Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 75

by Tracy Lorraine

  Chapter Seven


  Well, this week has been all sorts of weird. I’ve done things I never in a million years thought I would do. Even though I got totally shunned by Emma after dropping her off on Sunday afternoon, that seriously pissed me off, I still felt awful about giving her a black eye, so I decided I needed to do something to at least try to make it up to her. Let’s be honest, though, hitting a woman is totally inexcusable and unforgivable, so I wouldn’t blame her if she never spoke to me again.

  The first thing I did was to ring up the florist in the village to order her some flowers. Having never done it before, I wasn’t expecting the amount of questions I got about what sort of arrangement I wanted and what flowers I wanted in it. My answer of something pretty that a woman would love didn’t really get me very far with the florist. I ended up finding myself describing Emma’s cottage so they could put together something in keeping with the style of her home. It was all going relatively well, or so I thought, for my first time, until the lady on the phone told me how much they were going to cost. I nearly had a bloody heart attack, but I soon came around when she asked if the woman they were for was worth it. I think my response was something inappropriate like ‘Fuck yeah she is’. That earned me an inappropriate grunt from what I can only presume was the prim and proper, slightly elderly lady at the other end of the phone.

  Once I got over the initial shock of the price, I realised that the lady on the phone was right. I can only presume she knew that I was apologising for something. I mean, why else would a guy order a girl flowers? Although one, albeit huge and expensive, bunch of flowers didn’t go anywhere near showing how sorry I was for what I did. So with the help of my lovely little sister, we came up with some other things that might help to make Emma talk to me again. We ordered her a set of books that are apparently some of her favourites, along with a rather large gift card so she could buy more. I didn’t realise what a bookworm Emma is until Connie started explaining to me. I hadn’t seen any books in her cottage, but apparently they are still packed in a number of boxes in her spare room, waiting for a bookcase. Then, to my pure delight Connie suggested we head into town to buy Emma an outfit for Saturday night; something that would enhance her awesome curves in a way that she doesn’t do herself very often. Now, shopping with my sister isn’t new to me, but shopping where I get to have the final say on what we get is definitely new. I don’t know much about women’s clothes to really have much of an opinion. But eventually, we found a dress that we both agreed would look amazing on her - also one that she wouldn’t point blank refuse to wear, like some of the ones we looked at.

  I then discovered something very interesting about shy, innocent little Emma. It seems that she has a penchant for very sexy lingerie. When Connie started walking into the underwear shop, I pulled her back and refused to help her shop for underwear. It’s bad enough that she leaves it around the house drying and occasionally wanders around wearing it. I did not need to be there when she chose it. I was soon informed, however, that it wasn’t for her, and that we were buying for Emma. I can’t lie, my temperature did rise a little as we walked through the shop to the cashier at the thought of her wearing some of the sets that were hanging up. I came back down to earth with a bump when Connie suggested that it would definitely help Emma forgive me if I got her a sizeable gift card. I was completely in my own world, imagining her parading about in all this lace, and totally forgetting that I have no chance in hell of that ever coming true after what I’ve done. After everything I have sent her so far this week, and the hundreds of apology texts I’ve sent and voicemails I’ve left, she hasn’t even replied with a thank you. I think I have really screwed the whole situation up royally, and that causes a pain within me that I don’t even want to think about, let alone acknowledge.

  I think the biggest shock this week was that I turned down sex. Yes, actual sex with a woman who was offering it to me on a plate right on my front door. But my brain and body are so fucked up with thoughts of Emma that the thought of even accepting her proposition didn’t enter my head.

  It was Tuesday night. Connie was still at the café, and I was home alone with my laptop, still working on a quote for a regular customer, when the doorbell went, which was odd because everyone that usually comes round here just walks straight in. I was only dressed in a pair of shorts, seeing as it was still steaming hot, but I didn’t really think anything of it until I answered the door.

  “I would have thought you’d have at least text to let me know you were back; not just let me find out from seeing my brother with his face rearranged,” she purrs as she steps up to me on the front step.

  “Danni,” I simply state, and move my face to the side so she kisses my cheek, not my lips.

  “Oh, I see, you’re gonna play it like that, are you? Make me work for it,” she says seductively, while smoothing down her long blond hair that now comes to her waist.

  The changes in her were obvious from the moment my eyes landed on her. She has always been into the fake tan, nails and eyelashes, but it seems that since I’ve been away she has taken it to a new level. Her lips are fuller, and I swear she couldn’t frown even if I paid her a million pounds to do so, with the amount of what I presume is Botox that has been injected into her face. That isn’t the most obvious change, though. Danni never really had what I would call my ideal figure. She has always been too slim for my liking. She’s aware of it, and often made jokes about her boobs and arse being too small for me, but I didn’t think that it actually bothered her. As I said before, we both always got what we wanted out of our ‘relationship’ and moved on until the next time one of us was lonely or horny. But looking at her now, I can’t help but wonder if all the times she made those comments she was being more serious than she let on, because staring back at me now are a pair of overly large fake tits. They look way too big for her slender frame, and way too pert to ever be considered real. I may have a passion for a nice, large handful, but for me, they have got to be real. I don’t want a handful of silicone. I’ve been with girls before that have had them done, and they really don’t do anything for me.

  “I’m not playing at anything. If I wanted to see you, then I would have contacted you. Look, I’m sorta in the middle of something, so…” I trail off, hoping she’ll get the message.

  “I’m sure I could convince you otherwise,” she says in a low voice as she once again steps towards me and starts running her fingers down my pecs, making me very aware of the fact I should have put a t-shirt on before answering the door.

  “I don’t think so, Danni.”

  “Oh, come on, Ruben. You know how good we can be. I’ve missed it. No one else around here compares to you,” she goes on, trying to big me up. It won’t work, though. I have no interest at all.

  “Yeah, it was good, but I’m done. You’ll have to go and find yourself another play mate.”

  She sticks her already full bottom lip out in a pout and she moves her hands up to cup her tits. “Surely you want to give these bad boys a go? Bigger is better, right?”

  “Danni, I’ve already said I’m busy. Thanks for stopping by, but I need to get on.”

  She clearly doesn’t get that I’m totally serious, because what she does next shocks me. Now, Danni has never been backwards in coming forwards. She does exactly what she wants and will trample over anyone who gets in her way, but I was not expecting this.

  She lets go of her tits, but instead of dropping her arms like I expected, she pulls her strapless top down so it hangs around her waist and just goes back to palming her now very naked tits, stood on my front doorstep, in full view of my parents’ house. I bet my dad’s fucking loving it, if he happens to be by a window.

  “Come on, Ruben. You know you want a taste of these. I can see it in your eyes.”

  I watch as she pinches her nipples and lets out a little groan that I’m presuming I’m meant to find sexy, along with her parted glistening lips and closed eyes. Unfortunately
for her, though, it has the opposite effect. In the past, it probably would have worked wonders, and she knows it, which is why she is doing it, but she doesn’t realise that I’ve changed. To be honest, I hadn’t realised I’d changed quite so much, but standing here, looking at her make a fool of herself, all I want to do is shut the door on her.

  She continues with her little show and mutters things that I should be listening to, I guess, but I completely zone out, thinking about how Emma would never do anything like this. I think about her sweet and innocent demeanour that has her blushing even at compliments. I think about how I would never let anyone see her in any form of undress if she were mine. However, I have no qualms about letting Danni embarrass herself in front of anyone that’s watching.

  I watch as Connie walks up the driveway, and smile to myself when I see her chin drop to the floor at the sight in front of her.

  “Wow, Ru, I thought you put the rubbish out this morning,” she comments as she comes to stand slightly behind Danni.

  “Ha, that’s rich after what you’ve been up to with my brother,” Danni snarls as she looks Connie up and down, making no attempt to cover herself up.

  “Fancy putting come clothes on, you hussy? It’s obvious he’s not interested.”

  “That isn’t up to you to decide,” Danni states viciously.

  “She’s right, I’m not interested. It’s time you left.”

  She stares at me for a few seconds, I guess to try to figure out if I’m actually being serious or not, but she must see the answer, because after a huff she covers herself back up, spins around and, as smoothly as she can with her high heels on our gravel, flounces back to her car.

  “Wow,” Connie says next to me as we both stand and watch in disbelief. “Those boobs look ridiculous on her.”

  “I’m proud of you, Ru,” she comments as we enter the kitchen.

  “What for?”

  “The old you would have had her in bed in a flash. You like Emma more than you’re willing to let on, don’t you?”

  “What…what are you talking about?” I ask, trying to sound shocked by her question.

  “Oh, don’t try that with me. I can tell by the way you are around her, how you look at her. And don’t even get me started on how you have been acting this week since she stopped talking to you. I know you, big brother, I see it all. If you do anything to hurt her, though, I will go through with my promise of cutting your tiny dick off with blunt scissors while you’re sleeping. I love you dearly, but she is too good for you. Too innocent for your man whore ways.”

  “What are you talking about? I don’t like her. I don’t like anyone. You know I’m not interested in a relationship.” I try to plead my case, but it’s clear I’m not doing anything to convince her - not that I really thought I sounded convincing in the first place.

  “Whatever you say, big brother,” she says with a wink before disappearing into her room.

  I’m obviously not playing it that cool, then, when it comes to Emma. Apparently, I’m as transparent as a fucking window!

  Fin and I have spent the morning working on a project that I have had going on for a few years now. One day, it’s going to be my home, but there is still a lot to do.

  “What the fuck is up with you today? You’re all snappy and agitated.”

  He’s not wrong, and I can’t help it. It’s just that I know Emma is currently sat around my parents’ pool in the swimming costume I picked out the other day. I am itching to be there, but I promised Connie that we would give them most of the day alone before joining them. She had to convince Emma that I wouldn’t be there to even get her in the costume in the first place, so she doesn’t want her bolting too soon if we show up. I wasn’t surprised to receive a text saying she had a fight on her hands. I didn’t think Emma would put it on without a fight. It will be fucking worth it later when I get to see her, though.

  “It’s just hot, is all.”

  Fin raises an eyebrow at me in question. “Right, so it has nothing to do with Emma, then. I know you are dying to get back to your parents’ place to see her. It is written all over your face.”

  I’m not sure when exactly everyone started to be able to read me like a book, but it’s really starting to piss me off. Can I have no secrets?

  “Only a week till your parents’ party now, dude. You’re running out of time to do the deed!”

  “Fuck off, Fin. It’s not like that,” I say, then instantly regret it.

  “So, what’s it like then?” In response, I just throw my screwdriver at him. “Ohhhh you like her,” he croons. “Ruben and Emma sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g,” he sings, while wrapping his arms around himself and rubbing his hands up and down his back, imitating what I want to do to her.

  “FUCK. OFF.”

  “Oh, touched a sore spot, have I?”

  “How about you go and carry on in the loft?” I snap.

  “Ouch, and to think I was going to offer to help you out.”

  It’s a couple of hours later before I decide it’s late enough to head back and find the girls. The anticipation is killing me. I’m not sure if I’ve ever been this excited before. It’s hot as hell out, but I don’t think that’s why my heart is racing and my palms are sweating. We make quick work of showering and changing into our swim shorts. Fin tried to convince me to just change and head over, but there was no way I was turning up smelling like I did, even if I was just going to jump straight in the pool. He got a huge kick out of this, and has been teasing me ever since.

  “Come on, lover boy, let’s go,” he calls from the front door.

  “Yeah, I’m coming, hang on.”

  “You were the one chomping at the bit to get there. What’s the hold up?”

  I find what I’m looking for and walk towards him. His wicked smile tells me he’s down with my plan. In my hand are two super soakers. They just need filling with cold water to make our arrival go with a bang! I’m well aware that it could go horribly wrong, but I’m willing to take the risk in the hope a fun little water fight could ensue.

  When we get to my parents’ pool, Emma and Connie are laid out on the sunbeds. Emma is lying on her front, and I can see from here that her costume is undone. I can’t see Connie very well, but I can see that her legs are bent up. I give Fin a nod and we quickly move towards them, before unleashing our super soakers on our oblivious victims. I head straight to Emma, and Fin continues on to get Connie.

  “ARGH!” both of them scream at the same time, while Fin and I laugh hysterically.

  I watch as Emma jumps up off the sun lounger as fast as she can to get away from the freezing cold water. She must realise at the last minute that there is nothing holding the top half of her costume up, and her hands fly up to her tits to keep them covered.

  “You fucking dickheads,” I hear Connie shout from behind me.

  “For fuck’s sake, Ruben. You scared the shit out of me.”

  Her chest is rising and falling at a million miles a second, and her eyes are still wide and startled. Add that to the nice flush she has acquired from her day in the sun, and she is looking incredible.

  “Here, let me,” I say, putting my water pistol down on her sun lounger. She looks hesitant as I move towards her, but to my relief, she allows me to take hold of the straps of her halterneck and tie them around her neck. I then move behind her so I can do up the strap that goes across the back. “You look stunning in that, Em,” I whisper in her ear when I’m behind her. I love that my breath against her neck causes goosebumps to break out across her skin, and I’m even more delighted that she actually flinches when my hands touch the bare skin of her back whilst fastening her into her costume.

  I’m distracted by another squeal from Connie and my temper surfaces the minute I lock eyes on her. Fin is still squirting her with water, but he is aiming and staring right at her naked tits.

  “For fuck’s sake, Connie. Put your fucking tits away. I don’t need to look at them, and Fin sure as fuck shouldn’t be,”
I shout angrily over at her.

  “Oh calm down, you’ve both seen enough boobs in your lifetimes. They’re nothing new.”

  Fin just stands there, looking like the cat that got the cream, which continues to piss me off further.

  “That may be true,” I say, but silently seething that my past with women has once again been brought up in front of Emma, “But I don’t want to look at yours, and I don’t want him looking at them, either.”

  “Oh for Christ’s sake, you prude,” she whinges before turning and reaching for her top, revealing her barely covered arse for Fin to stare at instead. For fuck’s sake!

  “The only pair I want to be looking at are yours,” I whisper cheekily in Emma’s ear. I’m expecting her to hit me for the comment, but instead she just flushes and begins to walk away from me.

  She’s not getting away from me that easily. I take a step forward, wrap my arms around her waist and pull her with me into the pool. She shrieks in surprise as we fall, but is soon cut off once we go under.

  She is spluttering and trying to rub the water out of her face when we both surface. I turn her in my arms so I can look at her. She’s still panting, probably from a lack of oxygen and lungs full of pool water.

  “You can let go of me now,” she says, trying to wriggle away from me, but all she achieves is rubbing her sexy curves against my body, making my dick twitch in my shorts. I loosen my grip slightly, but only so it won’t be as obvious if my dick goes full mast. From what I know of Emma, that is a sure-fire way to freak her out.

  “I haven’t seen you all week, and I’m hoping you might forgive me for last weekend.” I do my best puppy dog eyes at her to try to help convince her.

  “There is nothing to forgive, Ruben. It was an accident, I know that.”

  “So why have you ignored me all week then, if you don’t hate me?”

  “I told you that I can’t do this,” she says, trying to get away again, but I hold tight. “I needed to not be around you.”


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