Soul-Bonded to the Alien

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Soul-Bonded to the Alien Page 13

by Serena Simpson

  She collapsed back on the floor as Cal and Victor sprung up. The darkness surrounding Selma disappeared as she joined in the battle.

  Rylan smiled with grim satisfaction as he directed the light emerging from his hands to merge with Victor’s. The Sudir screamed as the glow pulsated around him. He jumped out the window and disappeared.

  Vick fell into his mother’s waiting arms. She held him close as he cried against her.

  Paige smiled before she slid into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She woke up in bed; where was death when you needed it? Her back was on fire, she tried to turn but the fires of hell raced up her spine. Maybe she was dead and there was no peace in it. Breathing in shallowly she noticed the pain that gripped her heart before her breaths turned into a cough fight aggravating the hellish flash that now encompassed her body. She must have failed. This must be some torture designed in the mind of the evil Sudir.

  “Paige, don’t move.”

  She cracked her eyelids to see Cal standing alongside of her. “Cal?”

  Even her voice was raw. Being talented was a dangerous proposition, one she would consider if she lived.

  “Are you real?” She spoke with her dead parents recently and she definitely wasn’t in the place to determine reality verses fantasy.

  “Very real, Sunshine.”

  “How is Vick?”

  “Unharmed. He is running the house with the resilience of a six year old. The Sudir never harmed him. Seems there is some ritual that must be done before he could tap into his essence and we arrived just in time.”

  “How is everyone else?”

  “They all live, even Joaquin.” His voice soured on the name.

  Paige gave a small chuckle that sounded more like a groan of pain. Forcing her eyes open again she looked at the walls of the room. She wasn’t in her suite or in Cal’s room. The walls were painted a sweet mauve as if they were there to soothe. The bed she was stretched out on was hard when compared to the mattresses she laid on recently.

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re in our healing chamber.”

  “Um…hate to tell you this, but I’m not sure I can be healed. He took pieces of my flesh and there were huge cuts in my body.” She was doing the right thing she reasoned, Cal needed to know she would probably die, if not from the cuts then the infection that was surely surging through her body.

  “Why do you have a healing chamber? I thought you just entered a body, found what was wrong, and fixed it.”

  “We do, but we were wise enough to know that even natural ability at times is not enough. My parents made sure the latest technology they developed traveled with us. When sending a multitude of children to a distant planet with an army of warriors, you need every bit of help you can get.”

  She grinned for a minute as she pictured a ship filled with young boys all being mischievous at one time while rigid soldiers tried to curb their behavior. Her lips curved up into a smile, she wished she could get a DVD of that.

  “I agree it was a wise thing for your parents to do. So how are you trying to heal me?”

  “Right now you’re on your side held in a field that makes it impossible for you to move. There is a Bandon on your back. A Bandon is a thick gel which was applied to your entire back. It is now probing into your wounds looking for any signs of infection. If you feel a hot burning sensation when it has found an infected site and is eradicating it. The hotter the sensation, the greater the infection. Once your back is free from infection, it will begin to repair the muscle that was cut and finally it will regenerate the skin.”

  “Guess you’re not inclined to turn this technology over to the human doctors?”

  “I’m also not inclined to end up in one of your doctor’s laboratories, which is what would happen if I strolled in and announced I was from another planet here to help them.”

  Paige knew he was right, but the number of people who could be helped would be amazing. Or maybe not, this new technology would be held for those who could pay and no one else. Sighing she left it alone. It wasn’t hers to make available to the general public and when did she become a softy. Her life was about trying to make it in a world that never seemed to want to stop and notice she was alive.

  Although to be honest, it wasn’t like she cared. She had grown accustomed to keeping her head down and swimming with the stream. Now she was swimming against it, everything she did in the last couple of days was not mainline and she hadn’t even posted one picture to her social media account, the one thing she never thought she would leave behind her. She was used to a huge list of strangers who hit the like button on the things she posted; it was her life until Cal.

  She had been wrong; this must be the fire of hell. Opening her mouth, she let out a scream that was trapped in her throat before she thankfully blacked out.


  Paige woke up immediately reaching for blissful unconsciousness again. She turned expecting fiery pain to only feel a dull thud as her back twitched. She let the idea of sleeping forever slip away as she opened an eye. She never realized how soothing the colors black and silver could be. She was in Cal’s room. A tiny sigh of relief escaped her. The Bandon may be a healing device, but it could double as a torture device. She felt good, she was sure that was because of the heat Cal was generating. He warmed her body as much as he warmed her heart. She dared a move and snuggled deep into him. How long had it been since she came here? It didn’t really matter; all she knew was that she didn’t want to be separated from him.

  Vague memories plagued her mind none of which made sense. Instead of trying to hash them out she decided to stroke him.

  Good idea, her inner voice chimed in. Her hand touched the side of his face. His jaw line and cheeks were a work of art. If she were a painter or a sculptor she would have hundreds of pieces of him hung around her apartment. She traced his firm jawline before reaching over to kiss his cheek. The light scattering of hair there tickled her lips drawing an appreciative sound from her.

  She skimmed down his nose, so straight before she followed it up by stroking down it with her tongue. He was awake, she noticed his breathing change, but he lie still without opening his eyes. Play time, she whispered to herself, turning to the column of his neck. How could a straight, strong, thick neck be so sexy? Everything about him turned her on. Taking her time, she explored his neck, played with his pulse as it hammered letting her know he wasn’t unaffected. She bit him right there, his hips thrust up, a groan left his mouth.

  She laved the spot she bit with her tongue before following the column of his throat down to his chest. She definitely needed both hands for this job. Before she could talk herself out of it, she got up and placed her thighs across him sitting on his huge bulge. She needed him deep in her again, but first…

  She took both hands and stroke down the sides of his chest slowing grinding on him. His eyes popped open to look at her.

  ““Hi.” She gave him a shy smile along with hot eyes.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he whispered, his voice hot and thick with desire.

  She brought her hands up to trace his shoulders before bringing them over his chest to caress his nipples.

  “I think I feel better,” she murmured before taking one of his erect nipples in her mouth.

  “You definitely feel better.” His hand went behind her head holding her close as his other hand slid up her thigh.

  She cried out as his fingers brushed over her panties making her pant. She bit down softly as his fingers teased her clit through the moist fabric covering it.

  “Cal,” an urgency saturated her voice when she spoke his name and her body trembled from his touch.

  “Nice and slow, Paige.”

  He flipped her allowing his upper body to press her down onto the soft sheet.

  “Your eyes are so bright, the gold in the brown sparks.”

  “It’s what you do to me.”

  The secret smile she kept in her hear
t played along her lips. She never moved anyone like this before, only Cal. She closed her eyes and arched her back as he touched her. In his hands she truly felt beautiful and cherished. He touched her like she was precious as if he never touched anyone like he touched her before.

  She lifted up so her nipples could rub against his chest. Her core was heating and hungry, demanding to be filled by the male who held her like she was his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him; her tongue invaded his mouth dueling with him, pulling his intoxicating flavor into her. She wanted more.

  “I need you, Cal,” she said, opening her eyes to look at him.

  “You’ll get me, Sunshine.”

  His fingers stroke her core driving her higher.

  “No fair, I want to touch you.”

  The chuckle he emitted had her hips thrusting upward. His deep voice rumbled through her making her nerves stand at attention begging for his touch.

  Touch me, Cal, echoed in her head as she ran her hands over the taut cheeks of his ass. So tight, her fingers arched in leaving just a small crease letting him know she was there touching him. Her nails in him had his body going rigid over her as his breath came out in sharp gasps. Her male liked it so she did it again.

  “Mark me, Paige. Let the world know I’m yours.”

  She chuckled, “If anyone is looking at you naked, believe me they won’t survive long enough for it to matter.”

  When had she become so blood thirsty? She wouldn’t be giving him up to some hussy trying to steal her man. She managed a chuckle at her own thoughts even as Cal was driving her crazy with his slow strokes. She moved beneath him encouraging him to deepen his touch.

  “You’re like a banquet spread out before me, Paige. I want to taste, nibble.” His mouth went to the top of her cleft giving her lazy bites followed by long licks.

  “Lower,” she mumbled in need.

  It wasn’t just the soul bond connection that demanded they come together. She could feel the connection strengthening as they touched each other, but this wasn’t related to soul bonding. Inside of her was a spot she owned. It was protected and refused to succumb to a soul bond or anything else. It belonged only to her. That spot within her, shrouded in mystery, wanted to get closer to Cal.

  She found herself pausing. So many years she spent building up a wall around that private place within her soul, and now that it prepared to peek over to get a better look at Cal shocked her.

  He settled over her letting some of his weight press her down. Still covered in her panties that were worthless by now, she wrapped her legs around his waist, He reached down and fisted them before tugging. The scrap of fabric ripped in his hands and he pulled them off burying his nose in them inhaling her scent.

  This male would have her heart with moves like that. He arched his body over hers as he began to rub against her lower lips. Her mouth opened on silent sounds of pleasure as he tortured her knowing what she needed but with holding it.

  “Please, I need you in me.”

  His hips shifted aligning his cock with her needy pussy. He pushed in causing a high keening sound to escape her lips as she held onto him.

  Chapter Twenty

  He loved the way she felt so tight, so right. He plunged in unable to control himself for a minute. The sensation of her closing around him was almost his undoing. Deep breaths, he counseled himself, paint drying on the wall. Really, that wasn’t helping at all.

  Instead he looked into her fevered eyes seeing the need, the wild longing passing through her. His Paige, he slowed his pace – she deserved everything he had and more. He pulled out and thrust in slowly hearing her breath catch.

  He let out a low moan. She pulled at him, squeezing tight to hold him in. She was feisty, such a contradiction. On the outside she looked so meek and mild you might overlook her in a crowd, then you got to know her. That energy, the spark inside of her reached out to grab you.

  He sank back in again listening to her breath catch in her throat before a strangle sound emerged.

  “Do you like feeling me sink deep into you, Sunshine?” he punctuated the comment by pistoning his hips several times.

  “You’re teasing me.” She ground her hips against him flexing her vaginal muscles around his cock making him stiffen to keep from losing it inside of her.

  “You drive me crazy,” he murmured in her ear before licking the shell of it. “Never letting you go, going to please you every day of your life.”

  He reached down to take her nipple in his mouth as his hands stroked over her ass. She flexed and jerked away from his hands making him focus on her ass again. He sunk inside her deeper, faster while exploring the expanse of her backside, caressing and pinching.


  “Every inch of you attracts me.” He ran his finger over her crack as she tensed.

  “I never…”

  “Shh,” he thrust strongly on her. “We won’t, Paige, unless you want to. Either way not today. I can’t get enough of your warm pussy wrapped around me.”

  A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Tears? I can’t be that bad. I guess I need more practice.”

  She gave a straggled laugh as her head moved from side to side. “Fishing for complements again. You know you have me so hot I’m about to combust.”

  “Come with me, Paige.”

  He reached out pulling her onto him. He laid himself bare in front of her. He let her feel the tension in his limbs, the way they contracted in an effort to make sure her pleasure came before his. The tiny spasm that walked up his back walked up hers as she merged deeper. The expanse of his heart that was filled with her became clear as he exposed himself.

  “This is who I am, Paige.” He waited for acceptance or rejection as he found her pleasure center.

  There was no holding back her screams now. He could hear them loud and clear as she lost herself in the pleasure and he lost himself in her.

  “Can’t hold back.”

  He ground into her hard and deep before his movements increased.

  “Come for me, Baby.”

  Paige wrapped her legs around him holding on for dear life as if he was the bucking bull and she was the rider.


  “Now, Paige now!”

  The head of his cock hit her pleasure center as the length of him stroked her. Her walls clung to him as she threw herself off the nearest mountain, free floating.

  “Paige!” Following her over the cliff, a peacefulness he never experienced intertwined with the spine tingling sensations moving through him.

  He drew a lazy hand down her side.

  “Want to do that again?”

  “Yes,” her voice was husky with passion. “Don’t you have to…umm, recover?”

  “Later, Sunshine much later.”

  He drew her into his arms kissing her deeply.


  “How do you feel?”

  She gave him a wicked smile. “After all the calisthenics that little nap helped.”

  Her stomach rumbled. “It must be dinner time, I am famished.”

  “Paige, you slept through the night; it’s time for breakfast.”

  “Mmm, I could go for some French toast, bacon, and orange juice. I’m salivating just thinking about it.” She got up turning around to catch a glimpse of her back. “Cal I’m healed. That Bandon worked miracles.”

  “Paige, do you know how long you were out?”

  “You said I slept through the night after,” a blush highlighted her cheeks, “yesterday.”

  “You did, but you were out for a week before that.”

  “A week?”

  Cal nodded his head. “The infection was deep. We believe the Sudir seeded the tool he used to take your skin and mark you so deeply with a substance used to incapacitate as well as possibly kill without the right treatment. No doubt he intended to make sure you didn’t die after he took care of us.”

  A week? She could barely wrap her head around it. She wasn’t rea
dy for whatever the ultimate battle was supposed to be and what did she do, she slept through time she could have been learning or at least spending with Cal in case she didn’t make it.

  “I’m sorry, Cal, why didn’t you wake me? There is no excuse for my lazy behavior.” She was required to pull her weight in the orphanage unless she was on her death bed. How could she have let him down?

  “Paige, you almost died.” He punctuated each word grinding his teeth together. “You have no need to be sorry. I took you into a battle you weren’t prepared for and nearly lost you. Yet I can’t be sorry, Paige, you saved us as well as saving Vick. Your energy was enough to spark both Victor and myself. The Sudir underestimated the human in the room. Stupid creature.”

  “You’re not upset I slept so long? What if we die because I spent a week sleeping and not coming up with a battle strategy?”

  “Sunshine, the more I am around you the more I believe in your talents. Think of this reasonably, you were dying, Paige. What do you think you could have done beside sip soup and allow me to hold you infusing you with strength?”

  Those strange memories of him holding her, patiently spooning soup into her mouth even when she turned her head pursed her lips and refused to eat, came back to her. He was so kind to her. She remembered him picking her up and taking her to the bathroom. How did she ever deserve someone like him?

  She threw a brilliant smile at him.

  “Shower.” She sniffed herself wrinkling her nose. He was a keeper if he could sleep by her when she smelled like this.

  “Then breakfast.” She nodded at his words before disappearing into the bathroom.

  It was the song she found herself humming that had her grinning with joy. He loved her, he had to. Why else would he treat her like this? Did she love him? Her smile disappeared, she didn’t know. Along time ago she decided that love was for fools, she would never be one of those fools who walked around with stars in their eyes only to fall into the pit that led straight to the hell known as heart-break.


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