Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 31

by Tracy Lorraine

  I’m suddenly on my back and Molly is straddling me. I have no idea where such a little person gets all her strength from. She places her forehead against mine and looks into my eyes.

  “I love you like that too,” she whispers before kissing me lovingly. Well, it starts out loving but it soon turns in to something more passionate when she lowers herself over me and starts grinding her hotness against me. I grab on to her arse to keep her moving. It feels so good. I am dying to bury myself inside her. “Ryan,” she whispers when she pulls away from my mouth, “make love to me.”

  I feel my eyes widen in shock at her words; could she read my mind? I think about it for a few seconds before making a decision I never in a million years thought I would in this situation.

  “No,” It’s almost painful to say.

  “No?” I watch her face drop; she looks hurt.

  “I promised you we would take it slow, and that is what we are going to do. We are not having our first time being after my mother has upset you. When we do, it’s going to be perfect, just like you.”

  “Oh,” she says as I watch her lips quirk up to a smile, “are you sure you’re okay waiting?”

  “I would wait forever for you, Miss Molly.”

  She puts her face into the crook of my neck, lays her whole body on top of mine and holds me tightly as she places light kisses against my neck and shoulders. I rub my arms up and down her back slowly, and it’s not long before I feel her breath even out, telling me she’s fallen asleep. Once again, I drift of to sleep with a smile on my face because I have the most amazing woman in my arms.

  I wake up the next morning and roll over in search of the body that should be pressed up against mine, but I can’t find her. I quickly jump out of bed, grab the trousers I took off last night, go in to the bathroom to do my stuff, then head out of my room to find her sexy little body. As I get to the bottom of the first set of stairs, I hear music coming from her room below so I continue my descent to find her. I’m disappointed when I find her room empty, but only for a few seconds because I realise I can hear water running, telling me she is in the shower - perfect! I walk into her en suite to find her stood under the spray of water with her back to me. I stand there for a moment, admiring the water running down her hot body and over her perky arse. I walk over, removing my trousers as I go, and walk straight up behind her. I feel her flinch when my front presses to her back and my hands grip onto her hips before she leans back in to me.

  “I missed waking up to you, gorgeous, but I’m thinking this might make up for it.”

  I run one of my hands up her side and pull her wet hair away from her neck so I can put my lips there. I nibble my way from her shoulder up to her ear while my hands roam around her body. I can feel her neck vibrating as she moans quietly. When my fingers find her pert nipples, I pinch them between my thumb and forefinger, causing her hips to move and her arse to grind against my already throbbing dick. I can feel her chest starting to rise and fall faster under my hands. “You like that, gorgeous?”


  “What about if I did this?” I say, as my right hand moves from her breast and down her stomach. I feel her muscles twitch as I run over them. “Will I find you ready for me?”

  “Hmm,” she groans again.

  When my hand gets to the apex of her thighs, I decide against going straight for what we both want in favour of teasing her a little. I run my fingers gently over her folds and down her thighs until she is begging for me to touch her. “Ryan, please,” she pants.

  I can’t say no to her begging, so slowly slide my finger between her folds and run it from her entrance up to her clit. The moment my finger touches her sensitive skin, she falls back against me and I have to hold her around the waist as her knees go weak. I love how responsive to my touch she is. My fingers continue their onslaught until I can feel her shaking in my arms. I release my arm from around her, and insert a finger inside her from behind while still playing with her clit with my other hand. The instant my finger stretches her open she screams her release, and her whole body convulses as her orgasm takes over her.

  She tilts her head back and up so she can look at me; I smile down at her before placing my lips on hers. Ahe manages to turn herself around without breaking our kiss. When we are face to face, her hands run down my back, grab my arse and squeeze gently, pulling my throbbing dick into her stomach. She moves away slightly and pushes me back against the tiles before sliding a hand around my hip and wrapping her other hand around me. My head drops back at the feel of her gently stoking me up and down. She reaches up and starts trailing kisses down my neck and across my chest. I look down at her as she starts to move down my stomach, before kneeling in front of me and kissing my thighs. The sight of her on her knees in front of me almost has me coming and her mouth hasn’t touched me yet. She moves back from kissing me and studies my dick in her hand. I watch her lips twitch at the corners before she leans forward and licks the pre-cum from the tip; my whole length twitches at the small contact. She smiles up at me, clearly knowing how much she affects me, before taking me to the back of her mouth. My head once again falls back against the tiles as the incredible feeling overtakes my body and my hands move to grab on to her head lightly.

  Once I’ve got myself relatively under control - by that, I mean no at risk of coming from one stoke of her lips - I look down at her. The sight of her on her knees with my cock in her mouth and desire in her eyes as she looks up at me takes my breath away. I can’t help but wonder how I was so lucky to find such an amazing woman who loves me as much as I do her, after already having Hannah in my life. I must be the luckiest bastard in the world. It only takes her a few minutes of working my dick with her mouth before I feel tingles running down my spine and my cock is pulsing in her mouth, shooting my load down her throat. I can’t help the loud growl that comes from my mouth as she milks me for everything I’ve got. When she’s finished, she leans back on her heels and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She then looks up at me with a cheeky smile on her face. She stands up in a similar way to how she went down, kissing a trail up my body, before she is at full height and I lean down so my lips meet hers.

  I grab her shampoo from behind her and go about getting her washed for the day. Once her hair is done, I squeeze a large amount of her shower gel on my hands then run them over every inch of her body, taking my time over my favourite parts, making sure they are extra clean. When my fingers run over her pussy I hear her gasp, and I can’t help myself. I lower myself to my knees, throw one of her legs over my shoulder, and taste her until she is screaming my name for the second time in thirty minutes.


  When I walk into the office later that morning, I am trying desperately hard to keep the huge grin off my face so Jax doesn’t get suspicious and start questioning me. I’m a shit liar and he would see right through me. I was serious when I said to Ryan that I wanted to keep us quiet for a bit; I know they will all figure out eventually, but I want us to just be us for a while and not to worry about what other people think. Mainly his mother, because I’m pretty sure everyone else will just be happy for us.

  “Wow, morning Molly. You had a good weekend by the looks of your face.” Shit, I didn’t do a very good job there then!

  “Yeah, it was good thanks. How was yours?” I quickly head into the kitchen to make us a drink, but mostly to avoid eye contact with him because I know he’ll be able to read me.

  “It was brilliant, thank you. I went to Liverpool with Abbi; she wanted to show me where she grew up.” Ugh, I was so busy focusing on how much Ryan’s mother disliked me I’d forgotten her obvious dislike of Jax, even though she hasn’t even seen him, let alone met him. Fucking Doreen, whoever the fuck she is!

  “You’ve really fallen for her, haven’t you?” I question, feeling glad the heat is off me for now.

  “I have yeah, but she only wants something casual. She’s so busy with uni and placements that she doesn’t want the added pressure
of a relationship on top of that.” I turn to look at him when he says this to see a wave of disappointment wash over his features.

  “Oh,” I wasn’t aware of this. I thought they were together from the way he talks about her. “You’re exclusively casual though, right?”

  “We’re not shagging anyone else, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Well if it helps, I know she really likes you. I reckon she’ll come round to the idea eventually, but she is right - she is crazy busy by the sounds of it.”

  “Oh, I know she’s not lying about uni and stuff, I just wish we could be official. I wouldn’t put any more pressure on her; it would be just the same as it is now, except I would actually get to call her mine.” I can’t help but feel sorry for Jax. He has such a big heart. He’s recently been screwed over by his ex, and now the girl he’s fallen head over heels for wants to keep it casual. I don’t blame Abbi for wanting this. I remember what my final year at uni was like, but she will seriously miss out if Jax doesn’t wait around for her. He’s such a great guy.

  “Everything happens for a reason, Jax. It will all work out as it’s meant to.”

  “Yeah, I guess. So…your weekend?”

  I go on to tell all about my weekend, explaining about Friday’s class, the stag do, and just chilling out at home yesterday, but I leave out any bits that involve Ryan and I kissing or being naked. When I’ve finished, he looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “Right, I don’t quite understand why you look quite as happy as you do if that was your weekend, but I will let it go for now. Although I should warn you, my imagination is running on overdrive coming up with all the reasons you could look that happy!” he says with a suggestive smirk. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep any secrets from Jax, but I’m glad he’s not pushing it. “Right, I’m heading out I’m meeting a client.”

  “Oh, who?” Jax looks guilty as sin when he looks at me.

  “Uh, Mrs. Jones.”

  “I thought I was meeting her on Thursday?”

  “Yeah, she uh, called this morning to rearrange.” Apparently I’m not the only shit liar around here.

  “Right…” He goes to grab a folder that I know contains ideas that I have been working on for another client I was going to see on Friday. “Why are you taking those?”

  “Oh, he couldn’t make Friday so I said I’d stop on the way back from Mrs. Jones later this morning. Right, bye.” He practically sprints out of the office, leaving me in his dust, completely confused as to why he has taken over my meetings - not that I really mind.

  I make the most of my time alone to ring one of Ryan’s mates to see if I can get him to help me arrange his birthday surprise next Thursday. I was relieved when I woke up before him this morning; it gave me the opportunity to get a couple of phone numbers off his phone without him noticing.

  I ring his colleague Will first, and I am relieved when he says he’s willing to help me out and promises to keep his mouth zipped about the whole thing. I’ve met him a few times over the years and he seemed trustworthier than many of Ryan’s friends and colleagues. Next, I make the call I have really been dreading, but I know I’ve got to start somewhere and that I’m going to have to be the one to make an effort.

  “Hi Karen, it’s Molly, Ryan’s friend. I wanted to speak to you about his birthday next week.”

  “Oh Molly, hello,” she says coldly. I’m feeling slightly positive though, because she didn’t put the phone down on me.

  “Look, I’m not going to beat around the bush; I know that things between you and Ryan have been strained since I stayed at your house and although he won’t admit it, he misses you and I know that you were hoping to see him this week.”

  “Where are you going with this?” she snaps.

  “I was hoping you and Dave could come down next weekend and spend the weekend with Ryan. I am also going to ring Abbi and Liv so you can all spend time together.”

  “Oh, um, that’s a nice idea. When would you like us to come?” Wow, she actually said something politely to me.

  “I was thinking you could come Friday night and stay until Sunday?”

  “I don’t think Friday night is a very good idea, do you?” she snaps. “By the time Dave gets home from work we’ll hit rush hour, and will end up sat in the car all night. How about we come Saturday morning. We could get to you for eleven?”

  “Yes that is perfect. Could you do me a favour, though?” she just grunts in response. “I was hoping to keep it as a surprise for Ryan. When you speak to him, please could you not mention it?”

  “I’ll try my best,” she says unconvincingly. Then she says something that nearly has me falling off my chair. “Thank you Molly, this is very thoughtful of you.”

  “No problem. I know how much you all mean to each other and will enjoy the time together.”

  “Yes well, I guess we will see you next Saturday. Goodbye,” she says, rather coldly after her previous nice comment, and puts the phone down before I get to say goodbye myself. If me having to spend the weekend with his mother doesn’t show Ryan how much I love him, I don’t know what will.

  I call both Abbi and Liv next. They both agree to come down on Friday night and are equally as shocked as each other that their mum agreed to it. We arrange to have a night in with a curry and a load of booze before their parents join us the next day. I also ring Emma but I’m not surprised to find her phone goes straight to voicemail, so I leave a message inviting her as well. I have one more phone call to make and I’m seriously looking forward to this one; I’m dying to find out what happened Saturday night.

  “Hi Holly, it’s Molly.” Ha look, I’m a poet and I didn’t know it! I can’t help giggling at myself.

  “Hi Molly, you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t know whether you know or not, but next Thursday is Ryan’s birthday. Are you free to come to ours for a meal Friday night? I’ve just organised for his sisters to come down and I know he’d want you there too. I know you’ve become good friends.”

  “Yes, I’ll definitely be there. Molly, I know we don’t really know each other but do you have any plans for lunch?”

  “Well, that depends,” I deadpan.

  “Uh, on what?” Holly sounds worried.

  “On if you’re gonna spill on what happened on Saturday night. Your messages looked interesting!”

  “Messages? I thought I only sent one?”

  “Oh you did; Adam sent one of a similar nature to me as well. Soooo…”

  “I’ll tell if you do. I’m dying to know what happened with you and Ryan.”

  “Okay, deal.” Holly insists on coming here and meeting in Cocoa’s. So after arranging a time we hang up and get back to work.

  I’m just finishing up a couple of hours later to go and meet Holly downstairs when my phone pings with a text. I grab it out if my bag and make my way to the door.

  Ryan: I love you, gorgeous xxx

  My heart skips a beat reading those words. All my life I've wanted to be loved and cared for, and that is exactly how I feel, at last. I’ve always wanted a boyfriend who looks at me like I am his reason for living, and that is what I see every time Ryan looks at me along with eyes full of love. I know we are never going to keep our relationship a secret from anyone for long when he looks at me like that. I’m also pretty sure I look similar every time I look at him. I quickly type a message out before heading down for lunch.

  Molly: I’m meeting Holly for lunch, going to find out all the gossip! I love you too and can’t wait to be in your arms again xxx

  I get to the front door just as Holly crosses the road. “Molly,” she shouts to get my attention. She walks over to me and gives me a quick hug which surprises me slightly as we don’t really knows each other.

  “Hi, you okay?”

  “Yeah fine, just hungry. Come on.” We make our way through the front doors and join the queue. I’ve never really worked with the ladies behind the counter in the afternoons so I don’t want to just head b
ehind and make our own coffees like I would if Megan or one of the Morrisons were here. We both order a panini and a coffee each before finding a table. I hate when other customers are sitting in our booth, but we can hardly reserve it for our use only, especially as we are hardly ever here now.

  We settle ourselves down before Holly starts demanding knowledge about what happened after we left the party. I relay everything to her, just leaving out the more X-rated details. I’m not sure our budding friendship means we can share those kinds of details yet. She’s so excited we finally got it together that she is practically bouncing on her seat.

  “I’m so pleased for you both. I’m also pleased for myself though; if I had to listen to Ryan tell me how much he loved and wanted you one more time, I’m sure my ears would have started bleeding,” she says with a laugh.

  “Was he really that bad?” I question; that doesn’t seem like the Ryan I know.

  “Oh my God, yes, he was awful. He’s got it seriously bad for you, girl.” I can’t help but smile at this.

  “The feeling’s mutual. I now can’t remember what was stopping me going for it with him. Being with him feels so right.” I watch her eyes get a little wet at my words. Oh God, am I turning into that mushy girlfriend? “So enough about me and Ry; what happened with Adam?”

  “Okay, so as you may or may not know, after my cheating fucker of an ex I’d sworn off men completely. But after you left we both got a drink and started talking. It started out friendly because I had no intention of finding a bloke, but we have so much in common Molly, it’s crazy. We spent the rest of the party chatting and we eventually had to be kicked out when they wanted to shut the club. We both got a taxi back to mine and we literally talked the night away. We just had so much to say to each other. The next morning I got changed, then we headed to his so he could change before we went out for a late breakfast. At some point in the afternoon we went our separate ways because we were both exhausted and needed to sleep before work today, but as soon as we were apart, the texting started. It’s so weird: I feel like I’ve known him all my life but it’s really only been a couple of days.”


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