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Pants On Fire

Page 22

by Lacey Black

  My smile is instantaneous as he skids to a stop in front of me, drops his bag, and holds out his arms. I launch myself into them, plastering my lips to his. He’s home.

  I’m home.

  Right here in his arms.

  “Fuck, I missed you, Crick.”

  “I missed you too,” I reply, my lips still pressed to his, tasting and savoring the softness of those full lips.

  The kiss is almost indecent, my body wrapped around his, as he runs his hand through my hair. He pulls back and looks into my eyes. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  Shrugging, I reply, “Nowhere else I want to be.”

  He sets me down in front of him, his hands framing my face. “I’m falling in love with you. I’m pretty sure I started to fall the moment I ran into you in St. Louis, but I knew it for fact the second you left. I know we have a lot to figure out, but I want to try, Cricket. Fuck, I want to try more than anything.”

  I smile up at him, his words washing over me like a spring rain. “I’ve fallen completely in love with you,” I confess, my heart feeling freer and lighter than ever before. “That’s why I came. I wanted to tell you in person and see if we could figure out the next step. Together.”

  He exhales and smiles all at the same time, as if he’s relieved by my response. As if he thought there was a chance I’d turn him away. “I’m so fucking glad you’re here,” he says, pulling me into his arms. “Being in that lie was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Me too. But I don’t want it to be a lie anymore.”

  Rueben shakes his head. “It’s not. No more pretending. You’re mine for as long as you’ll have me.”

  We’re quiet for several minutes, just breathing each other in and reveling in the feel of our bodies pressed together.

  “You went to San Francisco,” I point out, my cheek pressed against his chest as I breathe him in.

  “I did. Imagine the shock I received when a woman answered your apartment door who wasn’t you,” he says, resting his chin on my forehead and inhaling the scent of my shampoo.

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “That you did, Cricket. That you did.” He pulls back and wraps his arms around my shoulders, my arms instantly going to his waist. “So what now?”

  “Now we head back to your place. I’m sure you’re beat from so much flying.”

  He gives me a little smirk. “I’m not that tired.”

  Laughing, I turn in his embrace. Rueben picks up his bag, keeping his arm around my shoulder, and guides us toward the exit. “You know what? I’m suddenly not really that tired either,” I state, that familiar tingle between my legs visiting as I think about getting him back to his place. Alone.

  “Let’s head home then, shall we? I want to hear all about this new job on the ride.”



  1 year later

  Damn, I’m proud of her.

  Cricket is at the top of the mountain, getting ready to zipline down. It’s part of her new series on taking risks in their new tourist web-series, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

  When she moved to Tennessee a year ago, it was to start her new position within the Chamber. She was helping with PR for their new tourist division with a focus on highlighting all things Gatlinburg and the surrounding communities of Pigeon Forge and Sevierville. It’s a joint effort from the three communities, with Cricket spearheading the project.

  She’s been in front of the camera many times, but that’s not where her expertise lies. Once they shoot her videos, she’s the one to produce, edit, and prepare the final video for publication. That’s where the magic happens. That’s where Cricket shows her professionalism and love for her job. The final product, every single video she’s created, is outstanding, and I’m not just saying that because I’m prejudice.

  Though, I am a little.

  She’s really fucking amazing.

  But now she’s at the top of the mountain, a video camera strapped to her helmet, and getting ready to zoom down the mountain. She’s terrified, I already know. That’s why she’s put off making this particular video, even though ziplining is one of the biggest draws to the Smoky Mountains. But Royce wasn’t letting her out of it this time. He’s up there with her, determined to ease her discomfort and help her through this particular assignment.

  I’m on the ground, waiting for her arrival, and I’m probably just as nervous as she is.

  It’s just for different reasons.

  “She’s almost ready,” Royce says into the walkie talkie he provided me. It’s how he communicates with his team stationed at the different ledges on the mountain. Her trip isn’t just a single shot down the mountain at a high rate of speed. She’s zigzagging over the terrain, stopping at little ledges amongst the landscape.

  I just pray she keeps her eyes open. It’s the only way my plan will work today. Royce assured me she will, even though I’m not so sure he’s right. I know my girlfriend and she’s terrified of heights like this. The prospect of freefalling to the ground will have her throat closed in terror and her body shaking like a scared puppy. The only reason she agreed to do this is because Royce is going with her. He’ll be riding on the line beside her, making sure nothing happens to my girl after they complete their interview at the top.

  Of course, she thinks it’s all part of the set-up. Only, it’s not the video set-up she’s thinking. It’s for my set-up.

  “Passengers are strapped in and ready to go. Everyone ready?” Royce asks, his voice calm and sure.

  One by one, each platform responds with a go.

  “Rueben?” he whispers, as if not to draw attention to me.

  “Yeah, uh, ready. Definitely ready.” My heart is trying to crawl out of my chest.

  Royce’s chuckles filter through the small handheld device in my hands. “Cricket, are you ready?” he asks loudly.

  “I guess. Let’s get this over with,” she mumbles, her voice wobbly with worries.

  “You’ll be just fine, darlin’, I promise. It’ll be the best ride of your life,” my brother says right before he gives the countdown.






  Worst. Idea. Ever.

  I don’t want to do this, I almost yell as Royce counts down from three. The moment he hits one, my eyes squeeze shut, and I hold my breath.

  I feel the fall. The wind is whipping through what little hair isn’t contained in the helmet. It smacks me in the face. It chokes the scream that’s ripping from my lungs. I know I should open my eyes, but don’t want to witness the ground approaching, getting ready to send me to my death.

  “This is unreal!” Royce hollers. I want to punch him. Hard. “Cricket! Do you see this?”

  “No, I’m good,” I tell him, squeezing my eyes so tight the tears seep through the corners. I don’t even care I’m recording this fall, my screams of terror, and my less than graceful reaction to ziplining. All I care about now is surviving this stunt and getting both feet safely on the ground.

  There’s a jolt and I stop hard, two hands wrapping around my arms. “You okay, Cricket?” Royce asks. I admit, it does give me the slightest sliver of comfort knowing he’s making this trip with me.

  Out of respect for him and his profession, I crack open my eyes. “Am I alive?”

  Royce chuckles, moving his harness from one line to the next. “You’re very much alive, darlin’.” When he’s securely locked in place, he turns to face me. I glance up at the man beside me, moving my security cord from one line to the next, a reminder that this trip is only a fourth of the way done.

  Royce looks me square in the eye. “How about this? Close your eyes for a second as we make the initial fall, but then I want you to open them up. Can you do that?”

  I shake my head.

  “Yes, you can do this, Cricket. Open your eyes. You’re not has high up as you think you are,” he says, glancin
g down.

  I make the mistake of doing the same and I swear the landing platform moves under my wobbly legs.

  “I promise it’ll be worth it,” he whispers, stepping over and squeezing my arm.

  “I don’t know,” I whisper, my throat thick with emotion.

  “Crick?” I hear through the walkie talkie at Royce’s shoulder. He takes it off and hands it to me.

  “Rueben?” I ask, wondering why he’s on the radio.

  “Hey, baby. I just watched your first leg, and I have to tell you, you did good.”

  I can’t help it, I laugh, though it lacks any actual humor. “Good? Did you hear me screaming?”

  He laughs too. “Yeah, I heard. The entire city heard, baby. But you can do this. I know you can. Just listen to Royce and relax. Enjoy the fall, Crick.”

  I swallow over the very large, very hard lump in my throat. “Listen to Royce? Aren’t you the one who’s usually telling me to not listen to him?”

  That makes both men laugh. “True, I have been saying that. But this time, promise me you’ll listen to him. Just this once.”

  Exhaling, I look over into Rueben’s brother’s eyes. They’re full of respect and trust, and I realize I need to do the same. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  “Good girl. Now get that sexy ass down this mountain so I can kiss you,” he says into the walkie talkie, making me giggle.

  Royce takes the device and reattaches it to his shoulder. “You heard the man. Let’s get down this mountain. You ready?”

  I swallow back the reply I want to give and say, “Yes. I’m ready.”

  “Good. Let’s do this!” Royce hollers, getting everyone into position for the next leg of our descent.




  I close my eyes as we plunge off the platform and start another crazy fall. I want to open my mouth, to scream my protests, but I don’t. Instead, I recall the promise I just made to Rueben. To listen to Royce and enjoy the ride.

  Slowly, I crack open one eyelid, the swoosh of air hitting my eyeball. When I see I’m still tethered to the line, I crack open the second.

  “Open your eyes, Cricket.”

  I put all my trust in Royce and open them completely. We’re zipping along the trees, zagging down the mountain at a much higher rate of speed than I’m used to, but it’s…not that bad. The next platform is in sight, but that’s not what draws my eyes. I’m focused on the wooden sign positioned all by itself on the side of the mountain.

  It reads… Will.

  “Will? What does that mean?” I ask Royce, who’s sitting beside me, a wide grin on his face as he relaxes into the harness, his arms and legs spread out. “Oh my god! A will? Is that what this means? I didn’t get a will! Royce, why didn’t I get a will before I did this?” I holler, just as my feet hit the next platform and my body jolts to a stop. “I don’t have a will, Royce!”

  He’s smiling wide as he moves his next carabiner. “It’s fine, Cricket, I swear. That wasn’t a notice to update your will.”

  “Really? Are you sure? It was like this big white sign telling me I’m fucked for not doing a will before I die.” Who cares about the cameras? I can edit out that part.

  “Ready for the next trip? This is the third one,” he says, ignoring another one of my freak-outs and making sure we’re all secure for the next trip.

  When they nod that I’m set, I grumble, “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

  Royce smiles that boyish grin that’s exactly like his little brother’s. “Just remember, Cricket. Keep those eyes open!”

  And then they start to countdown and we’re off again. This time, I force my eyes open a little quicker on the fall, and find myself actually taking in the breathtaking scene around me. Another spot of white on the landscape catches me eye. This one says “You.”

  You? What the hell does that mean?

  My feet hit the third platform and those hands reach out and grab me, steadying me, before moving the carabiners and getting us ready for the fourth and final leg of our trip down the mountain.

  “You still with me?” Royce asks, checking his connection and getting ready.

  “I’m with you. I’m not sure what that sign meant though. Did you see it? It said you. What does that mean? Is that God calling? He’s here for me, isn’t he?”

  Royce lets a full belly laugh fly, doubling over like he did that day I showed up at Rueben’s house a year ago. “Oh, Cricket, you’re something else. I can see why my brother loves you so much.” Standing back up, he adds, “Well, let’s go. He’s waiting down on the ground.”

  And just like that, we’re ready to make the final journey down.

  “Cricket?” Royce says, pulling my attention to where he hangs beside me.


  “Promise me you’ll sit back and enjoy the ride, okay? Keep those eyes open. It’ll be worth it.” There’s something in the way he says it, but I find myself nodding in understanding.

  The countdown begins one final time and then we let go. I don’t close my eyes this time, choosing to enjoy the entire freefall as best as I can. Right away, I see another white sign approaching. It’s the same size as the others, the letters printed in big black block script.

  “Marry,” I whisper.

  What the hell is going on?

  Before I even have a chance to try to piece it together, a fourth sign appears. Me.

  Marry me?

  Something catches in my throat and I gasp. It’s not at the scenery or the fact that I’m ziplining, even after swearing to God and all things holy that I’d never do it. The signs.

  Oh my God! The signs!





  Holy shit, someone is proposing! But who? I barely have time to considering the options when my feet touch down on the fourth and final platform, mere feet off the ground. When I glance at Royce, he’s grinning like a loon, which makes me smile as well.

  “Did you see those signs? I think someone is proposing,” I tell him as they remove my safety harness and get me out of the contraption I had to wear for this expedition through hell. But I have to admit, despite the screaming and the fear and the pleas to save me, I did actually enjoy myself.

  Don’t tell Royce.

  “Really?” he asks, glancing down to the ground where his brother stands. “What did the signs say?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “That’s odd. Who could be proposing?” he asks after making sure he’s free from his zipline harness.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe it’s someone coming down the mountain?” I follow him down the stairs that lead to the ground.

  Oh, sweet, safe ground. I will never complain about you ever again.

  When I get to the bottom of the stairs, Royce takes my helmet, which I’m grateful the moment I see Rueben. He’s standing off to the side, a big smile on his face, but there’s something different about his eyes. They’re intense, and maybe a little nervous as he watches me walk his way.

  Rueben takes me in his arms and spins me around. When my feet hit the ground, his hands frame my face in that way I’ve come to love and expect, and he places his hips against mine. Then, before I even have a chance to kiss him back, he moves, kneeling in front of me.

  What in the world?

  My mouth opens to ask him if he’s okay, but when he gazes up at me, something steals my breath. It’s the look in his eye that tells me everything I need to know. I see his love for me, for our life we’ve made, and will continue to work on together. I see a little anxiety and a bit of tension. But I also see an anticipation. Question.

  Holy shit!

  Suddenly, it all starts to make sense.

  The signs.

  Will you marry me?

  Holy shit, someone is proposing.

  A gasp falls from my open lips as my hands cover my gaping mouth. I gaze down at him, a smile crossing his handsome face. “Cricket Hill, this past
year has been the greatest of my life, and that’s because of you. You make me a better man, and I can’t think of a better way to spend my life than with you by my side, as my wife.”

  He pulls a ring from his jeans front pocket and holds it between his thumb and first finger. A cry slips past my lips as he grins up at me, takes my left hand in his and positions it at the tip of my finger. “The moment I saw this ring, I knew it was made for your finger. Just like you were made for me. I love you, Cricket Hill, and I want nothing more to than to marry you. Will you be my wife?”

  I’m not sure I even wait until he’s finished his question. “Yes! Yes!” I holler, my entire body shaking.

  His grin could light up the night sky as he slips the ring on my finger and stands up, taking me in his arms once more. Our lips meet in a frenzy of urgency and celebration as applause rings out around us. When we pull away, I’m shocked to find a handful of employees of the zipline company there, as well as Royce, who just so happens to be using the camera on my helmet to tape our exchange.

  “I love you, Crick,” Rueben whispers, kissing my forehead

  “And I love you, Ruby.”

  He growls and nips at my ear. “You’re going to pay for that,” he whispers.

  Giving him a saucy grin, I reply, “I sure hope so.”

  The End

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  A huge thank you to everyone who had a hand in bringing this book to life!

  Melissa Gill – Thank you for the wonderful cover.

  Give Me Books – Thank you for your tireless work organizing the cover reveal and release.

  Kara Hildebrand – Thank you for your editing expertise.

  Sandra Shipman and Jo Thompson – Thank you for beta and alpha reading, and for your help in making the storyline consistent.

  Kaylee Ryan – Thank you for always being just a text or phone call away.


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