Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 53

by Tracy Lorraine

  I turn to Molly, who is laughing at the two of them. “You go pack your stuff and I’ll go make our excuses.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Less than fifteen minutes after Ryan told me to go and pack my stuff, we are in his car and heading home. The look on his face as I was saying goodbye to everyone was priceless. He looked like he was going to come over, throw me over his shoulder and carry me out to the car to get me to leave. I couldn’t help but laugh when Susan announced that I needed to go before Ryan exploded; I obviously wasn’t the only one who noticed his lack of patience.

  Now I know I’m only torturing myself, but since the moment we walked through the front door I have found little jobs to keep myself busy, just to see how far I can push him. I have unpacked my overnight bag, had a shower and dried my hair - very slowly, I might add. Ryan has come up every ten minutes or so to see if I’m ready yet, and each time I have to try to hold my laughter in.

  “Hurry the fuck up and get your arse downstairs on the sofa with me, Molls,” he grumbles when he comes back up to find me still faffing around.

  “Yeah, I’ll be there in like two minutes.”

  “Do you know what? I’m bored of waiting, come on,” he demands as he walks towards me, “Nothing you are doing can be as important as what I’ve got planned.” That thought alone gets my blood pumping. As soon as he is standing in front of me, he grabs me behind my thighs and throws me over his shoulder before marching us downstairs. I am practically thrown on to the sofa when we are in front of it, and I have to quickly cover what I have under my dressing gown. That is a surprise for later.

  Once I’m sorted, I look up to see a glass of wine for me on the coffee table next to a wrapped present. I look over to Ryan, who is stood next to it all with his hands on his hips, watching me. “Are you sorted now?” he asks with a smirk.

  “Yep, I think so…what is that?”

  “That, Miss Molly, is your last Christmas present. Go ahead…open it.”

  I grab it off the table as I feel the sofa dip next to me and the heat of Ryan’s body engulfs my tiny one. I start pulling the wrapping paper and I can feel his eyes on mine the entire time.

  “I wish I was there to see you open the others this morning. I was desperate to see your face,” he mumbles.

  “Me too, Ry. Wait…what is this?” I ask looking down at the new sketchpad, pencils and charcoal that are sitting on my lap. I’m totally confused.

  “I promised myself something a couple of months ago. I promised I would do something for you.”

  “Right, what was it?” I look back into Ryan’s eyes and watch them darken the longer I stare into the blue depths. Suddenly he stands up, making me jump where I was so lost. “Where are you g-” I’m completely distracted from what I’m saying when Ryan pulls his jumper over his head, revealing large amounts of perfect, defined skin to me. I run my eyes over his chest and lick my lips in preparation for what I hope is to come. I watch his hand move to his belt and I’m totally mesmerised by his slow, seductive movements.

  Before long, Ryan is standing before me, completely bare, and all I can do is lean back on the sofa and take in the view. Fuck, if he hasn’t got the most perfect body I have ever seen. “I could get used to this,” I mutter as I continue roaming my eyes around his body.

  “Where do you want me?” he asks, trying to look completely relaxed with the situation, but I can see the gentle pulsing of the muscle in his neck, as well as the most obvious sign that he is quite excited about whatever is about to happen.

  “As long as it involves you being closer to me than you are now, then I really don’t care.”

  “That’s not going to work; you’re going to have to be far enough away so I can’t touch you, or we will both end up way too distracted.”

  I look up in to his eyes as I try to take on board what he is saying to me. After a couple of seconds, it suddenly hits me. The sketchpad and a very naked Ryan. “You want me to draw you?”

  “I do. I promised myself the day you sketched Jax that I would man up and let you do it, and I thought today is as good as any. “So where do you want me?”

  I think about this for a few minutes. The bed would be the obvious choice, but I’m not convinced by how much drawing I’d actually get done. The sofa? Yep, probably the same problem. Oh, I could draw him in the shower with water running down his…nope, bad idea. “The kitchen,” I blurt out.

  “The kitchen…why?”

  “Because I think it’s the safest place.”

  “The safest place?” he asks, confused.

  “Yes. I have all these ideas running around in my head but all of them will probably result in me not doing much sketching, and us getting very distracted. Just so you know, I’m totally going to get you in those places, but maybe after we haven’t been apart for a while and are both horny as fuck.”

  I watch the muscles in his neck flex as he swallows as he takes in what I’m saying. “I didn’t think this through properly…we should have done it tomorrow.”

  “No can do - we are at Steven’s all day tomorrow.” I have spent Boxing Day at my brother’s since he moved in with Debs and our parents decided to spend their Christmases in different exotic places on holiday.

  “God, this is going to be torture,” he mutters as he heads towards the kitchen. I sit here a little longer than necessary, watching his arse walk away. Just that sight alone has me squeezing my legs together. He is damn right - this is going to be torture.

  I get him stood with his back and hands leant against the worktop. He leans forward slightly with his head down but his eyes looking up at me. When I first stand back and take him in, a shiver runs around my body. He looks insanely sexy, stood there with his come-fuck-me eyes. I really don’t know if I’m going to be able to see this through. My heart is racing and my temperature has just been turned up a few degrees. I daren’t take my dressing gown off because I know what is underneath will snap Ryan’s control.

  I get myself settled on the counter opposite him with the sketchpad on my lap and work as quickly as I can. I would really like to get this drawing complete, and if I’m slow about it I just know one of us will cave.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, after about forty-five minutes. I’m really impressed; I did not think he would stay there that long.

  “Not really, I need you. Now,” he growls.

  I put the final touches to my sketch but don’t let him see that I’ve finished, so I can tease him a bit. “Not much longer now. Are you hot?” He just raises his eyebrows at my question. “I’ll take that as a yes then, shall I?” I say as I hop off the side. “Well, I am,” I begin as I untie the knot around my waist. I turn my back to Ryan as I slowly slide the satin fabric off my shoulders and down my back. I can hear his breathing getting heavier behind me as I reveal more of what I’m wearing.

  “Molly,” Ryan warns in a very deep, gravelly voice.

  I look over my shoulder at him and give him what I hope is a sexy smile. I think I must have nailed it because he growls at me, but to my surprise, he hasn’t moved from his place. From where he is stood, I know he has a great view of the back of the dusky pink sheer halterneck baby doll I am wearing. He can see my bare back all the way down to the top of my arse, where the fabric covers the tiny thong. Slowly, I turn to reveal the front. It has a deep V showing off my cleavage, and a bow under my breasts, before the fabric flows to the tops of my thighs. The fabric is so sheer that nothing is hidden at all. My temperature reaches new heights as Ryan runs his eyes all over my body.

  Doing my best to pretend I am unaffected by the situation, I slowly walk back and sit myself where I was before and once again grab the sketchpad. I pretend to add some more marks before I look up.

  Ryan has his jaw set tight and his lips are in a thin line. His eyes are smouldering and his entire body is actually vibrating. “Are you done?” he growls in a low, almost menacing voice.

  “I just need to…argh!”

br />
  She has to be fucking kidding me. I’ve been stood here for nearly an hour while she has stared at, memorised and drawn every inch of my body. The need to go to her and bury myself deep inside her right here in the kitchen has me grinding my teeth together, and my fingers holding the edge of the worktop behind me with a death grip. Most of her body has been covered in her satin dressing gown. All I could see were her legs hanging over the counter where she was sat, her neck, and the tiny hint of what is underneath where the front had fallen open slightly. It made my mouth water just thinking about tasting her skin. I swallow it down and try to focus on things to take my mind off this situation that I single-handedly got myself into. And to think, I thought this was a fucking good idea.

  She has now got off the worktop, claiming she is hot, and has turned her back to me while very slowing pulling her dressing gown off her shoulders showing me her naked back. It takes all my will power not to go over to her and run my hands across her exposed skin.

  “Molly.” My voice comes out as a growl and the deepness of it actually shocks me. I’m not sure what I want her to do, though.

  Her answer is to look over her shoulder at me and give me the sexiest smile I have ever seen. She knows exactly what she is doing to me, bitch! She drops the fabric to the floor, showing me the tiny little pink nighty she is wearing, although I’m not sure why she bothered, because it is totally see through. I can see every one of her sexy curves through it and the minuscule thong she is wearing.

  I watch as she slowly turns and reveals the front of her body to me. The front is cut low, showing off her full tits, and it sits high on her thighs, showing off her toned legs. I can’t take my eyes off her body - she looks fucking stunning.

  She slowly walks back over to where she was sat a few minutes ago and jumps back up on the side, before grabbing her sketchpad again. I think she is trying to look nonchalant but she is failing massively. I can see how fast her chest is moving up and down with her increased breathing, and I can see a nice blush of pink on her cheeks and down her neck. She is making out that she is still drawing, but I can see from here that she is pretending, so without a second thought, I push myself off from the counter and go straight over to her.

  Before she knows what is happening, I have pulled the sketchpad from her hands and have placed it on the side before grabbing her knees and pulling her legs apart so I can stand between them. I move my hands so they are on her lower back and pull so her arse is hanging over the worktop. “I need you now,” I growl in her ear.

  Her answering shiver and groan tells me she needs exactly what I’m about to give her. I slide one hand between her legs and roughly pull the fabric of her thong out of the way before I thrust forward into her. In one swift move, I am balls deep in her hot, wet pussy, exactly where I need to be. I feel her flinch at my intrusion and will my body to still while she gets used to my size. When I feel her relax under my hands, I start moving, slowly at first, but before long, Molly is raking her nails down my back and any thoughts I may have had about trying to take this slowly are gone, and I am slamming into her body with forceful thrusts.

  The feel of her nails digging into my skin only increases my tempo, as do her moans of pleasure. “Ryan, god yes…deeper.” I pull her further off the side so I can get as deep as possible. “Oh yes, that’s it…fuck.”

  “I want to feel you milking my cock, baby. I want to feel you coming around me.” My words are the last encouragement she needs, because her entire body stills before it quakes as the pleasure rips through her. As soon as I feel her squeeze me tight, I am falling with her and growling my release into the crook of her neck as she shouts my name.

  I continue thrusting my hips as her orgasm subsides, and watch her return to earth. Fuck, if watching her come isn’t the most amazing sight in the world.

  “Fucking hell Ry, that was something else,” she pants out as she goes to lean back on the counter. I watch as a look of horror fills her face as she takes in the blood that is on her fingers. She looks up at with shock eyes. “Fuck Ryan, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Molls, it was fucking hot feeling your nails dragging down my skin.”

  She pulls herself off me and moves so she is sitting back on the side. “Turn around,” she demands and I do as I’m told. Her quick intake of breath along with the cold I can feel tells me all I need to know. “Shit, you have actual scratch marks and blood running down your back. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s fine, honestly. It doesn’t even hurt.”

  “I need to get it cleaned up. What if it scars?”

  “Well, then we will have a reminder of hot sex in the kitchen. Molly, I really couldn’t give a fuck, that was…incredible. I’d do it again a thousand times over.”

  “Really?” she questions, but sounds more inquisitive than sorry all of a sudden.

  “Yes, really. Now mop me up, woman, and then I’m taking you to our bed to make love to you. I may have said this before, but this body deserves to be worshiped. For hours.”

  “Pass me some kitchen roll then.”

  I have no idea how long it takes me to fulfil my promise, but it is now past 10pm and Molly has passed out from exhaustion next to me after what must be a record number of orgasms. She did her fair share of worshiping, though. I think she must have traced every single line, ridge and mole on my body. I’ve been lying next to her for about twenty minutes, just watching her sleep. Thoughts of the time we have spent together have been running around my head, as well as what the future holds for us. I haven’t broached the subject with her yet, but before I left the hospital earlier, Mum asked if I would bring Molly up for a couple of days before New Year’s, so she could make things right with her. We haven’t planned anything after being at her brother’s tomorrow and then our party New Year’s Eve, so I’m hoping she’ll be okay with it. I would really like to spend some more time with my family and make sure Dad really is okay before I have to go back to work.

  Eventually, I can’t lie here any longer, and get up to use the toilet and clean up. I have a quick shower before heading downstairs to tidy up our mess and clean the kitchen counter. When I get there, Molly’s sketch of me stops me in my tracks. I knew it would be good because she is seriously talented, but for how quickly she did it, the accuracy of her drawing takes my breath away. No one would ever be able to doubt that was me standing there. She has even captured that heat that was in my eyes from where I was aching for her. I close the sketchpad up and place it on the coffee table so that it is safe, while wondering what I should do with it. Part of me wants to get it framed because it is so good, but another part of me is well aware that that is my naked body, and I don’t really want everyone seeing it. What I am sure of, though, is that we will be doing that again. Whatever Molly was thinking about when she was trying to decide where she wanted me to model for her, I intend on fulfilling in the near future.

  It doesn’t take me long to have everything sorted and I am heading back up to fall asleep next to Molly. I slide in the bed behind her and pull her back so that it is lined up tightly with my front. I love the feel of our naked skin touching like this.

  “I love you gorgeous,” I whisper in her hair, “Merry Christmas.”

  “I love you too,” she whispers back sleepily, “so much.”

  Chapter Twenty


  This week has flown by. It seems like one minute I was packing up presents to take to Steven’s house for Boxing Day, and the next getting the house sorted for our New Year’s Eve party.

  Everything since the moment I woke up in the Morrisons’ guest room to find Ryan stood their looking at me has been amazing. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect Christmas if I tried. Before we headed over to Steven’s Boxing morning, Ryan gently broached the subject of spending a few days in Liverpool with his family before New Year’s. Obviously, I was apprehensive about spending time with his mum, but I couldn’t use that as an excuse not to go. She had promised to both Ryan and myself that ou
r relationship was starting afresh, so I had to give her the benefit of the doubt, and my God am I glad I did. We spent three days with his family and it was just as heart-warming as I find spending time with the Morrisons to be. His dad was released the day after Boxing Day, and was enjoying the hell out of being treated like a king by his wife and children. Everyone was so caring to each other. They all spent the time listening to what each other had to say, even if they had no interest at all, and thankfully this all included me. On the second day we were there, Karen organised for just us girls to have a day out, so we hit the sales and had afternoon tea in a fancy hotel in the city centre. To say I was dubious before we left the house would be an understatement, but the day was amazing. We all chatted and laughed the entire time, we found each other a couple of bargains in the Christmas sales, and generally acted like the family that we pretty much were.

  I never thought I’d say it, but I was actually a little sad to leave. We were going to be seeing Abbi and Liv as well as Beth and Caleb, who I met one evening, at our house for New Year’s, but we didn’t make any plans as to when we would see Karen and Dave again. Although, I’m pretty sure we will be talking regularly from now on. Ryan assured me during the drive home that his mum does actually like me. Apparently, she collared him in the kitchen on our last night with them and explained to him how he had been right all along and that I was wonderful and how glad she was to see him so happy. Just listening to him retell the story had me in tears. I’m so grateful she has given me a second chance and accepted me as Ryan’s girlfriend.

  “Molly, did you buy crisps?” Ryan asks, distracting me from my thoughts while I am setting out the buffet food for our party tonight.

  “Uh yeah…maybe I left them downstairs. I’ll go and look.” I check the clock before heading down, noticing that people will be arriving any minute and I still have stuff to organise. Shit.


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