My Tethered Soul: Volume 2 (Reaper's Rite)

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My Tethered Soul: Volume 2 (Reaper's Rite) Page 9

by Dorothy Dreyer

  As we made our way down the front walk, Felix kept trying to put his arm around Mara, but every time, she’d subtly step away from him and flash him an unnatural smile. Felix would simply push his glasses up and smile back.

  “Nice ride, dude,” Gavin said.

  Felix stopped by his car and turned to Gavin. “Thanks. I worked my ass off to get her, too.”

  “Why don’t we all ride together?” Mara looked pointedly at me and nodded her head, sending me a signal. “There’s plenty of room. And it would save on gas.”

  “Sure.” Gavin smacked Felix on his back. “And, you know, after the dance, if you find yourself too exhausted, I’d be happy to drive.”

  “Keep dreaming.” Felix held Mara’s door open for her.

  Gavin and I settled into the back seat, holding hands. Looking into his blue eyes, all I could think about was how happy I was to finally be going to prom with him. Gavin was my light at the end of the tunnel. My saving grace. I squeezed his hand and made a wish that one day the biggest problem I’d ever have would be whether or not I’d trip in high heels. No more Reapers. No more whispering shadows. Just me and Gavin and a perfect, quiet life.

  Before we even got out of the car, the music thumped in my ears. Students in their finest attire were everywhere, traveling in and out of the school gym and littering the parking lot. Gavin helped me out of the car, and we followed Mara and Felix to the festivities. Just as we got to the door, a girl raced by me, her face streaked with mascara as she whimpered. I hoped my night wouldn’t come anywhere close to ending like that. Once inside, I took in the brightly colored streamers and balloons draped across the ceiling and walls. Clearly, the prom committee went overboard with the Candyland theme. We had to walk through a glittery archway to get to the main area, where strobe lights flashed and bodies writhed to a heavy bass line. To our left stood Kelly and Nicole. They leaned on their dates and passed a silver flask back and forth between the four of them. It was obvious they were trying to keep the flask hidden by cupping it and turning toward the wall when they took a swig, but they failed miserably in the inconspicuous department.

  But I wasn’t here to worry about them. I was here to enjoy myself with Gavin.

  “Yay, you made it!” Naomi wrapped her arms around me and did a little hop. Taking me by the hand, she raised my arm and spun me around. “That dress looks so good on you.”

  “Thanks to you and Gavin,” I said.

  “No, no. It’s all you.”

  “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

  She winked, and her smile lit up her whole face. Her dress was a satiny maroon that contrasted beautifully with her tan skin. Breathtaking was the word that came to mind.

  “What about me?” Danny tugged at his bowtie and raised a brow.

  “My mom said he looked debonair.” Naomi giggled. “Debonair Danny.”

  “Okay, shut up,” Danny said.

  “Well, what about dashing?” I asked.

  “Or delusional?” Gavin joked.

  “Thanks, best friend.” Danny slapped Gavin on the back.

  “Anytime.” Gavin laughed and shoved him away.

  “Come on, Naomi.” Danny grabbed her hand. “Let’s show these people how to rock.”

  “Challenge accepted.” Naomi let out a big whoop as Danny pulled her onto the dance floor.

  Movement at the entrance of the gym caught my eye. Chase, wearing a striking black tuxedo, walked through the shimmering arch. I was surprised he didn’t have his trench coat on. I was about to wave at him when a brunette girl sidled up to him. She wore a beautiful, long green dress, and her hair was adorned with sparkly, flower-shaped pins. I recognized her from school, but didn’t really know her.

  Chase brought a date?

  Chase’s eyes found mine as I stared in their direction. Caught off guard, I summoned a quick polite smile and waved. He excused himself from the girl and headed my way. The closer Chase got, the tighter Gavin’s hand entwined with mine.

  Chase nodded a hello to Gavin, which Gavin returned.

  “You look great, Zadie.” He almost smiled.

  “Thanks. So do you. Since when do you know… Veronica, is it?”

  For a moment, I glanced at Chase’s date. She was tall, had curves in all the right places, and honey-brown waves down to the middle of her back. Had she always looked that amazing? And why would that bother me?

  Chase shrugged. “She’s in my AP Physics class.”

  “I didn’t know you were friendly with anyone in your AP Physics class.” Or any class, for that matter. I’d never seen Chase hang out with anyone at school, let alone talk to someone long enough to forge a friendship.

  “She’s a nice girl,” Chase said. “Always fills me in on the assignments I miss when I skip class. Why?”

  I cleared my throat and shook my head. “No reason. I think it’s great. Hope you have fun.”

  Chase inched forward. “But really I’m just here… in case.”

  His eyes pierced mine. I dropped my gaze to the floor and lifted one shoulder.

  “Right. Yeah, I knew that.”

  Chase lifted his chin. “I’ll be around if you need me.”

  As he turned to leave, I reached out to stop him, catching his hand. Chase turned to me, but what I was about to say was stuck in my throat; Chase’s hand was like ice. I wondered briefly if the temperature outside had dropped dramatically since we’d arrived.

  “What’s wrong?” Chase asked.

  “Your hand is freezing cold.”

  For a second, Chase looked down at our joined hands. Slipping free from me, he stuck his hands in his pants pockets. “I had the air on in my car. Is that why you stopped me?”

  “No. I mean…I just wanted to say thank you.”

  The side of his mouth inched up as his eyes searched my face. “You’re welcome.”

  As he walked away, Gavin pulled me into his arms. His palms were splayed out against my back, keeping me close. “Should we dance?”

  “I’d love to. Can’t promise anything spectacular though.”

  “Me either.”

  I smirked. “Perfect.”

  Gavin guided me out among the dancing bodies. We stopped and planted ourselves in a spot where we were least likely to be elbowed or stepped on. That spot happened to be right beside Mara and Felix.

  Flames attacked my cheeks and neck when I realized I would have to actually dance in front of Gavin. I obviously hadn’t thought the whole prom idea through. But, to my delight, Gavin started moving to the beat, taking my hand so I would join in. His smile made me forget my anxiety, and I let myself go.

  Thirty seconds later, the DJ switched to a slow number. I gladly wrapped my arms around my boyfriend and closed the distance between us. Over Gavin’s shoulder, I spotted Mara and Felix. There was at least half a foot between them, and Mara looked uncomfortable. I wondered why Mara had gone through the trouble of asking Felix to the prom if she was going to hate every minute of the date.

  A tall figure stepped up beside them and tapped Felix on the shoulder.

  “Mind if I cut in?”

  When he turned to the side, I realized it was Hunter. What was he doing here?

  “Sure, man.” Felix said to him, pushing up his glasses. The way Felix’s hand jittered as he did made me think Hunter intimidated him. I could see why: though Felix was tall, Hunter trumped him by about half a head. He also had enough muscle to lift Felix with one arm, I’d bet.

  “What makes you think I want to dance with you?” Mara’s brows were down, but she didn’t try to squirm away when Hunter put his hands on her waist. “No one even knows who you are. What will people think?”

  Hunter shrugged. “Who cares?”

  I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but since Gavin and I were so close to Mara and Hunter, my ears were wide open. Plus, I was a little curious as to where this would lead.

  “You were pretty rude to my date,” Mara said.

  “I didn’t mean him any harm. It’s just
that when I set my mind on something, I don’t let anything, or anyone, get in my way.”

  Mara clicked her tongue. “That’s so barbaric.”

  “For a worthy goal, nothing is too ruthless.”

  Gavin spun me away just then, and I told myself to stop being nosey about Mara’s situation. After all, I was dancing with the handsomest guy in the room. I glanced up at Gavin and smiled. Colorful lamps and flashing lights caused his eyes to sparkle. Yes, this is what I needed to concentrate on.

  Just as the song ended, Naomi put a hand on my shoulder. “Come to the bathroom with me.”

  “Um, I’ll be right there.” I reluctantly let go of Gavin.

  Naomi left as quickly as she came.

  “What was that about?” he asked.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Chase dancing with Veronica. “I think I have an idea. I’ll be right back. I have to powder my nose or whatever girls say they’re going to do.”

  I tiptoed to peck him quickly on the cheek, and then wriggled my way through the dancing couples to the hallway. Gym lights dimly lit the lockers lining the hall, but otherwise the area was dark. I quickly found the girls’ bathroom and pushed the door open, glad that the school staff was considerate enough to keep this light on.


  A girl fixing her makeup looked up at me for a second, then went back to applying lip gloss. I bent down to peek under the stall doors, but didn’t see any feet. Maybe she ran into someone and had to stop and chat. I was sure she would be along soon, so I checked my hair.

  Lip Gloss Girl tucked her things back in her clutch purse and hurried out of the bathroom. I tucked a stray hair back in place, humming the song that Gavin and I had danced to. Like a soft breeze, a whisper caught my ear.

  “Hello?” I turned toward the stalls. Had I missed someone’s feet? I bent down, but saw nothing. “Is… someone in here?”

  I took a few steps forward, the sound of my heels on the tile floor echoing in my ears. I was probably just imagining the whisper. After all, I’d just gone from the loud gym to the quiet bathroom. My ears were simply adjusting to the noise variance. Weren’t they?

  But I had to check. I couldn’t let it go. Rubbing my sweaty hands on my dress, I licked my lips, trying to muster up some moisture in my otherwise dry mouth. Holding my breath, I put my hand on the first stall door.

  “Hello?” I called once more, just to be sure. It wouldn’t be out of the question that a student had passed out drunk in there after indulging in too much spiked punch. At least, that’s what I was trying to convince myself.

  When no one answered, I shoved at the stall door. It banged against the inside wall and ricocheted back at me. But the stall was empty. I peered at the remaining stall doors: there were four more. Swallowing back the grit in my throat, I went to the next door. Was I really doing this? There had to be an easier, quicker way.

  Of course there was.

  I took two steps back and concentrated on the remaining doors. Focusing on the air in the room—as stale as it was—I pushed my energy toward the doors, willing the air to drive them open. My body buzzed with magic, and suddenly a wind swept through the space. All doors flew open at once. I let out a breath when I saw that all the stalls were empty.

  Just then, the bathroom door opened. Laughing to themselves, Naomi and Mara walked in.

  My hand slammed onto my heart. “You scared the crap out of me.”

  “Well, you’re in the right place for it.” Naomi said.

  “Is something wrong?” Mara looked around as if checking for other people. Or something else that might be lurking about.

  I shook my head. “I thought I heard—”

  Suddenly, it sounded like the building groaned.

  Our eyes widened and Mara reached for my hand. Without saying a word, we all ran into the hall. Another low rumble filled the darkness.

  “Thunder?” Naomi’s brow creased.

  Mara peered into the dark recesses of the hall. “I don’t think so.”

  Naomi’s hand found my arm. “Remind me again why we’re friends?”

  The gym was to our right. From what I could see, nothing seemed abnormal. The music was loud and people were dancing. It was feasible none of the students in the gym had heard the noise.

  Danny and Gavin emerged through the doors and headed our way. At first, Gavin smiled at me. But after looking at my face a moment longer, his expression changed.

  His footsteps quickened. “What is it?”

  Before I could answer, the groaning sound filled the hall again.

  Danny swiveled his head back and forth, searching for the source of the sound. “What was that?”

  Gavin slapped him on the back, donning a relaxed expression. “I’m sure it was just the school pipes. Why don’t you go ask the DJ to play that song you were telling me about? We’ll be right in.”

  Danny ran a hand over his short-cropped hair. “Why do I get the feeling you’re trying to get rid of me?”

  “We’re not.” Naomi’s eyes flitted between Danny and me. She was trying to act casual, but she wasn’t fooling anyone.

  A creaking noise echoed through the hall, like someone slowly pulling open a squeaky door. Then a thump. All at once, something appeared on the floor, coming out of the darkness. It looked like it was floating. Then I realized what it was. Fog rolled down the hallway like a thick carpet, swift and quiet. It snaked around our shoes, slipping over my feet like icy fingers, then dissipated. This time, the groan sounded closer.

  Danny, staring at the floor, grabbed Naomi’s arm. “What the hell is going on?”

  Heavy footsteps made us turn toward the gym doors. Chase and Hunter ran up to us, concern on their faces.

  “What are we staring at?” Hunter asked Mara, whose eyes were still peering into the darkness.

  “Not sure. But whatever it is, it isn’t good.”

  Hunter’s hand came down hard on Chase’s shoulder. “We better check it out.”

  “Is somebody going to tell me what’s going on here?” Danny asked.

  Hunter pulled a slim flashlight out of his blazer and aimed it down the hall. It was hard to tell, but I could have sworn I saw movement at the far end where the corridor split. The guttural growl vibrated through the hall. But this time, it was followed by a whisper. Was that my name?

  I swallowed back the lump in my throat. The expressions on everyone else’s faces told me I wasn’t the only one to hear the voice.

  Danny clutched his chest. “Holy crap, what was that?”

  The rest of us looked at each other. I bit my lip.

  “Well, Danny,” Chase said, “it’s a long story.”

  “Let’s go,” Hunter said, marching forward.

  The hallway looked infinitely long. We followed Hunter’s beam of light, senses on high alert. Gavin pulled me closer to him, and I could hear his heavy breathing. Between sections of lockers stood closed classroom doors, and I held my breath as we passed each one, keeping my eyes peeled for movement behind the dark windows.

  We reached where the corridor split, Hunter swinging his flashlight left and right.

  “Hunter,” Chase said.

  Hunter aimed his light at Chase, who pointed to the floor. The beam of light then hit another patch of fog, which winded around our ankles. I shivered as the cold mist brushed against my skin. This time it didn’t disappear. Without saying a word, Hunter made off toward the source of the fog.

  “Danny,” Gavin said, “maybe you should go wait for us in the gym.”

  “No way in hell, man.”

  Once again, we followed Hunter. I felt Mara’s hand slip around my arm, and I knew what she was thinking. We were getting closer, and we had to prepare ourselves. Though it had been a long time, I had faced a Reaper before. I knew what I had to do, even if it scared me to death to have to face it. Especially with no weapons at my disposal. But Mara hadn’t ever battled this force before. Not since figuring out how to use her powers, anyway. She had to be at
least as terrified as I was.

  Hunter’s beam caught a swift shadow moving across the wall. It was there one second, gone the next. We froze in place and waited.

  “What?” Naomi asked. “Why did we stop?”

  “Shadow,” I whispered.

  “I didn’t see anything,” Naomi whispered back.

  “It’s fast,” Chase said.

  Hunter slowly let the flashlight move from one side of the hall to the other. With a rumbling moan, the shadow flew from the floor to the ceiling. But once Hunter caught up with the light, the shadow had vanished again.

  “Dammit.” Hunter’s voice was almost as low as the Reaper’s growl.

  “What?” Danny moved between Gavin and me. “What did you see?”

  “You didn’t see that?” Gavin asked.

  “I saw nothing,” Danny said.

  “Me either,” Naomi added.

  Hunter didn’t turn toward us, but kept searching the walls, the fog-covered floor, and ceiling with the flashlight. “They’re unlikely to see it. They’re Regulars.”

  “What did he call us?” Naomi asked Danny.

  Chase spoke next. “That’s what he calls non-magical people.”

  “Non what now?” Danny’s voice had amplified.

  We didn’t have a chance to explain; the shadow swept by again, rattling the lockers beside us. The seven of us scrambled back against the opposite wall of lockers, kicking up swirls of icy mist. Hunter’s light waved left and right until it landed on a face.

  “Whoa, somebody’s having a little too much fun with a fog machine.” Kelly stood fifteen feet away from us, one palm up to block the flashlight beam.

  “Kelly, what are you doing here?” I couldn’t keep the panic out of my voice.

  “Could you lower the light, you bunch of geeks?” She squinted through her fingers.

  As she stood there waiting for us to respond, the shadow slowly rose behind her. The dark form of arms stretched out from the silhouette of a tattered cloak, reaching for Kelly. Oh God, no. As much as I disliked Kelly, I wasn’t about to let her get ambushed by a Reaper. My hands clenched, and I readied myself to use my magic. The problem was, I wasn’t sure what to do.


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