The Last To Know - What I Did While We Dated

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The Last To Know - What I Did While We Dated Page 19

by Bridy McAvoy


  “What? I want you naked, girl, naked as a jaybird.”

  I shuddered as I let go of the stair rails, enabling him to strip the dress backward off my body. I was trembling and I had to grab hold again in order to make sure I didn’t fall. He carried my dress up the stairs behind me, and thankfully didn’t try to do anything else until we reached the top.

  The doorway to the left opened into a lounge area, but he opened a door to the right and flicked on another light switch. It was, of course, a bedroom. I giggled. It was tidy, but what made me giggle was the black satin bed linen. That was so corny bachelor I almost had hysterics. Mind you, remember this was the first time I was in a guy’s bedroom rather than my own. Of course, I was also drunk.

  “Nice room.”

  “Nicer now you’re in it.” He dropped my dress to the floor in the doorway and stepped close behind me. As he pressed against me I could feel his hard cock pressing on my butt. It felt good, really good. His hands came around, cupping my breasts, and I leaned back into him with a sigh.

  “Nice body I thought you had. Nice choice in lingerie too, but I think it’s time you lost it, don’t you?”


  His hands disappeared and I felt the pressure ease as he leaned back. I stood there as he undid the catches on my bra and then pushed the straps on my shoulders down. The bra hit the floor but he didn’t return to my breasts—he wanted me naked. After pulling my bra straps down over my hands he simply continued down, hooking the waistband of my panties with his thumbs and ripping them down my legs. I lifted each foot in turn and stepped out of them and then, before he could touch my now naked body, I spun around and wrapped my arms around him.

  “What about you, lover boy? Don’t I get you naked too?”

  He growled—I mean literally growled—and stepped forward, forcing me to back up. I felt the bed behind the back of my legs but he just pushed again and I fell back onto it as I overbalanced. I lay there looking up at him as he stared down at me. I could see his eyes devouring every inch of me, from my neck to my breasts and then down to my shaved pussy.

  With another soft growl he stripped his shirt over his head, then unzipped his jeans and pushed them down, hooking his boxers at the same time. His muscular body came into view as did his hard cock. I couldn’t help it—he looked good and I licked my lips. His shoes and the rest of his clothes were discarded at the foot of the bed and he stood there for a second looking at me.

  I struggled to sit up then reached for his cock, pulling him in to me, and then kissed his cock. He groaned and, opening my mouth, I lowered myself over it. Of course, I did my signature move, taking him all the way down in a single move.


  I got the reaction I wanted and proceeded to give him my best possible blow job.

  “You can suck cock, girl. Shit, can this girl suck cock.”

  Those words should have told me something was up, but I wasn’t really paying that much attention. I wanted his spunk, I wanted it down my throat, and I wanted it now.

  He, though, didn’t want to give me that. He pulled out, pushing me back and started to eat me in turn. Within moments I was thrashing about on the bed as his tongue pierced me. He wasn’t as good at that as some of the men I’d experienced, but he was good enough. Despite the alcohol fogging my brain and slowing down my reactions, I was in heaven. I came on his face and before I’d come down from the high, he’d climbed on top of me and was inside me, fucking me missionary style.

  I came again and that seemed to be his trigger. He pulled out of me and then flipped me over. As I struggled to think, he pushed one arm under my stomach and pulled me up onto all fours. He was riding me doggy-style before I could fully recover. By the time I did recover I was pushing back against him with every thrust. My back was to the door, and he was between me and it. I think I heard a noise, but I wasn’t sure if I had or not. He thrust harder and I lost interest in what I thought I’d heard. I opened my mouth and screamed as I came for the third time.

  The scream was cut off as someone pushed a cock into my mouth. I sucked it down, fighting for breath as I tried to make sense of two cocks in me at the same time. It didn’t make sense. As my passion and alcohol-addled brain tried to make sense of it, I heard a voice—not Jim’s.

  “You’re right, she can suck cock. We’ve got a hot one here.”

  It was Gary’s voice from down in the bar. Everything started to click into place. When he’d talked about taking the party upstairs, he’d been talking to his friends. I was distracted from my thought train for a moment as Jim thrust hard one more time and started to cum inside me. He blasted spurt after spurt up inside me—he seemed to cum for a very long time. I tried to breath around the cock thrusting in my mouth but it took everything I had to control that. Jim pulled out and I felt the bed shift under me. Then there was another cock pushing into me.

  “Sloppy seconds, just the way I like them.”

  I shook then—it was Chad, his other mate. I think his cock was larger because I felt really full this time. The thought of being used like this by three men was suddenly exciting. I came hard, screaming around the cock in my mouth. That must have triggered Gary because he came a few seconds later, filling my mouth with his jism.

  He kept his cock there for a couple of minutes, forcing me to swallow, then Chad came inside me too. I guess watching Jim strip me, and then both his mates fucking me, had sapped his stamina.

  I collapsed onto the bed, half in a stupor as they pulled out and left me there.

  After a few minutes I managed to rouse myself, finding I was alone in the room. I could hear the men in the other room talking quietly.

  My panties lay on the floor, but I couldn’t see my dress or my bra. I guessed they’d taken them through into the other room so I didn’t try and sneak out. I certainly wasn’t going to appear in the bar in just a pair of panties. I picked them up but didn’t put them on.

  I guess me appearing in the doorway still naked surprised them. “Bathroom?”

  They were sitting around in their boxers, swigging from bottles of beer. Jim pointed to the door next to the bedroom I’d emerged from. I managed to make it inside before I threw up. I guess it was the beer—what came up was pretty damned acidic.

  I felt better then, a bit more clear-headed. I also examined my predicament. They obviously wanted me to beg for my clothes. Since they were sitting around in their underwear, they’d probably want me to bargain for them—another go around for my clothes. It would seem like a fair swap for them. I cleaned out my pussy. The two loads in there seemed to take ages to drain, then I found his mouthwash and managed to get rid of the puke taste in my mouth. Hopefully it got rid of the cock breath too.

  Pulling my panties on, I knew I had a decision to make. Did I play their game by their rules, or did I impose my own?

  For most girls, twice around would be more than enough, but the way I’d been treated by people like Kirk, Max and Frank, meant I was only just getting started. My decision was easy.

  When I strolled back into the lounge area I was quite brazen about it—no shy arm over my naked breasts.

  “You okay, baby?”

  “Fine. Where’s mine?”

  “Your what?”

  “My beer?”

  I stayed all night. All three of them fucked my pussy and mouth once more each. Gary had to go home, but Chad stayed the night. I slept between them—when I slept. During the night one of them would wake me up by the simple expedient of fucking me. Of course, the movement and my cries woke the other one up, who then had to take a turn. In the morning they both had morning wood and I sucked them off.

  Then we took a shower, the three of us together—of course the inevitable happened, and I had to insist on showering again alone after that.

  Jim gave me my clothes back and I reached for my cell to call for a taxi. Chad offered to give me a lift instead but I’d still have to make the walk of shame through the bar even t
hough it was closed.

  I got Chad to drop me off on the lakeside road about a hundred yards past this place. I waited until he was out of sight before I walked back here, then showered again—my underwear was a bit ripe by then—and got dressed and went home.

  I don’t think anybody saw me. When I got home there was a long rambling phone message from you on the answering service. I checked my cell—there were four missed calls and four messages too.

  You’d been worried, and I gleaned from the message at home why you’d had to stand me up. When I knew it was college pressure I just collapsed. The guilt overwhelmed me. I’d almost blown it again. If you found out about that night you’d disown me. I felt like disowning myself. I’d been a brat, a spoiled brat, and I was ashamed of myself.

  I guess I knew at that moment that I loved you, and that I might have just blown it. After that you’d never give me another chance.

  I sent a text, I’m okay, just not well. Something I ate. Been throwing up all night. Going back to bed. Love you.

  I deleted that last phrase and re-typed it at least three times. All the time I was sobbing while tears streamed down my face. Finally, I hit send and waited for you to reply.

  I waited and waited, and eventually the crying stopped. The phone beeped.

  As long as you’re safe. I was worried something had happened to the woman I love.

  The crying started all over again. I don’t think I stopped all day.

  Two weeks later you got your doctorate and took me to dinner, where you asked me to marry you. I screamed Yes so loudly I think the entire restaurant stopped dead. Then everyone clapped and cheered and you blushed bright red. I guess I did too, but I was crying as you slipped that ring on my finger. It meant so much to me.

  * * * *

  I heard her voice break and held out my arms to her. That was a doozy of a confession and, as she threw herself into my arms sobbing, I wondered if there was really that much more to come. If there was, could our marriage survive it?

  She buried her face into my chest and continued to sob. It had to have hurt to tell me that, but she was talking about the past. I was worrying about the future.

  Other Titles by Bridy McAvoy:

  The Last To Know – What I did before we dated

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  For marketing manager Simon, his gorgeous wife Samantha is his reason for existing. From the moment he first set eyes on her innocent beauty that day behind the counter in the library, he’d been hooked.

  Her shy reserved exterior hid a passion that took him a long while to uncover, but for Simon it was worth the wait. Only, now, five years on, a newspaper exposé is threatening her career, and the very rock their marriage is built on.

  As Sammie starts to confess, Simon wonders if their marriage can survive. Was everything he thought he knew about her a lie?

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  Tuesday Nights

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  For over a year the men have played cards in one room while the women occupied another with several bottles of wine. When one couple moves away, leaving only three guys for poker, Bill asks Jessica to persuade the other wives to play, unaware that she has worked in casinos before she met and married him. Inviting a card shark to the table wasn't a good idea, but asking her to bring her friends with her was an even poorer one. Asking the three wives to wager more than just money wasn't a good idea either – it was a great one!

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  Back To Work

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  With the twins to raise, money is tight for Jen and Chris, and they have to face up to the prospect of losing their home. He can’t work more overtime and she can’t find a normal job that covers child care costs. In desperation, Jen suggests she returns to the job she had when they met. Chris isn't keen on letting his wife go back to the club, where as Starz--her stage name derived from the tattoo on her stomach--he’d been mesmerized and fallen for the lovely dancer. The idea of her stripping again isn't something he finds easy to deal with, and the thought of her working for Tom, the sleazy club owner, is even worse. But Jen has made her mind up. Starz is going to make a comeback to save their home, hopefully without risking their marriage.

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  Derby Dates

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  Sian Ash had just turned 20 when her world was turned upside down. The minibus carrying her roller derby team home from an away match lost a tire, and overturned down an embankment. Four families lost their wives and mothers that day - five young children cast adrift, four fathers seared by a pain Sian recognized and felt with them. The heroine of the crash, she started providing a substitute parent service for the four families. Hailed as the town angel by everyone, only four others knew the real truth. It had started when one of the widowers had called her by his dead wife's name. The emotional angst that required a hug had led to something else - something more. Now Sian was proving in secret that she was no angel, no angel at all, and her four employers were loving every minute of it.

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  PA To The CEO

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  Charlotte knew there were two ways to get to the top of the corporate ladder. She could work hard and hope she got noticed, or she could play hard and make sure she got noticed. The only problem for Charlie was a very simple one, the men she saw as her rungs on the way to the top, weren't the straight-forward vanilla sharp-suited businessmen she thought they were. Getting their attention was easy, keeping it simple enough, but was the price too high for the secretary who had just acquired a bottom name - Charlie? More importantly, could her bottom stand it?

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  Michelle’s Neighbor

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  Michelle hadn't intended to get involved with her neighbor. Each conversation had pushed her boundaries. Working freelance from home had given them both far too much time to explore those boundaries. With her husband away for the week, Kris seemed to be offering her a little fun. Nothing more, just some fun. Only… Kris was dominant and wouldn't take no for an answer, something her husband was too nice to be. Did she really want nice all the time though? One thing was sure, by the time her husband came home from his week long trip, Michelle would know the answer.

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  Department Store Amy

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  Amy's been happy working in the department store, and happy at home but there's something missing, so she's changing her job.Now Amy's got a real problem, she desperately needs money to fix her car. When her boss offers her some overtime she knows exactly what he's offering, and it might just plug the gap in her relationship too. She never realised she was quite so submissive though, nor that her boss was quite so dominant, something her loving husband could never be.

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  About the Author

  My name is Bridy, and I live in upstate New York. I’ve written for as long as I can remember, which is thanks to my parents for teaching me to read and write before I went to school. I’ve been fascinated by erotic tales all my adult life, my husband thinks they’re silly but indulges me. I won’t tell you how old I am because a lady never gives away her age. My other interest is photography but writing will always be my first love, other than my husband of course.




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