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Angel Series Books #1-2.5

Page 32

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Wow, that's amazing Holly. He is a great guy. So nothing happened between you then?” I say, raising my eyebrows at her.

  “We had a little kiss outside the café when we left each other, but nothing more than that yet. But I swear every time he looks at me, it’s like my whole body ignites, and when he touches me it’s like it burns. Oh, and when our lips touched, all I can compare it to is fireworks shooting around my body. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. It’s actually quite scary how intense it all is.”

  “That’s what it’s like for me with Ryan. And yes, it was really fucking scary at the beginning because we were such close friends, but now it’s just out-of-this-world amazing. You’ve got to go for it with him, Holly. If you are that attracted to each other, you won’t regret it.”

  “He’s coming round for dinner tonight. I’m so excited about seeing him again already I could be sick.”

  “Ah I’m so happy for you both. Adam deserved to find someone awesome. I felt awful that I couldn't be what he wanted but it all worked out in the end. Everything happens for a reason, right?”

  “It does; just think, if I never grabbed Ryan to dance that night, I never would have met any of you.”

  We sit and chat away the rest of our lunch break about all sorts. I learn that she is a PA for a law firm a few streets over, her parents live in a village just outside the city and she shares a flat with her best friend Chloe. When she needs to head back to work, we agree to meet again one day later in the week so she can give me an Adam update and say our goodbyes.

  When I round the corner into the office, I stop dead in my tracks. There, sat on my desk, is a huge bunch of flowers, all in dusky pink like the bunch he got me for my birthday in the summer, only about four times the size. I quickly make my way over to them and pull the card out.

  To my gorgeous girl,

  I love you with all my heart xxx

  I get a little emotional looking at the card and his words. When I feel the first tear run down my cheek, I know I need to pull myself together.

  All of a sudden there is a bang at the bottom of the stairs, then someone is running up. My heart starts pounding in my chest, thinking it could be Ryan, but I cant help feeling disappointed when I see Jax appear.

  “Molly, what’s wrong?” he asks, looking concerned.

  “Oh nothing, I’m just being silly. I’ll be okay in a minute.”

  “Are you sure?” he says, rubbing my arm in comfort. “Fucking hell Molly, look at the size of them.” I guess he’s seen the flowers behind me. I feel my cheeks heat when he focuses his gaze back on me. “Molly, I get that you’re not ready to talk about it yet and let it be out in the open, but let me just say this: I’m so fucking happy you managed to work everything out, and when you are ready to talk you know where I am.” He pulls me in to a hug that sets me off crying again.

  “Thanks Jax, it’s just early days, ya know?” I say into his chest.

  A few hours later I’ve managed to get my giant bunch of flowers into my tiny car, and I head home. I’m halfway there when it suddenly hits me that I need to stop and see someone. I turn the car around and head towards my new destination. It only takes me ten minutes before I’m walking across the car park and down the little pathway before I come to a stop in front of her. I pull my coat tightly around me as it’s bitterly cold with the wind blowing up here. As always, the flowers here are fresh. I guess Susan has been recently to replace them. I crouch down so I am in front of her and read what it says for what must be the one-thousandth time in the last nine months.

  In loving memory of

  Hannah Susan Morrison

  A perfect daughter, sister and friend

  14th July 1989 – 15th January 2014

  I let out a huge sigh while I think about what it is I want to say to her. I am desperate for what Ryan said last night to be true about her bringing us together.

  “So the business is going really well. We’ve got more clients than ever. It’s amazing to see it all happening, Hannah, our dream coming true. Jax is brilliant - he is so creative and talented. You would love him.” I sigh again and look at the ground.

  “But I guess you don’t really want to know about that right now, do you?” I’m not sure why I pause after asking a question - it’s not like I’m going to get an answer. “I’m in love with him Han, and I’m so sorry if you feel that I’ve taken him away from you. You will always be a huge part of both of us, but something changed between us like I told you before, and I fought it, I really did, but in the end the pull was too strong. He’s amazing; not that I need to tell you that. The way he treats me is like no other guy I’ve ever been with. He’s so caring and gentle. I just hope you understand and can give us your blessing because somewhere along the way he has become everything to me.” I look back up from the ground and wipe my tears away. “He makes me feel so special, beautiful, loved and sexy. You probably really don’t want to know that bit! He is everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I’ve been looking for. I love him so much it hurts and I just want you to understand.” In that moment the wind blows, slightly stinging my face, but when I look down I see a dusky pink rose petal has blown in front of my feet. I pick it up and gently rub it between my finger and thumb. “Was that a sign? Because I’m really hoping it was, Han.” When I finish saying that, I feel tingles run down my back, and that can only mean one thing. I stand up and turn around to see Ryan stood a few feet away with a small smile on his face. I rush over and throw my arms around him. If the rose petal wasn’t a sign, then this surely is. I pull back from the hug and place my lips to his for a quick kiss.

  “You coming to see Hannah too?”

  “No. I actually came this morning. When you didn’t get home after you text to say you were leaving I got worried, but something told me you’d be here. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Ryan, I am more than okay, and do you know what?” He quirks his eyebrow at me in question. “I’m pretty sure Hannah is too.” I turn my head to look in her direction and smile.

  “I think so too. Now come on, let’s get you home, you’re freezing. How long have you been out here?”

  “No idea. Take me home, boyfriend.”

  Ryan kisses the top of my head before pulling me in to his side and walking us back to the car park. I watch him in my mirror as he follows me all the way home. I don’t know if he can see me, but every time I look back he’s smiling. I wonder how long he was stood there and how much he heard.

  Chapter Four


  I’ve tried to keep myself busy while Molly has been at work these last three days. I’ve finally sorted out the last of my stuff in the house. I had beds delivered weeks ago for the spare rooms but they still had boxes of my crap on them; they now look like guest rooms people could actually sleep in. I’ve spent a long time at the gym and organised everything we both need for my surprise. I dropped Molly at work this morning so her car can stay here, and I’m now pacing the living room floor, waiting for the clock to tick around until it’s late enough for me to go and pick her up and explain what I have planned. I know how much she hates surprises and I can see how much it’s killing her trying not to ask about it. I told Jax I would pick her up at three o'clock. He’s been in on it since I booked it on Sunday morning. He is taking the same time off to spend with my sister up in Manchester. He somehow managed to rearrange both of their meetings and clients for the end of the week without getting Molly too suspicious.

  As soon as the clock hits two thirty, I can’t wait any longer and set off running down the stairs and lock up the house. I try to drive slowly to her office to waste a little more time so I’m not too early, but I still end up getting there ten minutes early.

  “Fuck it,” I say to myself before opening the car door, then make sure I lock it as it’s got all our stuff in it.

  “Ryan, what are you doing here?” Molly questions when walk into their office.

  “I’ve come to pick you up f
or your surprise. As soon as you’re finished we can head off.” I’m not sure whether she looks more excited or nervous!

  “Are you going to tell me what it is?”

  “I might give you some clues!”

  “Hey Ryan,” Jax says as he comes out of the kitchen. “Couldn’t wait any longer to whisk her away then?”

  “Nope! You got something nice planned with Abbi?”

  “Yeah, I found this secluded hotel and I thought we could-”

  “Whoa, whoa, I don’t want to know what you are going to do in a secluded hotel with my little sister,” I say, putting my heads up in surrender.

  “I was going to say I thought we could wrap up warm and go for a walk or just chill out in front of the open fire in the lounge.”

  “Oh okay, well that sounds nice.”

  “Aw Jax, that sounds so romantic, cuddling in front of the fire. I’m so jealous.”

  I have to fight really hard not to smile because what I have planned is much better than a hotel. Well, I think it is, anyway. I look up to Jax and see his lips are twitching where he’s trying not to smile at Molly as well. “Guys, what’s with the strange looks on your faces?”

  “Nothing. Are you ready to go?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

  “Yeah, let me just shut my computer down and wash up my mug.”

  “I'll do that, you just sort your desk out,” I say, taking her mug into the kitchen. I’m dying to get out of here and have her to myself.

  When I return to the office, Molly is wishing Jax a good time with Abbi and has her coat on and bag in hand, ready to go.


  “Yes, lead the way.” I let Molly go ahead of me, then place my hand in the small of her back so that I can have some contact with her. Even though Jax is aware we are together because he knows about my plans, Molly hasn’t told him and wants to keep it that way for a while. So as desperate as I was to pull her into my arms and kiss her when I first arrived, I had to withhold; and let me tell you, it was fucking hard.

  When we get outside, I jump in front of her so I can open the passenger door for her. Just before she sits down I see her look at the packed back seats.

  “Why have you got so much stuff? And why have you brought my flowers?” She looks back at me with confusion written all over her face. I can’t help myself - I lean in and give her a quick kiss on the lips because she just looks too cute.

  “I didn’t want them to go to waste at home while we were away.”

  “You’re taking me away?”

  “Yes, just the two of us for four whole days,” I say, before shutting her door and jogging round to the driver’s side so I can join her.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m not telling you that yet. Now put some of that music on you love so much and sit back and relax.” I set the SatNav earlier but I won’t need it until we get somewhere near, which is good because Molly would know where we were headed otherwise.

  An hour and a half later, we are pulling up to the farmhouse that owns our accommodation for the next few days. I get out of the car to retrieve the key from the key safe they gave me instructions for earlier, before continuing to drive down the lane that runs alongside the house.

  “Oh my god. Are we staying there?” Molly squeals next to me as I bring the car to a stop.

  “Yes we are.”

  “How do you find the most perfect places? First the beach hut and now this cute little log cabin in the middle of the forest.”

  “Just lucky, I guess. I first thought about going abroad, to Paris or something, but when I got upstairs after leaving you in the bath I realised I had no idea if your passport was in date. So I just went on Google and came across this, and to my amazement it was available.” I’ve barely got my last word out before Molly is getting out of the car and walking toward the cabin.

  “Come on,” she calls back to me. “I want to see inside.” She stands by the front door with her hands crossed over her chest, looking impatient as she waits for me to catch up. I purposely walk slowly just to watch her reaction. “For fuck’s sake Ryan, hurry up!” When I get there I give her a sweet kiss before putting the key in the lock, opening the door and gesturing for her to enter. “Oh my God, this is so cute. Ryan, come on,” she calls back to me but I’m enjoying myself watching her discover everything and the huge smile on her face to do anything. When she has explored every inch of the place she heads towards me before she launches her tiny body at me. I stumble back on to the door I have just shut with the force she hits me with. She instantly wraps her legs around my waist, arms around my shoulders, and kisses me until we are both breathless.

  When she pulls back and looks at me, the love and lust I see in her eyes makes my breath catch in my throat.

  “You know, if you really want inside me that badly you could have just asked nicely and I’d probably given it up; you didn’t need to do something like this.” I can’t help but smile at her.

  “That isn’t what this is about. I told you I would wait as long as you want, and I meant it. This,” I gesture around the cabin with one arm while still holding her to me with the other, “is about us spending time together. Just the two of us. So phones are going on silent and we are disappearing from the rest of the world for a few days.”

  “This is amazing. Thank you. Now let’s go get all the stuff in and start relaxing.”

  It feels like it takes forever to get all the stuff in, but that is probably because all I want to do is wrap my arms around Molly and chill out, not be walking backwards and forwards to the car. Once everything is in, I concentrate on putting all the food away in the kitchen whilst Molly sorts out all our stuff in the bedroom and bathroom. I’m bent over, putting the last few things in the fridge, when I feel her behind me. I stand up and look over my shoulder to see her leaning her hip against the worktop and biting down on her bottom lip.

  “Enjoying the view?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah, it’s a shame you’re wearing too many clothes though.”

  “Yeah, I had the same thought earlier. I did consider not packing any for either of us and having a naked holiday, but something told me you wouldn’t be up for that.”

  “You’re right. There are some times that clothes are a necessity, like cooking or sitting on someone else’s sofa,” she says, flicking a glance behind her.

  “True. Are you finished in there?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Okay, I’m just going to put dinner in, then I’ve got something for you.”

  “Oh, from the present bag?” When Molly went to pull the ‘present bag’ as it is now called from the car, I literally pulled it out of her hands, to her shock. I wanted to make this weekend special so I came up with a few different things I knew she’d love to surprise her with, and a few others that will just surprise her.

  “Yes, now go and get comfortable. I made a lasagne this morning so it only needs to heat up.” I watch her eyes go as wide as saucers.

  “You made a lasagne this morning?” I grab it from behind me to show her. “Wow, I have the best boyfriend ever!” she squeals, before heading in to the bedroom.

  Ten minutes later, I’m sat on the sofa with the couple of the presents I’ve got for her, a bottle of champagne, and two glasses, in the hope we are about to celebrate. I look up when the bedroom door opens and I instantly feel my body heat up a few degrees. She’s in her usual at-home attire of lounge trousers, vest and zip up hoodie. Her face is makeup free and her hair is piled in a mess on top of her head. I think my perusal of her body has her rooted to the spot, so I get up and walk to her. When I am inches from her, I place my hands on her hips and look down into her eyes.

  “You are always so fucking gorgeous Molly, but you couldn’t be any more perfect to me than when you’re like this.” She looks down a little embarrassed, but I lift my hand and tip her head back so I can capture her lips with mine. I pull back before I want to, take her hand, and pull her over to the sofa. There will be
enough time for that later. I sit her down next to me, then turn myself so our knees are touching and look her in the eyes.

  “Ry, are you okay? You look nervous.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I have something to ask you.”

  “Oh, go on then.” I grab the first present I want to give her and hand it over. She looks at me in question.

  “Open it then.” I watch as she slides the lid off and looks at the contents, confused.

  “A key?” she looks from me back down to the dusky pink key in the box. I grab her free hand in mine to get her attention.

  “Molly, will you move in with me?” I watch her eyebrows draw together in confusion.

  “I already live with you.”

  “No, currently you’re my housemate. I’m asking you to move in as my girlfriend.” She just stares at me with a completely blank expression on her face. I’m starting to get worried.

  “Molly?” My voice snaps her out of it because before I know it I have been pushed back against the sofa and she is straddling me whilst kissing the life out of me. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her to me so there is no space between us. She eventually moves away from my lips and starts kissing along my jaw and down my neck.

  “I. Love. You. So. Much,” she says between kisses. “I. didn’t. think. It. Was. Possible. To. Be. This. Happy.” I move my hands and gently grab her cheeks, pulling her face back up so I can see her.

  “This is only the beginning, gorgeous,” I say, before crashing our lips back together.

  When my hips start grinding into her warmth, I realise it’s probably time we stopped before we can’t. “Molly,” I whisper in to her ear as she is nibbling on my neck. I place my hands on her shoulders and push gently until she is sitting.


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