Edge Jump

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Edge Jump Page 14

by Elizabeth Noble

  “Oh, yeah.” Rylan gulped and added, “Sir.”

  Brett chuckled. “Good. Are you hard?”

  “Y-yes, s-sir.” The idea of Brett allowing him to come this way made his breath catch and his legs tremble. His nipples were as hard as his dick.

  “Put the belt on. Make sure it’s on correctly.”

  “Yes, sir.” Rylan struggled into the belt. Getting it on the right way dictated he pull his balls and cock up and against his body. Doing this while aroused was considerably uncomfortable, almost painful. Rylan panted and moaned.

  “What does it feel like?” Brett asked.

  “I…it’s, oh fuck. Hurts, love it.” Rylan couldn’t really put how his body felt into words. “Sir.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Please, sir, please let me come.” Rylan loved when Brett made him beg. “P-please, s-sir.”

  Brett barked an evil little laugh. “Not until I’m there to enjoy it, boy. How’re your nipples, nice and red and hard?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Give them a few pinches for me. I think five to each side,” Brett ordered.

  Rylan staggered back until his legs hit the edge of the bed and he could flop backward onto it. As he did as told, it didn’t take long before he was moaning and writhing on the bed.

  “Very good. You sound desperate and ready for when I arrive. Keep that belt on until I take it off. You may touch yourself however you’d like tonight, but you may not come. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good night, boy, sleep well,” Brett murmured.

  “You too, sir.” Rylan replied. He didn’t end the call until after Brett. He sincerely doubted he’d get a lot of sleep and the prospect made him oddly happy.

  Chapter 10

  After ending their call, Brett spent some serious personal time in the shower jacking off. He almost felt sorry for Rylan, but not enough to call him back and let him give himself some relief. The fact was, Rylan loved this strategy and probably would be disappointed if Brett gave in too soon. It was part of the game and the pleasure, different for each of them, but just as satisfying all the same.

  The next morning Brett was anxious and impatient waiting for Detective Swift’s call. He passed the time by taking his luggage to the car and loading up so he’d be ready to leave on a moment’s notice. As checkout time approached Brett did a final sweep of his room, left a tip on the table, and headed down to the front desk to turn in his keycard and pay his bill. Once that business was completed, he tried not to pace around the lobby, actions like that tended to make people nervous. With a huff, he dropped into a chair and tried to read the news feed on his phone. In reality, he was more interested in the time and how slowly it was moving.

  He looked at his watch—again. “Wonder what time James starts work?”

  Rylan had been teasing and yanking Brett’s chain when he’d made the crack about chemistry between him and James Markus, Brett knew that. Being jealous was silly, Brett knew that too.

  What he knew and what he felt were two different things entirely.

  Fortunately for his sanity, Detective Swift called. “I have some personal possessions of your sister that can be released.”

  Brett breathed out a long sigh. “Thank you. I’ll be there soon.” He ended the call, pushed out of the chair, and left the lobby, heading to his car.

  As before, Lindsay Swift was waiting for him and escorted him to her desk. A large zip lock bag sat in front of her keyboard. She held a clipboard with a form on it out to him. “If you could sign that you’ve received these items.”

  The bag was lying flat, and everything inside was easily seen. A necklace, her engagement ring, earrings, ticket stubs, cell phone, and a key ring sporting Brett’s hockey team logo, but no keys. He signed the form and handed it back to her.

  “We went through her phone. There are some very…personal pictures. I had one of my tech people put them in a separate folder.”

  Brett nodded. “That was thoughtful of you. I appreciate it. Rylan told me he met with your friend in Calgary.”

  D.C. Swift laughed softly. “I heard. Have a good trip. I’ll be in touch when I know something.”

  She held out her hand and Brett shook it, picked up the bag, and made his way back to his car. He put the ring and cell phone in his coat pocket, the rest he slipped into his suitcase. A quick text to Rylan letting him know he was about to hit the road and an estimate of when he’d be in Calgary. Next, he sent a similar text to George, then he was on his way. It was late enough in the morning he wouldn’t arrive in Calgary until well into the evening. He’d promised Rylan he’d be there for the opening show and he intended to keep that promise.

  Thanks to a late lunch, Brett skipped dinner and made better time than he’d expected. He spent half his drive trying to decide how to tell Rylan about Celia’s injuries. The other half was spent deciding to keep that piece of information to himself, taking it his grave if needed. His arrival at his hotel ended his internal, mostly useless, dialogue. Once he was checked in he dropped onto the bed in his room and stared at the room service menu while he sent Rylan a text with his room number. As before he let George know he was there and all was quiet.

  Rylan responded almost immediately that he’d only recently gotten back to his room. Brett decided being the man Rylan deserved needed to start right now. A call was in order.

  “Hey, hi,” Rylan answered almost right away. There was some scuffling and a thud.

  Brett was on his feet, phone clenched in his fist. “What’s wrong? Are you alright?”

  Rylan laughed, it was a soft, breathy sound. “Sorry. I was changing and tried to answer and pull off my sweats at the same time. Dropped the phone. Seems I’m only coordinated on ice skates.”

  Brett’s knees bent and he abruptly sat on the bed. “You scared me.” Big breaths to steady his shaking hands and he asked, “Have you had dinner? Other than what’s provided during rehearsals?”

  “No, I was going to get something from a machine or grab a sandwich from the coffee shop. Are you trying to make me an offer I can’t refuse?”

  Brett relaxed and chuckled. “Would you like to go with me for dinner?”

  “Yeah, I would.”

  “I’ll pick you up in a half hour?”

  “I’ll be waiting.” Rylan ended the call.

  A shower and shave in record time and Brett was at Rylan’s hotel in twenty-five minutes. He parked and pulled out his phone.

  “You didn’t tell me the room number.” Brett texted.

  “I’m in the lobby, be right out. Room 1006.”

  Brett pulled the SUV up to the front just as Rylan pushed through the main doors.

  As Rylan climbed in the front seat he tossed a large duffle into the back seat. He offered Brett a lopsided grin and said, “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all! In fact, that makes me happy.” Once Rylan was settled, Brett put the car in gear. “What do you want for dinner?”

  “There’s a steakhouse about ten minutes away. Their menu looks decent.” Rylan focused on his phone. “Um…about a mile that way, then take a left.”

  “Okay, then. You navigate and I’ll drive.”

  They rode in a very comfortable silence, other than Rylan giving out street names and directions. It was late enough that when they arrived there was no wait. Brett felt good putting his hand on Rylan’s back as they walked through to their table.

  “Is your detective friend lurking around here somewhere?” Brett asked while they waited for their order.

  Rylan ducked his head and smiled shyly. “No. I did call and tell him you were in town and we were going for dinner. I also gave him your hotel info and phone number. I promised to let him know if I left my room or went anywhere after rehearsal if he wasn’t with me.”

  Dinner was wonderful and Brett made a mental note to return for another meal. They didn’t linger, it was late, Brett had driven most of the day, and Rylan had been in rehearsal. It
had been a long day for them both.

  “The cops in Vancouver released the possessions Celia had on her. Her engagement ring was one of the items.” Brett shrugged as he drove toward his hotel. “I’m not sure what to do with it.”

  “What about using it to help set up some kind of scholarship to Big Sky? There are talented skaters that don’t have the resources to enter competitions and train as much as it takes,” Rylan suggested.

  Brett nodded. “That’s a good idea. I didn’t want to do anything with it without talking to you first.”

  Rylan opened his mouth and shut it again before turning and staring out the window. “That means a lot to me.” His voice was soft and cracked.

  The lump in Brett’s throat kept him from responding, so he took the opportunity to reach over and squeeze Rylan’s hand for a few seconds.

  “I have to admit I’m pretty relieved you’ll stay with me.” By the time Brett pulled into the parking garage and shut the car down he was able to talk without his voice quivering.

  Rylan opened his door, but didn’t get out right away. “There is a condition. Are we sleeping in the same bed?”

  “Yes,” Brett said without hesitation. He jogged around to Rylan’s side of the car and pulled his duffle bag out, hooking the strap over his shoulder. He leaned down and kissed Rylan’s cheek before leading the way to his room.

  Once they were inside Brett’s room and the door shut behind them, Rylan’s attitude underwent a drastic change. Brett pulled his coat off and barely had the chance to toss it to a chair when Rylan had stripped his clothes off and was on his knees in front of Brett, tugging on his belt.

  “What are you—?” Brett’s words were cut off when his pants were unzipped and jerked down.

  Rylan rubbed his cheek over Brett’s cock then used his teeth to pull his underwear down. “Please, sir. I’ve missed you and want to show you.”

  Brett opened his mouth to answer but the only thing that came out was a garbled noise. He staggered back and braced himself against the dresser. Rylan licked and suckled at his cock, tongue twirling around Brett’s crown before he sucked along Brett’s shaft. Rylan’s fingers massaged Brett’s balls, hitting and pressing against the sweet spot behind them.

  “You do know I’m the Dom?” Brett managed to pant the question out a split second before Rylan’s teeth skimmed his cock from root to head. That did it, Brett was done for. His hips stuttered forward and his body trembled as spasms started at his toes and coursed through him. “Oh, fuck!” He had to grip the edge of the desk hard to keep from sliding to the floor. Rylan kept working him until he was completely spent.

  He leaned back gasping for breath when Rylan stood up and wiped his mouth off then said, “I’m gonna go brush my teeth. Then you need to take my belt off.”

  Brett waved him to the bathroom. “Okay.” His voice came out thin and breathy. The quaking of his body began to subside and he scrubbed one hand over his face. When the water in the bathroom turned off, Brett rolled his shoulders, stood straight, and pulled up his pants. His shirt, shoes, and socks were removed and set to the side.

  He crossed the room to where his suitcases were still stacked and opened one of the smaller ones, pulling out a small, narrow paddle. Smacking the paddle against his palm, enjoying the solid sting it provided.

  Rylan stood a few feet from him, waiting quietly. His gaze tracked Brett’s movements, but otherwise he didn’t move.

  “You seemed to have forgotten what you need permission to do,” Brett said. Rylan shrugged and pulled a face. Sighing, Brett added, “I suppose you think I’ll take that dance belt off and let you get some relief?”

  “I did just give you an awesome—and unexpected—blow job,” Rylan pointed out.

  Brett slapped the paddle against his hand again and Rylan bit his lip, the corners of his mouth twitching up. Stepping closer to one of the armless chairs set around a table, Brett pulled it to the center of the room and sat down. Crooking one finger at Rylan, Brett commanded, “Come here.”

  As soon as Rylan was in front of him Brett reached up and slipped his hand around Rylan’s neck then hauled Rylan down and over his legs. He didn’t give Rylan so much as a second before he brought the paddle down, over and over, against Rylan’s ass. It didn’t take long before there were satisfying grunts and groans bursting out of Rylan. His body jerked with each hit and he squirmed against Brett, grinding his cock over Brett’s knees. Brett kept up his pace until Rylan’s breaths were short, shallow pants and his ass was red.

  Brett tossed the paddle to the floor and nudged Rylan’s side. “On the bed, on your back.”

  Rylan oozed off Brett’s lap and made his way to the bed, easing onto it, spread eagle. His chest heaved and his hips lurched up and down. The dance belt was soaked and the aroma of sweat and pre-cum swirled through the air. Dragging his eyes away from the spectacle that was Rylan, Brett retrieved his supply bag. He pulled the bottle of lube, nipple clamps, and latex gloves out.

  The clamps were secured in place. The squeak and moan from Rylan made Brett smile. Next, he pulled on the gloves and pumped a generous glop of lube into one palm. “Get that belt off, boy.”

  Rylan nodded and hooked his thumbs under the material, sucking in quick breaths as he eased the material off then dropped it to the floor. Brett settled beside him on the bed and took hold of Rylan’s cock, pulling up with a twist, then swiping his thumb through the slit. Rylan’s hips jerked up and he panted deep breaths before crying out when Brett slipped one gloved finger into his hole and rubbed his prostate.

  It didn’t take long before Rylan’s entire body was shaking and writhing on the bed.

  “Come for me,” Brett whispered and gripped Rylan’s cock hard and kept up constant pressure on his sweet spot until Rylan was spent. After a few minutes Brett nudged Rylan’s side. “Get cleaned up.”

  Nodding, Rylan shimmied off the bed. Twenty minutes later he’d showered and they flopped together in bed.

  “I have rehearsal at nine tomorrow morning and the show opens at six. There’s a skating event afterward at one of the outside rinks in the park we’re supposed to show up for. There are shows for four days. Not here as long as we were in Vancouver,” Rylan said. He’d snugged up to Brett’s side and wrapped one arm around his waist. “I think Celia would like her ring to be used toward a scholarship.”

  The thought caused Brett’s eyes to sting and he pressed them shut for a few seconds. “I’ll get you to the rink and then get it and her cell phone packaged up and shipped home. I don’t want them sitting around hotels. Then I’m going to work on setting up a memorial service of some sort too.”

  Just tell him about Celia’s knees.

  Rylan kissed Brett’s chest. He pulled in a wet, shaky breath and said quietly, “When?”

  “Your last show is in, what? About two weeks?” Brett asked. Rylan nodded against his chest and Brett continued, “I was serious about you coming to Big Sky. There’s always a home for you there. You say you don’t know what you want to do, so why not take six months or a year and decide?”

  Rylan sighed softly. “I’d like that, a lot. I’m not sure I’ll ever want to solo skate or continue performing.”

  Brett shifted so he could kiss Rylan’s forehead. “Take some time. I’d love having you at home. What you want to do might change in a year.”

  Rylan laughed. “You may think differently about me being there after a few weeks.”

  “Eh, that place is big and there is plenty to do to keep us from annoying each other too much.” He brushed his fingers through Rylan’s hair for a few minutes. “Have you told Detective Markus you’re suspicions about Kathryn Sweeny?”

  “No. I intended to, I tried to, but like I said before I’m just not positive. Accusing someone of something like that…” Rylan nuzzled closer. “I’ve got to be absolutely sure, you know? I have made sure to steer clear of her. Full disclosure, she’s starting to give me the creeps the way she watches me. At first, I thought she was worried
about me, now I’m not so sure.”

  Tell him. “If it’s her I don’t think she can keep it a secret forever and Swift has some evidence she’s sifting through. I have faith the truth will come out—eventually.” Then he blurted out, “DC Swift told me something else today.”

  “Does she have a lead on the killer?”

  “No.” Brett shook his head. “But she said…there were other injuries…” Brett drew in a shaky breath and tightened his grip on Rylan.

  “Brett?” Rylan tensed beside him.

  “Her knees.”

  “Her knees what?”

  “Whoever attacked. They…they shattered her knees,” Brett confessed.

  “Her—” Rylan’s voice cracked and he began to shake. “Why would someone do that?”

  “I don’t know. To be honest I thought about keeping quiet, but I couldn’t. I’m sorry.”

  Rylan tugged himself closer to Brett and moved his arm so he could take Brett’s hand, giving it a squeeze. Sudden exhaustion overtook him, and Brett yawned. He reached over and switched off the lights, and let the feeling of Rylan’s presence wash over him and lull him.

  When Brett woke up Rylan was still pressed solidly against him, though they’d both changed positions. Rylan was on his side and Brett wrapped around him from the back.

  After they’d dressed, Brett’s first task for the day was delivering Rylan to rehearsal.

  They were met near the locker rooms by a man holding up a badge in one hand and extending his other hand. “James Markus.” Brett was given a robust handshake.

  “Brett Rocha.”

  “Oh, I know who you are. This is one of my better assignments. It’s such a pleasure meeting you.” James Markus might have easily been one of the most outgoing people Brett had ever met.

  Rylan dug into the large duffle bag he’d slung over one shoulder and pulled out a jersey and program. He nudged Markus’s arm and smiled. “We remembered.”

  Markus pocketed his badge and held the jersey out in front of him. “Oh, wow, this is great.” Brett’s hand was pumped again. “Thank you!” Next he took the program and admired it, flipping through the pages.


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