Slipping the Past

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Slipping the Past Page 22

by D. L. Jackson

  Ian sidestepped and the staff passed harmlessly by his head. His back was still to her, but he seemed to know her every move. Her brother’s killer spoke. “Put the weapon down before you get hurt.”

  She twisted and threw her body into the swing, bringing it back the other way. Ian blocked with his staff. Shocks zinged down her arms and through her body as though she held a live wire.

  “Drop it!” Gabriel yelled over to her. “He’ll kill you.” He took a step toward Saefa and pulled out a soul-cell.

  “Try anything and I’ll fry her.”

  Jocelyn’s teeth clenched together as the voltage increased. She’d let go if she could. He’d already proven that fighting him was impossible. But maybe…if she couldn’t tear herself away….

  Jocelyn pushed her energy through the weapon and Ian released his Ki-staff. It dropped to the floor, still glowing. He growled and his red eyes brightened.

  “You shouldn’t have done that.” He raised his hands and eyed the roasted flesh on his palms. “This is the second time you’ve damaged me, baby doll.” He came around with a kick. Jocelyn ducked and drove Gabriel’s staff into Ian’s abdomen, knocking him back several steps. She pushed energy into the weapon, channeling everything she had at him.

  Ian gasped.

  “You killed my brother!” Jocelyn’s vision fuzzed. She wobbled, fighting the dizziness. Her fingers loosened on the weapon and the tip dropped to the floor. One swing should do it, but the staff felt like lead and wouldn’t budge. Flames now engulfed half the storage room, devouring everything around them. Jocelyn’s hair rose with the heat.

  Ian stomped on the end of his staff, snapped it upright, and swept her ankles. Even as she hit the floor, it didn’t feel real. Everything reeled along in slow motion.

  “Come any closer and she’s dead.”

  Something moved in her peripheral vision. Gabriel smashed the globe onto the floor. “Get back, Jocelyn.” The crystal shards began to glow blue.

  Jocelyn scuttled backward. Her nose, eyes, and throat burned. The room sizzled like bacon in a frying pan.

  “What the fuck are you going to do with a broken cell?” Ian spun around, facing off with Gabriel while Jocelyn took the moment to put more distance between them.

  Gabriel raised both hands and the shards lifted like a million fireflies. They began to hum and swirl, spinning, wrapping around Ian in a glowing blue tornado.

  “Crystal contains. Even if it’s broken.”

  Ian reached out and yanked his hand back. His flesh wept blood from a thousand tiny cuts.

  “Let’s try this again.” Gabriel sped up the storm. “You have the right to remain silent.”

  “You still don’t have the boy’s soul. I’m holding it.” Ian pounded his chest.

  “Nate’s soul can stay. You owe him a body anyway.”

  “This isn’t over.”

  “Yes, it is. You’re not coming back. I’m fragmenting your spirit.”

  The shards turned red, spinning faster and faster. Ian threw his head back, dropped to his knees, and howled.

  The crystals screamed. The faster they went, the higher the frequency, until all the windows in the room exploded outward. The flames leaped higher. Jocelyn covered her ears and looked at Ian.

  He stared back, sadness filling his eyes. “I always loved you, Jocasta.” He gave her a weak smile. “Later, sweetheart.” His body jerked and twitched as the red in his eyes faded. Ian collapsed. He stretched his fingers out and reached toward her.

  The crystals rained down on him, tinkling on the floor like wind chimes. Gabriel rushed over and put a hand on both Jocelyn and Ian.


  “Got him right here. Same smart mouth, different package,” Gabriel assured her.

  “It’s going to take me a while to get used to that.”

  “We’ll worry about that later. Time to go.” He slid one hand into her hair and pulled her close. His lips brushed hers, sparking through her blood. With a growl, he captured her mouth and the world burst into a thousand colors.

  The building groaned, and the roof collapsed.


  The quiet in the room could drive a sane person crazy. Jocelyn stood a few feet from the stand, with Gabriel behind her on the right and Nate on the left. She gnawed at her sleeve, working the silk into a tattered mess. She shivered as the judge entered. The spectators rose to their feet and Jocelyn’s heart jumped. Was it enough?

  He sat and shuffled through papers, taking his time, not bothering to glance up. When he cleared his throat, Jocelyn startled.

  “This mark,” the judge said.

  Gabriel reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

  “You say it was so Enforcer Solaris could find you?”

  Jocelyn nodded.

  “Speak up, Ms. Miller.”

  “Yes. Sir. Your honor.”

  He raised his eyes. “You would testify to this, Enforcer Solaris?”


  The judge nodded. A reader had already taken his statement. Everything sat before the judge in black ink. “And your petition for release from service, Enforcer Solaris?”

  “I wish to take a wife and have a family.”

  “We need all the Enforcers we can get and you’ve got one of the best records.”

  “The DSLE isn’t a place to raise a family.”

  The judge frowned. “Your petition is approved.” He signed a paper and set it to the side.

  “Thank you, your honor.”

  “If I could legally bind you, I would. You’re no longer an Enforcer, Mr. Solaris. Make sure you stay out of DSLE business. If I so much as get a whiff that you’re messing around in department business, I’ll personally issue a warrant.”

  He cleared his throat again and glanced down at the papers. “In light of the evidence presented to this court, we’ve no choice but to drop all charges against you, Ms. Miller, Gabriel Solaris, and your brother, Nate Miller.”

  The judge’s dark gaze sent shivers scurrying along her skin. If he only knew the three of them were starting an agency to help the innocents the Enforcers hunted. Those who couldn’t help themselves would be helped.

  “Stay out of trouble. If I see any of you back in my courtroom, I won’t be so nice.”

  “Truly? I’m free to go?”

  “Yes.” He rubbed the bald spot on his head. “We’ll be watching you, Ms. Miller. If we feel you’re a threat, you’ll be contained. No second chances.”

  “I can leave?”

  The judge nodded and sighed. “Go on, get out of here.”

  Jocelyn squealed, spun around, and jumped onto Gabriel. She locked her legs around his hips and slid her hands into his hair and stared into his eyes. “You saved me.” She tipped her face and kissed him. His tongue slipped between her lips. Spice and heat. Jocelyn sighed and Gabriel tightened his hold, pulling her closer.

  A gavel pounded behind her and cheers filled the courtroom, the loudest coming from Diego in the back. He whistled and hooted. “You dog, Gabriel. Like I told you, better than a donut, mi amigo.”

  “Ms. Miller. Enforcer Diego. Everyone. Silence!” Louder bangs. “Control yourself in my courtroom.” Jocelyn tore her lips away and glanced over her shoulder. “This is a court of law, not a motel, Ms. Miller.”

  She turned to Gabriel with an impish smile. “Can you do that shifty thing and take us somewhere else as his honor suggests?”

  “My pleasure.” Gabriel smiled and lowered his mouth. His hands slipped lower on her ass and squeezed. He glanced over at Nate. “How about a room with one of those heart-shaped, revolving beds and a velvet swing?”

  Heat rolled through Nate. He’d kill the sonofabitch. “Don’t even think about it.” He moved in.

  “Not thinking about it at all. I’m a man of action.” Gabriel cocked an eyebrow and shifted. Only their energy shivered before him. Nate clenched his jaw.

  “God damn it. He knows I haven’t figured out how to teleport yet.�
� Nate snatched his Louisville Slugger from the bailiff and stormed toward the door. The crowded room shrank away from him like he was Moses parting the Red Sea, but he didn’t care. He was getting used to it. The only hard part was having a decent conversation. First off, when someone saw a six-foot-eight reaper with a tribal brand covering half his face, they usually tried to run. Today alone, he’d had one woman faint when he asked her the time and another snatch her children and push them behind her as if he’d gobble the kids up.

  And then there were the voices that never shut up.

  He pressed his palms against the wood surface. Did he have enough credit on him to pay for transport? No. “Fuck.” He shoved, throwing the doors open.

  “Nate Miller,” the judge’s voice rang out behind him.

  He paused and sucked in a deep breath. Images flashed through his head. The judge was the last person he wanted to talk to today. The man had made a fortune from the witch hunt, selling bodies to the highest bidder. Nate twisted around and stared at the judge.

  “Watch your language in my courtroom. Enforcers are always professional.”

  Like he cared. He was no more an Enforcer than the asshole who’d absconded with his sister. Granted, since Nate had inherited Ian’s body, he’d also inherited his contract, and the DSLE hadn’t released him. Not yet. But they would. Nate gave him a half-flip salute, lifted his headphones to his ears, and strode through the doors. He’d be damned if he helped them. Yeah, he’d been told he would need to fill Ian’s vacancy, but after what they’d been through…not happening. Until they released him from DSLE service, he’d make their lives hell.

  He cranked the volume on his player to drown out the voices and stepped through the doors, staring out over the city. There were greater forces at work than anyone could imagine.

  Time to take the world back.


  D. L. Jackson is a writer of urban fantasy, science fiction, military romance and erotic romance. She loves to incorporate crazy plot twists, comedy and the unexpected into her worlds. As a U.S. Army veteran, she naturally adores men in uniform and feels the world could always use more. She does her part by incorporating as many sexy soldiers in her novels as she can. When she isn't writing or running the roads, you can often find her online chatting with her peers and readers. Grab a cup of iced coffee, pull up your virtual chair and say hi. She loves emails and blog visits from her readers.

  You can visit D.L. at:

  Cinderella Wore Combat Boots

  1Night Stand Series

  Sometimes Fairytales come true

  First Sergeant Cori Valentine faces a bleak future. She’s turning forty in three weeks and life as she knows it is over. An injury received while on deployment has earned her an early retirement from the Marine Corps, something she’s not sure she’ll survive. Things get even better when interfering Marines set her up on a blind date for a party she doesn’t want. The guy has to be a total toad to want to go out with her. Right?

  When Madame Eve informs Retired SEAL, Sol Keller she’s found his perfect match, he doesn’t believe it, but takes up the challenge. One look at the First Sergeant in a sexy dress and combat boots has him wondering if fairytales really can come true. Madame Eve might be the legendary Fairy Godmother, and Cori his Cinderella. Sol intends to show the Marine beauty a Prince Charming she’ll never forget, and that retirement isn’t the end of her story but merely the beginning.

  Last Flight of the Ark

  Evolution never happened so fast.

  Twelve hours away from Terra II, Colonel Kaleb Titan, a molecular geneticist and commander of the Ark, faces a life-or-death choice that could change the fate of mankind.

  The Ark travels with a hold full of wildlife and three crew members. When a wolf bite and genetically-altering gamma radiation transform Kaleb, he notices his senses have been heightened, his libido has gone haywire, and he can’t keep his hands off his crew. Worse yet—or better—they don't seem inclined to stop him.

  When their sister ship arrives early, Kaleb’s problems compound. As soon as the command crew of the Genesis II boards, one whiff tells Kaleb they’re not from Earth. He quickly begins to believe they may be far more ominous than anyone could have imagined. If he’s forced to employ biological warfare against them, will it be enough to save humanity?

  History is about to repeat, and only one species will survive.

  Carnal Attraction

  The Edge Erotica Series

  Thousands of years have passed. Azael has returned to Jezebel, and he’s brought her memories with him. Now that Jezebel has them back, she doesn’t intend to lose them again by starving herself of life energies. So, when she encounters a broken heart in the seedy strip club where she works, she knows dinner will be special that night. This time, the feeding will be on her terms, and the man who’s wandered into her snare, shouldn’t miss the small bite of soul she takes. Much.


  Title page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Table of Contents

  Title page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen





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