Sundown Series (Book 1): Prepared

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Sundown Series (Book 1): Prepared Page 21

by Konstantin, Courtney

  “You’ll still stay with us, right?” Alex asked. She was worried that without any attachments, Margaret might try to go off on her own, and that would likely be suicide.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Margaret said. She gave Alex a watery smile, and Alex hugged her. When they pulled apart Margaret motioned toward Marcus, “What are we doing about him?”

  “I’m not sure,” Alex sighed. “He says he should be able to put on the belt, and that’s what we really need right now. After he does that, I’m not sure.”

  “He’s quite a looker,” Margaret whispered.

  “Margaret!” Alex exclaimed. Margaret just gave her another little smile, and disappeared into the RV to rest. What an odd comment, Alex thought to herself. While she arranged things, and rearranged them in the Bronco she shot covert looks at Marcus. He was tall, and well built, his close cropped hair was getting longer then she suspected he usually liked it. She tried to see him through Margaret’s eyes, and she guessed he would be considered attractive, in a not the end of the world time.

  Her mind wandered for a moment, gazing toward Marcus, and suddenly he turned and caught her staring. She realized she had been staring at the way he filled out his jeans. The look on his face told her he knew exactly what she had been doing. Alex could feel her cheeks flush with embarrassment and she quickly looked into the Bronco, searching for the belt for the RV, or anything that could distract her from Marcus. She heard his steps before he cleared his throat behind her.

  “Do you have the belt you needed looked at?” He asked, sounding innocent, no accusation or teasing in his voice.

  Alex decided to not turn around as she answered, “Yes, looking for it now. I’ll bring it to you when I find it.”

  “Ok,” Marcus answered, as he walked away.

  Alex had her hand on the belt, but she delayed. She still wasn’t sure what to do about Marcus after the belt was done. Could they trust him? Did he want to go with them from here? Where was he headed in the first place? There were too many questions to decide right then. She would have him fix the RV, and then they would let him camp with them for the night. Maybe by then they could discuss what his plans were.

  Taking the belt with her, Alex found Marcus at the front of the RV, hood propped open. He had removed his pack, and had his ax propped against the front bumper. She thrust the belt at him without a word. He smiled at her as he took it from her hand.

  “I haven’t really had a chance to say, thank you,” Marcus said.

  “We did what anyone would have,” Alex said, feeling stiff and uncomfortable.

  “Not really. Not many people are out to help these days,” he said.

  “I guess there are some that aren’t.”

  “It’s not a guess. There are. You shouldn’t trust people.”

  “Are you telling me not to trust you?” Alex asked. She eyed him with suspicion.

  “No. But you’re out here, alone with these kids. Just seems you should be careful. You could use an extra set of eyes,” Marcus said, shrugging his shoulders, looking back at the engine.

  “I’ve handled things with my kids on my own since this started, so I think we’re good. Don’t do me any more favors,” Alex said. With that she turned around sharply and slammed into the RV. She couldn’t handle the nerve of the man, acting as if she couldn’t handle herself and take care of her family. Wasn’t it her and Easton that just saved his ass off of the top of a truck earlier in the day? She filed that piece away, to throw at him, when the subject came up again.

  Margaret was laying in the bed above the front seats, and everyone was being quiet for her to rest. Alex slamming the door made everyone jump, and she looked around sheepishly. Easton noticed her unease, and came to talk to her quietly. She reassured him that everything was fine, and that Marcus was installing the belt...hopefully. He was just as wary about the man as Alex was. They didn’t need any additional liabilities.

  Together Candace and Alex threw a meal together before dark. The cooking took longer with two additional adults to feed. Marcus waited outside of the RV. Alex was sure he was waiting for an invitation but Alex stubbornly refused to give him one. She did take him a plate and by the look on his face Alex knew he hadn’t eaten a decent meal in a while. He doesn’t look like he’s been suffering, Alex thought to herself. She could feel the blush trying to creep back into her cheeks, and she fled back to the RV.

  Inside she ate dinner with the kids, Margaret not really eating, but just looking at the food and out the window. The kids were unnaturally withdrawn as well, and Alex suspected they were suffering along with Margaret. She wasn’t sure how much of Fred’s death the kids had seen, and she worried about the emotional toll it would take on their young minds.

  That night sleeping was tricky. Alex used extra bedding she had packed away for Easton to sleep on the floor near the table. Margaret and Candace shared the couch bed. Alex refused to invite Marcus into the RV. After a quick discussion with Margaret, they agreed to let him sleep in the Bronco. Even if he could hotwire the vehicle, he couldn’t steal anything that was imminently necessary to their survival.

  Marcus waited for Alex outside of the RV. He didn’t ask to come inside. He didn’t complain. She kept waiting for a smartass remark about her needing his help, but he didn’t mention it again. He was very thankful for the Bronco to sleep in and thanked her more than once for the meal.

  “Alex,” he called after her when she started to walk away. She moved back to the door of the Bronco so she could see his face while he spoke.


  “I can pull my own weight,” he said.

  “That’s to be seen I think,” Alex shot back.

  “I will find a way to provide for the group, if you let me stay of course,” Marcus said.

  “Where were you headed, when you were caught by the horde?”

  A pained look crossed over his face, and for a moment Alex felt guilty for asking about his past. But then she hardened, he couldn’t stay a stranger if she was to trust him in their group.

  “I was coming back from Tonopah. My mother lived there.” The way he said it was with such a finality, that she didn’t need to ask him what he had found when he got there. Her heart broke for the man, the son, who had tried to get to his mother. Only to find it was too late.

  “I’m sorry,” Alex said softly.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “Good night,” Alex said.

  “Good night Alex.” The way he said her name made her think of syrup over pancakes, smooth and sweet. It made her smile a little, but she smothered it and went back to the RV.

  That night, Alex laid awake for a long time. She listened to the deep breathing of Henry and Billie, and the quiet snore coming from Easton on the floor. She had locked the door, still not completely sure she could trust Marcus. Her loaded shotgun was on the kitchen table, where she could jump down and reach, if the need arose. But there wasn’t a sound from outside. When she finally fell asleep, for the first time in weeks, since the plague had hit, she didn’t fall asleep gripping Blake’s ring.

  Chapter 21

  The purr of the RV engine had the party exhaling a collective sigh of relief. Looking over the map with Easton during breakfast, Alex figured they had a day left to drive, depending on conditions, before getting to Montana. As they got close Alex started to feel comfort knowing she would be with her siblings, and they would work together to protect their loved ones.

  Marcus closed the RV hood with a slam, and grinned at Alex through the windshield. She just rolled her eyes at him. So he was useful in one way, good for him. She wasn’t going to give him props yet. She had discussed the situation of Marcus with Easton and Margaret that morning. Alex wanted Easton’s opinion, he was a member of the group, and old enough to have a say in what was going to happen.

  “I don’t like him. I think we should just go,” Easton had said immediately when Alex asked his thoughts.

  “Why’s that?” Margaret asked in a wh
isper. The three of them were crowded near the back of the RV, away from the prying ears and eyes of the younger kids. They hadn’t spent much time near Marcus, but Henry had no filter on his brain yet.

  “Look what happened when we had to save him? Who jumps on the top of a truck anyway, without a way to escape?” Easton said.

  “I agree on that point East, but he might be handy. None of us know anything about engines. I’m not sure what my brother knows either, so when we get to the compound, he might be useful,” Alex said.

  “I don’t trust him Alex. I think he’s going to put someone in danger,” Easton said. Alex looked at him, trying to determine the real issue. Easton’s own father was in the military, and may have been gone a lot, but Easton never said his relationship was bad with him. She wondered if he thought Marcus would unseat him as the “man” of the group. But he hadn’t worried about Fred in that way.

  “What’s really the problem East,” Alex had asked. Easton looked at the ceiling, struggling with his explanation.

  “He’s always smiling at you, I don’t like that. He’s trying to be too friendly,” Easton finally said. His statement had made Margaret snort in laughter, and Alex just looked at them both blankly. Alex knew her feelings for Easton and Candace had grown largely over the time they had been together. Somehow she hadn’t seen how Easton’s were changing for her as well.

  “East…”Alex started to say, but Easton quickly interrupted her.

  “Alex, you, Henry, Billie and Candace….you’re my family now. You’ve protected us. I just want to do the same for us,” he said, and then he looked at Margaret, adding, “You as well Margaret.”

  “You just met me a few days ago son, you didn’t have any issues trusting me or Fred. I think you are just worried about Alex, like you would be a mother figure. But Alex is a grown woman, and she knows how to handle a flirting man,” Margaret had said. Now this comment had Alex choking down laughter. Flirting? They were dealing with things that walked without a heartbeat, without blood pumping through their bodies, without a thought except to eat human flesh. Flirting was what she needed to worry about now? The whole situation seemed so absurd!

  “I think you both are mistaken, Marcus is just being friendly so we don’t leave his ass in the middle of a horde. He’s proven he can fix a motor, and you saw his shooting. Leaving him in the middle of nowhere feels wrong. I’m sorry East. We should at least offer for him to come with us,” Alex had said. Easton had just shrugged, mumbling something about doing whatever she thought was right, and sulked away.

  The conversation with Marcus was simple. Alex began by laying out the rules. She didn’t really have rules for anyone else, but she just decided there needed to be some when it came to Marcus. He would ride in the bronco with Margaret. He would sleep in the bronco alone, while the rest of the group slept in the RV. He would take turns being on watch, cooking meals and scavenging when the times came.

  “Alex, were you a drill sergeant in your previous life?” Marcus asked.

  “No,” Alex replied.

  “Oh. You just seem to like rules.”

  “I like keeping my family safe. If you are going to be with us you are going to need to keep everyone safe too, or you aren’t useful,” Alex said.

  “Yes ma’am,” he said this with a mock salute.

  “You’re a real smartass you know?”

  “One of my better attributes I’m sure, I’m glad you’ve noticed,” Marcus said.

  Alex had just shaken her head. She gave him a basic idea of where they were heading. And when he started asking questions about this compound they were going to, she said they would talk about it later. She wanted to get them on the road. The RV breaking down the day before had caused them to lose a day. The kids were getting antsy to not be traveling anymore, and Alex wanted to get to Montana, and see her brother and sister.

  Alex and Easton drove the RV, though Marcus offered to switch from the Bronco. His constant chatter didn't stop much, even being in a different vehicle. He used the walkie talkie like his personal cellphone, which he informed Alex he missed very much. The convoy stopped for lunch, right on the Montana border. Alex could barely contain the anxiety she had, to just be at her father's compound.

  With the RV door propped open they all ate lunch together. The meal consisted of granola bars, canned fruit and fresh bread. Marcus gave many compliments to Candace for the bread. These comments earned scowls from Easton, but Candace glowed under the attention. He was slick, and the dirty looks of a teenage boy had little effect on him.

  With eating done, Alex pointed to the gas station store they had stopped near. Without a word Easton grabbed his weapons, as they had done so many times. Alex checked her ammo and strapped on her holster, her bowie was already on. With machete in hand Alex exited the RV, and walked right into a testosterone battle of wills.

  “We don't need you,” Easton said to Marcus.

  “I didn't say you did East,” Marcus said, his exasperation showing on his face.

  “My name is Easton. You should stay here, Alex and I can handle this.”

  “Again, I didn't say you couldn't. I just want to be helpful,” Marcus said.

  “Getting in our way, getting someone hurt, that's not helpful. And so far that's what's happened to your companions,” Easton said. Alex decided this was far enough. Everyone had lost people in their group and no one could be blamed for it.

  “East, that's enough,” Alex interjected before anything else could be said. She had seen the pain and fury cross Marcus’s face. If he had thought to put hands on Easton, she would be forced to hurt Marcus, no matter what Easton said to him.

  “But Alex….” Easton started, Alex quickly stopped him with a shake of her head.

  “We treat everyone in the group as part of the group. If Jonathan wants to help, he can help. As long as he can follow direction?” Alex raised an eyebrow at Marcus. Marcus nodded his head at her in agreement and she turned back to Easton. “You're a good man East, remember we need to treat people around us well, unless they don't deserve it. So far Jonathan hasn't crossed us.”

  Easton didn't argue with Alex. He had agreed days before to follow her lead. Deep down Marcus rubbed him wrong, but it wasn't a safety thing really. It was his behavior toward Alex he didn't like. Once she was sure Easton’s head was in the game, she motioned them forward.

  Alex ran light footed toward the store. They had parked behind the building to avoid any traffic on the highway or off ramp. Alex first tried the back door she assumed lead into the store, it was locked as she had figured. Marcus took off around the side of the building without waiting for Alex or Easton. The two of them looked at each other and Alex rolled her eyes as she followed Marcus’s path.

  Around the front of the store Marcus waited for them. Alex went to the door and banged on it with her machete. They were met with silence once the echo stopped. Alex pulled her gun to shoot the door out, but Marcus stopped her and lifted his ax. It took him two hard swings with the butt of the ax to shatter the glass in. Nothing came rushing at them, so the three entered the store.

  “Let’s pack up any food provisions first. I’m not sure what my brother will have going on at the compound,” Alex said in a hushed voice. The three spread out through the store. Alex found a stack of paper bags and she started filling them with chips, beef jerky and nuts. Once they had a number of bags filled, Alex instructed Easton to start taking them back to the RV. He grumbled, still sore over Alex agreeing to have Marcus along.

  “I don’t know why the boy hates me,” Marcus said, after Easton had left the store.

  “THAT BOY,” Alex stressed, “Isn’t just a boy anymore. He’s gone through enough to make him an old man at this point.”

  “We’ve all been through a lot.”

  “Yes we have. Easton is trying to grow up. That’s not easy in this new world,” Alex said, loading a bag full of the random canned goods from the store shelves. Marcus turned away, sorting through the small houseware s
ection. He moved from section to section quietly and efficiently. He filled a few bags with random necessities.

  “How did you end up with Easton and Candace?” Marcus asked, breaking the silence. Alex stopped moving, thinking about that day at Walgreens.

  “Their mother died. She asked me to take them. I did,” Alex replied.

  “Family friend then?”

  “No. We met the day she died,” Alex said.

  “You’re meaning to say you were strangers?” Marcus said, incredulity in his voice.

  “Yes, we were.”

  “So why, why would she ask you to take them? Why would you agree?” Marcus had stopped sorting, and watched Alex as she mulled over her answer. She never said anything without putting thought into it, he could see her brain working even then.

  “Mother’s know each other. I have Billie and Henry. Their mother knew, I would keep her kids alive too.”

  “It’s more now isn’t it?” Marcus asked. As he asked the question, he realized Easton was standing in the doorway, listening to Alex talk.

  “Yes,” Alex said softly. “It hasn’t been that long, less than a month. Maybe it’s this world now, but I care for those children as if they’re my own. And I worry…” she trailed off. Easton, hadn’t moved from his spot, listening intently to what Alex said.

  “What do you worry about?” Marcus asked, for himself to know, but also because he was sure Easton wanted to know.

  “I worry about their safety, health, emotions. But most of all I worry about overstepping a boundary that is there, that I don’t see,” Alex explained.

  “You don’t have to worry about that Alex,” Easton said, causing Alex to jump and then shoot Marcus a deadly look. He just shrugged and smiled. Alex turned to Easton, her cheeks filled with color.

  “I didn’t know you were there,” she said. Before he said anything he came and hugged Alex tightly. She was caught off guard by the unusual show of affection, but she hugged him back.

  “Thank you Alex,” Easton murmured. He then quickly released Alex and turned to grab more full bags.


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