Angel Series Books #1-2.5

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Angel Series Books #1-2.5 Page 101

by Tracy Lorraine

  I spend the night with Dad. I make him dinner and tell him all about my travels, not that he takes any of it on board, but I feel better telling him what I’d been up to.

  I’m not surprised to get a call from Ruben later that night, inviting me round for dinner the next day with Connie and Emma. I’ve seen a huge change in him in the last few weeks, and it has nothing to do with Australia and everything to do with coming home. Or, should I say, coming home to someone.

  It seems Connie has made a new friend, and Ruben is smitten. He may have only seen a photograph of her, but he is obsessed already. I can’t lie, it’s nice to see, but I’m also worried it’s going to put a stop to our partying. I don’t mind the lack of partying. Let’s be honest, we’ve done enough. But pulling chicks on a night out is how I’ve kept myself away from Connie in the past. If that isn’t happening, then I’m worried I won’t be able to resist her kick arse little body.

  I know Connie was there the second I walk in the front door. It isn’t the smell of her cooking, it’s the goosebumps that cover my skin. God only knows how I’m still so affected by her after being away for so long.

  I walk into the kitchen and she comes into view. She’s sat at the breakfast bar, engrossed in something in her hands. This gives me time to study her. She’s wearing a tiny pair of shorts and a strapless top. Her now short blonde hair is streaked with purple and blue, which makes her look older, quirky and confident. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t look good on her.

  I eventually make my presence known.

  “Connie,” I say happily.

  She’s obviously completely oblivious to my invasion, because she squeaks in fright before turning towards me.

  The look on her face gives away her inner feelings when she sees me. Her eyes flash bright, her cheeks blush, and to my pure delight, I see her nipples pebble against the cotton of her top. I can’t help my cock jumping in excitement in my shorts. I shouldn’t be so pleased by her reaction to me, and I can tell by the hardening of her features after only a second or two that she isn’t too pleased about it either.

  “Fin,” she states coldly. I deserve that, though, after how we left things. She stands from her stool and goes to turn her back on me.

  “I’m so sorry, Con. I’ve missed you.” I don’t mean to say it, but I panic.

  She looks over her shoulder and I see her soften to me. As much as she wants to fight me, I know she can’t.

  “I missed you, too,” she says, before walking straight up to me and wrapping her arms around me.

  I’m home, I think as I hold her and let her scent engulf me. Her curves mould themselves to my body like we were designed for each other.

  So…that last six months away from her worked a treat then, it seems!

  It’s a great night. I finally get to meet Emma, the one who’s stolen Ruben’s heart from miles away. I can see why, though. She is so his type with all her curves. The only problem is that she seems totally uninterested in him. It looks like Ruben has a fight on his hands.

  I know it’s childish to make a bet with him that he can’t sleep with her before his parents’ anniversary party, but I’m just not ready to lose my best friend to a girl yet.

  I can’t believe the changes in Connie. Yes, there are the obvious, but she’s also so much more confident. It’s like she found herself while we were away, which I find strange, because I thought people travelling went to find themselves. She clearly needed the space to discover who she really is, and that person is unbelievably sexy. I find myself drawn to her even more than before, and that is seriously saying something. Why do I get the feeling this is all going to go horribly wrong?

  Chapter Five


  My morning sickness is back in full force. I’d started to think it had improved, but nope! I’m so grateful for both my mum and Emma, because I don’t know how I’d have kept the coffee shop going without them the last few days. If I’m not actually throwing up, then I feel so nauseous that even a hint of a smell I don’t like has me running to the toilet. And the worst smell of all…coffee. Fucking great!

  “Hey, how’re you doing?” Emma asks when I eventually show my face about two o’clock in the afternoon. Just a glance up at her is apparently all the answer she needs. “Oh, that good.”

  I get myself sat one of the stools at the counter so I can go through a few things while I feel up to it.

  “Argh,” I groan, rubbing my bloated belly.

  “What’s wrong?” Emma asks, concerned.

  “Just getting a bit of pain. It’s nothing,” I shrug off.

  “What do you mean, nothing? you should go to the doctors if you’re getting pain.”

  Oh great she sounds like my mother. Good job I haven’t mentioned that I’ve had a little bit of spotting as well. Everything’s fine though. I don’t know how I know but I just do.

  “I’m fine, honestly,” I say trying to convince her but I wince again as I get another pain in my stomach.

  “No you’re not. You’re going to the doctor’s.” And with that statement, I watch as she lifts her phone to her ear and makes me an emergency appointment for that afternoon. When I started trying to convince her otherwise, she just walked off to the other side of the shop.

  Zoe came in to do her afternoon shift, allowing Emma to escort me to the doctor’s. I don’t think she thought I would go alone.

  “I think it’s safe to get you a scan, just to make sure everything is as it should be,” the doctor says. “I’ll call the hospital now and get them to make you an appointment. They’ll call you with a time.”

  I can’t help but think this is all being blown out of proportion. It’s fine, I know it is.

  I get the call later that afternoon. I text Emma to let her know that the appointment is for nine the next morning, and she immediately rings me back.

  “I’ll have to rearrange a meeting, but I’ll be there,” she says when I answer.

  “Don’t be stupid. I’ll be fine. I’ll take Mum,” I say, but I have no intention of taking her. The fewer people I make worry about this, the better.

  “You’re not going alone, Emma. Like you said, I’m sure it’ll all be okay, but you should have someone-”

  “No, Emma,” I interrupt. “Seriously, I’ll be fine.”

  Eventually, when I think I’ve won, I hang up and head to my room for an early night.

  I haven’t seen much of Ruben since his visit a few nights ago. He refused point-blank to go and apologise to Fin, and I told him I wouldn’t forgive him if he didn’t, so we’re still not really on speaking terms. I may not like Fin very much at the moment, but he still didn’t deserve what he got. Ruben needs to speak to him.

  I get up as late as possible for my appointment the next morning and, after throwing up the few rich tea biscuits I manage to eat, I pull on a pair of leggings and an oversized t-shirt. I may only be a few weeks pregnant, but I’ve bloated nicely, and my jeans are already too tight.

  I get to the hospital just in time for my appointment, but they are already behind schedule. How is that possible this early in the morning?

  My mind starts to wander the longer I sit there. After all, you can only read the same posters on the walls for so long before you start to lose the will to live. Especially when most of those posters are about what could be wrong with your baby. Brilliant, they don’t make you worry at all.

  10 weeks ago…

  It’s the first time I’ve looked forward to my birthday for a few years. But now I’ve got someone other than my family to spend it with, I can’t wait. I’ve planned a day in the sun around my parents’ pool with Emma, then we’re going out with Ru and Fin tonight, and I am determined to break Fin. He’s trying to play it cool, like he’s totally unaffected by me. But I can see through him. The look on his face when he found out that I’d been sleeping with Elliot was a major giveaway. He looked like someone had just shot his puppy after telling him Santa and the Easter bunny aren’t real. If he didn’t look so
devastated, I might have laughed. Ruben acted pretty much how I expected him to, which is why I never wanted him to know. I wasn’t expecting Elliot to turn up unannounced; I didn’t think he was that stupid. Clearly, I was wrong!

  I’ve got a new bikini and outfit for tonight that I’m hoping Fin will love. Both show off plenty of skin, and what I think are my best assets.

  He might have had a little party in our living room last weekend, but I can tell he wants me as much, if not more, than he did before. I just need to convince him that it’s a good idea.

  Emma and I have spent all afternoon sunning ourselves, and I’m getting more and more nervous about the boys’ arrival. One, because I’m worried about Emma’s reaction. It took quite a bit of convincing to get her in that damn swimming costume, knowing Ruben wasn’t going to be here. I’m not sure what she’ll do when he appears. I just hope she doesn’t run. I don’t know what her problem is; she’s stunning, and it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that Ruben is obsessed with her already.

  I’ve never seen my brother fall for someone. To be honest, I never thought it would happen, but I’m loving it. I love the soppy look he gets on his face when he looks at her, and the way his eyes light up when she talks to him. He deserves a good woman to love him. He swore himself off relationships years ago, and I think that’s such a shame. Our parents’ issues when we were teenagers really affected him, so much so he decided he never wanted to love a woman. I, on the other hand, took it a different way. I saw that, no matter what, you should fight for the one you love. I guess that’s why I’ve never given up on the idea of Fin and I being together. We’re only human. We all make mistakes, but I do believe we should be big enough to forgive, once. I’m not saying we should all ignore what’s going on around us, but we should forgive one mistake and fight. I can see how happy my parents are again now, and I would have hated not to see them fight for what they had so they could be happy again together.

  I’d get bored of waiting for the boys to show their faces, and fall asleep. But not before removing my bikini top. I don’t want tan lines visible for my outfit tonight, but also, I want to show Fin what he’s missing. And boy, does it work when they do appear.

  Okay, so I wasn’t expecting to be woken up by being covered with ice cold water, but I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve grown up with these two and their prankster ways. I instantly jump up from my sun lounger in surprise, while Fin continues to shoot cold water at me from his super soaker. My plan worked, though, because he is shooting and staring right at my boobs!

  Unfortunately, Ruben has a bitch fit about me being topless, so I have to cover up. It’s a real shame, because I loved how he was looking at me. Thankfully, me putting my top back on doesn’t put him off, because from the second he grabs and pulls me into the pool with him, he can’t keep his hands off me. My body is buzzing, and every time he touches me, I get a little closer to orgasm. I’ve been imagining his touch for so long that now I’m getting it, I’m desperate for more.

  Thankfully, the sight of Emma in that costume has Ruben totally distracted, so I don’t have to worry too much about him.

  The second Fin suggests moving into the Jacuzzi, I know I’m in trouble. His eyes have darkened, and I can see a wicked glint in them as they lick over my exposed skin like he wants to devour me.

  I’ve never seen the clumsy, girly side to Emma that seems to be showing today, but I like it. It shows how effected she is by my big brother. I knew she really liked him but was too scared to admit it. I only have so long to ponder that thought, though, because I’m pulled against Fin’s smoking body and his hands continue their earlier wandering.

  I know that I should push him away, but I’m powerless to stop him, especially when his fingers slip inside my bikini bottoms. I breathe a sigh of relief that I was organised enough to get a well overdue wax earlier in the week. I glance over at Emma and Ruben in panic, but my focus is soon lost when Fin’s fingers flick over my clit. My eyes roll as my head drops back against the side of the Jacuzzi, my muscles suddenly like jelly and unable to function.

  “Fuck, baby, I’ve missed this pussy.”

  The next few minutes are a blur of sensation, pure pleasure and dirty words. The world disappears and all I can do is feel. I forget where I am, who I’m with, and what could happen at any second if Ruben should turn and look our way. I’m embarrassed to say that my surging lust puts pay to any rational thinking.

  His touch ignites me, takes me to a high that I’ve only been able to achieve with him. Every time I’m with him, I know I need to treasure it, because there is a very good chance it could never happen again.

  The second the wave of pleasure runs through my body, I’m disappointed. I’m disappointed it’s over. It never lasts long enough. I need more.

  I can’t believe my eyes when I pull them open to see Emma with her tongue down Ruben’s throat. I supress the need to cheer and whoop. Instead, I look away to give them some privacy. I glance over to a proud looking Fin and I feel my cheeks heat. I can’t believe I just let him do that with Ruben sitting mere feet away. Gone is the jealous look in his eye, overtaken by accomplishment and male ego!

  I’m even more determined to make tonight the night when I head inside with Emma to get ready. I’m gonna knock him on his arse and take what I want tonight. He can try and fight it all he wants, but there will only be one winner.

  I should have expected the third degree from Emma about things between me and Fin. I know I should just tell her, but there is something about us being a secret that I find so exciting. He’s forbidden fruit, yet I’ve taken a secret bite.

  Emma looks stunning. I knew she would. What I am surprised by, though, is how shocked she looks. As she looks at herself in my mirror, I see a sadness wash through her. It’s not the first time I’ve seen that look, and I hate that she won’t confide in me. If I’m honest, that’s another reason I haven’t told her about Fin. I know it’s childish, but if she’s holding something back, then why shouldn’t I?

  I give my hair another ruffle and take one final look in the mirror. I have on the black cat suit I bought yesterday. It fits me like a second skin. Fin won’t be getting it off in a rush tonight – well, not the bottom part, anyway. The top, however, is only two loose bits of fabric that come from the low waist, up and over my boobs, then tie behind my back. I’ve got a little tit tape to make sure my boobs stay hidden, but other than that, my top half is completely exposed. He is going to love it! I’ve teamed the cat suit with a bit of a rock chick look with messy hair, dark smoky eyes and fire engine red lips.

  I walk out of my room with my head held high. I hope the confidence I give off matches the level that I feel in this moment. Fin and Ruben are already in the kitchen, waiting for us. Ruben clocks me first, and I have to swallow down a laugh at the look on his face when he takes in my outfit. My poor protective big brother. I do feel for him at times! Fin looks up a second later, and I have to force myself to keep moving. The urge to stand still and let him get his fill when I see his eyes start to wander is strong, but I manage to continue forward, swaying my hips from side to side as I do, and go to put the empty Prosecco bottle on the kitchen worktop.

  The Thai restaurant I booked for a meal tonight was amazing. I’d heard great things from customers about it, but the food was out of this world. Once we were stuffed, we headed down the street to a new cocktail bar.

  “Has he taken his eyes off her yet?” Fin whispers to me as we follow Ruben and Emma.

  “Ha, no, I don’t think so. I didn’t think I’d ever see the day, but it’s so lovely to see. Maybe I will be an auntie one day, after all.”

  “I’m so glad he’s distracted. It means he won’t see this,” he growls in my ear, before putting his lips to the sensitive skin on my neck and sucking. My steps falter, but he puts his arm around my waist to keep me up. “I can’t get enough of you, baby.”

  I groan my agreement to that statement.

  Making Fin jealous shouldn’t bring me su
ch pleasure, but it does. As soon as we stepped foot in the club, a couple of my old school friends spotted me and pulled me on to the dance floor. Jay pulls me over to him and we dance together while Mark corners Emma, much to Ruben’s annoyance. I watch in amusement as Ruben begins to sulk more and more about being ignored, before he disappears to prop up the bar instead.

  Fin, although he had been watching me with a wicked glint in his eye all night, has now got two girls I recognise gyrating against him. I’m trying not to let it affect me, but I can feel the jealousy bubbling inside me. Much like I did last weekend, when I found him with two naked girls in our living room. I stayed hidden away while all the activities were going on, for fear of seeing Ruben doing something I should never see. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the first time. But once it all went quiet and I ventured out to make use of the bathroom, I couldn’t help but peek into the room. What I found made my stomach drop. Fin was laid out stark naked on the sofa with a girl on each side of him. How they all managed to fit on there was beyond me.

  “How fucking dare you,” I muttered under my breath, before storming in and pulling each girl off. Fin must have been trashed, because he didn’t even stir as I kicked out the pair of hussies.

  I was jealous, seriously jealous. I’d missed, and hated, him for six months. He reappears and tells me that he’s missed me too, and looks at me like he does; then, he goes and pulls a stunt like that. What baffles me the most is that if he had woken up and told me he wanted me, I would have fallen into his arms. Pathetic, I know.

  I watch his eyes flick over to me. I see them heat the longer our eye contact holds, and I’m relieved he hasn’t forgotten me. Excitement fills my insides, and I twitch the corner of my mouth at him before dropping my eyes to his lips when he slowly runs his tongue along them. Fuck, I want his lips on me.


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