Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 39

by Tracy Lorraine

“Was last night that good?”

  “Mate, you have no idea.”

  “Glad to hear it. Now, seeing as we didn’t get any birthday drinks last night, we are going after school. You will be at the Red Lion by four pm at the latest, and no excuses will work, Mr. Evans. I don’t care how much you want to get back to your girl. She had you last night; it’s our turn!”

  I groan in response but nod my head, knowing I won’t be able to get out of it. “Fine, but I will not be getting drunk, and I will be going home at a decent hour!”

  Will holds his hands up in surrender. “Whatever you say!”

  I walk into the pub a few minutes after four, because I had to get in the middle of a fight on the playground as I tried to escape to my car. Our usual drinking group is already sat around a large table in the back of the bar. Will looks up as I approach. “Mr. Evans, you’re late.”

  “Sorry, the year eleven boys were fighting again. I can’t wait for that bunch of dicks to leave. I’m fed up of pulling them off each other.” I look at the table and feel a frown form on my face “What’s this?”

  “This…” Will says, waving his hand around the table. “Is your punishment for being late. And also your birthday present from us.” I look up to his face, then back down to the multiple shots of what looks like Jägermeister in front of an empty seat. “Bottoms up, Mr. Evans!”

  “What happened to me saying I wasn’t getting drunk? I need to be able to drive home.”

  “I’ve got it covered mate, no worries. I’ll drive you home, then Ana’s gonna pick me up from yours. We’ll collect my car tomorrow or something. Now drink up.”

  Knowing that I will be able to get home to Molly sometime tonight makes me feel happier, so I grab the first glass and knock it back. I can’t help the face I make as it goes down. I really don’t like Jäger, but it’s too late to complain now.

  After a couple of hours, Will puts his phone in his pocket and surprises me by saying he’s going to take me home. I was sure this was going to end up being a long night, but I’m more than happy to go home to my gorgeous girl. I sway slightly on my feet as we make our way to my car, thanks to the shots and couple of pints I’ve had in quite a short space of time. I throw Will the keys to my Honda and jump in the passenger seat.

  I’m surprised to see the house in darkness when Will pulls my car up in front of it. Molly didn’t say she was going out, but I can’t see her car, unless she parked it round the back. It looks like Ana also isn’t here yet, so I ask Will to come up for a drink while he waits for her. I don’t say it but also to keep me company as I wasn’t planning on spending my night alone. I let us in and, after removing our coats and shoes, we make our way up the stairs. When I flick the light on in the living area, I think I actually have a small heart attack.

  “SURPRISE!” Everyone shouts at the same time. My hand flies to cover my racing heart in the hope it will help calm it down.

  “Happy birthday, bro,” Abbi says as her and Liv come over and each give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  I look around the room to see everyone else who is here. Jax, Holly, Adam, Emma, Ana and, of course, Molly are all smiling back at me. I walk a little further into the room to greet everyone. I’m grateful, I am, but the only person I really want to spend my night with is busying herself in the kitchen. It’s not until I round the counter that I can fully appreciate what she is wearing. Her make up is light and her hair is wavy but pulled away from her face. Her smoking hot body is covered in a high neck leather dress, fitted into the waist, with a loose skirt that stops mid-thigh. I continue my journey down her toned legs to take in the sky-high bright red heels. I have to swallow hard and clench my fists at my sides to stop me from walking over and lying her down on the work surface and taking her in front of our closest friends and family. I shake my head slightly, making her smile, and walk over to wrap my arms around her. I’m aware that she still wants to keep what is going on between us quiet, but there is no way I can’t touch her.

  When my lips are next to her ear I whisper, “I’m fucking you with those shoes on later.”

  She groans in my ear and her body goes a little limp in my arms. When she has composed herself, she turns out of my arms and grabs a glass of water that was sitting on the side.

  “Here, you might want to dilute those shots before you have any more. We’ve already ordered Indian it should be here any minute. I got you your favourite, I hope that’s okay.”

  We had a brilliant night. Everyone got on really well and it turns out Adam is a really cool guy now that he isn’t dating the love of my life. We got on like a house on fire. I loved having everyone close to me together in one room. At just after midnight, Will and Ana said their goodbyes, swiftly followed by Emma. She seemed more like her old self tonight, which was great to see after so long. The only part of the night I really didn’t enjoy was that I wasn’t able to touch Molly as openly as I would have liked to. That said though, I did give it a good go at the dining table while everyone was tucking into their takeaway.

  Abbi, Jax and Liv have just gone up to bed, and Molly has headed down with the understanding that she doesn’t touch an item of clothing she has on until I’m there to help. I faff around until I’m confident no one will realise I go downstairs instead of up.

  When I walk through her bedroom door, my breath catches in my throat. All the lights are off and she is stood at the French door, looking at the stars. The light from the moon is shining right on her, making her look like an angel. I quietly shut the door behind me. She notices and glances over her shoulder at me with a small smile on her lips. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

  “Thank you for tonight.”

  “You’re welcome, baby. It was good fun.”

  I nuzzle my nose against her next, murmuring, “what’s the plan for the rest of the weekend?”

  “I’m more concerned with the rest of our night than worrying about tomorrow,” she says suggestively, while rubbing her arse into my groin, making me groan.

  “God, I want to be inside you so badly,” I say between light bites to her neck and ear. “You’ve been teasing me all night.”

  She turns in my arms and looks up at me with heated eyes. “No one’s stopping you,” she says, smirking, then placing kisses along my jaw.

  I step us backwards until her back hits the doors. She gasps in shock and I make the most of the opportunity by crashing my lips to hers and teasing her tongue with mine. Her hands find their way to the bottom of my t-shirt before running up my sides, making my muscles twitch.

  “Off,” she demands without breaking our kiss. I oblige her and quickly pull it over my head. Her lips go to my neck, sucking and biting, while her hands attack my back like she is trying to get us closer, even though every part of our bodies are touching. She trails her lips down to my chest and runs her tongue around my nipples, making me shiver, while her hands travel down my stomach and slide straight into my jogging bottoms and inside my boxers. When she grasps my very ready cock in her tiny hand, I have to reach my hands up to the door to steady myself. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this feeling.

  “I want you now, Ry. I can’t wait.” She pushes my trousers and underwear down so they pool around my ankles, and I run my hands up the outside of her thighs and grab on to the sides of her knickers. “Ryan, please,” she moans as I slide them down her legs. I lift one of her legs under her knee and wrap it around my hip so that she can feel me against her.

  “God, I can already feel how wet you are for me, Molly.” I put my hands under her arse and lift her against the door before plunging in to her. I groan as her head drops back against the glass, showing me she is affected by this as I am. She clamps her legs around my waist as I start pounding into her with punishing blows. I’ll make love to her gently later - right now, I need to fuck her.

  “Fuck, you feel so fucking good,” I pant into her ear. I feel the tell tale sign of my impending release at
the same time I feel her walls clamping around me. Knowing how loud she can shout when she comes, I clamp my hand over her mouth just as she tips over the edge. Watching her orgasm pushes mine forward until I’m releasing inside of her. I drop my head to nuzzle against her neck while our breathing returns to normal.

  “That was intense,” Molly says when she can talk.

  “Sorry that wasn’t very gentle, but I’ve had to endure you walking around like that all evening. My self control only goes so far.”

  “Don’t apologise, Ryan. That was amazing,” she says as I put her back on her feet and turn her around so I can strip her out of her dress.

  Once her dress hits the floor, I pull her bra down her arms and I brush her hair to the side so I can whisper in her ear. “Now I’m going to take my time and worship every inch of you.”



  I’m totally spent by the time Ryan has finished with me. He did as he promised and worshiped every inch of me after fucking me up against the doors. Now after three powerful orgasms I am lying in his arms, smiling to myself. His breathing has just evened out, telling me he has fallen asleep, so I turn my head and watch him. He looks so peaceful and perfect in his sleep. His lips are slightly parted and his eyes are fluttering like his is dreaming already. All of a sudden he makes a groaning noise at the back of his throat, making me jump. Then he whispers something that has me literally melting in to the bed. “Molly…I love you so much.”

  My eyes water as I think of what he could be dreaming about. I return his words before asking him quietly if he is awake. He makes no further noise so I’m guessing he isn’t. I lie there for what feels like hours, trying to fall asleep, but my heart is pounding like it could explode any minute where I’m so happy. That feeling only lasts so long though, because I hear banging and shouting coming from upstairs. I try to strain to hear who it is and what is going on, but they’re too far away. It’s not until heavy footsteps descend the stairs that I get an idea as to what is going on.

  “Jax, that isn’t what I meant…” Abbi screams, which makes Ryan start to stir beside me.

  “Yes, it fucking was. You’re ashamed of me. I’ve been trying to tell myself for weeks now that it’s all in my head but you just confirmed all my fears. You don’t think I’m good enough for you and your family.” Jax says back in an eerily calm, but very hurt voice.

  “No…Jax, please.”

  “No, I’m done with this bullshit. I thought we had something good here, but clearly only one of us thinks that. Was I just an easy fuck you for? Was that it?” he snaps back, clearly getting angry now.

  His shouting wakes Ryan up totally, and before I know what is happening he is out of bed and grabbing my dressing gown to cover himself up, before pulling the door wide open to face the arguing couple in our hallway.

  “We do have something good here. Jax, please don’t do this.”

  “You should have thought about that before you said what you did upstairs. Goodbye.”

  Seconds later, our front door slams so hard it makes me jump.

  “Abbi…” Ryan says in a soothing voice.

  “Don’t…just fucking don’t,” she says it with such venom that Ryan steps back like she slapped him. “Oh, and if you actually want to try to keep the fact that you are fucking Molly a secret, I suggest you at least try to keep it in your trousers when you have guests,” she snaps before running up the stairs, leaving the sounds of her sobs in her wake.

  Ryan looks back at me with a shocked look on his face. “Should I go and check on her?”

  “No. I think she needs to be alone for a while. That sounded pretty serious; give her some time to calm down, then speak to her in the morning.”

  I lift the covers so that he can slide back under with me. I lift them enough that he gets a peek at my naked body. I watch his eyes run alone the length of me before he smiles and drops my pink fluffy dressing gown on the floor, diving in with me. “I must say…you look pretty cute in pink!” he bites down on my nipple in response to my piss taking. “Ow!”

  He looks up at me with wild eyes and a cheeky smile. “Ry, I don’t think I can go again.” He raises his eyebrow at me in question, then goes about proving me wrong.

  Luckily, I remembered to set an alarm for this morning because after all our ‘activities’ last night, there was no chance either of us would have been awake before Ryan’s parents turned up. He still doesn’t know they are coming today, which was one of the reasons I didn’t want him talking to Abbi last night. Although I’m pretty sure I made the right call with giving her space. I’m ninety-nine per cent sure their fight last night was about them and how Karen wouldn’t approve of Abbi’s choice of boyfriend.

  “Really?” Ryan groans when the alarm wakes him up.

  “Yep. Plans, remember?”

  “Yeah, although I have no idea what they are!”

  “That’s why they are called surprises. Now, get that sexy arse out of bed and get dressed. We’ve got guests that will expect breakfast.”

  Ryan pouts at me, making me laugh. “What?”

  He looks down under the covers before looking at me with a look I’m getting very familiar with in his eyes.

  “Uh no, I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be walking funny already. You are not going there again yet.”

  He grumbles something about me being a tease as I make my way to the bathroom to start getting sorted for the day. I respond to his complaints with how I’ll be glad for my period to start later in the week so I can get a rest.

  His response shocks the hell out of me. “If you think for one minute that is going to stop me, you’ve got another think coming.”

  I poke my head around the bathroom door. “You’re joking, right?” I watch as he gets out of bed and walks over to me before responding.

  “Nope,” he says with a smile.


  “But nothing, Molly. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop me from having you. If you’re worried about the mess, we’ll just have to do it in the shower,” he says, shrugging like it’s the most normal thing in the world before walking in to the bathroom and slapping me on the arse so hard it stings for a good few minutes.

  I think about what he just said while I’m getting dressed. To my surprise, having sex with Ryan while I’m on my period doesn’t actually freak me out as much as I would have thought it would. I decide if it doesn’t bother Ryan, then why should it bother me? Lucky for me, I have always had really light periods anyway, so surely it won’t be too much different than normal? So much for my body getting a couple of days’ rest!

  Liv is already waiting for the kettle to boil when I get upstairs. “Morning. Did you sleep okay?”

  “Yeah, like a baby, thanks. Do you want tea?”

  “Yes please. Have you seen Abbi this morning?”

  “I knocked on her door before I came down but she just grunted at me to fuck off! Did something happen?”

  “You mean you didn’t hear the blazing row her and Jax had in the middle of the night?”

  “No…I fell asleep with my head under my pillow because I couldn’t bare to listen to them fucking any longer. I was almost tempted to come down to your room just to get away from all the shouts for God!”

  I feel my cheeks heat at the thought of her finding the same shouts for God coming from my room a lot last night. I turn to get a couple of mugs out so she doesn’t notice.

  “But once I was out, I didn’t know anything until my alarm went off a few minutes ago. What were they arguing about?”

  “I don’t know for definite, but he said something about her being ashamed of him and him not being good enough for her family so I put that together with what your mum said about her going out with a tattooed guy to Ryan the other week and-”

  “Oh God, she did it.” Liv says, putting her head in her hands.

  I’m almost too scared to ask but I have to. “What did she do?”

  “She knows Mum
won’t approve of him because of his looks, so she wanted to basically get rid of him for the next two days so they wouldn’t have to meet. I told her it was a bad idea and she needed to man up, but obviously my warning fell on deaf ears.” Exactly as I thought then. Poor Jax. “I’ll make her a cup of tea and go and see if she’ll talk to me.”

  “Morning, sis,” Ryan says, joining us in the kitchen and giving Liv a kiss on the cheek. “Morning, Molls,” he quickly adds, flashing me a cheeky smile and a wink.


  “Of course. Has anyone seen Abbi yet?”

  “No. I’m going to take her a cup of tea as a peace offering as my first attempt got shot down! Molly just explained about her and Jax’s fight. Did you hear them?” Ryan goes on to say he did, and just about manages not to slip up about him being downstairs with me.

  It’s over an hour later before Liv comes back down, fully dressed and pulling a depressed looking Abbi behind her. I immediately get up from the sofa where I was chatting with Ryan to pull her in for a hug. She instantly starts sobbing on my shoulder and saying how stupid she was.

  “It’ll be okay Abs, if it’s meant to be then it will all work out,” I say, rubbing her back. “You want some breakfast?”

  She shakes her head against me. “No, I can’t eat anything.” She releases me and wipes her eyes. She turns to look at Ryan who is sat looking sheepish on the sofa like he doesn’t know what to do with his sobbing sister. “I’m sorry, Ry,” Abbi whispers. It’s not until she said that that I remember what she said to him last night. “I was angry. I didn’t mean it.” She gives him a small smile before turning back to me and giving my hand a squeeze before she goes to leave the room, saying she’s going to get dressed.

  I look over at Ryan and he just lifts a shoulder at me. I guess that was Abbi’s way of saying she’ll keep quiet.

  Liv and I are tidying up our mess from breakfast when the doorbell rings. “Ry, could you get that please?” I say over my shoulder, knowing exactly who it is as it’s bang on eleven o’clock.


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