Triple Dare

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Triple Dare Page 2

by Lexxie Couper

  Dodging a low-hanging branch, she stabbed her stocks into the snow, hurrying her speed. As far as she could tell, none of the fawning women had gotten lucky, much to their chagrin. The tall one, Joseph, she thought she’d heard his friend call him, hadn’t come back to the bar, and his friend had followed only a few hours—and beers and dances with said fawning women—later. Alone.

  So is that why you’ve followed them for most of the day? They didn’t pick up anyone last night?

  She grunted at the ridiculous notion, swerving a cluster of jagged boulders as she forced herself faster over the snow. No, she’d followed them most of the day because she’d heard the friend—Rob? Bob?—mention to one of his many admirers they were going to heli-jump onto Knife Ridge Chutes and planned to stay overnight in the unused Wolf Creek rescue cabin.

  The trouble was he hadn’t informed her. And as the local ranger in charge of controlling Wolf Creek’s slopes and ski runs, anyone planning on spending the night on the side of Knife Ridge, no matter how gorgeous and well-equipped and obviously daring-do, had to tell her of those plans.

  And something about them had told her they were going to get themselves into trouble.

  Maybe it was the devilish glint in Rob/Bob’s way-too-sexy blue eyes? Or the dimple in his cheek? Or the way Joseph moved his hips on the table dancing to that annoyingly catchy song? Or the way your pussy fluttered and squeezed and got all warm and prickly when Joseph looked at you this morning in the lodge. Or the way you woke up covered in sweat after dreaming about them both undressing you with their teeth while their hands—

  She cut the embarrassing thought dead before her face could get any hotter. She hadn’t had a wet dream since she was a teenager, and she sure as hell didn’t have one last night. She didn’t. And no, none of those reasons were why she now followed the Australian men. She’d followed them because her gut had told her they’d need her, and she always listened to her gut. Not her pussy.

  Yeah, right.

  “Oh, shut up,” she muttered with a savage thrust of her stocks. The push flung her past the last of the blanketed trees and, with another quick dig, she propelled herself closer to the two men. Close enough to hear them singing—singing of all things—some weird version of AC/DC’s “It’s a Long Way to the Top” with the word “top” replaced by “hut”.

  She ground her teeth and slid to a halt behind them, showering them both in snow, not even remotely interested in hiding her anger. “What the hell do you two morons think you’re doing?”

  They spun to stare at her, their faces—flushed by the icy chill on the air—registered their shock.

  Before they could say anything, she poked a finger at them, her stock dangling from her wrist to bang against her right knee. “Do you have any idea how dangerous what you are doing is? How stupid?”

  The tall one—Joseph—gaped at her, his eyes locked on her face. “Err…”

  “What my mate means to say—” Rob/Bob began, that evil dimple she’d seen last night flashing into existence on his right cheek.

  “Is he’s a moron?” Anna snapped, cutting him off. The dimple was doing all sorts of unnerving things to her anger. And all sorts of unnerving things to her sex, damn it.

  “Actually, I’m really very smart.”

  The statement, falling from Joseph’s lips in a hurried jumble of accented words, seemed to surprise him. He blinked. And his friend burst out laughing. “Bloody hell, Hudo.” Rob/Bob smacked a fist into his friend’s shoulder, blue eyes twinkling. “It’s a good thing you’re loaded.”

  Anna frowned at them both. She had no idea what Rob/Bob had just said—loaded? Surely Joseph wasn’t drunk on the mountain?—but whatever it was, it made Joseph glare at him. “Put a sock in it, Thorton,” he growled.

  Hudo? Thorton? Singing when they should be scared stiff they were going to freeze to death? Laughing in the face of her anger? Who were these people?

  Still chuckling, Rob/Bob turned back to her and fixed her with a direct blue stare. “We kinda fucked up, thanks to a wonky compass. You wouldn’t happen to know where the number four hut is, would you?”

  Keeping a tight grip on her anger, Anna fixed him back with her own level glare. “I do. And if you promise not to sing anymore, I’ll take you there.”

  Much to her dismay, Joseph started laughing. Much to her horror, her pussy started to flutter. Really quickly. And insistently.

  Oh, Anna, don’t go getting turned on by two Australian idiots.

  “Any chance we can persuade you to stay overnight with us?” Rob/Bob grinned, dimple still there. “I promise Hudo here won’t sing again.”

  “Shut the hell up, Rob,” Joseph growled. “You sing worse than me.”

  Anna felt like she was watching a game of tennis. She couldn’t stop moving her stare from one to the other. They couldn’t be for real. She was dreaming this. She’d fallen asleep thinking about how they’d need saving and this is the scenario her psyche had come up with: two gorgeous, sexy-assed Australians asking her to stay overnight in the deserted, unused rescue cabin with them. All three of them locked up together, with nothing to do all night except—

  “Shouldn’t we be getting a move on?” Rob’s deep voice, complete with that sinful Australian accent that made her pulse quicken, jerked her out of her confused trance.

  She blinked, giving them both another hard stare, hoping like hell her cheeks weren’t as red as she thought they were. “Follow me,” she snarled, snatching at the grips of her stocks and pushing herself away from them. “And try not to get lost.”

  For an answer, Rob laughed.

  “You’re a fine one to laugh, Thorton,” she heard Joseph say, his accent just as sinful as Rob’s, “you’re the one that got us in this predicament to begin with.”

  “And you can thank me later, mate,” Rob replied.

  For reasons Anna couldn’t understand, her pulse kicked up a notch. And her sex grew damp.

  Oh, Anna. You know where this is leading, don’t you?

  She pushed her way through the snow and trees, leading the two men to the rescue cabin on the northwest side of the valley. she had to admit their snowboarding skills were quite impressive. Better than their navigational skills, that was for certain. Much better than their singing skills, even if their accents were sexy as hell. The pit of her belly knotted and she scowled, doing her upmost not to think about staying overnight with them. She didn’t have to stay. None of them did. If she got to the cabin quickly enough, she could contact base and tell them to send up a chopper. They’d be back in the lodge, no doubt singing on tables again, before midnight.

  And that’s what you’re going to do, isn’t it? That is, because that’s the right thing to do. The sane thing. Not calling the chopper, not going back down the mountain, that’s the wrong thing to do. Staying overnight in the hut with them, that’s just plain…

  “Silly,” she muttered, rounding a grove of pine. The grove of pine. The grove beside which sat—

  “The hut!” Rob cried, his enthusiastic cheer making Anna’s nipples pinch into hard little points. “See, Hudo? I wasn’t that far off.”

  Joseph chuckled. “Yeah, you’re a regular Saint Bernard.”

  The warm, happy sound made Anna’s nipples pinch harder, and she bit back an exasperated groan. God help her, she wasn’t just getting turned on by their accents, she was almost coming thanks to their foolhardy attitude to getting lost.

  She titled her hips, preparing to swing around to face them, when Rob swooshed past, his tall, lean body looking deliciously confident on his snowboard. He cut to a halt at the door of the rescue cabin and flashed his dimple at her again. “So,” he said, blue eyes shrouded in shadows cast by the almost sleeping sun, “you going to join us inside?”

  Anna narrowed her eyes at him, refusing to acknowledge the eager throb between her thighs. “Do you have any idea how much trouble you two are in? How much this rescue is going to cost you? I can lay charges. I could—”

e the best night of your life,” Rob finished with a grin.

  Behind her, she heard Joseph moan. Low and almost inaudible, but a moan all the same. One filled with…hope?

  She turned her head and looked at him over her shoulder, the memory of her dream flooding through her. No, it wasn’t just her dream making her body thrum with an inexplicable, hungry urgency. It was the way Joseph had looked singing on the table—like all the happiness in life, all the joy and fun, had somehow been poured into this one man. It was the memory of how her lips had curled into a smile watching him. It was the disappointment she’d felt when he’d left the bar before she could get the chance to muster up the courage to introduce herself. Not to mention the relief she’d experienced when he’d left the bar alone.

  His eyes moved to her, their cookie-brown depths asking a question her body knew the answer to, even if her head didn’t.

  Oh, Anna.

  “I dare you.” The three words passed Rob’s lips with silken devilment, and her pussy contracted in eager want. She stared at him, her heart racing, thumping in her throat with such force she could barely draw breath. Two men, two Australians. Both somehow the embodiment of every fantasy she’d never known. Both dangerously gorgeous, both sinfully sexy. Both capable of making her almost orgasm just by speaking, let alone what they could do with their hands. Two men. One mountain. One momentous dare.

  Without saying a thing, she bent down and unlatched her boots, disconnecting them from her skis.

  Her blood roaring in her ears, she crossed to the cabin’s door and searched for the key to its lock in the top pocket of her jacket. Her fingers brushed her breast through the thermal material of the garment and she hitched in a gasp, the jolts of pleasure darting through her body at the completely un-sensual contact making her head spin.

  She withdrew her hand, her fingers gripping the key tightly, her breath stuck in her throat.

  You’re really doing this, Anna? Really really?

  She slipped the key into the lock and, closing her eyes for a split second, pushed the door open.

  Joseph watched the woman from the lodge step through the doorway into the hut. He stood frozen, not from the sinking temperature of the winter air, but from sheer, dumbstruck cowardice.

  A threesome.

  He’d never had one before. Rob had. More than once Rob had ended up in a bed that wasn’t his own with two women. Tonight wasn’t two women though. Tonight was him, Rob and a woman he’d been attracted to the second he’d seen her in the lodge last night.

  He couldn’t do it.

  He slid his stare to his best mate. Rob leant one shoulder against the doorjamb, studying him. He knew there’d be no contact between them both. Without saying it, there wasn’t any doubt about that. They were both strictly hetero, even if they did love each other as only mates could. And he’d been starkers around Rob too many times to be hung up about what his friend thought of him standing so near without any clothes on. But this…

  Is it really Rob you’re worried about, Hudson?

  No, it wasn’t. He’d never been one for one-night stands. Sex was too…too—fuck—too personal. It was a connection of more than just body. What if he couldn’t…what if it didn’t…

  A jerking spasm in his pants made him snort out a quick laugh. Okay, that answered that question. He was as hard as ever. His dick strained against the lining of his snow pants with such insistent force he was surprised it didn’t tear the material. He’d sported an erection almost as hard this morning in the cafeteria just watching the woman now inside the hut. The thought he might actually touch her, hold her, make love to…

  He drew in another breath, his lungs burning as icy air streamed into his body. His balls rose high and he knew they were firm and swollen. Ready.

  Bloody hell, he wished he was back in Australia. Listening to the company’s insurance director drone on again.

  No, you don’t.

  He stared at his best mate, mouth dry.

  Rob cocked an eyebrow. “Do I need to say it, Hudo?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t.”

  For a moment, he could almost see the words “I dare you” forming on his friend’s lips. And then a strange stillness passed over Rob’s face, an unreadable light flickered in his eyes and he nodded. A single, simple nod. “Okay. But don’t do this for me, Joseph,” he said, his voice uncharacteristically serious. “Do it for you.”

  Joseph frowned, the words puzzling him. Since when had Robert Thorton ever backed down from laying down a dare? What was going on here? What was going on with Rob?

  Before he could say anything, Rob gave him one of his patented grins, dimple creasing into existence on his cheek, and swiveled on his shoulder until he disappeared into the hut.

  Joseph studied the doorway, dragging his hands over his face and through his hair. He pulled in a deep, slow breath. “Fuck it,” he muttered. “It’s getting cold out here anyway.”

  Two steps into the cabin and he realized something wasn’t going the way he suspected.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” The woman—damn, he really needed to get her name—was stamping her foot beside the tall and ancient heater in the centre of the surprisingly large cabin. She swung her foot, the toe of her boot connecting with the steel heater with a solid thunk.

  He shot Rob a quick look, raising an eyebrow in a silent question.

  Rob laughed, obviously enjoying himself. But then again, when didn’t Rob enjoy himself. The bloke was a walking advertisement for being high on life. “It seems we can’t get the heat on.” He paused. “Well, not this way anyway.”

  The woman stopped her baleful glare of the uncooperative heater and turned it on Rob. “I’m about two seconds from radioing Wolf Creek command and having you taken away in cuffs, you know that, don’t you?”

  Rob laughed again, zipped up his jacket and tugged his beanie from his pocket. “How ’bout I go get some wood.”

  Joseph snorted before he could stop himself, the expression on Rob’s face telling him the wood his mate most eagerly sought had nothing to do with trees.

  Bloody hell, Hudson. You got the mind of a teenager at the moment.

  He watched his friend leave, the bang of the door closing a sudden and daunting reminder he was alone in the cabin with a woman who made his dick harder than…well, harder than wood. He shuffled his feet, feeling ridiculously stupid. “Err…”

  “The emergency gas reserves seem to have evaporated,” she said, flicking her eyes at the heater beside him. “Which means the pilot light won’t ignite.”

  He nodded, wishing to hell he could think of something intelligent to say. For Pete’s sake, he owned Australia’s most successful camping and outdoor equipment and supply business. He should be able to talk about pilot lights and gas heaters until the cows came home.

  “Tell me, when did you two decide it would be a good idea to come to America to go snowboarding?”

  He smiled at the abrupt and almost caustic question. Leaning his board against the wall, he slid his sleeve up his arm and looked at his watch. “About thirty-eight hours ago.”

  She laughed, the first real joyful sound he’d heard from her since she’d arrived out of nowhere and led them to safety. “Thirty-eight hours.”

  “Yep. We touched down and checked in last night.”

  She shook her head, tugged her gloves from her hands and stuffed them into her jacket pocket. “Which tells me one or both of you has lots and lots of money. More money than sense, I’d guess.”

  Joseph gave her a puzzled frown. “Why do you say that?”

  “It’s peak ski season. Every room in every accommodation from here to Utah is booked out. Unless you’ve got serious dollars, there’s no way you’re getting a room with just thirty-eight hours notice.”

  “Is it a problem one or both of us is loaded?”

  A dawning smile stretched her lips, and his cock, still rigid in the confines of his snow pants, gave a little spasm. Damn, that was a gorgeous smile. The corners
of her mouth curled first, creasing the sides of her lips just a little, before her teeth—perfectly white and even—came into view, followed by a tiny little crease just between her eyes. Eyes, he hadn’t failed to notice, a very piercing, very sexy shade of grey.

  “Ahh,” she said, nodding as she moved away from the cold heater toward a bench under the shuttered window on the far wall. “That explains what loaded means.” She leant her butt against the bench and folded her arms over her breasts. Joseph felt his cock jerk again. Such a simple action, but it made him horny as a bloody dog. What would it feel like to place his hands on her breasts and cup them? Squeeze them gently?

  “So, you’re the one with the money.”

  Her question, delivered in the form of a statement, sent a rush of warmth to his face. He hated talking about his money. True, he had a lot of it, a bloody lot of it, but it didn’t define him.

  “And Rob is the one without the sense,” she finished, the smile on her lips curling wider. She titled her head to the side, crossing her ankles in front of her. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  Despite himself, Joseph grinned. His cock lurched again in his trousers, enjoying their tête-à-tête almost as much as he was. He liked her dry wit. And her accent. A drawling caress of vowels and consonants that made him wish she’d say his name.

  “I guess I should ask your name,” he said, removing his own gloves and shoving them into his back pocket. “I should at least know who to address the thank you card to.”

  She laughed again, and Joseph decided there and then he could seriously become addicted to the soft, throaty sound. “Anna McCarthy. Your local saver of lost Australian lunatics, yeah, that’s me.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “All Australian lunatics? Do you get many here?”

  Her direct grey gaze leveled on his face, a small smile playing with her lips. Lips he wanted to kiss. Soon. Real soon. “No, you’re my first. But depending how it goes tonight, I might have to find some more to save.”

  A low growl rumbled in Joseph’s chest at the idea of Anna McCarthy saving any other Australians but himself. “Hmm,” he said, “I think you’ll find saving Aussies is an exhausting, sweaty business.”


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