Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4)

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Vanished Pride (The Seven Sin Sisters 4) Page 7

by Paloma Beck

  Donovan pulled his hand away and she missed his touch instantly. “Now that you’ve had a moment, was it really too much? Perhaps the harshness of your punishment is in line with the harshness of your actions?”

  “No, I…” Paige didn’t get to finish her sentence as Donovan brought the rubber spoon back down on her ass. It burned. The stings with each slap reverberated through her core. After three more strikes, he stopped and again he rubbed his hand over her bottom. She screamed and cried, her sobs muffling the string of apologies Paige tried to convey.

  He ignored her. Once satisfied she’d calmed enough, Donovan again struck her cheeks three times. He never spoke a word and the only connection she had to him was his hand on her back, but even that was over her shirt. She needed him. The pain was terrible but Goddess, she deserved it if she’d hurt him this badly. The realization of what she had done to him slammed into her. The turmoil brewing inside now felt worse than the fire he ignited on her bottom.

  Donovan stood over her. The only sound in the room was the expulsion of deep breaths before she heard the whistle of the spoon crossing air. Paige’s body quivered as she worked at relaxing her muscles, knowing it would hurt less but then finding she wished it hurt more. She deserved this. Selfishness was just the beginning of her transgressions. She had hurt her mate without a second thought and she stood here ready to do it again. Paige sobbed as the final three strokes came down.

  Donovan rubbed circles on her lower back. He remained quiet and Paige wondered if he was waiting for her to speak. She didn’t know where to start. Calming her sobs, she whispered through a broken voice, “I did it again. I’m so sorry.”

  “What did you do again, Princess?”

  “I only considered myself. I was so selfish. I just needed everything to be perfect.”

  “Had you considered that I knew what you needed? And that together we were going to make it perfect?” Donovan’s voice was calm. He didn’t sound angry and that only made Paige feel worse about hurting him. “You need to consider more than just yourself, Principessa, and you need to entertain the possibility that I can take care of you as your mate.” Donovan patted her sensitive cheeks before hardening his voice, “For the final five, focus only on the sensations I provide. I need to give you these last strokes.”

  “I can’t. Donovan, please, I get it and I feel terrible for what I did but please no more,” Paige grabbed onto his hands and held them.

  “The final five. Now move your hands. I recommend you hold onto the far edge of the table.”

  Paige was frightened. She could recall the final five strokes from her last spanking and they bad been the harshest he’d given her, yet still were lighter than the spoon. Her mind was spinning with the possibilities of the pain to come. Why did he need to do this? She’d learned her lesson. Anger at him and at herself swirled around her in streams of colorful light.

  Paige startled when she felt him stroke over her flesh with his bare hands. Then he pulled apart her cheeks and slid his fingers down her cleft, brushing lightly until he reached her folds. Donovan searched out her center, his fingers tickling her with feather light touches before a finger slid deep inside her core.

  She gave herself over and relaxed into his touch, raising her bottom seeking out more. Paige was lost to the sensations of Donovan thrusting his thick finger in and out of her while his thumb found her clit and drew it out from hiding. Her mind was focused on his touch as the first of five strokes blazed across her ass. The slaps of the rubber spoon burned and vibrated a terrible sting while his fingers brought her close to the edge of an orgasm. How could she be so close to such pleasure while this pain continued to explode across her ass?

  Paige cried out as another slap came down, tears flowing down her cheeks, and yet couldn’t help but reach for more at the same time. “Good girl, Princess. Mind over matter. We’re going to end this on a happy note. I promise it’ll help.”

  Paige couldn’t respond as the last strokes, done while he touched her so privately, were simply too much to contain. She was ready to explode, burst and come apart. She shuddered when the final stroke burned more deeply than all the others. She screamed out as so many emotions raced through her. Donovan’s hand was tapping her clit. Her muscles were clenching and unclenching.

  “Let everything go. Relax and let go so I can catch you,” Donovan leaned over her and spoke into Paige’s ear. His breath was warm and caused shivers. He continued to tap her sensitive bundle of nerves until her legs shook. Then her whole body began shaking. “That’s it, Principessa. Let all that energy out and I’ll catch you.”

  Her inner muscles clenched down tightly and the first tremor hit out of nowhere as Paige screamed out an orgasm she hadn’t expected. She wasn’t sure how long it went on but when Paige opened her eyes, she was in Donovan’s arms.

  “Well done, Paige,” Donovan grinned at her.

  Why did that make her feel so shy?

  Chapter Six

  Donovan wasn’t happy when he’d woken up alone. He’d become reliant on Paige being in his bed since they’d spent the past week together nearly constantly. Donovan had taken his role as bodyguard seriously and shadowed her wherever she went. He couldn’t say he minded, but this, the waking up alone thing, he did mind. They were supposed to celebrate their Pronouncement today. Where could his mate have gone off?

  Donovan slipped on loose pajama pants and looked for Paige in the kitchen. He found her there, though not cooking as he’d assumed. She was sitting in the window seat reading from one of his old history books. Donovan had been surprised at how little she knew about their history. He’d always assumed the women of the Magdalena Circle knew far more than the Valendite Breed. The Circle of Magdalena, as referred to in modern day, is the only vessel for procreation and life sustenance of the Valendite breeds. The determinate for finding their mate was in finally partaking in or being free from their soul sin. Passing down this history from one generation to the next was paramount, which is why Donovan kept his family’s books well preserved.

  Donovan often wondered about the times of the Italian Wars in the early 1500s, and the eventual consequences.

  Those living on the Italian peninsula had no alliances when the war started, and the Italians stood no chance of victory. He understood why their scientists developed these chemicals that transformed men into the ultimate soldiers.

  It was the actions after the war, after these men were no longer needed, that chafed him. Since much of their strength had been hidden, and their unanticipated need for blood was concealed easily enough on the battlefield, no one knew of them. They had resumed as normal a life as possible once the Peace of Cateau-Cambresis was signed and the French renounced any further claims to Italy.

  Normal was relative. Their need for blood meant they lived in solitude among their own kind for years, eventually returning to wives who possessed no understanding for what had happened to them. Some men mistakenly killed their own wives. Mistrustful of those who might be frightened or threatened by their gifts, they had nowhere to turn and the scientists who worked in the labs had since past away. The Valendite Breed learned to drink from one another, a blood exchange that left them unfulfilled and empty. After they settled into life on the Italian hillsides, the wives who survived weren’t able to conceive, and soon began to die anyway as their husbands lived longer lives.

  In desperation, the men assembled their women at the steps of the cathedral in Rome, the place most known for sanctity, to ask for God’s intervention in their lives. Pleading, one woman by the name of Magdalena, offered a sacrifice in exchange for fertility. Her plea was granted. Each woman present that day – seven in total – were filled by one of the seven deadly sins in exchange for the honor of bearing breed children, continuing the race and nourishing their breed mates.

  Donovan moved to kneel before Paige. “Why read history on our Pronouncement?”

  “I want to feel a connection to all those women who came before me. My mother raised us t
o believe that since we are connected through the earth and the elements, we are linked through past generations. Imagining their lives humbles me,” Paige smiled up at Donovan and shrugged. “We both know I need that humbling every once in a while.”

  Donovan leaned forward and kissed Paige. “You are transforming before my eyes.”

  “Thank you,” Paige replied warmly before turning her attention back to the book in her lap. “Did you know the leader of the rebellion in the late 1800s was by a woman said to carry the soul sin of pride?”

  “That is not your burden.” Donovan knew she was referring to the generation of women who became unhappy in their roles and sought out independence from the bonds that held them to the breeds. Without their mates, the women could survive; the breed mate was the only to suffer from separation. Upon learning this some women began leaving to travel to other countries and begin lives apart from the Valendite Breed.

  “And what if it is? Surely, this prophecy is coming to pass. I can feel it. I can also feel that I will have some important role in it, Donovan. I’m worried.”

  “Do you remember the part of the story that tells of the women who disobeyed being killed in the great storm of Samhain in 1804? An apparition appeared outside the cathedral ruins that day and spoke to the women present...”

  Paige finished his story, “And she said to them, ‘You shall call me Magdalena. You shall pray to me as Goddess. For you are those I saved this day. You are true to the promise made so long ago and granted to us through the grace of God. Your honor lies in claiming your breed mate. It is as it should be.’ My mother has us memorize that benediction as young girls.”

  “That’s right. You and your sisters are living as you should and you are being held in the grace of God through the presence of the Goddess. Greatness is coming, Paige, and you have an important role in that. There is nothing to fear.”

  Paige shook her head.

  “Paige, I will let no harm come to you. I vow this. Sei tutto per me. Nothing is more important.” Donovan’s promise brought a smile nearly as bright as the sun to Paige’s face. He felt a thousand feet tall, awed by her faith in his protection.

  “It’s all so much to take, but I feel safe with you.” Paige’s words affirmed the feelings he got from reading her emotions. He was shocked though, when she took his large hands into her tiny ones and said, “I love you, Donovan.”

  “Oh, Paige. I wasn’t sure you were there yet with me. I love you too. Ti voglio molto bene.”

  * * * *

  Paige wasn’t sure how she got Donovan to agree she could go off to the spa with her sisters, but somehow he’d reluctantly said yes. “Just remember what I told you, Paige. It has gotten dangerous for the Valendite Breed, and especially those of us serving in the TEU, so be extra vigilant. These people we are up against won’t hesitate to use any weakness against us. They’ve already proven that.”

  When Stefan arrived and escorted her to the car, Donovan was still briefing her on security protocol as if she could remember every detail of what he was saying. Goddess help her but she would have to rely on Stefan because aside from, “push this button if you need anything,” Paige hadn’t been able to concentrate on a thing Donovan said. It was her Pronouncement day! How could he expect her to think about anything else? She needed this to be perfect.

  So consumed in her thoughts, they arrived at the spa before she even had time to reapply her lip gloss. She’d already broken rule number one to be aware of her surroundings, but her sisters were waiting at the spa with a few of their own guards and that’s all that mattered. Paige needed sister time. Just seeing them watching for her arrival made Paige jump from the car.

  Seeing Layla’s headshake and the other guards move forward quickly, she realized she’d broken another damn rule. Looking sheepishly at Stefan, Paige asked, “Can we not tell Donovan about this? I’ll be more careful next time.”

  Stefan nodded once and moved in front of her to open the door. “Let’s just get you all inside the building.” He didn’t look happy with her and a slight feeling of guilt washed through her. Maybe she felt so secure because she also had a tracker in her purse. She couldn’t help it if she felt safe enough not to worry. She was also a member of the Magdalena Circle with some powers of her own growing stronger by the day. Paige knew she could defend herself if she needed to.

  Once inside, the sisters fell into a chaotic mass of enthusiastic embraces. It was difficult getting used to not seeing each other daily, especially with Eloise and Gemma now spending most of their time in Italy.

  “I’ve missed you all so much,” Paige cleared the threat of tears from her throat just as a frail woman with enormous glasses stepped into the room. She had starched hair pulled back in a severe bun on top of her head. When she greeted them with her high-pitched voice, she brought the Sinster sisters to attention.

  “Shall we get started?” the woman asked as she clapped her hands and four young men came to stand on either side of her. “We’ll begin with massages before we get everyone dolled up for your celebration tonight. The spa is all yours this morning so feel free to move about.”

  She smiled widely at each of them before moving toward the large door off to the side of the room. “Follow me this way and we’ll show you to your lockers. You each have a robe to wear today,” she continued rattling off information as the sisters began their day.

  * * * *

  “Donovan,” Seamus called out as he walked into the game room.

  “Muskrat,” Donovan shouted back as he stopped what he was doing and grabbed Seamus’ arm in a man hug.

  “I hardly recognized this place. Looks like Paige officially moved in, that’s for sure.” Seamus was looking around at the new accent pieces, as Paige called them.

  “That she has. This room is the only thing I insisted we keep. I think she only agreed because she knew if I spent time in here, I’d be out of her hair every once in a while.” Donovan laughed and shook his head.

  “Still the man in charge, yea bro?” Seamus joked. It felt good to fall back into their easy banter.

  “Of course,” Donovan said, not even believing it as the truth himself. “And you? How are you doing?” He sat on one of the leather sofas and Seamus took a seat across from him.

  “It’s all good; great actually. It just isn’t at all how we pictured it.” Seamus looked happy and Donovan was glad to see him like this. He’d never pictured Seamus not being in his life. For their entire lives, they’d done everything together. Now separated by an ocean, this chance to reconnect was not going to happen very often.

  “I laugh now thinking we ever imagined we could share a mate. I look at Paige and I know I’d kill any man who put his hands on her. Even her damn pastry assistant at the café, the little elf that he is, puts me on edge.” Donovan grinned as he thought about that little nerd.

  “Right with you, bro. I think sometimes I get jealous of Gemma’s dog,” Seamus joked. It took nothing more than sitting here together again to be right back to where they’d left off.

  * * * *

  They were getting ready to head out to lunch when the call came from Madden. He had some intel and had called the full TEU team in. Damn, Donovan hoped nothing big was hitting right on the day of his Pronouncement. He could handle anything once he and Paige completed their bond tonight. His parents and brother were scheduled to arrive later this afternoon, be present at the Pronouncement and then fly to Paris with them in the morning. Everything was set and he was stuck waiting. He hated waiting. Waiting was when shit happened that wasn’t supposed to.

  Seamus and Donovan were up to the TEU offices within only a few minutes and could hear Madden cursing from outside the door of the compound’s communication room. Despite how quickly they got there, the rest of the team was already seated around the table. It was nice to have everyone in one place again, regardless that it appeared to be less than good circumstances. He took a minute to look around at his brothers-in-arms before taking his seat between
Seamus and Gage. The only one absent was Lucas.

  “Now that everyone is here, let me explain what’s happening,” Madden began without preamble. “About twenty-four hours ago, I got intel on movement by Nassir’s group. Two of his head commanders with groups of soldiers have left their compound where we believe Nassir to be. Additional satellite shots indicate Nassir himself may have left as well but that’s still not conclusive.”

  He nodded to Caedon who continued, “As you know, we were trying to gather intel before we took Nassir out. Once we established he was targeting the Valendite Breed, that he had knowledge of its existence, we wanted more information. If we took him out once we knew where he was, we risked losing information and circling around this same trouble again.”

  Madden interjected, “We hoped he’d be regrouping after we infiltrated that lab. He knows we took information about what he’s up to. Our guess was he’d lay low but he’s not; now the CIA wants him taken out.”

  “But don’t they…” Seamus began to argue.

  “No need to argue with us, Seam, we all agree. That’s why we’re here. Our only option is to capture Nassir himself. If we do this, we gain an upper hand. It would be likely one of his commanders would exchange information if they believed we’d return Nassir unharmed.”

  “So we make them believe this how?” Gage asked.

  “Wait. Can we go backwards? Do we know where those who left the compound are heading off to?” Donovan asked. His head was spinning with all this new information.

  “Right. We confirmed last week that all prior sites used in Italy are now clear. Though one of the commanders with three additional men are headed there, another commander, along with his three men and perhaps even Nassir himself, booked a flight into Paris. It also appears the others have flown into Seattle,” Caedon explained.


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