Bash, Volume I (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 3)

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Bash, Volume I (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 3) Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  “I know, and I’m sorry. You cussed, though, and these are the consequences. Let’s get this over with and then I can make you feel good, again.”

  He walked behind me and delivered the ten strikes one after another, right cheek, left cheek, slight pause, right cheek, left cheek, slight pause. I screamed through the entire ordeal, and I don’t know when I started crying, but my face was wet when he finished, my ass on fire.

  He rubbed my bottom, my thighs, and my lower back as he assured me that part was over, and he talked me through taking deep breaths.

  When he finally walked around so I could see him, he put his hand on his pants so I could clearly see the outline of his cock. “This is what spanking you does for me, Angelica — it makes me so hard it hurts. You’re beautiful like this.” He caressed my cheek, kissed it, then my forehead. “Take another deep breath for me. In, in, in… that’s good. Now let it out slowly. Such a good girl.”

  He wiped my face with a damp cloth, and even held a tissue at my nose. I didn’t really want to blow my nose into his tissue, but he told me he wasn’t going to untie me yet, and pointed out he wouldn’t be doing it if he’d be grossed out by it. So, I blew my nose and let him clean me up like a small child.

  When I was finally mostly okay again, he told me, “The Lexan paddle is all sting. I’m going to use a wooden one on you that’s mostly thud. It’ll be a completely different kind of pain, and we’ll talk about how both affected you, later.”

  He never showed me the paddle, but I didn’t scream at the first strike. It hurt like a bitch, but it hurt deep, not just surface sting like the Lexan. I felt it compress skin and muscles, felt them move back into position after the strike. I gasped at the initial impact and then yelped at the after effects, but I wasn’t terrified about the second strike.

  He used a little more muscle every two strikes, and I finally screamed at the seventh and eighth blows, and he paused. “Beautiful, Angelica. These last two will be intense, and then your punishment’s over.”

  I’d thought my punishment being over meant he’d untie me, but I was still screaming from the final two strikes when his fingers entered my pussy, and I fought to try to gain control of the situation. I was tied so I couldn’t break free, though, and all I could do was lie there, bent over with my legs spread, and moan as he brought me so close to an orgasm I could taste it, and then backed off.

  I don’t know how many times he did it before I said, “Dammit, Thomas! I need to come!”

  I knew what I’d said the instant it was out of my mouth, but I didn’t apologize or beg him not to punish me. I’d already figured out he wasn’t going to back off on his punishments simply because I asked him not to.

  He stood in front of me and let me watch him pull his belt through the loops. “You’ll come the first time when my dick’s in your cunt, Angelica, and not with my fingers in you. You’ll take ten strokes of the belt and then I’ll fuck you. Nod if you understand.”

  I nodded, unsure why he needed me to, but I’d understood him, so I acknowledged it.

  He folded the belt over once, popped it, and walked behind me.

  “Ten strokes for cussing.” The words were barely out of his mouth when the first hit, and I screamed as a line of fire formed across my ass and fused to it. I came so close to screaming Fuck, but somehow managed to keep from it. He gave me a few seconds between strokes, and moved to my other side after the fifth stroke, giving me even more time. Still, when it was over I was once again a crying, blubbering mess.

  I’d seen girls whipped with a belt in the clubhouse since I was young. I’d once seen a girl take one hundred lashes with it, and I’d been too young to understand arousal, but remembered my girl parts feeling funny, as I watched.

  So now, even though the belt fucking hurt, I was more turned on than I could ever remember being, so it was a relief when his thick cock entered me, spreading me open as he invaded my body and owned me completely.

  I was orgasming around his cock within minutes, but he didn’t slow as he kept fucking me like a wild man, and I loved it. The angle was perfect, the fact I was restrained and couldn’t move was like an extra spice layered over the top, and the heat in my ass exquisite. Somehow, I managed to keep from cussing during my first and second orgasms, and caught myself during the third orgasm, so I turned fuck into fudge, but that was a minced oath, and he let me know it would mean five strokes, later.

  And then fucked me through more orgasms than I could count.

  When it was over, he owed me twenty-five strokes, and I wasn’t certain I could handle them. I’d been aroused before, and now I was wrung out and exhausted.

  However, thankfully, he worked me up again with his hand, had me wanting him again, and then laid into me with the belt once more.

  This time, he striped my ass and the backs of my thighs. I was frantic from the pain when he stopped, and he rubbed a cool gel into my legs, soothing me and telling me it was over. I still needed to come again, though, and I moved my hips to try to let him know how horny I still was.

  He took his time untying me, starting with my feet and rubbing the gel into the skin the rope had pressed into.

  He had me stand, straddle a bench, and then sit on it with a leg on either side before he untied my forearms, and talked me through slowly bringing my arms around to my front. He once again rubbed lotion into my arms, and then walked me behind a curtain to a bed I hadn’t known was there. He helped me into it, kissed his way down my body, brought me to orgasm a few times with his mouth and then rose up and entered me again. It started out missionary and kind of sweet, until he looped my legs over his elbows, leaned forward to hold my forearms beside my head, and pounded the hell out of me while holding my gaze.

  The last orgasm of the day splintered my reality. I was neither human nor wolf. I was a soul outside of her body, or bodies, and for the first time I understood the wolf and I weren’t two souls, but two aspects of the same soul, two personalities. She had her own wolf brain, and I had a human brain, but we were a single soul who formed two personalities because of the biological forces acting upon us when we were in our different bodies.

  It’s a wonder I came back into my human body, and not back into my wolf body when I returned, but thankfully, I did. I met Thomas’s gaze and said, “Wow. That was… I don’t know how to explain it. I’ve never gone out of my body during an orgasm, before.” My words were almost slurred, and I was suddenly so tired, so sleepy, I wasn’t sure I could keep my eyes open. He seemed to understand, and he kissed the tip of my nose and said, “Sleep, Angelica. I’ll be with you when you awaken.”

  Chapter Ten


  We didn’t have sex again the next morning. He looked over my bruises, put cream on them, and took me upstairs to get dressed before feeding me eggs, bacon, canned biscuits, and a selection of about ten kinds of preserves and jellies.

  He was caring and affectionate, and we joked and cut up, kissed a few times, but nothing really heavy. He seemed to understand I needed time to work through my emotions from the night before.

  However, when he took me home, he walked with me towards my apartment.

  “What, you’re walking me to the door?” I asked with a grin.

  “Of course,” he said, heat in his gaze. “I want our goodbye kiss to be something you won’t forget, and I’d rather do that inside, where people can’t see.”

  I rolled my eyes, but let him take my hand and walk me up the steps. He took my keys and unlocked my door for me, and I smelled them as soon as the door swung open, but knew there was nothing I could do to stop the coming confrontation.

  Bash and Duke were sitting on opposite ends of my sofa, and my dad was sitting in the huge reading chair I’d bought myself. They were all watching a game as if it was their place. I’d given my dad a key, but it wouldn’t have mattered. They could get past just about any lock, if they set their mind to it.

  I didn’t let them see how annoyed I was, though, but made introductio
ns. “Thomas, it looks like you’re going to meet my dad, today.”

  Thomas gave a smirk I wasn’t too happy about as he said, “Mr. Wright, I’ve brought your daughter back safe and sound. I can recognize a family intervention when I step into it, so I’ll let you have your privacy.”

  He turned to me, touched my cheek, and turned my head as his lips met mine. This wasn’t a peck on the lips, but likely the goodbye kiss he’d intended all along — the one designed to make sure I remembered him, and my traitorous body wasn’t inclined to push him away. I let him hold me, let him control the kiss, and I was out of breath and wanting him again when he finally let me up.

  He knew the effect he had on me, and he gave me a short peck on the lips, then kissed the tip of my nose before saying, “Have fun with your dad. I’ll talk to you later. Call me if you need me.”

  He nodded at my dad, who’d stood, his fists clenched beside his thighs, arms locked down, eyes shooting daggers. Dad wanted to beat the holy hell out of Thomas, and Thomas didn’t look the least bit afraid of it happening.

  As the door closed behind Thomas, I burst into laughter and the three men looked at me as if I’d lost my fucking mind.

  I looked at Bash and asked, “How many times have you told me a guy wasn’t worth my time if he was afraid of you? If he couldn’t stand up to you, decide I was worth the risk of whatever ya’ll might do to him for wanting me? Well if that wasn’t standing up to you and not giving a shit about the threat, I have no idea what it was.”

  “The fucking district attorney, Angel?” my dad asked, obviously furious. “What the fuck! If Bash hadn’t told me over the phone, I’d have decked him when he first told me. And then, we arrived this morning to check on you and you weren’t here. I was hoping you’d gone shopping or something, but Brain confirmed your phone was at his house on the mountain goddamned all night. And then you walk in with him, wearing what I’m assuming were your clothes from last night’s date?”

  “Don’t be a hypocrite, Dad. I’m an adult and I’ll fuck whoever I want. I know he can’t turn into more than a fun fling, but for now, I’m going to have it.”

  Bash walked to me, sniffing me as he walked around me. “I smell bruising. What the fuck did he do to you?”

  “He gave me more orgasms in one night than anyone ever has. Thanks for asking. Sex got a little rough, but it was divine.” I held his gaze as I spoke, and dropped my voice a few octaves for the last word.

  Dad wiped his hand over his face. “Shit, Angel, I didn’t need to hear that. You don’t want him to die an untimely death, you’ll dump him. End of story.”

  I looked at him a few minutes, going over his words in my head until I was sure of what he was threatening. I sat in the final available chair, debating my best course of action.

  “Daddy, the MC is my family and I’d hoped you trusted me to keep ya’ll safe. So, here’s my promise to you. I won’t give him anything to use against the MC as a group, or any of you personally, and if I learn anything helpful to the MC, I’ll share it with Duke. However, if something happens to Thomas — whether he ends up hurt or dead — I’ll give an official police report of the threat you just made, and if it comes to it, I’ll testify to it in a court of law. I know I won’t live long enough to testify, because sometimes club rules trump even the President’s wishes. I know I’ll be signing my death warrant, but you’ll have to live with my death.”

  Bash and Duke looked to my dad, who was staring at me as if he didn’t know me. Duke looked down, focused on his hands, so still he could’ve been a statue.

  Bash looked to me, his voice grave. “You need to change your mind about that real quick, Angelica. Some things you don’t mess around with, and you’re about to get over your head.”

  “No, Bash. I’m not. We all have to make decisions and then live with the consequences. Whatever Thomas and I are exploring, I’m not ready to stop just yet. I can promise all of you it’ll be a short term thing, likely a month, possibly three or four months, but I don’t much see it going past six months. I don’t intend to marry him — we have too many differences of opinion on too many things — but he lit up my world last night, taught me some new things, and I’m not ready to send him to the curb yet. I know the club has a code about not putting pussy before brothers, and I’m not a brother, but I’ll still promise you I’m not putting dick before the MC. I won’t give him anything to use against any of you.”

  I growled, and it was as much my wolf as me. “Dammit! All of you are my family — I need you to trust me not to turn on you! What have I ever done to make you think I’d flip?”

  My dad leaned back, crossed his legs in front of him, and said, “All right, Angel. I officially rescind my threat. Tell me what you’ve told him about us. Every detail, no matter how small.”

  I couldn’t believe my dad blinked. He’d never backed down to me before, and to’ve done it in front of Bash and Duke was beyond huge.

  “I love you, Dad.”

  “Love you, too, Angel, but Duke’s here because this is club business. They’ll let me make decisions so long as he agrees with them, but he’s the President here. You’re in his territory and he gets final say.”

  “Why’s Bash here?”

  Dad looked at Duke, who grinned and said, “He insisted, and I figured he knows you better than I do, so it couldn’t hurt.”

  “Brain knows me pretty good, too, and he’s the VP.”

  “Yeah, but he didn’t insist on coming. Answer your dad, Punkin.”

  I chose to believe the nickname was a reminder of our connection, a small concession to let me know he was coming at this from the perspective of someone who’d known me forever.

  “I didn’t know Thomas was the DA until we were in the middle of our first dinner. I was honest with him about my connections as soon as he told me, because I figured it was only a matter of time before he figured it out. So, I told him my dad’s president of the RTMC Atlanta chapter. He knew the core group in Chattanooga had come from Atlanta, and pointed out I should know them. I agreed, and told him some of the guys are like an uncle to me, and told him Brain had helped with my calculus and chemistry homework in high school. He said he doesn’t have any open cases for ya’ll on his desk right now, so dating me wouldn’t be a conflict of interest. I asked what would happen if a case opened, and he gave kind of a non-answer about not being able to talk to me about it. I told him I never know anything about club business, so there’s likely nothing I’d ever be able to tell him, but told him he could never ask me anything about ya’ll, or use anything he found out from me against you.”

  “He agree to that?” Duke asked.

  “No, and I told him I just wouldn’t talk to him about ya’ll at all, on the off chance I inadvertently told him something he might use. He asked me if I was aware ya’ll were the bad guys, and I told him just because you don’t agree with society’s rules, it doesn’t make you the bad guys. We argued over it, and finally kind of agreed to disagree, and changed the subject.”

  “And last night?” Duke asked, and it struck home that I was dealing with him as much, possibly more, than my dad. Daddy was pissed at me, but Duke was the one doing the questioning, for now.

  “The MC came up one time last night, but it wasn’t important and I don’t want to tell ya’ll the conversation around it. It was basically just me reminding him I wasn’t going to talk about any of you, even casually, and reminding him ya’ll are my family.” No way was I telling Duke I signed a non-disclosure agreement. “Duke, Dad, here’s my promise to both of you, again — I won’t give him anything on ya’ll, and if I happen to find something out that can help the RTMC, I’ll get the information to you. My loyalties lie with the club.”

  Duke nodded. “Okay, fair enough. I understand you and Bash have plans for this afternoon, and the two of you have talked on the phone a few times this week. While you’re talking to him, you can keep him updated, and he needs to hear about every single time the club, or any member, is mentioned
between you and the DA.”

  “Agreed. I don’t intend to tell Thomas anything about you, even the daily, normal stuff. Not when you’re going on a ride, not that someone called me at a particular time, or is seeing someone… nothing at all. However, if something is mentioned, I don’t have a problem with letting Bash or you know.”

  He cut his eyes to my dad, and they exchanged a look that spoke volumes in a mere second. My dad turned to me and said, “If we asked, would you give him misinformation?”

  I sighed. “Maybe, but I’d need to understand the circumstances. If it was necessary to keep ya’ll out of jail? Yeah, I’d do it in a heartbeat. If you’re just fucking with him? Probably not.”

  Dad looked at Duke, who was staring at his hands again. Finally, he looked up, his gaze piercing, dark. “Have your fun with the DA, Punkin, just remember who your family is. I’m not happy, but I trust you, and I know you have a good head on your shoulders and won’t let him trick you into anything. The biggest problem here is that right now we aren’t personal to him, but if he decides he doesn’t like your friendship with Bash, for example, he could make life hard on him. We like to fly under the radar, and your dating him could cause problems, whether you talk about us to him or not.”

  Shit, why hadn’t I thought of that? I considered my best course of action, and told Duke. “Okay, I get it, but if I break it off with him now, he’ll know it’s because of ya’ll, and that won’t be good, either. I’ll go out with him a few more times and manufacture a legitimate relationship reason for breaking it off. Something that doesn’t bring the RTMC into play. He doesn’t like me cussing, I have a feeling if I do it enough, he’ll dump me.”

  Or, spank me until I can’t sit comfortably, which might not necessarily be a bad thing.

  Too late, I realized I sent a flood of arousal pheromones into the room, and Duke stood with a smirk. “Yeah, okay, I get it. He does it for you. You’re all grown up and we’re gonna have to deal… just give us a little time, okay? Meanwhile, have fun, but don’t forget where your loyalties lie.” He pulled me up, gave me a hug, and left.


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