Cloud Rebel: R-D 3

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Cloud Rebel: R-D 3 Page 15

by Connie Suttle

  "Good enough-for now," Granville agreed.

  * * *

  It took some doing-and several hours, to manipulate the Secret Service records and the minds of other agents to accept the new arrivals.

  Val showed me how to accomplish all those things. None of those who'd arrived would be susceptible to any obsession. Who are these people? Rafe silently begged for an answer.

  "Saa Thalarr," Winkler answered Rafe's unspoken question. "Don't worry, you are in the best hands possible."

  "Saa Thalarr?" Rafe asked.

  "Ah. I'll let Corinnelar explain that to you-or Val. You must understand that our very existence protects itself-you will be unable to speak of me or any of the others without permission."

  "That's not frightening," Rafe mumbled.

  "Very true," Tony Hancock smiled.

  Chapter 11


  "Mack, Winkler and Justin took the first shift," I told Auggie. He, Matt, Val, Rafe and I sat in the kitchen at the ugly building in Arlington. It was late and we were still working out the protection plan.

  "I'm still trying to figure out how Mr. Winkler is from the future and in Texas at the same time," Auggie yawned.

  "Auggie, stop worrying about that. The President is having enough trouble coming to terms with the fact that Tony Hancock isn't dead. He, Gavin and the Falchani Twins will work the day shift tomorrow," I added.

  "Maybe we should leave you in your current disguise, then," Matt suggested.

  "Perhaps," Val nodded reluctantly. "It will allow her access to most meetings and such."

  "And there I thought I could give up the perky outfits," I grumped.

  "We have shields added to Valegar's on the building," the Falchani twins walked into the kitchen. "Any chance of a late dinner?"

  "What would you like?" I asked.


  "Be right back," I said and folded space.

  "This is very good," Ilya said. I'd gone to Paris to get something everybody would like, bringing back turbot aux beurre blanc, salad and cheeses. I added a good white wine to the mix and all humanoids were enjoying their dinner.

  "Norian Keef just landed on the planet," Drew looked up from his fish to announce.

  "Great. I was thinking daytime," I grumbled. "Not ten minutes after midnight."

  "My love, would you like to accompany me?" Val asked. "We will greet Mr. Keef as our true selves."

  "Awesome," I said. Val took my hand and we folded space.

  * * *

  Personal Record

  Lendill Schaff

  Norian looked annoyed when the two Larentii appeared in front of us. I, on the other hand, was outright terrified.

  Father had warned me. Norian probably didn't realize how much trouble he could be in if he didn't mind his manners.

  "Mr. Keef," the female Larentii began.

  I blinked first because she was female. I blinked again when she frowned at Norian. "I see everything you have planned, you stupid, snake-assed excuse for an ASD Director," she snapped. "I warn you now, either listen to what I have to say or I send you right back where you came from-without the ability to bite anybody."

  * * *


  One of Corinne's captives looked as if he were about to explode. The other had a confused expression on his face.

  "I have ensured that they can speak and understand English," Val said, following behind as if he were herding both men.

  "Well, what do we have here?" Colonel Hunter asked. "Want coffee or something stronger? I warn you, you won't get away from Cori. Not when she's like this."

  "Who are you?" the second man asked. The first was turning purple with anger.

  "I'm commonly known as Colonel August Hunter, Secretary of Defense," he introduced himself. "I have other titles, but those aren't as widely known."

  "I'm Lendill Schaff, Vice Director of the Alliance Security Detail," he said. "I understand it is proper to extend a hand to you?"

  "As long as you're not armed," Colonel Hunter held out a hand and clasped the one the Vice Director extended.

  "I am not-the Larentii, here, made sure of that," he said.

  "Please, sit," Colonel Hunter invited. "If you're hungry or thirsty, we will provide something. We must talk about those four agents who were sent, and how many murders they committed while engaging in a secret agenda I assume was never sanctioned by your agency."

  "They committed murders?" Schaff asked while taking a seat at the island.

  "They murdered twenty-two, including children, in a small town in the state of Texas, then two police officers in a nearby city before traveling to the state of Oklahoma and murdering everyone they found in a restaurant, there. Val and Cori will have to give you the particulars on their secret agenda; I'm still attempting to understand it myself."

  "They had no secret agenda," the first man exploded.

  "Shut up and sit down," Corinne snapped at him. When he refused to move, he found himself floating through the air before being dumped onto a barstool. When he attempted to slide off the stool, he was held there with power.

  "Now," Corinne shook herself, as if dealing with the first man gave her the shivers, "Have either of you heard of the Elemaiya, and what happened to them?"

  "My father said the race as a whole was beginning their descent, but I didn't know what he meant," Schaff said.

  "Then you are the one we wish to speak with," Val nodded. "I know who your father is. He is most wise, I assure you. Those four sent by Director Keef, here," he jerked his head toward the other man, "were all half Elemaiya. They were sent on an alternative mission. Did you ever ask yourself how they came to know some of Earth's languages? It's because they were here before, when the gates were still open to them. More than three decades ago, the Bright Queen and the Dark King chose this world as their final battlefield. The one who prevented them from destroying Earth took their crowns so they couldn't do the same thing to any other worlds. The four agents sent by Director Keef were searching for those crowns, in an effort to get them back. They traced pockets of power left behind by the one who took the crowns and banished the Elemaiya from this world. Wherever they found the traces of power, they killed innocent inhabitants in an effort to obtain information those inhabitants did not possess. Is any of this getting through to you?" Val asked.

  "You mean to tell me that they didn't search for drug survivors or remaining drug dust?" Director Keef hissed.

  "They did not," Val stated flatly. "I hope you know that a Larentii does not lie-there is no reason for us to do so. I can recreate images of the carnage your four agents left behind if you wish to see it, or bend time and fold space to allow you to witness actual events, although I warn you that the images of dead children upsets Corinne a great deal."

  "At least one of your agents had the talent for power blasts," Corinne leveled her gaze on Director Keef. "He burned that small town in Texas. Some of those babies were sleeping when they died. Maybe next time, you'll be more careful when you hire somebody."

  "What do you expect me to do about it?" Director Keef hissed.

  "Unless you can bring back the dead, maybe you ought to climb back on your spaceship and get the hell away from here," Corinne snapped.

  "We should give a full report to the Founder," Schaff suggested. "That means examining the sites, recording images and gathering evidence before we go. We should also collect the bodies of our agents, to return them to the Alliance."

  "You'll only get two of them," Colonel Hunter said. "Valegar separated the particles of two. Those bodies no longer exist."

  "A Larentii felt it necessary to separate particles?" Schaff asked, his voice expressing wonder. "Norian, they must have attacked a Larentii."

  "They were leveling power blasts at my Corinnelar," Val agreed stiffly. "I am allowed to protect my mate."

  "May the stars never fail us," Schaff muttered. "I'll pass that along to my father."

  "So the Larentii are responsible for the deaths of
two of my agents?" Norian huffed.

  "Yes," Val nodded. "If your Founder, Ildevar Wyyld, wishes to question a Larentii," he began.

  "Norian," Schaff warned, placing a hand on Keef's arm.

  "Who killed the other two?" Keef demanded.

  "A werewolf, whom I refuse to identify," Corinne said. "Without his help, those fuck-ups you called agents would have killed more people, looking for crowns that are no longer on this planet."

  "Then where are they?" Keef asked.

  "With the Mighty Hand," Valegar replied. Keef snorted his disbelief. Schaff went completely still.

  "You know what he's saying, don't you?" I spoke for the first time. Schaff had gone pale at Valegar's words.

  "The Three are waking?" he shuddered.

  "Hmmph," Valegar snorted.

  "What in the name of the eternal light is he talking about?" Keef turned to his second-in-command.

  "The god wars," Lendill muttered and dropped his gaze. "I can't say more than that. All I can say is that I need to have a long talk with my father when I get back."

  "I thought you didn't get along with your father."

  "I don't get along with my brothers."

  "I see." Keef clearly didn't.

  "Who the fuck are you?" Keef rounded on me, now, since I'd spoken to Schaff.

  "That is a Karathian warlock, whose power hasn't been wakened," another man arrived in the same manner that Val and Corinne could travel.

  "Father, we're handling things," Schaff muttered.

  "And fucking them up quite well, I might add," the new arrival announced.

  * * *


  Lendill Schaff had no clue.


  His father from the future had arrived to defuse the situation. Lendill thought it his father from the present. Kaldill Schaff tossed a glance in my direction. I understood much from that swift contact.

  None of this was supposed to happen, yet here we were, having a discussion that should never have taken place.

  I knew the drug was to blame for every bit of it. I began to understand better why it was death on other worlds to have or use it.

  I understood something else from Kaldill Schaff, too.

  Sometime in the future, the drug would be found again. I shivered at the thought.

  I'm here now, because we may need you in the future, Kaldill sent mindspeech. In all the history of the drug, you are the only bright spot in it.

  * * *

  That night turned out to be a very long one. Val and I-or mostly Val-bent time and folded space with Norian Keef, Lendill Schaff and Lendill's father, Kaldill. We were silent, invisible witnesses to the destruction caused by four half-Elemaiyan ASD agents who had a secret agenda.

  Norian recorded every murder they committed on his handheld, while Lendill looked away in disgust and Kaldill silently blessed the spirits of the dead. When we ended up at the small restaurant in Cordell where the four Elemaiya died, Norian asked the question I knew was coming.

  "He's with me," I said, meaning Gerrett. "If you think to take him, then you should think again."

  "You will leave him where he is," Kaldill decreed. I watched as a blank look washed over Norian's features before he nodded.

  The King of the Elves had spoken.

  * * *

  "Child, I think you should stay to help," Kaldill said to Lendill when we arrived at the ugly building in Arlington. Val had bent time again to bring us back just after we'd left.

  "What about me?" Norian sniffed.

  "You may do whatever you like, although your expertise would be useful," Kaldill leveled his gaze upon Norian. "Much is happening here. It will serve as good training for what you may face in the future."

  "Can you expand on that?" Norian asked. He was learning respect-or at least offering it grudgingly.

  "Not at this time. I believe that offering your services to the new President of this country will not go amiss. Especially since your agents did such damage on your watch while you ignored them."

  It's not exactly his forte to take responsibility like that, I sent to Kaldill.

  "How, exactly, could I help him? I have little knowledge of this world," Norian said.

  "I can show you an empty facility in Nevada, where rogue Lyristolyi wrote fuck Earth on the ceiling while they were clearing it out three months ago," I said.

  Norian went still. "Yes," he nodded after a moment. "Lendill and I should definitely stay."

  * * *

  "You said the magic words," Kaldill beamed at me before kissing me on both cheeks. "The Lyristolyi have been on Norian's list for a while. He knows they're up to something, he just hasn't found sufficient evidence, yet. He will do anything to prove their guilt."

  "They hide behind Sirenali," Valegar said. "But we have learned that a mundane investigation may work much better than one fueled by power."

  "Then perhaps they need assistance from more mundane sources here," Kaldill suggested. "I must go-many things require my attention. I hope to see both of you in the future."

  "I hope so, too," I nodded. "I'm glad we met."

  "If all goes well, we will do so again," Kaldill raised a hand. "Peace and joy to you," he said and disappeared.

  "Sun and sleep," Val said. "Immediately."

  "I'm all over that," I yawned.

  * * *

  I discovered later that Val bent time once again, to ensure that I had enough sleep before going back to work at the White House the following day.

  I had coffee and a doughnut with James and Auggie before James drove me in. Auggie intended to bring Norian and Lendill up to date on what we knew about the Lyristolyi, but most of it revolved around the attack more than a year earlier and their suspected presence at the Nevada facility.

  I didn't have time to worry about them-I had more work to do and was worried enough about Graye Sanders' situation with a fake former president. At least Graye and Amelia Sanders were childless-I'd be more worried if kids were involved.

  "You're being reassigned to the President," Kyle Lakin announced when I arrived in his office. He announced it so the other employees would know what was going on.

  I heard more than one person grumble and one say outright that it was because I was young and pretty. I forced myself not to give him indigestion. The applause at my apparent elevation was sparse and begrudged.

  I had a feeling the Chief of Staff was going to hear complaints from his remaining staff all day long.

  When I gathered my things and hauled them in a small box to the Presidential staff office, I found the Falchani twins guarding the door to the Oval Office.

  Good morning, Drew grinned. I saw through the disguises he and his brother wore; to me, they wore leathers and had their long hair braided tightly down their backs. Everyone else saw two men dressed in dark suits who certainly didn't look like twins.

  Good morning to you, too, I said. I realized that the real Laura Quimby would likely have to retrieve the things I placed in drawers and atop the desk I'd been assigned, but that would happen later, when this mess was resolved.

  At least I hoped she would. Even with Norian Keef and Lendill Schaff now focused on tracking errant Lyristolyi I felt uncomfortable, bordering on fear. Something was in the works; I just couldn't determine what it was.

  * * *

  Notes-Colonel Hunter

  "When Norian meets me again in the future, he won't recognize me," Mack Walters said. He'd already told me he was born a werewolf and was originally from Earth. I was beginning to feel a small amount of jealousy-that some were chosen for a higher purpose. He and I stood in a corner of the emptied facility in Nevada while Norian Keef and Lendill Schaff used advanced equipment to search for clues.

  "They left fingerprints and DNA behind," Lendill said as he shut off the small tablet he carried and walked toward us. "Definitely Lyristolyi, and the fingerprint belongs to one that the Prime Potentate of Lyristolys claims is dead."

  "No doubt he didn't bother to cle
an up after himself, thinking that Earth wouldn't have a clue about him," I said.

  "And he's mostly right," Lendill agreed. "You're fortunate that you have two Larentii willing to help."

  "More than you know," I ducked my head. "My question is this-how did they get away so cleanly with everything inside this facility? A lot of equipment and furniture was left behind."

  "Moved it out initially by truck, I think," Mack said. "I smelled diesel outside. I don't know how far they drove it, though, since the presence of at least one Sirenali is blocking the information."

  "What do you smell in here?" Lendill asked.

  "At least six scents that are fresher than any others," Mack shrugged. "One of them definitely Sirenali, in humanoid phase."

  "What?" I turned to him swiftly. "Cori and Val say the ones from here likely don't know how to turn humanoid. We've only seen their scaly counterparts."

  "You have the one you captured in Okya-hama," Norian snorted. "He was humanoid at the time."

  "He wasn't even here three months ago, from what Val says," I replied. "Gerrett would have said something, I think, if he'd been involved in this mess. And it's Oklahoma." I didn't add you nitwit at the end of my statement, although I wanted to.

  "I'd like to speak with him," Norian began.

  "He's mute and only communicates through mindspeech," I said. "Cori and Val talk to him all the time, and he's become friends with Bekzi," I stated.

  "Bekzi?" Norian's interest was piqued.

  "Cori says he's a reptanoid."

  "What's that?"

  "Ask Cori-or Bekzi. He's heard of you before," I said. "He wasn't complimentary." Lendill turned away to hide a smile.

  "Where is he now?"

  "In Canada, helping to keep things on an even keel," I said.

  "What does a boat hull have to do with," Norian began. "Never mind. I'll save that discussion for later."

  * * *


  "We have to make plans to attend Amelia's funeral," President Granville stated as two other staffers and I stood before his desk. The Chief of Staff sat in a chair beside me, nodding at the President's words.

  Things had happened so quickly after her death that I hadn't had time to mourn for her or consider the inevitable-the elaborate service expected for a President of the United States.


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