this so many times over the last couple of months that I’ve lost count, but I don’t want to rush this. I’ve spent so long convincing myself that this, us, is a bad idea, that I want to enjoy the build-up. I don’t just want to jump in headfirst. Does that make any sense?”

  “Yes, it makes perfect sense. I know exactly what you mean and I am happy, as long as I know you’re mine. And for the record, I’ve thought and dreamt about this every day and night practically since you moved in.” Molly smiles down at me before settling back down cuddled against my side.

  “Did you see Emma yesterday in the end?”

  “Yeah, I did. We actually spent all night chatting and catching up; it was really nice.”

  “What did she have to say about this?” I say, gesturing between us.

  “She said the same that she told you in the summer apparently. Why didn’t you tell me you went to see her?”

  “I wanted her to know the truth about what was going on so that she wasn’t just making stuff up in her head. I told her everything but I’m guessing she told you that.”

he didn’t say much about what you said, just that she told you she would support us whatever we decided but it might take her sometime to get used to it.”

  “Oh, she didn’t tell you anything else?” I was sure Emma wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut, but maybe I was wrong.

  “Umm…” She looks guilty as sin looking up at me so I know she knows something else.

  “She told you, didn’t she?”

  “I said something that made her think I already knew something, but she didn’t tell me outright.”

  Ha, I knew it. Bloody gossiping girls. I’m not ready to tell Molly how I feel yet. It’s got to be right.

  “One day soon, Molly, I will tell you exactly what I told Emma that day, but only when it’s the perfect time.” She flashes me a dazzling smile and nods at me. “Shall we get out? The water is cold and it’s probably getting late. We’ve got the stag do tomorrow so we are going to need our sleep!”

  “Yeah, you’re right there, it’s going to be a wild night.”

  I give her a quick kiss on the lips before jumping out and grabbing a towel. I turn back to look at her before I wrap the towel around my waist and see her eyes are fixed on my arse.

  “Molly, if you keep looking at me like that, neither of us is going to leave this house again, ever!”

  “Sorry,” she says, shaking her head. “I can’t help it. Plus, I know for a fact if you just watched me jump out the bath and walk naked to the towels, you would be looking at me in exactly the same way.”

  She’s got me there. I would probably be worse, if I was honest.

  “Yeah, okay. Here,” I say, holding open a large towel that I can wrap her in.” She just shakes her head at me. “What?”

  “Shut your eyes.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Deadly. I said we were taking this slow. That includes you seeing me naked.”

  “Okay, fine. I shut my eyes and hold the towel up again.”

  I hear the water slosh before I feel her press against the towel in my hands. I wrap it around her body, then open my eyes and watch as she adjusts it and tucks it in place. She looks up at me with a smile before walking out of the bathroom. I go over and let the water out, turn the music off, and grab her still three-quarters-full glass of wine. I think that was forgotten when I suddenly stormed in.


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