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Boss Games Page 8

by Victoria Quinn

  But Ms. Alexander awakened me again.

  I spat on my palm then wrapped my fingers around my cock. I closed my eyes and recreated the dream in my head.

  Then I jerked off, pretending my hand was Ms. Alexander’s tight lips.

  I had a suit made by Connor Suede, jet black with a matching tie. It fit me to a T, with crisp fabric and a cut that molded to my musculature perfectly. Fashion wasn’t important to me, but suits were a different story.

  I cared about my suits.

  They projected my power and wealth. They projected my darkness, my constant hostility. For a man of my stature, I had to convey my confidence. I was in a sea of suits everywhere I went. I had to stand out.

  My driver took me to the Founder’s Charity event at the Plaza. I was dateless because I was always dateless—with the exception of Titan. I’d be ignorant to think people forgot about my relationship with her in light of the shooting. She may have spun the tale to make it sound like a beautiful love story, but I still got the short straw.

  I was still the one who got dumped.

  The women who’d actually fucked me knew I was a catch. More times than not, they told me they wanted something more. They wanted to stay that way forever—and that’s when I cut them loose. Not only was I great in bed, but I was a bit of a gentleman. I treated women with respect. Titan could vouch for that.

  But now the world saw me through different eyes.

  Like I gave a damn.

  My friendship with Titan meant more to me than the opinion of the entire world. With her, I had something irreplaceable. I had a level of trust I didn’t share with anyone else. We would never have the same last name and we would never make a family together, but she was more of my family than my own parents.

  I loved her.

  I didn’t care if that made me sound like a pussy.

  I arrived at the hotel and entered the ballroom with one hand in my pocket. Socializing with the elites of Manhattan was easy and necessary. Business opportunities presented themselves at the most unsuspecting moments. Being well connected was just as important as putting in an eight-hour workday. I could have easily skipped the event, but I knew it was essential to keep up relationships.

  I mingled for a while, and almost everyone asked how Titan was doing. Their perception of me was a little different, I could feel it. But the more we talked, the more normal it seemed. If I retained my same level of confidence, people would only focus on that—not my relationship with Titan.

  Eventually, everyone would forget about it.

  But that would take a while.

  I saw a familiar face as I finished my champagne. I set the empty flute on a passing tray and walked up to Vincent Hunt, a large man who wore his suit better than a mannequin. He didn’t have a beautiful woman on his arm like he usually did. Tonight, he was alone. “How’s it going?”

  He shook my hand, breaking his stern expression and giving me a welcoming smile. “Good. How are you?”

  “Just making an appearance. I get sick of these bullshit functions.”

  His grin widened. “At least you’re honest enough to admit it.”

  “No date this evening?”

  He placed both hands in his pockets. “I’m not seeing anyone right now.”

  The last woman I saw him with was exceptional. I was surprised he let her go. But then again, I had a quick turnaround rate too. In fact, mine was faster than his. At least he stayed with the same woman for a few months. I was gone after a few weeks. “That’s too bad.”

  He barely shrugged. “What about you?”

  “My life has been too hectic lately…” I couldn’t remember the last time I even went to a bar for a drink. My life had been going nonstop. It was nightmare after nightmare. I missed my old life, when everything was going my way.

  “I saw Titan yesterday.” A man he knew passed, and he gave him a nod in acknowledgment but didn’t try to speak to him. “She looks better every time I see her. Just a little restless.”

  “Sitting at home all day is driving her crazy. No doubt about that.”

  “You’re a good friend for looking after her affairs. Not too many people would do that.” Vincent stared at me with his deep look, his brown eyes looking like dark lasers. He was a man with a staring problem, but he didn’t bother correcting it. It was a useful tool for him, to have more confidence than most of his acquaintances.

  “She’d do the same for me.” I didn’t think twice when it came to Titan. If she needed me, I was there. We’d formed a blood oath long before I’d killed Jeremy. We were bound together by something that defied the laws of physics. No matter what, I always had her back. She had mine.

  “I’m sure she would. That’s still generous of you. You have your own business to worry about.”

  My business was different than hers. I was born into a wealthy family, descended from generations that revolved around this company. My great-grandfather started it when he was young, and now it belonged to me. Unlike Titan, I didn’t truly work for it. It was the reason I started a few other companies, that way I’d have a different legacy to give my children. “Her best interests are my best interests.”

  “I’m sure letting her go was hard. You’re a good man for stepping aside.”

  “I didn’t lose her.” She was never mine in the way she belonged to Diesel. Our relationship hadn’t changed at all. It was only based on friendship and convenience. I found her attractive, but I didn’t get hard for her the way I did with other women…like Ms. Alexander. “She’s exactly what she’s always been to me—my friend.”

  “Even so, I’m sure you were looking forward to having her as your wife.”

  My situation definitely would have been simpler. I’d never find anyone better to share my life. Titan was so easy to get along with. And she accepted me for exactly who I was. Most women weren’t like that. That was what I wanted in a partner—someone who accepted me. I was a hard worker, and I was fiercely loyal. I was always honest. But I was incapable of feeling romantic love. Everything else was there, so that was the only piece that was missing. All women wanted more, wanting a happily ever after. Titan was the only one who didn’t—until she met Diesel. “It definitely made my life easier. But I’m happy for her. I feel like an idiot for not believing Diesel in the first place. It was stupid.”

  “He doesn’t hold a grudge.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” I still felt like shit about it. Titan had been shot because of it. “Diesel is a great guy. Since he loves Titan, he’ll be a part of my family. He’s a powerful man with a lot of connections. I don’t mind having him in my inner circle.”

  “Who else is in your inner circle?”

  “Just Titan.” I was close to my parents, and honestly, I was a bit of a mama’s boy. But they didn’t make the cut because I couldn’t be completely honest with them. I had my friends I went out with, but they didn’t count either. Only Titan had earned my unflinching trust. I could tell her I killed someone, and she’d help me hide the body—no judgments.

  Vincent gave a slight nod. “I don’t have anyone in my inner circle. You’re lucky you have someone.”

  “What about Jax?”

  “I’m close to him, but I can never have a son in that circle. I have to be a role model to them. My skeletons need to remain hidden away.”

  “You don’t seem like a man who has skeletons.”

  He nodded to a woman who walked by, a pretty lady who flashed him a smile. He turned back to me. “Everyone has skeletons, Thorn. If you don’t, you aren’t that interesting.”

  That was true. “I’m glad you and Diesel are getting along. Your fight was getting bloody.” I looked past his shoulder as my eyes settled on a curvy woman with dark hair. It was in open curls, luscious and shiny. In a skintight black dress that showed her flat stomach and tight ass, the woman was beautiful from head to toe. My gaze turned back to Vincent, only because I forced it to.

  “I’m grateful to move on. I became a different person in my
rage. I got carried away…”

  My eyes shifted back toward the woman as she turned around. She was speaking to a man in a suit, but I didn’t pay attention to his face. All I cared about was her. With bright green eyes, a few freckles on her cheeks, and plump lips, she was the center of attention for the entire room. Most of the men were looking at her.

  Ms. Alexander.

  I hadn’t expected her to be there that night. Once I realized it was her, my cock hardened in my slacks automatically. Like she was the only woman in the world who had control over it, she could manipulate it with just a smile. My slacks suddenly tightened in front as my gaze took her the swell of her tits and the curve of her hips. “We all get carried away from time to time…”

  I finished my glass of scotch before I moved in.

  I approached her from the left, just as she finished her conversation with one of the Rocker brothers. It would be easy for me to ignore her since there was nothing to say, but my cock certainly couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  And the way she stared at my crotch.

  It would be one thing if she’d simply glanced at him, but her stare lasted for several seconds. A new blush entered her cheeks, and her eyes intensified in eagerness. I wasn’t ashamed of the monster cock outlined in my slacks, and she obviously wasn’t ashamed to look at him either.


  I didn’t think anything would ever happen with this woman, but that didn’t stop me from walking up to her. She was smarter than the women I usually bedded, blazing with obvious self-respect. She could have any man she wanted, and she was probably looking for a renowned intellectual who would settle down with her. She could demand a commitment out of anyone and get it in a second.

  But that wasn’t me.

  She must have felt me staring at her because her gaze shifted in my direction. She must have seen me earlier because she didn’t seem remotely surprised by my presence. Or she was just exceptionally good at wearing a poker face. She held a glass flute of bubbling champagne, and a slight smile formed on her lips at the sight of me. She could be so sexy without even trying. If her scientist gig didn’t work out, she could be a model if she wanted.

  I stopped in front of her, my hands resting in my pockets. I didn’t shake her hand because it didn’t feel right.

  We were beyond shaking hands.

  Now that I was face-to-face with her, seeing those thick eyelashes and sexy eye makeup, I didn’t have anything to say. Staring at her was enough entertainment for me. I didn’t know if it was her rigid backbone or the elegant posture, but something stole my entire focus. I’d never been around a woman more certain of herself. Most of the people in this room were male business tycoons with their trophy wives, but she didn’t seem even slightly intimidated. Her strength was sexy, her confidence hypnotizing.

  She was one hell of a woman.

  A minute had passed, but I didn’t speak. My eyes remained glued to hers, the intensity only increasing.

  She didn’t stiffen at my penetrating gaze. She didn’t break eye contact or even blink. She stayed strong, not bowing to anyone.

  Not bowing to me.

  She refused to speak first, and I knew it was because she wanted to maintain the power in the situation.

  I’d gladly give it to her. “Are you having a good time?” I wanted to say she looked beautiful, but a gorgeous woman like her didn’t need to hear the compliment—for the hundredth time that night. She noticed every single stare that came her way. She knew she was the object of a lot of men’s fantasies. She was too much of a genius not to pick up on it. So she didn’t need to hear me say it. All she had to do was look down—and she would know how I felt about her.

  “Good champagne and good company.” She took a sip then licked her lips.

  I watched her tongue swipe across her bottom lip, and I immediately thought about that sweet mouth around my cock. I’d jerked off to her early that morning, and I felt like doing it again. Or better yet, getting the real thing. “Are you here with anyone?” I’d never considered it before, but she was probably seeing someone. A woman like her couldn’t stay single long.


  It was a good answer, but it didn’t answer the question I really wanted to know.

  “How’s Titan doing?”

  “Well. She’ll be at home for another month before she comes back to the office.” Whether she actually cared or not, I appreciated the question.

  “It’s nice of you to take over her companies…considering you aren’t together anymore.”

  Whenever I talked to her, I forgot about the fallacy that surrounded me. Like everyone else, Ms. Alexander thought I had been engaged to Titan because I loved her—and she’d left me for someone else. But when it was just the two of us, it didn’t seem like anything else really mattered. “Together or apart, I’ll always be there for her.”

  Her eyes softened for the very first time.

  I didn’t want to talk about Titan anymore, not when I was lying about my feelings for her. “Have you had a change of heart about what we discussed?”

  “No. You?”

  “Titan is considering it.”

  “She is?” Her voice picked up slightly, filled with an obvious sense of hope.

  “I told her you weren’t going to change your mind under any circumstance.”

  “I’m glad you finally understand me.”

  The corner of my mouth rose in a smile. “Took me long enough, huh?”

  She smiled back, and that simple reaction made my cock stir in my slacks.

  Why did this woman get me so hard?

  “I sincerely hope Titan changes her mind. I would love the opportunity to work with her. I really mean it when I say I think we could do great things together.”

  The more I interacted with her, the more I agreed with her. Ms. Alexander had a special quality that would make her an invaluable member of Titan’s staff. I could see her intelligence every time I looked at her. She reminded me of Titan in many ways, just a different version of her. “I’ll put in a good word for you.”

  “Yeah?” Her smile widened. “You don’t know me very well, Mr. Cutler.”

  “Then let me get to know you better.” I moved a little closer to her, almost crossing the line and invading her personal space entirely. If she didn’t want me this close to her, she would have just told me. But she held my gaze, her eyes playful. This was the time I would spit out a line or cut right to the chase. But I didn’t do any of those things. I respected her too much, and respect was hard to earn from me. I wanted her if she wanted me, and now I was waiting for her invitation. I wanted to slide my hand into her hair and kiss those plump lips, but I kept my hands to myself. Being in control was something I did best. I wanted to tell her exactly what I wanted—and watch her obey.

  But that wouldn’t work on a woman like her.

  She spoke with a sexy voice, deep and sultry. “What do you want to know?”

  I wanted to know if her lips tasted like champagne. I wanted to know how my name sounded on her tongue. I wanted to know if she slept alone at night or if there was a man beside her. I wanted to know if she wanted me to please her, to give her my big dick that she was so fond of. I wanted to know if she wanted me the way I wanted her. I wanted to know how she would feel if she knew I’d jerked off to her that morning.

  But I also wanted to know other things.

  I wanted to know where her passion came from. I wanted to know what her favorite drink was. I wanted to know if she listened to music while she was in her lab. If so, what did she enjoy? I wanted to know if she preferred the pandemonium of the city, or if she had a place across the bridge. I wanted to know what her hopes and dreams were. “Anything you want to share with me.”

  “First round is on me.” I stood beside her at the bar and clanked my glass against hers. I had a scotch on the rocks with a twist. She had a glass of red wine. I wasn’t a fan of wine. I preferred liquor or beer, regardless of what I was eating.

hank you.” She kept her eyes on me as she took a drink. She peered at me from under her thick eyelashes. Her green eyes sparkled even more with the dim lighting in the bar. There were people everywhere, but we had a nice spot in the corner. The loud chatter overhead only gave me an excuse to get closer to her. Sometimes my arm brushed against hers when I moved. If I moved my leg a little more, I could touch hers.

  But I didn’t.

  At this angle, I could get a nice view down the top of her dress. She had small tits, but they were perky as hell. Whenever she looked away, I could easily enjoy the sight with my perverted gaze.

  But I never looked.

  I never pretended to be something I wasn’t. I was honest with my intentions, and I was always honest about who I was inside. I was the kind of man who used women to please myself. They got pleasure out of it too, but that didn’t make it meaningful. With anyone else, I probably would look down her dress.

  But I didn’t do it to Ms. Alexander.

  I had no idea why. If anything, I was more attracted to this woman than anyone else. I was more excited for her, more eager to fuck her hard. But the more I wanted her, the more I respected her.

  It made no sense.

  She stirred her glass and took another drink.

  My slacks were tight again. “When did you start your company, Ms. Alexander?”

  She set her glass down, her shoulders back. Her olive skin was a perfect tone to complement her black dress. Her collarbone was prominent with how straight she stood. “We’re in a bar, Thorn. Call me Autumn.”

  I hadn’t known her first name until that moment. When I looked her up, I typed in her company name. Her name was probably on the screen, but I hadn’t noticed it. Now that I’d heard her name, my breathing became slightly strained. It was so simple and so elegant. I could easily picture myself saying it as I came deep inside her. “Autumn.” I said her name out loud, testing it out on my tongue. It made me feel like I had a piece of her, could call her something intimate even though it was just a name. “Beautiful name.”


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