Bash, Volume I (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 3)

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Bash, Volume I (Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book 3) Page 11

by Candace Blevins

“Your arms are loose enough, you can comfort and help each other. I’ll only be working on one of you at a time, the other can do whatever you can manage.”

  I worked them both up with my hands and fingers until the room smelled of their arousal, and then took my belt off. I’m not a totally heartless bastard, so I didn’t tear into them right away. I started off moderate, methodically working from ass to thigh, and then back up. When I sensed one girl was at her limit, I went to the other side and started in again.

  And then I got pissed because I kept thinking of Angelica, and our time in the woods, which wasn’t good because the wolf surfaced, and I realized I was hitting harder than I should. It felt good to put more muscle into it, but it was irresponsible. I went backwards in my head, realized I’d hit too hard three times. I stopped to really look at Jayde’s ass, and inhaled deeply to get a handle on where she was. She was okay. Hurting, but still turned on, so the pain worked for her.

  I threw the belt on the floor, knelt down behind her, and lengthened my tongue enough I could pleasure her. When she was so close to an orgasm I could almost taste it, I went to the other side of the bed, took my jeans off, rolled on a condom, and rested my cock against Betty’s asshole.

  I put my mouth at her ear. “Ask me to hurt you, Betty Boop.” I pushed in, just enough to spread her a tiny bit, and held.

  “God, Bash. Only you can make me beg like this and mean it. Shit-fuck. Damn. Fuck my ass, Bash. Hurt me with your cock.”

  I didn’t for a second believe I was the only one. The mark of a good whore is one who can make every guy feel special, and Betty was great at her job. She could also milk my cock with her ass muscles better than anyone I’d ever been inside, and I groaned as she relaxed to take me in and then started working my cock.

  “Fuck, your ass is divine.”

  I met Jayde’s gaze and ordered, “Kiss Betty. Let me see the two of you enjoy each other while I pound this beautiful ass. Yours is next.”

  I hadn’t intended to come yet, but Betty’s ass is truly talented, and the next thing I knew my toes were curled, my eyes were rolled into the back of my head, and my balls emptied into the condom.

  Along with my soul.

  What the fuck was I doing? As I got rid of the condom, I tried to analyze the situation and figure out what was wrong. I’d never taken issue with fucking whores before. So, I was paying them for the attention. What difference should it make? Why was I pissed that they were only doing it for the money? This was a business transaction. Of course they were only doing it for the money.

  Usually, belting the hell out of a girl works out my frustrations, gets me hard as granite, and then lets me have an amazing orgasm. I’m usually loose and happy, afterwards. Not tense and pissed off.

  And, I’d only used forty-five minutes of my two hours.

  I released their wrists as I told them, “Sorry ladies, I think I’m done. If I’d realized, I’d have let Jayde come when I had my mouth on her. Betty, can you get her off for me?”

  Jayde shook her head as she rubbed her wrists. The rope hadn’t been tight, but I could see small indentations where she’d pulled and twisted. “When you pay someone for sex you aren’t obligated to see to their orgasms, Bash. I’m fine, and you have a very talented tongue.”

  “We couldn’t do anything for you, while we were all tied up,” Betty protested. “Now that we’re free, why don’t you lie back and let us work on you?”

  I shook my head. “I’m cuttin’ ya’ll loose. Tonight isn’t working for me the way I thought it would.” I hesitated, and then asked the question on my mind. “Do ya’ll ever feel sorry for the johns? Think it’s pathetic they have to pay for it?”

  They gave each other a look, and then they were both on me, arms around me, urging me to the bed. “You’ve cut us loose,” Betty said, “so you aren’t paying for this. We’re doin’ it ‘cause we want to show you what you mean to us. You take care of us, and we’ve never had that before. I mean, yeah, we’re still just the merchandise, and business comes first, but you see us as people, too. You don’t treat us like garbage. We’re employees, not just whores.”

  “What Betty’s trying to say, is that you’re obviously not having a good day and we want to make it a little better. Your way didn’t give you what you want, will you let us try it our way?”

  I let them coax me onto the bed, and felt myself smile as Betty worked my balls with her tongue while Jayde took me into her mouth.

  “Mouth and ass only,” I told them before I closed my eyes and let them take over. I don’t fully trust condoms — I get rough when I fuck, and I have a tendency to break them. Maybe because I like to shift my dick around, make it fatter and thinner. For whatever reason, I’d fuck a whore’s pussy a little during their audition, but then I usually moved to their ass. Condoms don’t always hold your jizz in, and while I know the girls take precautions to keep from getting pregnant, I wanted to be sure I didn’t give some whore my baby.

  Not just paid whores, but club sluts, too. I used their mouths and asses, and rarely dipped my cock in their pussy — and when I did, it wasn’t where I ended.

  For the next hour, Betty and Jayde were all over me, their mouths and hands, tits. I’m never passive during sex, but I had to admit, it was nice. Not the intense sexual energy I’m used to, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get off, just lying in place while they did the work, but it did the job and chilled me out.

  Until it didn’t, and then I took control.

  “Jayde, get a condom on me. Love your mouth, Betty, but lube your ass, doll.”

  They both obeyed immediately, and minutes later I was balls deep in Betty Boop’s ass, my mouth in Jayde’s pussy, and both of them screaming as I brought them to orgasm.

  Ten minutes later, Betty was close to another orgasm, and Jayde had already had several and was ready to blow again. I timed my release with theirs, and we all came together in a screaming climax, bodies writhing all over the fucking place as we all lost it.

  I maneuvered to the center of the bed and brought the girls up with me. I’m not one for cuddling afterwards, but I held them both, one on either side, as we all caught our breath.

  I’m not sure why I didn’t get up and get dressed as soon as we’d all recovered, but I didn’t, and Betty finally said, “I’m gonna risk irritating you, but I’m only saying this because I like you and I can tell you’re troubled.”

  “Fuck.” I didn’t say it mean, but with enough emphasis she gave a little giggle before continuing.

  “Sex is great exercise and a lot of fun. It feels good, and for people as skilled as you, it can turn into a work of art. It’s great when two people can come together and make each other feel better. In our case, we’re paid to make the other person feel better, and we know it isn’t about our own satisfaction, but some of us find it, anyway.” She took a breath, and I almost braced for whatever came next. “But the first time you have truly meaningful sex, when it becomes a way to share emotions, show someone how you feel, and maybe let them show you how they feel, it turns into something different, and then the old kind of sex sometimes feels… I dunno. Empty? It isn’t the same, anymore.”

  Jayde adjusted herself a little in my other arm and said, “What Betty’s trying to say, is that we don’t know who she is, or why you’re with us and not her, but you should maybe work on getting her back into your bed. People who are important, who touch our souls, don’t come along every day. Make sure she knows how important she is to you.”

  I shook my head. “It isn’t like that, but I appreciate both of you risking my wrath by talking about emotions.”

  They both chuckled, and I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. They were dressed when I got back, and I reached for my jeans and told them, “Want to talk to you both one-on-one before you go.” I looked at Jayde. “I’ll walk Betty to her car and make sure she gets away safe while you wait in here, and then I’ll come back and get you, walk you to your car.”

  I’d paid th
em the agreed upon amount before we got started, but I’d also promised a tip if they did an exceptional job. So, when Betty and I reached her car, I handed her a hundred and fifty dollars and said, “Thanks, Betty Boop. I’m not sure where my head was tonight, but you helped get it screwed back on straight.”

  “Don’t mention it, Bash,” she said with a gentle smile. “You’re one of the good guys, and you deserve happiness. I hope things work out with your girl.”

  I shook my head. “There isn’t a girl, and I’m not one of the good guys.”

  Her smile faded and her eyes grew determined. “You are one of the good guys. I’ve known plenty of the bad ones, and I can recognize the good guys pretty easily. I don’t doubt you’ve done some pretty bad things, and I won’t argue you can be a scary bastard even when you aren’t trying, but I’m betting everything you’ve done in the past couple of years has had a damned good reason behind it. Don’t sell yourself short. Whoever she is, she’d be lucky to have you, and if she can’t see it then you don’t need her.”

  She got into her car and grabbed the seatbelt. “Thanks for the evening, and the tip. See you tomorrow.”

  I pulled three one-hundred dollar bills from my wallet as I walked back to the room.

  Jayde came out of the bathroom as I came in, and I noted she’d touched up her makeup and had lipstick on.

  “I owe you an apology.” I handed her the money as I said, “Three of those strikes were harder than they should’ve been.”

  She looked at the money and laughed. “Bash, I got off on ‘em. I like it rough in my personal life, when it’s someone I trust. I’ll take your money because I need it, but even the hard strikes were okay. If I hadn’t been horny, they wouldn’t have been, because you’re right they were intense, but it was fine and I was a little disappointed you stopped.”

  “You like the belt? We’ve never marketed you as—”

  “No,” she interrupted. “Only in my personal life. There needs to be a level of trust with the guy, and I’ll never have that with the johns. Don’t want it with them.” She shrugged. “It worked with you because I trust you not to let others hurt me, and I guess that translated into my trusting you not to hurt me beyond what I could take.” She gave me a mischievous grin and added, “And if you’re paying a hundred a hit, get me horny first and then you can go to town on my ass. Seriously.”

  “You make a lot of money here. Something going on I don’t know about? Why do you need money?”

  “I qualify for student aid, but some of that’s in the form of student loans, and I’m not gonna go into debt for my education. This fall, when I start back to school I’ll be cuttin’ my hours back, plus paying partial tuition and all of my books. I’m saving as much as I can.”

  “You can charge more than double what we’re getting’ for you now, if we market you as a submissive masochist.”

  She shook her head, but I said, “Hear me out. If you have a guy you trust, who knows how to fight, we can use him. If not, we can put someone on you. Someone who’s only yours, and he’s there for you when you’re working, every time. He knows what you can take, and is present in the room the first couple of times you’re with a new person, and then is in another room, watching through a two-way mirror. We’ve talked about retrofitting a few rooms here with a viewing room anyway, just trying to figure out how to do it so LEO can’t use it against us. But, we put a door to a viewing room at the back of a few rooms, he’s right there, and can come through the door and stop things if he has to.”

  “The customer may pay double, but what I get won’t be double if we’re paying someone to guard me.”

  “I’ll run some numbers, go over it with Duke. We have two Mistresses who work out of their own space, so you haven’t met them. One of them has a submissive she oversees, and we haven’t had problems with men getting so out of hand the Mistress can’t handle the situation. We have two other submissives, one of them is watched over by her Master, the other is submissive but not a masochist, so with no impact or pain play, there haven’t been any problems. I’ll run the numbers on what we can get for you versus what we’ll have to pay for a minder you trust. The building additions won’t affect you, but I’ll need to see how long it’ll take us to recoup the expense.”

  She put the money in her bag and I walked her out the door as I talked. “One of our girls charges two thousand dollars for an impact play session with serious bruising. Think about what you’d be willing to do, and we’ll talk again in a few days. Okay?”

  She nodded. “No promises, but if I can feel safe, so I can relax and get into it? We might be able to work something out.”

  I watched her drive away, and then made sure everything was locked up before I rode to the compound.

  I’d only had sex in wolf form a few times, and those had been more about dominance than sex. With Angelica, there’d been some dominance in it, because there always is with wolves, but it’d been more, too. A connection, as if we’d been one being for a short time.

  I don’t do relationships. I keep girls around for a few months sometimes, but they all know it isn’t exclusive. They know they can consider themselves my girl, and if they’re around, I’ll choose them over someone else, and I usually let them spend the night, but I still send them home the next morning before breakfast. And, as soon as they get needy, or start getting on my nerves, they’re history.

  If I tried to take it farther with Angelica it might mess up our friendship, and I couldn’t take that chance.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I’d received a text from Duke partway through the day, telling me to come to the RTMC bar for dinner at six o’clock. It wasn’t an invitation — it was clearly an order.

  I went home from work to change clothes, and then rode my bike to the bar and arrived a few minutes early. A huge, muscled man in a cut saw me come in the door, and walked me to a table in the VIP section in the back. I placed my order with a waitress, and nodded to Duke when he showed up ten five later.

  No hello, or how are you… he got right to business, his face grim. “Bash tells me he left you with the DA yesterday. I need to know everything the two of you said.”

  “To be honest, he said something I’m happier to talk to you about than Bash.”

  Duke looked tired. “Just tell me, Angelica. Don’t make me work for it.”

  I couldn’t remember him ever using my name. Not good. “He was trying to tell me how bad ya’ll are, and I was saying as little as I could. He brought up a detective Gen used to date who went missing, and then brought up Sloane. When none of that got to me, he told me the club has prostitutes, and Bash is the pimp.”

  I saw a spark of fire in Duke’s eyes, but it quickly went cold and the look on his face was a little scary. I wasn’t worried for my own safety, but still… scary.

  “Considering the fact Bash’s division was raided by the cops Saturday night while he was off with you, and you’ve brought Bash to the attention of the DA, it’s hard to think you didn’t bring this down on us.”

  My shoulders slumped and the air went out of me. If I’d brought down the law on the MC, maybe I needed to just remove myself from them until I got my shit sorted. “If so, I’m truly sorry for it, Duke. I started making strides towards breaking up with him yesterday, in a way so there won’t be hard feelings towards the MC for it. Just a mutual agreement it won’t work out. He isn’t quite there yet, but I don’t think it’ll take much longer.”

  He shook his head, looked off in the distance a few seconds, and then looked back to me, his entire demeanor changed. This was the Duke I was used to, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Your dad’s worried about you — wanted me to take you to the workout room and put you through your paces. You have time?”

  I nodded. “I was actually going to ask you about that. I had access to the facilities in Atlanta, but I wouldn’t dream of walking onto the compound here without getting the okay from you.”

This was about respect. Duke was President and I needed to convey to him I respected his authority.

  “You’re kind of a special case. For the short term, it’ll be better if you let one of us know you’re coming. The new guys don’t know you, don’t have loyalties to Bud, and you don’t have a property patch. Once everyone gets to know you, we’ll talk about changing that.”

  When we finished eating, I walked across the street and downstairs with him, and he started me on the heavy bag, and then sparred with me, coaching and encouraging me as we fought.

  It wasn’t terribly late when I left, but he had Gonzo follow me home and see me to my door, which I thought was overkill but I didn’t argue.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Thomas knocked on my door at eight-thirty sharp, right on time. Instead of agreeing to dinner, I’d suggested we run together, and maybe stop for ice cream during our run.

  I wore yoga pants and a tee, with a nine-mil and a spare magazine in a belly band under my clothes. If Thomas put his arms around my waist he’d feel the gun, but I was legal so he’d just have to deal with it. Bash had warned me the MC was having problems with a rival gang right now, and cautioned me to be careful. It was doubtful they knew Bud’s daughter was in town, but it didn’t hurt to be prepared.

  We’d plotted a five-mile route that took us by an ice cream shop at the third mile, and by the time we reached it I was more than ready for some chocolate.

  As I’d figured, he put his arm around my waist in the line and felt the gun. To give him credit, he didn’t make a big deal of it until we had our ice creams and sat down to eat.

  “Do you have a permit for that?”

  I grinned, teasing him a little. “It’s a license, Mister DA, thought you’d know the terminology for it. And, yeah, I have a CCW.”

  “You make it a habit of carrying?”

  I lifted my eyebrows. “Are you going to fight off muggers if we’re attacked while running downtown?”


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