Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk

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Lucia Jordan's Four Series Collection: Chosen, Whipped, Lick, Risk Page 23

by Lucia Jordan

  “Landon,” came a high pitched woman’s scream. Gina flinched, not knowing what she was about to get dragged into. She wondered if she could escape through the patio doors but her exit strategy was squashed when a slender woman with a mane of bright red hair stormed into the kitchen. She wore a pair of white pants that fit her like a second skin and a deep purple top that plunged so low her breasts were nearly visible.

  When her cool blue eyes met Gina’s, the woman all but skidded to a halt. Her eyes narrowed into slits and Gina wanted to shrink away into nothing, but refused to let the woman see how unnerved she was.

  “Who the hell are you?” the woman demanded hotly.

  Gina tilted her chin defiantly. “I don’t see how that is any of your business.”

  The woman leered at her and opened her red painted lips to say something but Landon came running into the kitchen wearing a pair of boxers and looking a mixture of pissed off, still asleep and guilty.

  “Would you care to tell me who the hell this bitch is and why the hell she is in my fucking kitchen,” the woman spat hotly.

  Her kitchen?

  “Why are you here Lydia?” Landon groaned as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands and came to stand beside Gina.

  Gina could feel the frosty glare of the woman and if looks could kill…well.

  “I came to talk to you but it looks like you’ve already started pounding on the first little slut that spread her legs for you.”

  “Excuse me?” Gina snapped. Her anger began to boil and if she had to be honest with herself, it felt good.

  Lydia turned and took a step closer. Gina refused to back down, and instead she found herself squaring her shoulders and stepping closer.

  “Awww, look, the little chunky girl has balls,” Lydia cooed.

  “That’s enough,” Landon boomed. He then turned to Gina and huffed out a heavy sigh. “This is Lydia. My wife.”

  Lick Book 2

  If there was ever a moment that topped the one when Gina found out that Zane had a string of lovers, this was it. Gina felt as if the air had been sucked from her lungs. She felt as if she’d been sucker punched in the gut. It was hard to breathe and the room seemed to tilt slightly.

  “Your wife?” she heard herself say incredulously as she looked between Landon and Lydia. Gina curled her hands into her palms as they itched to scratch the smug leer off the haughty red head’s overly made up face.

  “Yes, that’s right, sweetheart. I’m his wife and you’re in my house,” she hissed nastily.

  “Lydia,” Landon warned through gritted teeth as he turned to face Gina. “Lydia is my soon to be ex-wife,” he said as he stepped closer to Gina and reached to put his hand on her arm. She took a small step back, not trusting herself not to say or do something that would cause her further humiliation. His hands fell to his sides.

  He blew out a weary sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Gina watched his face, curious to see where this story would go. It was a battle to keep her eyes locked on his masculine features and not allow them to roam over his scantily clad body. His boxers fell low on his hips and she could see the faint outline of his cock—the instrument that had sent her to the stars and back numerous of times. Okay, so maybe it was too late not to stand there and stare at him.

  “Lydia and I haven’t been together for close to six months. I didn’t even know she still had a key,” Landon said pointedly to the other woman.

  “But you’re still married.”

  He nodded slowly. “Technically yes, but we’ve not been together for a very long time.”

  “He’s still my husband so you need to keep your mousy, skanky little hands to yourself,” Lydia said hatefully.

  “Lydia, stop being such a bitch and go wait in my office. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Lydia crossed her arms stubbornly over her chest, pushing her very fake breasts higher. The defiant tilt of her chin spoke volumes.

  “Now!!” Landon bellowed, causing both women to jump.

  “Fine,” Lydia huffed as she flounced off and disappeared. The sound of her heels clicking on the tiled floor were followed by the loud slamming of a door.

  After he was satisfied that she was gone, Landon turned and placed his hands on Gina’s shoulders. Internally Gina wanted to cry, but she refused. She was done crying over men. Instead she took a page out of Lydia’s book and stared up at him defiantly.

  “Listen, I know you want all the details but now is not a good time.”

  “You didn’t tell me you were married.”

  “She’s about to be my ex-wife but there are a lot of complications. This…” He pointed between the two of them. “Just became one.”

  “So I’m a complication?”

  And the hits just keep on coming.

  He grunted and squeezed his eyes closed. “This is so not how I pictured us spending the morning together.”

  “Well apparently we don’t get a choice,” she snapped.

  “Listen, I know this isn’t what you expected, and I promise I will explain when I get back, but right now this is something I need to take care of.” He stepped closer and pressed his forehead against hers. “Last night was amazing,” he whispered just before his lips brushed against hers.

  She wanted to be angry with him, but the urgency in his kiss made her firm resolve crumble. She sighed against his mouth as his arms snaked around her waist to pull her tighter against him. Damn him!

  He pulled away abruptly. “I need to go,” he breathed before tucking his lower lips between his teeth and looking at her with hungry eyes. “I’d much rather stay here,” he said as he drew his fingers up the outside of her bare thigh and under the hem of her shirt. His fingers brushed against the shaved skin of her lower lips and she gasped.

  “That’s cheating,” she gasped as he slowly slid a finger inside her.

  “You want to stay mad at me?”

  “Yes…” She whimpered as he dipped his finger deeper through the ring of her pussy.

  “You’re so wet already.” He grunted. He withdrew his finger and licked the moisture away from his fingers.

  That action sent jolts of pleasure through her already feverish body. He backed away.

  “That’s it?” she squeaked.

  He smirked and licked his lips. “That’s all you get for now. I’ll be back the day after tomorrow.”

  “LANDON!!!! Quit fucking around and get in here,” Lydia screeched like a banshee from the other end of the house.

  Gina frowned. “Good grief. She’s a real piece of work isn’t she?”

  “Putting it mildly. I consider her a cross between Satan’s daughter and a pit viper!” He pushed his lips against hers. “Don’t change your clothes before you leave. Go just like that,” he said as he opened a button, revealing the sides of her heaving breasts. “I want to know you’re naked under there for me.” He reached inside her shirt and cupped her breast, tweaking her nipple roughly, enticing a low moan from her.

  “I better go, but I want you to know that I’d much rather bend you over that table and push my cock into that tight little pussy of yours,” he growled. His nostrils flared with arousal and his eyes bore through her hungrily. There was no mistaking the prominent erection pushing against her urgently.

  “I think I need to go,” she stammered.

  “Good idea.”

  Spinning on her heels she quickly made her way through the patio and across his back yard until she reached the fence between the two yards. She stopped at the gate and gave a quick glance over her shoulder and, when she did, she found Landon watching her. Her heart did a little flip in her chest as she gave a quick little wave and disappeared into her brother’s back yard.

  Before the rest of the neighbors could chance a look out their windows, Gina hurried across the backyard. The sun was already starting to climb from the horizon. She grabbed the spare key hidden beneath the planter and slipped through the door. As quietly as possible she closed the French door behind her.
  She was pushing her hair back from her face when she suddenly felt like she was being watched. When she looked up, she wasn’t staring into anyone’s eyes, but a pair of very large, very naked breasts.

  “Whoa! Okay, wow!”

  “Who the hell are you?” the girl said in a high pitch nasally voice that made Gina want to jam an ice pick through her own ear.

  “That’s the second time I’ve been asked that this morning and, you know what? It’s really starting to piss me off.”

  The blonde just stared at her as if she were speaking Greek. “Are you Emily? Oh my gawd are you here to have a little fun with me and the professor?” she squealed. Her unnaturally large breasts didn’t move much as she gave a little hop and jiggle.

  “Hell no, and eww. That’s…” She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. “I live here. Bry—er the professor is my brother.”

  “And you walk around wearing that?” she said ticking her head toward Gina’s miniscule attire.

  “Better than what you’re walking around in.”

  “Hurry up with that ice I can’t wait to show you—oh hey Gina,” Bryan said as he came into the room naked as the day he was born. He half-heartedly grabbed a loaf of bread from the counter to cover his junk. “I didn’t know you were home.”

  “Shit, Bryan,” Gina screeched, horrified as she covered her eyes with both hands. She wished like hell she could unsee what she’d just seen. “I sure as hell didn’t think I had to announce my arrival. Ugh, we need some rules in this house if I’m going to live here. Right now though, I think I am going to go upstairs and shower and dig out my eyes with a melon baller.” She began to walk across the room, hoping that she didn’t run into a wall.

  “Are you doing the walk of shame? Are you doing the walk of shame from Landon’s house?” Bryan crowed from behind her.

  “Grow up, Bryan,” she tossed over her shoulder as she found the stairs and sprinted up the steps. “How in the hell can he be a college professor?” she muttered to herself as she walked into her room and slammed the door.

  She hurriedly made her way to her bathroom and turned on the shower. Gently she stripped Landon’s shirt and draped it across her bed. Her hands skimmed over her bare stomach and traced over her nipples. She could still feel his hands and mouth on her. A dull ache began between her legs.

  “What has he done to me?” she muttered as she made her way to her bathroom. She was grateful that she had one of the rooms with a bathroom. She really didn’t want to run into Ms. Sally Perky-tits again.

  As she climbed beneath the hot water, she let the massaging fingers of the spray ease her tight muscles. She had to admit, having sex that many times and in that many different positions had been the most exciting but physically demanding thing she’d ever done in her life.

  Her mind began to drift to Lydia. Were they really discussing their divorce or was there something else going on? An unbidden image of Lydia’s bright red hair fanned out over Landon’s pillows shimmered through her brain. What if they were in there right now? What if she was sitting on Landon’s cock just as Gina had been no more than two hours ago?

  “You seriously need to get ahold of yourself,” she said as she climbed from the shower and wrapped herself in a big fuzzy towel.

  She walked into the bedroom and her eyes drifted to the window. Just one peek. Walking over to the window she peered out, preparing herself for what she might see. Her heart was hammering in her chest, but she let out a sigh of relief when all she saw was Landon, sitting on the foot of his bed. Alone.

  He must have sensed her eyes on him because he looked up. Their eyes locked across the distance and held. A slow smirk slid across his face as he picked up a phone from his bedside table. She watched as he punched in a few numbers. Almost seconds later, the house phone began to ring.

  Gina spun around and saw there was a cordless phone on her dresser.

  “I’ve got it,” she shouted.

  Breathlessly she picked up the phone and walked back to the window. “Hello?”


  “Hi,” she said lamely.

  She watched as he smiled and this caused her to smile.

  “So, that happened.”

  She nodded. “It did. Did you get everything sorted out?”

  “For now.” That was all he said. He didn’t offer her any other explanation. “I see you just got out of the shower.”

  “I did.”

  “Open your window and take off that towel.”


  “You heard me.”

  With suddenly very nervous hands, she untucked the corner of the towel that had been snug between her breasts with her free hand. With the other hand, she gripped the phone and pressed it to her ear. The towel slipped from her hands and fell to the floor.

  “Perfect.” His voice was low and gravely and even across the distance between them, she could see the burning hunger on his face and the proud erection straining against his jogging pants.

  “Now. Touch yourself.”

  “I—I don’t know.” She hesitated.

  “Do it.” His command was firm.

  Sucking in a sharp breath she knelt on the cushioned window seat, directly in front of the window. This was something completely new to her. Sure, she’d gotten herself off once or twice, but never in front of anyone before.

  “I’m the only one that can see you. The way your house is angled no one can see into your bedroom,” he assured her.

  Gathering all the courage she could muster she tucked the phone between her shoulder and her ear. Gently she began to drag her fingers across her breasts. She was amazed when her body started to reacting. She held Landon’s gaze from across the way.

  “Open your window.”

  She unlocked the latch and pushed it up. She was greeted by the already warming morning air. She could see that Landon had pushed his window up as well, but that wasn’t all. He’d taken off his pants and stood, feet braced apart, with his large cock in his hand.

  She gripped her nipple between her thumb and finger and squeezed. Whimpering under the pressure, she felt pleasure explode through her.

  “Does that feel good?”

  “Mmhmm,” she sighed as she tugged on the other one before allowing her fingers to brush over her stomach. Without hesitation her fingers parted her damp folds and began rolling against her clit.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned as her eyes rolled.

  “That’s right baby. Rub that sweet pussy for me.”

  Gina’s body trembled as she continued to stroke the hardened nub. Her body begged for more and yet she was having a hard time focusing. She wanted so badly to close her eyes but watching Landon stroke his cock in front of her was pushing her arousal higher.

  “Landon,” she sighed.

  “That’s right baby,” he growled into her ear through the phone. The low and husky sound made juices soak her hand as she dipped two fingers through the tight circle and into her pussy.

  “I can’t wait until I get back from my trip. I’m going to fuck you harder and faster than I did last night,” he panted into the phone as he gripped his cock tighter and fisted his hand up and down the long shaft.

  Even from her vantage point she could see the tip glistening with his pre-come. She licked her lips anxiously.

  “I want your dick in my mouth,” she moaned as she slid a third finger into her pussy and pressed against the soft spongy part of her core. Her legs were beginning to tremble and her nipples were beginning to tighten.

  “Shit, Gina.”

  “What are you going to do to me, Landon,” she panted as her fingers worked faster and harder. She could tell he was getting close as well. His breathing had become ragged and his jaw was clenching tightly.

  “Unspeakable things.”

  “Such as?”

  “I’m going to make you pay for this.”

  “Ohhh…Landon. I’m s—so close.”


  “What are you going t
o do?” she coaxed.

  His breathing was coming out faster as she watched his fist pump harder and faster. She was so close to coming, mostly by watching him. She imagined that thick cock spreading her wide and stretching her almost to the point of discomfort.

  “I’m going to spank that ass until it glows and then I’m going to tie you down and do things to your body that you’ve never imagined.”

  Her fingers slid in and out of her wetness, making a slick sucking sound as she moved. “Landon. I’m about to…oh fuck…I’m coming…I’m comingggg…” The phone fell from her shoulder as she gripped the window frame. Her body shook and convulsed as she bit down on her lip to keep from screaming out too loudly.

  Just as she looked up she saw Landon throw back his head. She scrambled to grab the phone and press it to her ear. She heard him just as he bellowed out his release. White ropes of come shot forward out the window and disappeared to the ground. Over and over again he spurted until finally he came to a shuddering halt.

  They stayed silent for a long time. Gina’s heart was still racing through her chest when he spoke, breaking the silence. “I’ll be back day after tomorrow. I promise I will tell you everything about Lydia.”

  Oh right, that skank. She’d nearly forgot about the ex-wife. Well apparently reality had a way of sneaking back in and biting one firmly in the ass. As badly as she wanted to believe that nothing was going on between Landon and his ex-wife, there was still a tiny voice in the back of her head that told her he was lying. That voice was a bastard.

  “Okay,” was all she said.

  “Look at me,” he commanded softly.

  Gina looked up, unaware of the fact she’d even looked away.

  “My and Lydia’s relationship is complicated and there are a lot of things there that need to be addressed. You have nothing to worry about.”

  The look in his eyes was pleading and she found herself nodding. “Okay.”

  “There is a list of things concerning Oscar I left on the kitchen counter. Make yourself at home.”

  She nodded.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Bye,” she said softly.

  She watched as he disconnected the call first, and her heart fell. Not hearing him speak had the weirdest effect on her.


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