by Sean Hayden
I kicked Marazzo for good measure and then took the cell phone and sat in his padded desk chair. I wished I had memorized Reese's cell number, but I didn't. Instead I dialed information and asked for the Chicago Field Office number. They gave me the number and connected me after offering to send me the information in a text message. I waited for three rings until someone picked up. A male agent I didn't recognize answered the call. I had half hoped it would be Rose who picked up; just so I could tell her I would be coming for her when the battle ended. I sighed when I realized I didn't want to give her a head start.
"Chicago Field Office FBI, how can I help you?”
"This is Agent Ashlyn; can you connect me to Reese?"
"Ashlyn, holy shit, hold on."
The line clicked and then rang three times before Reese picked up. "This is Special Agent Reese, how can I help you?"
"Reese, it's me."
"Where are you; what's going on!"
"I found Marazzo. He's here if you want to come pick him up. I need him for a little while longer, but we're at Capone's Vault. I could use some back up. Cicero's supposed to be calling him any time to let him know where he'll be. I don't have long to talk, but I have to tell you. Michaels is dead, Reese. Cicero had him killed, and you were right about Thompson; it wasn't him."
"Oh my God, stay where you are. I'm sending agents your way. Thompson's here with me, he's coming too. Do you know who tipped off Cicero?"
"You got another new agent from my class didn't you?"
"Yes, an agent named Rose I believe. Wait a minute, are you telling me…"
"Yes, is she there?"
"No, she's out on assignment I think. I'll have everyone start looking for her."
"Don't bother, I'll find her for you later, sir. I have to go," I said and punched the end call button.
Chapter 21
I had been sitting there quietly for ten whole minutes before Marazzo started moaning. I considered kicking him again when I realized the gaping wound I had made in his chest wasn't healing. It had to be from me draining his precious blood almost to nothing. Damn it. He needed to eat a little or he would never be able to answer Cicero's call. I got up from my comfortable chair and made my way out into the hall. I didn't expect to find anybody after my little show, but there in the hall slumped down on the floor sat a tiny vampire.
I don't mean a child vampire: I mean a short little man who had been turned into a vampire. He heard my footsteps and looked up. I had seen terrified people before in movies and on the news, but this man wasn't too far away from full blown panic. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why a person so afraid would stick around.
"Hello," I called out softly.
"D-d-did you kill him?"
"Mr. Marazzo. Did you kill him?"
"Um, no I didn't. Who are you?"
"My name is Pike. I'm his assistant. Please don't kill him. He made me what I am, so I'll die."
Well shit. The man was so diminutive you couldn't help but want to help him. I had to sigh because, damn it all to hell, he started crying.
"Pike, if you want to help him, he needs to eat. I need to find him a donor so he can heal. Can you find someone for me?"
"Yes. Thank you, Verminator."
"Pike," I said and sighed, "Go and find him something to eat."
He must have been truly terrified of me because I didn't even see him leave. I just heard the swish and some foot falls and he had rounded the corner. I turned back and returned to my vigil by Marazzo's side. I had just plopped my weary ass down when Thompson came through the destroyed doorway.
"Hey, kid," he called out his familiar greeting.
"Hey, big guy," I shot back and closed my eyes for a minute.
The silence in the room comforted me until I felt something fall into my lap. For a mountain of man he could move pretty quietly. In my defense I had had a long night, and I had a feeling it wasn't over. It wasn't even 9 o'clock and I wanted to call it a day. Damn Cicero, I deserved a vacation once I had him in custody or in a box. I looked down and saw my badge and my gun in my lap. I didn't think I'd miss it, but I have to admit I felt a little less of an agent without them.
I mumbled thanks and stood to put the holster Darenthalis had given me over my shoulders and then slip the gun in it after checking the ammo. I saw the little silver tips gleaming in the magazine and nodded. I sat back down and heard two sets of footsteps coming down the hall. I saw Thompson bristle, so I put my hand on his arm to calm him. It had to be Pike with somebody for Marazzo to snack on.
He came into the room holding the hand of a young girl dressed as a roaring 20's flapper. She didn't look scared, so I knew she wasn't an unwilling donor. When she saw Marazzo on the floor she gave a high pitched, "Vinnie," and yanked her hand out of Pike's to run over to his prone form. Without hesitation she held her wrist out to the incapacitated vampire. He weakly opened his eyes and smiled before gently taking her offered gift into his mouth. My vampiric ears picked up the little "crunch" his fangs made as he pierced the skin over her vein.
I watched her blissful face as he fed with a look of disgust on mine. I hated being a vampire. At least twenty times a day, I wished to be normal. To see a normal person willingly allowing themselves to be preyed upon ran against every moral fiber in my body.
I walked over to Marazzo and watched the bone, and muscle, and skin of his wound close. Even his color looked a little better. "Enough," I said and Marazzo stopped. He released her arm and lifted his hulking form off the floor of the demolished office. I expected him to start another fight, or at least start yelling at me. I didn't expect the heartfelt, "Thank you," and the little bow he gave me.
I looked over at Thompson and gave him a little "what the fuck" rise of my eyebrows. He just shrugged and came over to me. "Kid, Reese filled me in on everything. I'm sorry about Michaels. Agents like him don't come around very often. What are we going to do now?"
"Cicero has been meeting Mr. Marazzo here at various warehouses. Never the same one consecutively, so we have no way of finding him on our own. He's due to call our friend here any time now for another such meeting. Mr. Marazzo is going to take the call and let us know where to find him. Aren't you Marazzo?" I turned toward the unsteady vampire.
"Anything for you, ma'am," came his response.
Uh oh, this seemed vaguely familiar. I stepped away from Thompson and headed over to Marazzo. He actually smiled as I got closer. I had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling.
"Marazzo, will you help us? Will you help us find Cicero?"
"Of course, master"
I think if you listened close enough you could have heard my shoes make a little screeching noise as I halted my stride. I stared at him and watched his glassy eyes return it. I glanced over at Thompson, and saw his face. His wide open mouth and his wide open eyes spoke volumes. I wanted Marazzo's cooperation, not a fucking minion. I rolled the word minion around on my tongue. Nope, I didn't like it, not one bit.
I didn't know what to do, and thankfully the little cell phone buzzing in my hand saved me from having to think about it. "Show time," I thought. I looked down at the little display and a local number flashed on the screen. I prayed it belonged to his royal highness the Master of Chicago. I looked up at Marazzo and handed him the phone. "Answer it, and Marazzo, act normal."
He took the small cell from my hand and pressed the little green answer button and held it up to his face. He said, "Marazzo.” What a douche, he couldn't even say hello like a normal person. "Yes, sir, I understand. I'll see you there."
"Perfect," I said to him after he hung up. "Where are we meeting him?"
"He said to be at his warehouse on 19th Street in an hour, master," he replied eagerly, like he expected me to be pleased with him. I had had enough. I opened my mouth to tell him to stop calling me master, and in fact I wasn't his master when Thompson cleared his throat behind me. I turned around and looked at him and he slowly shook his head from side to side. Apparent
ly my partner had developed ESP. I shrugged at him and he mouthed the word, "Later.” Fine, if he wanted me to play master I would.
"Pike, please take the lady and go. We have things we need to do," I told the little man. I expected an argument, but he just smiled and grabbed the performer's wrist and left through the damaged doorway. "Marazzo, do you have a car here?"
"Yes, master, it is out in the parking lot. Do you wish me to drive?"
This kept getting more annoying by the minute. I debated throwing Thompson's advice to the wind and telling him to go jump off a bridge, but he knew where we had to be so I let it go. "Perfect, Marazzo, would you please go get it and meet us at the front door?" He gave me another beaming smile. I wanted to throw up.
I waited until Marazzo left and turned toward Thompson. "What?"
"You made him your slave," Thompson said. He made it more of a question than a statement.
"I didn't mean to do it. I rolled his mind and then fed off him. I didn't know this would happen, I swear!"
"I know, but you need to talk to Marcel after this is over. I have a very bad feeling about this, kid. Just do me one favor, try not to kill Cicero until you talk to Marcel."
"Just trust me on this one, kid, please."
I nodded and we left the office together. I had an uneasy feeling as we walked through the deserted restaurant. During our little meeting in the back, all of the commotion must have caused the patrons of Capone's Vault to suddenly lose their appetites. I wanted out of there, and I wanted out then. I worried Marazzo might regain his senses once he had some distance between us. I didn't even think about it, I just commanded him to do something and didn't doubt for a second he would. Now I worried he'd run off to find Cicero. I didn't know which scared me more.
As it turned out he sat waiting in a black Cadillac right in front of the heavy doors. I probably should have been a little more specific and told him to keep the car on the street and not park on the sidewalk. Wow, I had a lot to learn. At least I had the answer to my question though. I feared having too much control over not having enough. It meant I was one of the good guys right?
Chapter 22
The drive to the warehouse district took less than 30 minutes, even in Friday night Chicago traffic. We pulled up to the older brick building and parked. Marazzo shut of the engine and killed the lights on the Caddy. I expected him to tell me what would happen next, something like, "Okay, now Cicero will swoop down and knock on the roof of the car three times," but he just looked at me in the rearview mirror, awaiting his instructions.
"Where's Cicero?"
"He's inside. He has an office set up in every one of his warehouses so he can do business from it should he be forced to lay low. Do you want me to go in?"
I'll admit it. I hadn't thought very far ahead. I really needed to get better at this. I looked over at my partner sitting next to me for a little advice.
"You probably don't want him going in there with a big bloody hole in the front of his suit kid. Have him stay here; we'll check it out."
I nodded. His logic seemed reasonable. I just wish I had enough experience with this shit to have come up with it on my own. "Stay here, and don't leave," I told the vampire in the front seat.
"Yes, master," he replied and smiled again.
I looked over at Thompson and he nodded back. We both reached down and pulled the door handles and exited the calm quiet Caddy. The night air felt cool, but I knew it had absolutely nothing to do with the gooseflesh on my arms. I could feel vamps all around us. I felt a surge of disappointment. I had really been hoping Cicero had holed himself up in the warehouse all by his lonesome. Stupid bad guys, they never make anything easy on the good guys.
I heard a rip, pop, and several squishy noises. I glanced over at Thompson, expecting to see my partner, not a seven hundred pound werelion. I guess he could feel or smell the vamps too. I nodded at him and he gave me a little growl. I just hoped the vamps didn't hear it too. I debated pulling my gun out, but my reflexes and armaments would probably be better suited for this anyway. It's hard to kill somebody quietly with a Glock 23.
We made our way to the front door. I seriously doubted it would be unlocked, but I had to try it anyway. How many times in a movie did people win the day after trudging the hard way to face off with a bad guy only to find the front door unlocked at the end of the movie. My suspicions confirmed somebody had locked it when I gave a little tug on the handle. I looked over at Thompson to see if he wanted me to rip it open. He gave a low growl and looked up.
My gaze followed his and I saw the vamp on the roof un-slinging a high powered rifle just above us. Fuck. If he got a shot off, everyone would come running. Thompson took care of it while I debated what to do. With a single leap he landed on top of the roof. The vampire stared in shock when Thompson swiped across his face from back to front, effectively knocking him off the roof. He gave a growl and bounded away as the vamp fell toward me. There must have been others on the roof acting as sentries. I considered letting the vamp fall to the ground, but at the last minute I stretched my arms out to break his fall. He lay in my arms as I looked down at the bloody remnants of his face and sank my teeth into his neck and tore out his throat.
The wound wouldn't kill him, but he wouldn't be rushing to Cicero's aid for quite a while. I unceremoniously dumped the body on the ground out of sight of the door and looked for a way to get up onto the roof. I had no idea how high I could jump myself, so I decided to give it a shot. I crouched low and sprang out with my legs. To say I cleared the roof would be one of the greatest understatements of my life. If the building had been three times taller, I would have still cleared it with room to spare. From my vantage point I saw Thompson winding his way around the large air-conditioning units perched upon the roof top. I finally reached the apex of the arc of my jump and gravity started working again. I could feel myself being tugged slowly downward. Then I started feeling myself being tugged faster, and faster. I realized I would make quite a large noise when my body reached terminal velocity and drove me into, and quite possibly through, the roof of the building. Things kept getting better and better.
I willed myself to slow down. I really didn't expect it to work, but son of a bitch if it didn't. I could feel the pull lessen as I slowed my descent. I didn't even make a sound as I landed gently about twenty feet from one of the other sentries looking out over the streets below. I padded as silently as I could as I closed the gap. The only problem with sneaking up behind vampires is they can hear a mouse fart from fifty feet. I crept along silent enough to impress even a ninja, but it wasn't good enough, not even a little. He must have been expecting me to be one of his comrades because he nonchalantly turned his head.
I did the only thing I could do. I sprang. I hit him at chest level and we both went over the side of the building. I latched onto him with tooth and claw and I rode him down. He landed on his back with a sickening crunch and I landed on top of him, my face buried in his neck. My face is probably what broke his neck. I'm not going to lie, it fucking hurt. At least we had landed behind the building where nobody could see or hear us, kudos to me.
Incapacitated guard number two, meant Thompson had two sentries left up on the roof. He dispatched the south sentry on his way up, and I had just landed on the north sentry. We still had east and west to take care of. I stood up for a minute and allowed my face to heal, and yes, I actually had to straighten my broken nose so it wouldn't heal at an acute angle to my cheekbone. I crouched again once it set and jumped again, this time with just enough force to keep me out of orbit. I really needed to practice this shit. This time I didn't jump hard enough and I barely reached the roof ledge with my fingers. I hung there for a few moments before I heard footsteps walking towards my perch.
I looked up and saw the muzzle of the gun come into view. The sentry must have thought he heard something down in the parking area below me and noticed the missing sentry. As the gun tip came into view it lowered down pointing
itself over my back toward the ground. I gulped, reached up and grabbed the gun and yanked, hard. I almost laughed when I saw the gun and the sentry both fall from the roof to the ground. I watched as the vamp did a full summersault and land on his feet below me. Shit, I let go with my remaining hand as he turned and tried to line up his rifle to fire. I made it to the ground right before he pulled the trigger, barely.
My body took over. He had the rifle up against his cheek as he sighted down the barrel at me. Time slowed again and I saw his finger tighten on the trigger. Could I close the five feet between us before he depressed it completely? You bet your ass I did. My hand closed on the barrel of the weapon. I felt the coolness of the barrel against my palm as I jammed the crosshairs of the sight into his face. He let go and clutched his bleeding face in his hands. Before he could cry out I swung the weapon down double handed over his head, dropping him to the ground and making him forget about the bloody remnants of his eye.
I looked up and couldn't hear any fighting between Thompson and the last sentry. Either he had dispatched him or was trying to. I took a chance and jumped again. The third time's the charm I guess. I judged the distance perfectly this time and stuck my foot out and stood on the edge of the rooftop. I smiled at my accomplishment. I gave a little giggle, unable to stop myself. Thompson looked up from the red mess at his feet and gave me a sour look, which looked kind of funny plastered on a lion. He shook his head and little bits of vampire flew from his muzzle. I padded my way over to him since he stood right next to the roof access hatch.
"Ready?" I got a low rumble in his throat I took as an affirmative.