Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 35

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Hey, gorgeous. You ready for today’s surprise?”

  “Oh yes, what is it today?”

  “We need to get out and showered, then you can have it.”

  She narrows her eyes at me and pouts. “Can’t I have it now?”

  “Nope, come on.” I lift her tiny body up and carry her out of the hot tub, through the cabin, and into the shower. I turn the shower on and let us get blasted with cold water for a few seconds before it warms up; if nothing else, I’m hoping it sobers her up a little.

  “Fuck, that’s freezing,” she shouts, trying to move from under the spray, but I hold her tight to me. It’s the first innocent shower we have had together. It’s hard, pun intended, to stop Molly’s attempts, but I want to enjoy her later after our meal. Plus it’s not like we didn’t spend all morning having a bit of fun - my dick’s not going to shrivel up from lack of use!

  Once we are done, I get her to sit on the edge of the bed wrapped in her towel while I go and get the biggest gift box I brought with me. When I walk back into our bedroom, she looks at me with hungry eyes. I’m not sure if they are for me because I only have a towel wrapped around my waist and I know how much she likes my torso, or if they’re for the huge box I’m carrying.

  “Oh my God, it’s huge,” she squeals, clapping her hands together.

  “That’s what I’ve been told,” I deadpan, but she just looks at me with her eyebrows raised in shock. She obviously hadn’t realised how what she said sounded.

  “Oh of course, that too,” she says, raising one eyebrow at me. “I’ve got no complaints yet!”

  “You won’t ever have any complaints, Miss Molly. Especially if your past experiences are anything to go by.” I can’t help feeling smug.

  “That is true. If you want to turn it in to a competition, you have won hands down already. The only other person to give me as many orgasms as you have is me!”

  “And how I’d love to watch you do that,” Just the thought of watching Molly pleasure herself makes my dick twitch under my towel.

  “Hmmm. Can I open the box now?” she asks excitedly.

  I place it down next to her and she quickly turns so she is sat on her knees looking down at it. I watch as she slowly pulls the bow open and pulls the lid off. She gently moves the tissue paper to the side, revealing the first items in the box. She looks up at me with a naughty smile on her face. My heart starts pounding and my dick twitches again. The moment I saw the lingerie set in the shop, I just knew it would look stunning on her. She reaches in the box and pulls the bra out. It’s a dusky pink, my favourite colour for her, ruched material with silver detailing and a bow at the cleavage, and there is a matching thong in the box too.

  “These are gorgeous, and the right size.”

  “They will look gorgeous on you, you mean. Of course they’re the right size; I’m not likely to forget any detail of those perfect tits any time soon.”

  She places both on the bed before turning her attention back to the box to unwrap some more. She gasps before she starts pulling the dress I’ve chosen for her out of the box. She has to get up on to her knees so she can see all of it.

  “Did you choose this yourself?”

  “Yes, do you like it?”

  “I love it. You have the best taste ever.” She turns the dress around, holds it against herself and looks down. It’s a soft grey colour. It has a deep V in the front that is going to do wonders for her cleavage - and my view tonight - then it is tight around her waist, before it flows loosely to her knees. I can’t wait to see it pool to the floor around her feet later when we get home. “Ryan, are you okay? You look at little flushed.” I have to clear my throat before answering.

  “Yeah, sorry, just imaging what it will look like on the floor later.”

  “A bit presumptuous, aren’t you?”

  “Na, you’re a sure thing, Molly!”

  She thinks about it for a few seconds before flashing me a smile. “Yeah, I guess I am where you’re concerned.”

  “There’s something else in the box.” I nod towards it and she dives in.

  “Oh my God. Ryan!” she screams, then jumps at me from the bed. She comes at me with such force I fall back on my arse with her on top of me. She doesn’t pay any attention to the loud thud that was my arse hitting the carpet, because she is too busy shoving her tongue down my throat. Not that I’m complaining.

  Once the shock has worn off and I’m happy I haven’t broken anything, I roll us over so she is on her back and I am between her legs without breaking our kiss. My hands automatically go the towel that is still wrapped around her and pull it open so I can get my hands on her sexy body. She has similar thoughts because I feel her reach down and pull my towel open. When she relaxes back down, my throbbing dick lines up perfectly with her very ready entrance. She sucks in a breath when she feels the head of my cock brush against her. I can’t help but thrust my hips slightly so I’m rubbing against her; it feels so good, and the desire to slide right itto her is almost painful.

  “Ryan,” she moans against my lips.

  I pull back and look at her. She is fucking stunning. Her chest is heaving up and down with how fast she is breathing, her cheeks are flushed, her eyes are bright with lust and her drying chocolate coloured hair is fanned out around her head on the cream carpet. I can’t help but think she looks like an angel. I sit back on my heels and admire her.

  “So, you like them?”

  “Ryan, they are Louboutins. I fucking love them. They’re so expensive though, how did you afford them?”

  “Only the best for my girl,” I repeat my words from the other night. When she moved in and insisted on paying more than I wanted her to, I promised myself I would somehow give it back, so this is me doing that. She’s always helping everyone else out and doing thoughtful things for them; it’s now her turn to be well and truly spoilt.

  She frowns at me but I just shake my head at her. “Come on, gorgeous girl, we need to get ready and I want to see if you look as hot as I imagined in the shop in that outfit. The taxi is picking us up at seven, so you’ve got an hour and no more.” I kiss the end of her nose, then get up and go into the bathroom so I can have a shave and finish getting ready while she faffs about.

  “Where are we going?” she shouts through to me.

  “Wait and see.”

  Fifty minutes later, I’m sat in the living room, catching up with what’s been going on in the world while we have been hiding out here, waiting for Molly to finish getting ready. I can’t for the life of me understand why it could possibly take her so long, as she was perfect before she started. I’ve sat here fully dressed and ready to go for over twenty minutes now, trying to figure it out. I look down at myself; I’m wearing a light blue shirt because it’s Molly’s favourite - apparently it brings out my eyes - a black pair of smart trousers, and lace up black shoes. I hate dressing up, I’d much rather go in jeans and a t-shirt, but I don’t think they’d let me in the restaurant dressed like that. I do, however, refuse to wear a tie; they just make me really uncomfortable.

  “Are you nearly ready, Molls? the taxi will be here in a minute.” Two seconds after I finish speaking she appears in the bedroom doorway, and I swear to God I actually stop breathing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful sight. I run my eyes from her head to toe, taking it all in. She has styled her hair in loose curls that hang around her shoulders. The underwear and dress do unbelievably awesome things to her tits. I just want to go over and shove my face in them. The dress then shows off her tiny waist before the fabric hangs loosely around her thighs, then shows off her toned calves and her shoes. Fuck me, the shoes are pure gold. I may never let her take them off.

  “Do I look okay?” she asks me hesitantly, with a small smile playing on her lips.

  I can’t do anything because I’m actually frozen to the spot. The only things that are moving are my eyes, roaming all over her body, my heart that is beating two million miles an hour, and my dick that is straini
ng so painfully against my trousers I’m sure it’s going to burst through any moment.

  “Ryan?” She is staring back at me, looking like she is starting to get a little concerned. Eventually, she hobbles over and couches down in front of me, placing her hands on my knees. “Are you okay?” she whispers.

  “I…um…you…” I let out a big breath that I didn’t realise I was holding and try again. “You just took my breath away. You look stunning, Molly. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you here with me, and to have your love. I don’t know what I did to deserve any of this.”

  “Thank you, and thank you for choosing it for me. I love it and it all fits perfectly. Ryan, you are amazing. I am the lucky one who doesn’t deserve any of this or you.”

  “You deserve this and then some. You are always doing things for other people. It’s about time someone looked after and spoilt you for a change.” I watch her eyes tear up a bit before she puts her hand over my mouth to make sure I don’t say any more.

  “Stop, we don’t have time for me to redo my make up. I love you Ryan; I’m so glad you’re my Prince Charming.”

  “I love you too, gorgeous.” Just as I say that, my phone goes off, telling us the taxi is outside. “Come on, let’s grab our coats.”

  I get up and head to the coat hooks by the front door. I look back when Molly isn’t right behind me, to see her hobbling my way. “I thought you said everything fitted perfectly; you can barely walk in those shoes.”

  “The shoes are perfect, Ry; it’s the bloody blisters!” I hold Molly’s coat out for her when she gets close enough, before pulling mine on. I then turn back to her and sweep her up in my arms and walk over to the front door.

  “Ryan,” she squeals, “what are you doing?”

  “Carrying you out to the taxi. You can barely walk on a flat surface let alone the stones out there. Can you open the door please?” She wraps one arm around my neck and reaches the other out to open the door for us. Once we are out, she double checks it has locked behind us before I walk us quickly to the waiting taxi.

  The restaurant I’ve chosen is just over thirty minutes away. I knew the instant I opened their website that Molly would love it. It’s an old thatched building with white rendering and black beams. The photos on the website show it looking really romantic inside, and the reviews of the food were outstanding. I’m looking forward to seeing her face when she takes it all in. She’s still demanding I tell her where we are going, but so far I’ve managed to refuse. I know we are nearly there now though, and she is about to find out. I look over at her to find her looking down at her lap.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, my stomach just feels a bit weird. Probably just too much wine in the hot tub earlier.” She just shrugs it off like it’s nothing, so I think no more of it. Especially as I feel the taxi coming to a stop in front of the restaurant. “Oh, please tell me we are going in there,” Molly says excitedly. I knew she’d love it.

  “We might be!”

  Twenty minutes later, we are sat at a little table in the back corner of the restaurant, sipping on glasses of champagne after ordering our starters and main courses. Molly’s eyes are still as wide as when we pulled up outside, taking everything in.

  “I love this place, it’s so cute.”

  “I knew you’d love it the minute I saw it online.”

  “Did you see the sign as we came in saying it’s in the top ten of the most romantic restaurants in the country?” Of course I know this, but I don’t want to dampen her excitement.

  “Is it?” I ask, and she goes on to tell me all about it. My heart bursts at her happiness over something as simple as a nice restaurant.

  “What’s the matter, Ry? You look all serious all of a sudden.”

  “Sorry, I was just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “It’s nothing, really.”

  “No, go on. You always make me spill.”

  “That is true. I was thinking about how just bringing you to a nice restaurant has made you so happy, it’s like no one has done it for you before.”

  “No one has done it before,” she replies sadly. “No one has ever done anything like you have done for me this weekend. I’ve never been spoilt as much as I have in the last few days.”

  “I both hate that no one has but also love it, because it means I get to do it now.”

  “I love that you get to do it, too. It wouldn’t be the same if it were anyone else.”

  “Good. Are you going to tell me yet what you’ve got planned for my birthday?”

  “Um…nope! You’ll have to wait and see. I think you’ll be surprised though.”

  Before I have chance to try to convince her to tell me, our starters arrive, looking too good to eat. But as soon as the smell hits my nose, my stomach grumbles, reminding me it was a long time ago we had those sandwiches. Molly chose the cured salmon and scallops while I went with the pheasant terrine. I’m always up for trying something new and I haven’t ever had pheasant before. I hit enough of the muppets driving the country roads to school before now, but never eaten one.

  Apparently Molly’s is good, if the noises she is making are anything to go by. It’s like I’ve been transported back to the summer in the pub in Cornwall where she was doing the same thing while unknowingly giving me the bluest balls known to man. At least this time I know that she will see to my excitement when we get back later. I am also glad the tables are spaced farther apart here so that every other bloke in the place isn’t enjoying her like the last time. I wanted to punch them all in the face for the way they were looking at her that night.

  “Oh my God, that was so good,” she eventually says when she has cleared her plate and come up for air.

  “Yeah, I got that idea. You didn’t look up once!”

  “Ugh, you must think I’m a right pig.”

  “No, I love that you enjoy your food. I often wonder why you aren’t the size of a horse though,” I say, laughing.

  “Yeah, nice. Thanks Ry!” I just shrug at her as the waitress comes to clear our plates.

  Molly eventually stops grilling me about suggesting she should be fat just before the main courses arrive. Molly has chicken and I have ox cheek and I think I can say for the both of us that it is the best food we’ve ever had. It is out of this world.

  I’ve now traded my champagne for beer and left Molly to it, like I did on Wednesday night in the hot tub. I’m not a huge fan of the bubbly stuff really. She is making good progress with it though, but luckily the food is helping soak it up.

  When our plates have been cleared and we have ordered our desserts, I pluck up the courage to ask her the question that has been eating me for a while. If my thoughts on the subject are correct, I really hope I’m about to ruin our evening. She just sits back down having been to the toilet when I get out a big breath and go for it.

  “Molly, can I ask you a question?”


  “Uh, yeah sure,” I say sceptically.

  “Okay so I’ve been wondering this for a while and it became really obvious tonight that something was missing.”

  “Okay…” Now I’m really intrigued.

  “Other than your earrings, you never really wear any jewellery. Why is that?”

  “Wow, never in a million years did I see that question coming! How random.” I can’t help but laugh at him a little.

  “It’s just that I’ve spent my life surrounded by women: my mum and sisters, and then Hannah, and they all had sentimental bits of jewellery that they never took off because it meant so much to them, but you don’t seem to have anything.”

  “You know the earrings are Hannah’s, right?”

  “No, actually I didn’t. I thought they were familiar but I just presumed they were similar.”

  “They are the only things of hers I took after she died. I wanted a piece of her with me at all times. Susan and Pete bought them for her twenty-first birthday.” I’m trying desperately hard to keep myself t
ogether telling him this. I don’t want to ruin an amazing evening by crying over him.

  “Oh,” is all he says.

  “I don’t wear anything else because I haven’t got anything else that means anything. No one has ever given me anything that has meant anything either.” He just watches me with sad eyes as I explain this.

  “That’s kinda what I thought. You know you really have spent time with some right worthless shits, Molly.”

  “Yeah, I know. I haven’t made the best decisions where men are concerned. Until now, obviously!”

  “Obviously!” he repeats, gracing me with his mega-watt smile before leaning around and reaching for his coat.

  “Oh, you haven’t, have you?” he looks back at me and smiles slyly before turning back around and handing me a cream square box with a dusky pink ribbon around it. “What is it with you and dusky pink?” I’ve been meaning to ask for ages but kept forgetting.

  “I remember it being the main colour in that photo in the interior design magazine you showed me when you tried to explain shabby chic to me before we went to IKEA. It’s always reminded me of you since.” he says, shrugging like it makes all the sense in the world.

  “Fair enough,” I say, shrugging back at him. “Ry, you have already spent so much money on me with what I’m wearing. I can’t accept any more.”

  “You haven’t got a choice, Molly. Open it.”

  I let out a huge sigh. I know he earns decent money, but I don’t want him to spend it all on me. I pull the bow open, then slide the lid off. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of it.

  “Oh it’s beautiful.” I can’t help a tear drop from my eye as I look at it.

  “Hey, it’s not meant to upset you,” Ryan says, leaning across the table and wiping my tear away.

  “It’s just too much. You’ve completely overwhelmed me with everything you have done.” Another tear falls and once again he catches it with his thumb.

  “I just want to show you how much I love you, Molls.”


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