Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk

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Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk Page 4

by Lucia Jordan

  He parted her, needing to see all her secrets, her hidden beauty. Her clit stood tall and erect, still swollen from his earlier sucking. Moving his thumbs, he clamped her lips back around that tiny nub and squeezed her hidden clit. She cried out, his name ringing in his ears, and he found he needed to hear her say his name, over and over.

  Increasing his pace, Gio stroked hard and deep and kept the pressure on her clit. She squeezed his cock and he let out an explosion of air.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” He couldn’t wait, couldn’t draw it out any longer. Lifting her legs to his shoulders, he pulled her hips down and watched her.

  Her eyes were closed, her full lips parted as she panted and gasped. She arched her back, her tits jiggling with each harsh breath in and out. Her pale nipples were hard, dark and engorged with blood. He bent over her, licking and sucking each one. She rolled her head to the side, whimpering his name over and over. His cock was buried deep, surrounded by her pulsing heat.

  His cock swelled even more, and protested the inactivity by threatening to come. Knowing if he didn’t finish this, and fast, he’d lose control like a sixteen-year-old kid, he straightened. “Look at me,” he commanded.

  He waited until she obeyed. “Hard and fast, sweet. Can’t wait. Need to take you now.”

  “God, yes, Gio. Now.”

  Even before she finished, he was pumping his hips, driving his cock in and out, hard and fast. Her fingers tightened on the edge of the desk and her body bowed upward as he drove them both to a fast, hard climax.

  Everything inside him went tight. The base of his spine tingled, his toes curled and blood pounded in his ears. “Now!” He shouted the order and with one last, hard, deep thrust, hot cum erupted from his balls and shot down the length of his cock.

  Taryn drank in the sight of him as he gave her his all. He arched his back, threw his head back, and shouted in utter bliss. He pulled out, pushed her legs back further, and plunged back in, still straining with his release. His cock slid against her G-spot and she screamed his name as she clamped her muscles around him and gave herself over to pure pleasure as everything went white.

  Gio fell over her, fisted his hands in her hair, and kissed her hard. “You’re mine, Karyn. Mine.”

  Karyn cried out, shoved at him and sat when he backed off. Her blond hair was tousled and her chest was flushed from her orgasm, but her face had gone pale. “Oh my god, what have I done?” She climbed off the desk, shoved past Gio, and grabbed her clothes.

  He yanked her close, crushing her breasts to his chest. “Break it off with Stefano. You’re mine.”

  “I—I don’t know you, Gio. This shouldn’t have happened—can’t happen again.”

  “It did. It was meant to.”

  “I have to go, Gio.”

  Seeing that she was close to tears, he released her, watched her shaking hands as she dressed. Before she fled, he too was dressed. At the door, he tipped her chin up and felt himself falling into the sweet, summer blues of her eyes. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, eight am.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t—we can’t.”

  He kissed her protest, kissed her until she moaned, then lifted his head. “Can. Will. Tomorrow.”

  She fled into her office, grabbed her purse and briefcase, and was out the door, her heels dangling from her fingers.

  Back in his office, Gio leaned on his desk. His dick was still hard, his heart pounding and his head swimming with need. Letting her go had been the hardest thing he’d done in a long time. Women never fled from him. He usually did the leaving—after they were well satisfied of course. He had his pride. Right now, he’d toss his pride over a cliff to have her back in his arms.

  “Fuck. What a mess. Bad enough to plan to fuck his brother’s fiancé to save the man from making a mistake, but one kiss had blown his plans to hell. Damn him to hell and back but he was going after Karyn Jones, not to save his brother, but to claim her for himself.

  After that explosive kiss and lovemaking session, he didn’t care if she was out to get rich. That thorn beneath his skin had dug in deeper and there was no way to remove it. He strode into his private bath, stripped, and stepped into a cold shower.

  One broken shoe had changed his life forever.

  Chosen Book 2

  “Stop laughing, Karyn! It’s not funny!” On speaker, Taryn’s sister’s trill of laughter floated around her.

  “Oh my god, Taryn. This is priceless. You’re sleeping with the boss.”

  “Didn’t exactly sleep,” she muttered. She cleared her throat. “And it was one time.” And to mimic her sister—Oh my god. One session of making love and how many orgasms?

  Three? She paced while her twin giggled. Damn, Gio had given her three of the biggest, longest, more sumptuous orgasms ever. And his kisses? Wow. With his mouth alone, he rocked her safe, calm, world.

  “Well come on, sis. Deets. Tell me all.”

  “Shit, Kari, isn’t that enough? What if I’ve blown it? What if he figures out I’m not you? Technically, you fucked your boss while engaged to his baby brother.”

  “Hmm, not very nice of Gio to have sex with an engaged woman, is it?” Amusement laced her words.

  “It just happened, Kari. My damn shoe broke, he stopped me from falling, and then suddenly, we were kissing. Then we were in his office and, um, well, you get the picture. So what am I supposed to do now?” Taryn felt horrible, as though she’d betrayed her sister, even though there was no real reason why she shouldn’t or couldn’t make love to Giovanni DeMitri. Each of them were unattached. At least in reality… But Taryn was playing a part and, good god, he had no idea that she was a free woman.

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  “God, what wasn’t there to enjoy.” She shivered just thinking about his hands on her, his mouth doing delicious things to her nervous system. She got wet just thinking about his mouth on her clit, his tongue delving into her pussy. She bit back a moan and paced.

  “Then have fun, Taryn.”

  Have fun.

  Good grief, she wanted a lot more of that brand of fun. She’d been awake most of the night reliving that office fuck. Her body was even now aching for his touch. Damn, if he wasn’t due anytime now, she’d make use of her poor vibrator!

  She concentrated on her sister’s voice. One of them had to be the voice of reason and she knew it wasn’t going to be her. “What about Stefano? How is he going to feel about his brother fucking his fake fiancée?”

  Karyn giggled and yelled out, “Hey, Stef, tell my sister it’s okay for her to fuck your brother.”

  Stefano’s voice joined Karyn’s. “You and Gio? Are you shitting me?”

  “God, I’m sorry, Stefano. I’m supposed to be your fiancé!”

  Amused laugher floated through the phone. “Doesn’t say much about my brother does it?”

  “He’s coming here to pick me up. I’ll tell him it was a mistake and that this can’t happen.” Deep inside, Taryn wept at the thought of never kissing Gio, or feeling his hands on her, stroking and taking her to the peak, or feeling his cock—

  “Hey, Taryn, lighten up. Go for it. Might teach my big brother a lesson. I know him. He’ll be feeling guilty as hell. Family and loyalty and honor are everything to him.” Stefano laughed again. “Now I wish I was there.”

  “He should feel guilty.” Especially as she did, and she didn’t even have any reason for the guilt, but he didn’t know that.

  “Hey, keep him occupied. He’s been talking about coming to New York to check up on this deal but if he’s busy with you, he won’t want to leave California.” Stefano chuckled. “I’d say he has it pretty bad if he’s going to take you out on the boat.”

  “Boat?” She frowned.

  “Yeah, he always takes her out on the weekend but he never takes women with him. Sometimes, he entertains clients, but never a date. If he’s picking you up this early, he’s taking you out on the Octavia, named after our grandmother.”

  “A boat?” She’d never been on a

  “Hey, Taryn, we gotta go. Have fun.”

  “But Stef, your brother is having sex with me while I’m pretending to be Karyn—”

  “Taryn, payback’s a bitch. My big brother could stand to be taken down a notch or two.”

  Taryn stared at her cell phone as the call ended.


  She grinned. It did serve the man right. He’d learn the truth sooner or later and then she’d be back out of work and stuck with boring boyfriends. Shit. She might have to forget other guys for a while.

  After Gio, how could anyone else measure up? And it wouldn’t last. She had no illusions that there was anything more than hot sex between them. He was way too far out of her league. Not to mention that he didn’t think much of her.

  He thought she was a gold digger, after the DeMitri money, and now, he’d pegged her as an unfaithful gold digger. Good heavens, could things be any more complicated? No matter. She knew she was free and that was all that mattered. She had no reason to feel guilty, whereas he certainly had all the reasons to do so.

  Remember Karyn and Stef and how he tried to split them up.

  Yeah, revenge could be sweet. She’d get the best sex ever and he’d end up with some major explaining to do to his brother.


  Gio sat in the parking lot of Karyn’s apartment building, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. He picked up his phone, stared at her contact number, and told himself to just call her and tell her he wasn’t coming. It would be smart and for the best if he kept their relationship to the office. Kept it professional.

  Shit. Just thinking of his office brought images of her spread out on his desk, her pink pussy open to his gaze, his touch, his mouth. His dick stirred. He wanted Karyn—again and again and again. How was this possible? Not once since meeting her had he felt this consuming attraction toward her. And while it was true that she seemed different now she was working for him, how could that really make any difference? She was the same person he’d met on several other occasions.

  Yet, the minute he’d faced her in her office, she’d become a thorn in his side. She was outspoken, self-assured, confident, and even a bit reserved. Did the woman have different personas? One in the office and one for social gatherings?

  He had to admit, Karyn Jones intrigued him. Too much. Maybe the better question to ask was—what was she playing at? Yeah, he’d planned to seduce her, bed her, then fire her, but what happened in his office had been unplanned and explosive.

  What happened to the cold controlled Dom?

  Once he had her in his arms, once he felt her curves and breathed in her scent, he’d been lost. And that first kiss had rocked his very soul and led to one of the best fucks of his life. So now what?

  Enjoy yourself

  Stef’s voice echoed in his mind. His brother had just called. He knew Gio was taking Karyn out on the boat and bid him to take good care of her and have fun. Gio groaned. God, he felt like a low, slimy snake, for he planned to both enjoy himself and his brother’s fiancé.

  Dammit, he was going to have to tell Stef, but he didn’t want his brother running back to California. Not only was this merger a big money deal, but he needed to see what was between him and Karyn. He’d never felt this way before and he needed to explore what this was and why.

  Getting out of his car, he found her apartment and knocked. She opened the door and stared at him, her eyes wide and uncertain. She wore a pale yellow sundress and white sandals and looked deliciously sweet, like sun-warmed honey.

  “Gio.” She drew in a deep breath. “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” she began, stepping back when he entered.

  “Why?” Guilt crawled through his gut and turned his voice harsh. Hell if he allowed her to back out.

  She blinked those baby blue eyes. “Gio! I’m engaged to your brother.”

  The last thing he needed was her reminder, not after just talking to Stef. He backed her against the wall. “You going to tell me there wasn’t some heat and fire between us yesterday?”

  She glanced away. “It shouldn’t have happened.”

  The fact that she was right only increased his guilt. He felt as though someone had sucker punched him. He shoved the feeling aside. Nothing else mattered at the moment. Using one finger, he turned her head to him and her her chin up. “It happened. And it’ll happen again. I’m going to fuck you on my boat, Karyn, and get you out of my system.” That should do the trick. He’d make it up to Stef somehow.

  Her brows lifted. “I think I have something to say to that, Mr. DeMitri.” She pressed her palms against his chest.

  He leaned in closer. “You may say, ‘Yes, Sir,’ Miss Jones.”

  Taryn’s jaw dropped. Whether it was shock at his determined tone or because she was on the verge of doing just that, she didn’t know. The thought of him fucking her to get her out of his system had her knees trembling and moisture flooding into her panties.

  “I’m not at work, Gio. You are not my boss today.” She tried to step aside. His heat and the look in his eyes was nearly too much. She had to be the voice of reason even though all she wanted was for him to take her right then and there. She was so hungry for him.

  He grabbed her wrists with one strong hand and pulled her arms over her head, his gaze roaming her face and down. “No, you definitely are not at work, but I’ll hear the words from you, Karyn. Today, I’ll be your captain, and you’ll do what I say, whatever I say.” His free hand slid into the low cut of her dress with its built in bra and found her naked tit. He squeezed and pinched her nipple.

  She tried to pull free but he tightened his grip, keeping her arms over her head. His hips pressed her into the wall as he fondled and tweaked her nipples until she cried out. A fresh wave of moisture slid out of her body. Her clit went from a low ache to a desperate mass of throbbing need pounding between her legs. As though he knew, his free hand dipped beneath her skirt. One foot shoved her legs apart and his hand cupped her, pressing her panties into her.

  “So wet. So damn soaking wet. Tell me you don’t want my cock inside your pussy, Miss Jones.”

  Taryn shook her head. “We can’t.”

  “We can. We will.” He crushed his mouth to hers, kissed her hard, deep, until they were both breathless. He slid his hand down into her panties, his finger parting her swollen lips until he found her clit. He stroked and circled, keeping his mouth on hers, swallowing her protests, her cries, until she began circling her hips, pressing herself into him and against him.

  He lifted his head. “Should I stop, Miss Jones? Do you want me to walk away?”

  “God, no! Please, Gio. Don’t stop.” Her gaze begged him to finish what he’d started.

  “Then give me the words I need to hear.”

  Three weeks surviving with just her fantasies were no longer enough, not after experiencing the reality of him giving her more pleasure in one hour than the sum total of the men she’d slept with before. She grew hot and wetter just thinking about yesterday and knew she’d agree to whatever he asked, as long as he loved her again and again.

  “Yes, Sir,” she moaned, bucking her hips to get him to resume his sweet torture, but he didn’t move, just held her, watched her, waited.

  “Yes, Sir, you’re the boss, the captain, in charge.”

  “Good girl.” He stroked her in reward. “Once we walk out this door, you’re mine. You’ll do what I say and when. Understood?”

  Taryn nodded. God, sex on his boat. How was she going to stand a full day with this man? An hour after work had nearly done her in. He released her hands.

  “Lift your skirt, both hands.”

  She lifted the front of her dress and sucked in a deep breath when he knelt and slid his hands up her thighs. Her breath left her lungs in a loud whoosh when he yanked her panties down and off. Holding her gaze, he sniffed them.

  “So wet and ready, pet. Say it.”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. “Fuck me, Gio. Please.”

  He smiled,
tossed her panties onto the couch, and leaned forward to kiss her mound. He parted her and kissed her clit gently but thoroughly. He lifted his head, stood, kissed her hard and deep, and then stepped away. “We’ll continue this on the boat.”

  Taryn’s eyes popped wide. “You can’t leave me like this?” Her voice came out as a high squeak of horror. She burned for him. She didn’t think she could walk with the trembling in her legs and the fire racing from clit to breasts then back down to settle deep inside her pussy. She was ready now—naked beneath her skirt and dripping with need.

  “Anticipation, pet.”

  “Pet?” She was vaguely aware he’d used the term before.

  His smile widened. “I’m a Dom and today, you are my submissive.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re into that BDSM stuff?” Recalling how he had ordered her around yesterday, demanding she address him as Sir, the way he took such complete control of her made sense now. She chewed her lower lip. “You’re not into whips and bondage are you?”

  He lifted a brow. “Your job today is to do what I tell you and enjoy every new experience. I’ll instruct you as I go. You will not question me or bring with you any preconceived notions or beliefs.” He reached around her, rubbed her ass, and then pinched her left cheek.

  She squealed in shock then gasped as a crashing wave of desire slammed into her clit.

  “If you want me to pleasure you, you’ll remember this and address me as Sir. Let’s go.”

  Damn, she wanted him to pleasure her and fuck her. And, in turn, she wanted to watch him lose himself in her as he’d done yesterday. “Yes, Sir.” Her mind and thoughts were a jumble of confusion as she followed him to the door, her inner thighs uncomfortably wet. “Wait! I need to get another pair of panties.” God, she’d better grab a few.

  “No. I prefer you not to wear them.” He yanked her close. “When I want to fuck you, I don’t want anything in my way.” To demonstrate, he pulled up her skirt in the back and ran his hand over her bare ass.


  When I want to fuck you, I don’t want anything in my way.

  Those words circled her mind as they sped across the Bay. Glancing around, there was not a lack of places to make love. Lots of cushioned benches up here and down below, two beds and other seating. It was like an RV on the water. His yacht had a kitchen galley area, a bathroom and even a shower.


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