Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 65

by Tracy Lorraine

  I reach up a little higher and I feel her twitch, telling me I’ve hit the spot, so I up the pressure on her clit as I feel her whole body start to tremble. That’s it, baby, let go.

  “JACKSON! FUUUUUUCK!” she shouts and I feel like a fucking god.

  I stand up as I wipe my mouth before grabbing the back of Abbi’s head and slamming her lips to mine. Her hands go to my trousers and we continue to kiss. Within seconds, they are falling around my ankles and her hand and is wrapped around my dick. My eyes roll back in my head at the sensation. I grab on to the backs of her thighs and lift her on to the unit without breaking our kiss. Once I have her balancing on the edge, I waste no time in lining myself up at her entrance. It registers in my head for all of about two seconds that I don’t have a condom, but I rationalise that I’m clean, I trust her with my life, and that she’s on the pill.

  I slide all the way into her in one thrust, revelling in the feeling of her skin on skin. I’ve never gone bareback before. Fuck, it feels so good. I feel her stiffen in my arms and I hold still for a few seconds so she can adjust, but I can only wait so long. I reach out and wrap her legs around my waist and begin to pound into her.

  I have to break our kiss because I’m panting so hard and I want to watch her fall apart.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you, baby,” I grunt out between my pants, and she says similar things between her moans of pleasure.

  I just start to feel the signs of my approaching release when the bathroom door flies open. I look over my shoulder to see Molly stood there, frozen on the spot.

  “Molly,” I say, trying to bring her out of her daze.

  I watch her eyes focus before she says, “Shit! Sorry I wasn’t…uh…yeah,” as she turns and goes to leave the room. Before she does though, she says my name.

  “Uh huh,” is all I manage to get out.

  “I never knew your tattoo went all the way down to your thigh. That’s hot,” she says, with amusement in her voice.

  “Fuck. Off,” I manage to grunt at her before she closes the door behind her, leaving us alone once again.

  I look up to Abbi to see what she is going to do. I swear, if she stops this now, my balls will explode. But I should know her better than that, because what she actually says is music to my ears.

  “Fuck me, Jax.”

  So I do as I’m told, and continue where I left off. Within seconds, we are both sweating and riding out the waves of our orgasms together. Abbi throws her head back and screams my name. I will never get used to the feeling I get when she does that. I feel ten feet tall and like I’m on top of the world.

  I pull up outside Ryan and Molly’s house and have to sit there for a few minutes as I get myself under control from my vivid recollection of that night. If only Abbi didn’t run the next morning, we could have sorted things out so much sooner. I don’t dwell on it though, because we are together again now, and the only thing that could make me happier right now was if she was here, not nearly two hundred miles away.

  An hour later, I’m sat on Ryan and Molly’s sofa with a beer. I think I have depressed them enough, chatting about how much I miss Abbi already. They are both sympathetic and listen to me go on.

  I’m just about to try to change the subject because I am well aware of what a pussy I sound like, moaning on, when Ryan pulls out a box from under the coffee table.

  “This came yesterday. To say I was shocked by it was an understatement, but Mum likes to keep us all on our toes,” he says as he hands it over to me.

  I look up at him with my brows drawn together. “What?” I ask, but he just nods for me to open it. I open the top to find an envelope and a load of tissue paper underneath. My name is on the front of the envelope, so I pull it open and read what is inside the card.


  If you love her as much as you say you do, then you need to prove it. If you treat her like the princess she is, then we will get on just fine. But until I know I can trust you with her, I will continue to think the worst of you.

  Please prove me wrong. I beg of you.


  “What the fuck?” I ask, passing Ryan the card.

  “Keep going,” is all he says, again nodding towards the box.

  I just shake my head at him and this craziness, but begin to pull the tissue paper away to reveal a box…a ring box. What the fuck is wrong with everyone today? Is it national proposal day or something? I can’t help but laugh.

  “What’s wrong?” Molly asks.

  “Nothing, it’s just this isn’t the first time today this has come up.” They both snap their eyes to mine from where they were reading the card in question. “My mum and sister were suggesting a couple of hours ago that I do the exact same thing.”

  I pull the lid open on the box and my eye practically pop out of my head. “Fuck me!”

  “She must like you more than she lets on, Jax, because that is her grandma’s ring, it’s Cartier. It’s worth a fucking fortune. She clearly thinks more of you than she does of me, because I didn’t get it,” Molly says with a laugh, letting me know she’s not serious.

  “My grandma put in her will that it was to go to Abbi, because she always loved it,” Ryan adds.

  “Fuck,” I say again, trying to take it all in. “So even though your mother hates me - I now know why, by the way.” I say, looking at Ryan so he can see that I know. He just nods at me in understanding, “She thinks I should propose to Abbi?”

  “My mum has some fucked up logic at times, but I actually think I can see where she is going with this. She thinks that if you really are serious, then you will prove it by marrying Abbi. If you were just messing her about, then you’d be running scared right about now. It’s a test, Jax, but I totally understand whatever you decide to do next with this. I also understand that this is totally fucked up in so many ways, but Mum, all of us, just want her to be looked after and treated properly.” Throughout his little speech, Molly looks more and more confused.

  “Ryan, I know it’s not for me to say, but would you please fill your fiancée in with what happened? I don’t think it’s fair for her to be entering your family without knowing.”

  “You’re right.” So Ryan goes on to explain everything to a very shocked Molly. I don’t get any less angry hearing the story for the second time, but it is interesting hearing Ryan’s side of it. He really is very protective of his sister. I suddenly feel very grateful to have his support with my relationship with Abbi.

  I get up to leave a few hours later with the priceless Evans heirloom in my hand. Ryan stops me before I get to the door.

  “Jax, just so you know, I’m totally behind whatever you decide to do. You are good for her, and I know you want what’s best for her. She’s lucky to have you, mate.” I can’t help it, I get a little choked at his announcement. It took quite a long time for Ryan to accept me as a part of Molly’s life, let alone his sister’s, so I’m relieved to hear him say that.

  “Thanks mate, I love her a lot.” I can’t help the soppy look that I know appears on my face at that statement. “I’ll see you soon. See you tomorrow, Molls.” I shout over Ryan’s shoulder.

  I spend hours when I get home staring at the bloody emerald, trying to get some inspiration. Me asking Abbi to marry me is not in question, but how I make my proposal worthy of her is.


  When I went shopping for the dress I would be bringing the New Year in wearing, I had one focus in mind - something red hot that would get Jax’s attention. I knew it was wrong of me, because I’m still not ready to deal with the Mum/Jax situation, but I am so lost without him. I just want to know that he still sees me, and that he still wants me.

  The minute I walked into Ryan’s living room, I knew exactly how he felt. It was written all over his stunning face. I felt my heart drop as I looked at him; he was exactly as I remembered, if not hotter. My body temperature increased from just being in the same room as him. If there was any doubt he’d got over me in the last few weeks, then I�
�d just seen all the evidence I needed that that hadn’t happened.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off him all night, and from the amount of times I caught him looking at me, it was clear he was having the same problem. He was dressed smarter than I’d ever seen him, thanks to Molly’s formal dress code for the evening. He had on dark grey slim fit trousers, which were doing insane things for his arse, and a white fitted shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his strong forearms and tattoos that I love. It was simple, but oh so fucking hot.

  When I felt him walk up behind me and his breath on my skin, I thought I was literally going to come there and then with how turned on I was, just from the small amount of eye contact across the room in the last few hours.

  As he started dragging me behind him and down the stairs, my brain was shouting for me to stop and turn around, but my body was shouting louder for me to willingly follow him and take exactly what it needed. Him.

  When he brought me to a stop in front of him in the bathroom, I thought I might combust from the look he was giving me alone. I threw all caution to the wind and practically threw myself at him.

  That thirty minutes in that bathroom was out of this world, especially if I forget about Molly interrupting us. Thank God it wasn’t Ryan, was the only thing I could think at the time. That could have been messy. Jax had always given me strong orgasms, but the two that night were something else. Maybe it was our time apart, but fuck, I thought my head was going to blow off when both of them crashed through my body.

  It wasn’t until Jax had cleaned us both up and left me alone so we didn’t reappear together, making it obvious that we went somewhere and came back looking a little worse for wear, that it hit me as to what we had just done. The hunger and passion of the moment completely blocked any of my brain signals registering with me. I stumbled towards the bed on wobbly post-awesome-orgasm legs and put my head in my hands. I stopped taking my pill because I ran out, and decided that if I couldn’t have Jax, then I wasn’t going to be shagging anyone, so it was pointless. But I’d just had Jax, and I let him in without a condom. Fuck, shit, fuck. What are the chances though? People try for babies for months if not years - what are the chances that with just one shot it will have happened?


  What if it does? What will I do? I will not kill another baby, that is for sure - especially one that is half Jax. Shit.

  I eventually headed back up not long before midnight to celebrate the New Year with my friends and family. I kept as far away from him as possible for the rest of the night, and as soon as the first person left, I disappeared to bed. I just didn’t know what to do or what to think.

  I woke up early the next morning and decided he didn’t need my bullshit, and if our one night of passion turned into something, then I would deal with that when the time came, but for now he was still better off without me. So I scrawled out a note and snuck upstairs with it so I could leave it for him. He was asleep on the sofa; he looked so peaceful in his sleep, like he didn’t have a care in the world. I walked over to him and placed a gently kiss on his forehead, turned and left the note on the coffee table before I changed my mind, and got the hell out of there. I then cried all the way home and for most of New Year’s Day, locked in my bedroom with my phone turned off. I just couldn’t deal with it all, so I hid.

  I wake to the sound of my alarm the next morning, reminding me that I made the decision to go back to school this week. It’s more painful than normal to drag my exhausted body out of bed to get ready. I eventually leave the house only five minutes later than I usually do, which surprises me because I feel like I’ve been moving in slow motion.

  I’m feeling much better by lunchtime, but that could just be because I’ve had a call from my tutor, who had had a call from a school in Oxford that is willing to offer me a placement. The best thing about it, though, is that they are happy for me to start as soon as possible, which is amazing.

  By the end of the day, I had everything organised, and I would be starting at my new school on Monday after having two lesson observations this week. It does mean the assignment that was due in in two weeks now needs to be in by the end of the week, but I figure that it’s going to get me back to Jax sooner, so it’s all worth it.

  The only thing I have left to arrange is Ryan and Jax. I’ve decided I’m not going to tell Jax - I want it to be a surprise - but I need a back-up just in case he doesn’t want me living with him, which is possible, and I’m happy if he doesn’t want me in his flat yet. I mean, we have only been back together just over a week. Just because I am ready to commit to spending the rest of my days with him, doesn’t mean he’s quite there yet. So I want to speak to Ry about the possibility of me staying with them until I find a place of my own, if necessary.

  It is ten to four on Friday when I hit Send on my assignment. I flop back in the chair with a huge smile on my face. I’ve done it; my lessons went really well. I have completed my essay and amazingly, I’m actually really happy with it. I feel awful that I haven’t really been able to speak to Jax much this week with the amount of work I’ve had to do, plus the added job of packing my stuff up, but I’m hoping his face when he arrives later will be well worth it. I have just about managed to keep a lid on my plan, and he is currently driving here to spend the weekend with me, or so he thinks. What is actually going to happen is that we are going to load his car up, just like mine will be in a few minutes, and we are going to head straight back down to Oxford to start my new life.

  An hour later, and I have as much stuff squeezed into my car as I can. The rest is going to have to go in Jax’s. It’s only now as I pace the floor of the living room that the nerves start to flutter around my stomach. Stupid questions like, what if I’ve made a mistake? What if he doesn’t want me in Oxford? What if he’s changed his mind about us? All those sorts of stupid things that I know are just the nerves and excitement talking, but are there nonetheless. Sarah and Eve have gone out to give us some privacy. They are packing up Eve’s stuff for her to move in when I have gone. The three of us had a meal together last night to say goodbye. It won’t be the end for us, though - they are too important to me to leave them behind.

  It’s nearly eight o’clock when I see the lights of Jax’s car pull up on the drive. I’ve moved my car down the street so he couldn’t see the boxes inside. I stand at the window and watch him look at the empty space with a concerned look. He must think I’ve gone out. I continue watching as he steps out of his car and stretches after his long drive. Maybe the plan to drive back tonight was crazy. He probably just wants to crash for the night. Shit.

  The buzzer going off pulls me from my worrying, and I head over to let him in. The minute I see him, all my earlier concerns fly straight out the window. He grabs me and pulls me into him for a heart stopping kiss.

  “I know it’s only been five days but I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. I hate you being so far away from me,” he says when he’s finished kissing me half to death.

  “I know, I’ve missed you, too.”

  “I’m surprised you’ve had time with how busy you’ve been.” I would be worried I’ve pissed him off, but he says it with a smile.

  “Come with me, I have a surprise for you,” I say, grabbing his hand and leading him to my bedroom.

  “Does it involve handcuffs?” he asks, in a slightly deeper voice than a few seconds ago, making me squeeze my thighs together. Not yet, Abigail, you have a plan, remember? And fucking him isn’t part of it…yet!

  I bring us to a stop outside my closed bedroom door. I don’t know what he’s expecting, but from how fast his chest is rising and falling, I’m thinking it’s definitely not what he is going to find.

  I swing the door open and Jax looks around the room before turning to look at me. “What?” he asks, looking confused, then looks at my empty room again. His eyes land on the boxes at the end of the bed when I pull him in.

  “Are you…moving, Abs?”

  “I am. I haven’t told you b
ecause I didn’t want to disappoint you if I couldn’t make it happen but…” I trail off as I pull him over to sit on the edge of my bed. “When I spoke to my tutor last week at your place, I asked him if there was any chance I could change my placement. I explained the situation, and he said he’d look into it. I also asked Ryan to put the feelers out with some of the primary schools he’s in contact with and-”

  “You’re coming to Oxford?” Jax interrupts what I was going to say, but correctly guesses where I was going. He looks like a little kid bouncing with excitement on the edge of the bed. I can’t help but laugh at him.

  “I am,” I say, but end up screaming the last bit as Jax launches himself at me and holds me in a death grip.

  “Oh my God, I love you, Abbi. I love you. I love you. This is amazing. I can’t believe it.” He pulls back and places both his hands on my cheeks and looks into my eyes. “You’re being serious, right? This isn’t a joke?”

  “I’m serious.”

  The look in his eyes right now melts my heart. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so happy.

  “Marry me?” he says, then instantly looks panicked by his question. “Shit, that wasn’t meant to happen like that. I’m sorry,” he says, looking down at his lap. “Fuck.”


  “No,” he says, getting up and pacing the floor. “Shit, that wasn’t mean to come out. Can you just forget I said that please? It’s not that I don’t want to ask you that, but it’s meant to be perfect and I just royally fucked it up.”

  He continues mumbling incoherently as he starts wearing a hole in the carpet. I sit frozen on the spot as what he said settles into my brain. Something tells me I should be feeling panicked about this. I mean, we’ve only been back together a week, but I’m not - I actually feel ecstatically happy. It was a few hours ago I was thinking about wanting to spend my life with this amazing man, and he’s just asked me to do that. Albeit badly! I lift my eyes up to him and watch. He’s wearing a black hoodie with the sleeves pushed up, and slim tan chinos tucked into his boots. His hands would be running through his hair at a rate of knots, but seeing as he hasn’t got any now, he’s just rubbing his head. His face clearly shows all his frustration with himself for what he’s just done. He’s frowning, his mouth is slightly downturned, and he’s still muttering quietly. It’s really quite amusing when I think about it.


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