The Great Sicilian Cat Rescue

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The Great Sicilian Cat Rescue Page 23

by Jennifer Pulling

  Although no one actually possesses a feral cat, it is courtesy to first check with the gattara and tell her what you intend to do rather than taking command. Often she will be pleased that someone else is prepared to pay for treatment.

  From time to time, the local authorities in tourist towns such as Taormina try to make it an offence to feed feral cats. In my experience, I have never found an enforcement of fines. Just make sure you clean up any leftover scraps and wash plates or bowls – important in a hot climate. Cats are clean creatures; it is we humans who, by leaving the site messy, give them the reputation of being ‘dirty’.

  Never, under any circumstances, give a cat milk to drink. Felines are lactose intolerant and it will give them diarrhoea. Water is their natural and best drink.

  It is very difficult to catch a feral cat without a trap; they will scratch and bite to evade capture and a bite from a cat can be very nasty indeed. If you are visiting Sicily, you may be lucky in finding someone who has one of these humane traps. They are simple to set, with food placed at the far end; as the cat enters and moves forward, a spring mechanism is released and shuts the door. If you are living in Sicily, you might want to invest in one or more. Metalcote is an excellent UK company that supplies these at a reasonable price and will deliver overland. I’ve been a customer for years, and also for cages including the crush cage. Sounds alarming, but it isn’t in reality. A lever mechanism reduces the size of the cage, bringing the feline closer to the bars, and makes it easy to give medication or anaesthetic.

  Naturally, these feral cats resent being captured and put up a lot of fuss. Always cover the trap or cage with an old towel or small blanket to shut out light and quieten the captive – and get them to the vet as speedily as possible.

  There is a great deal of indifference towards animals in the south of Italy as well as Sicily. There is an argument that these regions have more financial problems than those of the north. In my opinion, it has a lot more to do with education or the absence of it, and lack of understanding of animals as sentient beings capable of feeling the same fear, pain and hunger as we do. They also need affection and give so much in return. Instead, I’ve seen parents warning their children to keep away from a cat or dog so that the youngsters grow up with the same attitude and so the chain continues.

  Survival is the key word when speaking of colonies of feral cats. Not for them the toys and treats of many domestic cats, including my beloved Sheba. Essentially, it is based on scavenging for food and, in the case of unneutered cats, reproducing. Because of this there is a risk of their suffering from FIV, feline immunodeficiency virus. FIV and HIV are both lentiviruses but humans cannot be infected by FIV, nor can HIV infect cats. This feline disease is transmitted primarily through saliva bites such as those incurred during territorial fights between males. Since many feral cats are unneutered and have to compete for food, there is a higher incidence of FIV in such felines. Transmission between cats in a group who do not fight is unlikely as the virus can only survive a very brief time outside a cat’s body, and it cannot be transmitted indirectly, such as on food, feeding equipment, clothes, shoes, hands, etc. (unlike the situation with feline leukaemia). FIV infects many cell types in a cat. Although it can often be tolerated well, it may eventually lead to weakening the immune system. Domestic cats are much less likely to be infected unless they come into contact with infected cats. In retrospect, I think that was the cause of my beloved Fluffy’s illness and eventual death. At that time I wasn’t aware of the possibility of FIV but I’ve since seen its signs in the many feral cats I have encountered. They may suffer from diarrhoea or conjunctivitis. Other common signs are gingivitis (gum inflammation), sneezing, snuffling, a discharge from the nose or eyes, or kidney failure. Unfortunately, love and care are not usually the lot of these cats as with the domestic puss. But a neuter programme can have a threefold benefit: controlling the population, enabling a more plentiful supply of food among fewer cats and reducing the tendency to fight.

  Although you cannot contract FIV through contact with feral cats, you should obviously take care in handling them. As I’ve written earlier, many of these felines are shy, even fearful of human beings and view any approach as a threat. Unless you are reasonably sure they welcome your overtures – as in the case of Sadie and Katarina – it is wise not to try to grab them with your bare hands. Their natural response will be to scratch or even bite. It is the reason we’ve always used the humane trap during the Catsnip trips. If you are thinking of making cat rescue an ongoing venture, then invest in the tough gauntlets sold by companies like MDC Exports Ltd.

  It never ceases to anger me when I hear a parent tell a child: ‘Don’t touch that animal, you will catch a disease.’ Most diseases that infect cats can only be spread from cat to cat, not from cat to human. You are much more likely to catch an infectious disease from the person standing next to you at a bus stop than from a feline. And yet the catch and kill advocates of ‘controlling’ feral cat populations defend themselves with these untruths. The only possible carrier of a disease could be in the cat’s faeces and normal hygiene dictates you wouldn’t be likely to touch that. The belief that feral cats spread rabies is another vacuous argument; the risk of catching this dreaded disease from these felines is almost non-existent. Trap/neuter/return is also a safeguard against rabies because they will also be vaccinated, ensuring that cats in managed colonies cannot catch or spread this disease. As for the notion that cats will unexpectedly leap out of alleyways and bite children, it is just as nonsensical as it sounds. Sicily, like Britain, is now officially rabies-free, although, according to wildlife writer and preservationist Vincenzo Mormino, the rare red fox may sometimes be infected. A timid and human-fearing animal, it is rarely, if ever seen. Nevertheless, anyone who wishes to transport a cat into the UK must be sure it has had the appropriate anti-rabies immunisation.

  Over more recent years, I’ve been encouraged by the discovery of several Italian animal welfare organisations, such as OIPA and ENPA. I’ve also come across some wonderful dedicated individuals. Valeria and her valiant band of volunteers have a daily struggle with the influx of animals dumped outside the doors of their refuge. Their battle is a formidable one and they need all the support we can give them. Some town hall departments recognise the problem of feral over-population and have agreements with a local vet. That’s what Helen discovered with her tiny kitten, Gavroche, once she had persuaded the police to help her. Others choose to do nothing about it. As a tourist, it will depend on where you are staying, whether you can expect any help. There remains a great deal to be done to raise awareness and create an on-going programme of trap, neuter and return. My dream of a mobile unit and the funds to run an on-going trap/neuter/return programme remains a long way from being fulfilled.

  During my Catsnip years, I have been accused of ‘going against nature’, even being ‘a cat murderer’. In a Roman Catholic country like Sicily, there are inevitably those who see spaying and neutering as a violation of God’s law. But those same people turn a blind eye to the female cats, which have kittens continually until they are worn out, and the sickly kittens that fall prey to terrible eye disease. They choose not to know about their fellow humans’ cruelty and indifference. Yes, I’ve had my moments of doubt when I’ve wondered if I was doing the right thing but then you consider that a feral cat can produce three litters of kittens a year, with an average of four to eight kittens. In seven years, one female cat and her offspring can theoretically produce 420,000 cats!

  Not all of them will survive, of course, but what of the number who do? The humane solution is trap, neuter and return. If only the authorities could see it that way! The Sicilian bureaucracy is a curious thing with many regulations but these are not adhered to, according to a local animal lover I spoke to recently. I had asked him if he could check on Dawn’s cat Lionel.

  It’s certain that I can expect nothing helpful from the vets of ASL (state vets), whom I have already contacted many times. Their
reply is always the same: that the town hall must decide to make a payment of 300 euros, otherwise they won’t neuter. This is something with which I am battling because the Sicilian Regional law no. 281/91 for the prevention of stray animals states clearly that they must neuter and microchip at zero cost, but they don’t do it. In the case of accidents or the cat should be admitted for treatment, there is no structure in place.

  Faced with this situation, tourists search the Internet and, you’ve guessed it, they find Catsnip. Several times their emails have ended with ‘and I’ve fallen in love with her and would like to bring her back to the UK’. At that point I hold up my hand and say, that is a knee-jerk reaction. You are on holiday and probably not thinking in the rational way you might at home. Look at the facts and think it through. The process of bringing an animal back to the UK, while not as lengthy as it used to be, is a big undertaking both in terms of time and money. But as Sadie proved, with love and determination it can be done.

  Useful Contacts


  Its aims are: To pursue a catch/neuter/return programme of feral cats in Sicily on a longer term and to alter the mindset of local people, particularly young people. To attempt to persuade them to see animals as sentient beings capable of the same feelings as human beings and also with needs and rights, which should be respected, particularly because they cannot speak for themselves. To gain permission to take vets to Sicily on an official basis for catch/neuter/return sessions. To address the running of kennels and catteries in tourist areas, where animals live in atrocious conditions.

  Email: [email protected]



  The charity seeks to build relationships with travel companies and to harness the eyes, ears and energies of the travelling public to identify both good and bad practice. AWW believes that it is in the interest of both the industry and of animal welfare that we recognise and seek to exploit this opportunity to make real progress.



  An English charity, founded by animal lover Angela Collins in 1999. Her aim: to care for and humanely reduce the number of stray cats in Ibiza. Catch/neuter/return trips annually.



  Kathy T. Hisamatsu’s personal blog about cat rescue volunteering. Intended for adopters, volunteers and cat guardians living in Italy.



  The oldest of the larger animal welfare associations in Italy. Its aims are protection of animals and caring for nature and the environment. It promotes animal rights and also offers an education programme in schools of every grade.



  The Society was formed in 1992. Its aim is to undertake neutering of colonies of stray cats and in doing so educate and encourage local people to also have their animals neutered. TNR is carried out on a regular basis several times a year.



  The association was created with the aim of controlling the birth rate of, caring for and effecting adoption of street cats. In addition, it aims to raise awareness and respect for felines among local people and, in particular, young people.



  This feline sanctuary was created in 2000 with the aims of helping feral and abandoned cats, providing food veterinary care, a home where they can have a cosy bed to sleep in amid the company of other cats.



  Its aims are the guardianship of nature and the environment, the abolition of vivisection in countries throughout the world, and the defence of animals from whatever form of maltreatment: hunting, circus animals, bull fights, popular festival with animals, feral animals, traffic of exotic animal zoos, intensive rearing, slaughterhouses, and to encourage vegan and vegetarian diets.

  Email: [email protected]



  Manufactures and supplies plastic-coated cat baskets, wire pet carriers, mesh cages and animal traps. It also provides many animal aids to vets, such as end-opening restrainer-trapping cages for administering injections, or rescue traps, for the capture and transportation of wild feral animals and small rodents and birds.

  Email: [email protected]



  A UK registered charity dedicated to improving standards of animal welfare around the world. In particular, SNIP International promotes neutering programmes aimed at stray and feral animals. It respects life and does not endorse destruction of healthy animals.



  The Society for the Protection of Animals Abroad is a leading charity for working animals worldwide and the communities they support: ‘We know that working animals are essential to the health and economic wellbeing of millions of vulnerable families across the developing world. But often these hardworking animals lack access to even basic care: that’s where we come in.’



  My heartfelt thanks go to:

  Elke Bosurgi, untiring cat lady and dear friend

  Oscar La Manna, guardian of Sicily’s feline waifs and strays and wonderful colleague

  Guy Liebenberg, vet in a million

  Animals’ Voice, which supports small projects like Catsnip

  Mario Pavone, wise commentator on Sicily

  Valeria Cundari, defender of animal rights

  Nigel and Marit, Elizabeth, Barbara, Joy and all whose donations have made this work possible

  Kathy, dear colleague and translator of cat behaviour

  Andrew, dear companion and navigator on this endeavour

  My beloved cat, Sheba, constant writing companion and stress buster

  And all the cats and cat ladies I have had the pleasure of knowing.


  A domani: ‘See you tomorrow’

  Briscola: an Italian trick-taking card game

  Cassata or Cassata Siciliana: a traditional dessert from the Palermo and Messina areas. It can also refer to ice cream studded with candied or dried fruit and nuts

  Domani domani: ‘Tomorrow, always tomorrow’

  Freddo da fa morire: cold enough to freeze you to death

  Micio: puss or pussycat

  Panna cotta: literally, ‘cooked cream’. A dessert made with thick cream, egg white and honey

  Passeggiata: literally, a walk but often a stroll with friends in a public street or square

  Roba da donne: women’s stuff

  Salotta: living room

  Sott’olio: pickled in oil

  Trovatelle: foundlings

  A love of cats runs in the family. This is my father as a young man in the garden with Muffin and Crumpet.

  My own beloved cat Sheba.

  Gattara supreme Elke with wonderful vet Oscar La Manna and Katarina, who brought them together.

  Tireless cat rescuer Helen soothes a captured feline.

  Me, Helen, Davide, Guy, Justine and Valeria at the end of a hectic day.

  Ginger was extremely poorly, and her body covered in scabs, before she was treated.

  A healthy Ginger, fully recovered from ringworm.

  Brighton vet Guy, who came to Sicily to help Catsnip, demonstrating a non-invasive surgical procedure to a group of veterinary students.

  A very special cat lady Valeria hand rears a kitten.

  A happy ending for Helen’s tiny rescue kitten Gavroche.

  Matriarch Macchia, who was rehomed in Taormina.

  Beautiful Piccolino, who was found suffering from every parasite going, was nursed to good health and taken in by vet Oscar.

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