Sophisticated Sophomore (Love 101 #2)

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Sophisticated Sophomore (Love 101 #2) Page 7

by J. Nichole

“Ouch, that hurts a tad bit.”

  "I don't mean to hurt you, but we have, to be honest. Did you expect us to get serious?"

  He nods. “When we met I told you there was something about you.”

  I wrap my arm across Chris’ chest and cuddle beside him.

  “Do you need to get back to work?” he asks.

  Looking over at the clock, I sigh. “I should, but this feels so much better.”

  “I could be your pillow while you read.” Chris leans over the bed and grabs my book. He plants himself back into position then hands it to me.

  I hesitate and say, “I don’t want to read.”

  “Did that cute face get you out of trouble as a kid?”

  I grab the book and scowl at him. “Not so much.”

  “Didn’t think so.”

  I flip to the next chapter and start reading. Mass Media has to be one of my most interesting classes. While I’m reading I can feel Chris’ eyes on me. I try to ignore him, but his breathing is the only noise echoing from the walls. “You don’t have any work you could be doing?”

  He looks at me, then off to the side, and says, “Actually I probably should be working on this thesis paper if I plan to graduate in the spring.”

  “Or you could just stick around here for the next three years and wait for me to graduate.”

  Chris snickers. “Don’t think pops would like that too much. He would have preferred me to do a masters program in Tennessee while I work for the business.”

  “I see.” I lay my book down on the bed. “Do you still want to work for the family business?”

  “To be honest, the business is second nature to me, but I wouldn’t mind doing my own thing.”

  “You should.” With a big smile, I say, “You don’t ever want to have regrets.”

  “You’re right. Maybe we can think of a business that would benefit the both of us.”

  “Now that would be perfect, but that’s the part that isn’t as easy.” Opening my book again, I say, “Guess we both better make the best of our education.”

  Chris laughs. “Right. On that note, I better get back to the frat house.”

  “Next time you should come prepared.” We both get out of the bed and walk out of my room. The living room is empty, but I can hear noise from the other rooms. Chris embraces me in a tight hug before walking out the door.

  Instead of lying across my messy bed I grab my book and sit at my desk. Reaching for my phone to crank up Pandora, I see a text from Nicole. She likely sent it while sitting right next door.

  Nicole: This weekend we must be at the club. We all could use a little fun.

  Jennifer and Monica both respond to the text in agreement. Who am I to be the fun police?

  Laila: Sounds like a plan. I’m in. But next time you don’t need to text, you can knock. LOL

  “Yo, study team, are we ready for this quiz?” Jason leans over my shoulder. “Danielle, I should be sitting behind you, right?”

  Danielle smiles. “Jason, you’re ready. We’ve been studying all week.”

  Jason sits back. “Yeah I am.” Then he leans forward again and says, “But it’s always good to double check my answers.” Danielle and I both laugh.

  The professor passes out our quizzes and in an anti-trust tone he says, "No cheating, eyes on your paper, no phones." He places a quiz on my desk. "You have five minutes. Don't turn it over until I tell you."

  Jason sighs.

  The professor stands before the room. “Alright, five minutes, you can begin.” I flip over my quiz and read the first question. I circle the answer and move on to the next question. Danielle’s prep has paid off. Then I get to the last question and I freeze. Shit. I tap my pencil on the desk a few times. I close my eyes, hoping the answer will pop into my head. Nothing. “One minute remaining.”

  I open my eyes and look at the last question again. The answer has to be C. I hope the answer is C. I circle C and stand to turn in my quiz. Jason and Danielle are both sitting back, smiling. When all quizzes are in, Danielle looks at me and says, “It was C. You’re good.”

  My smile spreads. “Thanks!” The professor begins his lecture and I start scribbling notes.

  When the lecture is finally over, students scatter like roaches. Danielle, Jason, and I stay behind and plan our next study session. As we walk out I say, “Danielle, do you have plans this weekend?”

  She shrugs. “Not really.”

  "How about you join my roommates and me at the club?"

  Her eyes light up. “That sounds like fun, but I probably shouldn’t go.”

  “Why not?”

  “I have too much homework.”

  “Just one night. It’ll be fun. I promise.”

  She scrunches her nose. “Okay. I’ll go.”


  Danielle laughs and waves as she walks in the opposite direction.

  Monica runs into my room, half-dressed, holding a pair of shoes. “I wish you were my size. I need a blouse to wear. Foundation just got all over mine.”

  “Oh shit that sucks. You don’t have anything else to wear?”

  “I’ll have to change my entire outfit.” Monica pouts while Jennifer walks in behind her going straight for my jewelry sitting on the dresser.

  “I need a necklace.” Jennifer places a few necklaces up against her dress. "Ugh, I thought you had one that would have gone perfectly with this." Then she turns and looks at me. "Damn, you're wearing it!"

  I laugh as Monica clears her throat. “A necklace is not as important as a blouse.”

  Jennifer looks at her and says, “You could probably fit one of your boobs in my shirt.” She laughs. “How about I help you find something else.” Monica follows Jennifer out of my room.

  My phone dings with a message.

  Danielle: I’m at your door.

  I run to the door and open it. When I see Danielle, I stop and stare. “Danielle, aren’t you going to the club?”

  She looks down at her outfit. "Of course I am." She flaunts her foot in front of me. Except for her heels, Danielle looks like she is going to class.

  Nicole walks up behind me. “Hi.”

  I turn to Nicole and say, “Hey Nicole, this is Danielle.”

  Nicole says, “Oh yeah. I thought you were going out with us tonight.”

  Danielle throws her hands up in confusion. “Is there something wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  Nicole and I exchange looks. Then Nicole leads Danielle to her bedroom saying, “Listen, we are going to the club, honey. Not the library,” as she guides her by the hand.

  Danielle pleads, "I don't go out much. I knew this was a bad idea."

  I yell towards Nicole’s room. “Exactly why you should go out tonight!”

  Jennifer comes out of Monica’s room with Monica closely behind her. Jennifer steps aside and waves her hand in front of Monica. “Ta da!”

  Monica is dressed in a skintight halter-top, high-wasted red pants and a pair of black peep-toe pumps. "Cute!"

  Monica spins around. “Yeah she didn’t do too bad.”

  Jennifer says, “Alright we’re ready to go.”

  “Well almost. Nicole is getting Danielle ready.”

  “I can’t sit down with these pants on so I guess I’ll just stand here and not breathe.” Monica leans on the counter.

  Jennifer laughs and opens the refrigerator. She grabs water and sits at the dining table. Eyeing my neck, she says, "Laila, I think you should hand the necklace over."

  I walk past Jennifer and Monica and open Nicole’s door. “Are you two ready yet?”

  Nicole shakes her head. “Give us one more minute.” Danielle looks at me, terrified as Nicole tugs on the dress in a few spots.

  Nicole stands back. “You look hot!” She moves in close and combs her fingers through Danielle’s hair. “Now, we’re ready.”

  Danielle walks towards me, half-smiling, or showing discomfort, I can’t tell. “Ugh ready. I guess.” Nicole and I walk out of the room after her

  Jennifer and Monica squeal when they see Danielle. “Hot mama!”

  “Alright, now that everyone is situated. Let’s roll, ladies.” I grab my purse, the keys, and open the front door.

  We pile into my car with the radio blasting Fancy as we ride to the club.

  As always the line is out the door. Monica sighs. "I need to get out of this car. Sitting is making me feel like I'm about to pop."

  Jennifer laughs. “Beauty is pain.”

  Danielle sighs, “I could sign a model contract right now because this dress is causing lots of pain.” She wriggles. “It’s a bit too tight.”

  Nicole snaps her head back and says, “It’s not too tight. You’re just used to those baggy jeans.”

  “Oh is that what it is?”

  I find a parking spot and we get out of the car and make our way to the line. As soon as we get in line Monica leans against the wall and releases a loud sigh.

  Nicole laughs. “With you two all out of shape we may not be here long.”

  Jennifer says, “I didn’t get all dolled up to just make an appearance.”

  Nicole gives Jennifer a smug look. "Chill out. We won't be leaving before you hit the dance floor a few times." Jennifer laughs.

  The line moves along but Monica and Danielle are dragging behind. A guy behind us says, “Looks like the two of you could use a drink.” He smiles.

  Monica just nods her head and Danielle blushes.

  “When we get in, meet me at the bar.”

  Danielle nods and Monica says, “I’ll be there.”

  Nicole whispers, “Now if these two constipated looking heffas can get a drink I better get two.”

  I slap Nicole's arm as we make our way through the door. We're carded and go directly to the bar and wait for Danielle and Monica's drink pimp for the night. While we hold on, Jennifer looks super anxious. "Guess you are ready to hit the floor."

  She fidgets and says, "Actually no. I think I'll stick with the bar."

  Nicole, Monica, and I look at Jennifer in shock. Nicole says, “What? You love to dance. What’s the difference tonight?”

  Jennifer shrugs. “Let’s not make a big deal of it.”

  “Okay.” Looking around the bar I see the drink pimp. “There’s your guy.” I nudge Danielle and she makes eye contact.

  "I don't drink. But here he comes."

  The guy comes up to us and says, "As promised. What are you ladies drinking?"

  Danielle opens her mouth to respond but Nicole says, “Long Islands.” Danielle turns to Nicole and shakes her head.

  The guy approaches the bar and orders the Long Islands. He passes them back to us and grabs a drink for himself. “Hope you ladies have a good night.” He sips, and then walks away.

  Nicole looks at Jennifer and says, “I’m going to hit the floor.” She tugs at Jennifer’s arm. “C’mon.”

  Jennifer strains her neck towards the dance floor, and then says, “No I’m going to stick around here.”

  “This is nuts. We didn’t come to the club to be wallflowers.” Nicole looks at me. “Laila, are you coming?”

  I take another sip of my drink before handing it to Monica. “Yeah, let’s go.”

  The DJ is playing 2 On and it apparently gives Nicole life. She finds the closest guy and gives him her best moves. I stand nearby and two-step as I shake my head to guys trying to approach me.

  The song switches up and we move through the crowd, dancing and laughing. We see a group of guys having a ‘dance off’ and we watch, cheering them on. Nicole leans in and tries to talk over the music. “Where do they practice this shit?”

  “Obviously they have too much time on their hands.” I laugh.

  Once the guys finish up, a group of girls move in their place and start their battle. The girls are much cuter with their moves but still make me question all these people with choreographed dances.

  After a few more songs, my feet are begging for a break. I tap Nicole’s arm and nod towards the bar. She follows.

  We find Monica and Danielle, but Jennifer is out of sight. “Where did Jennifer go?”

  Daniele looks around, panicked. “We lost her.” Her words are a bit slurred. I look to Monica, who shrugs her shoulders and grabs Danielle to sit her on a barstool.

  “Clearly she isn’t a drinker. Had I known, I would have cut her off.” Monica looks around the bar and grabs the bartender’s attention. “Let me get a glass of water.”

  As we force the water down Danielle’s throat, Jennifer walks up from behind us. “I hope that’s just water.”

  I turn to look at Jennifer and say, “Where did you disappear to?”

  “Just had to use the restroom.” She looks at Nicole, who is still swaying to the music. “Have fun out there?”

  “Yeah, missed you though.” She points at me. “This one wouldn’t give out any love on the dance floor.”

  Jennifer pats my arm. “After Atlanta do you blame her?”

  Nicole’s eyes widen. “Right. Almost forgot about the dance scandal with Chris. Guess you couldn’t be a hypocrite, right?”

  I nod my head and turn my attention back to Danielle. “Do you need to leave?”

  She looks up from the empty glass of water. “Jennifer!” She hops off the bar stool and gives her a big hug.

  “Guess that answered your question.” Monica grabs Danielle’s bag and we start walking towards the exit.

  We are halfway to the car when I turn around. "Wait, where did she go?"

  I turn back towards the club and look at the few groups of people standing outside. Then Nicole shrieks, “Dammit, she’s pissing in the bushes!”

  I run towards Danielle and try to save her before anyone else sees. I stand in front of her as a few camera phones come out.

  When she finishes she looks up to me and says, “I need tissue.”

  “Heffa we are outside and you’re pissing in the bushes. You better shake and get up. Let’s go.” She shakes then pulls her panties up. Standing up before her dress is fully down. Nicole runs over and tugs the dress until she is fully covered.

  “I forgot this was my dress.” Nicole looks to me. “Last time you invite any of your friends to the club.”

  Chapter Ten


  “Tanya! Why are you screaming?” I move my phone slightly away from my ear.

  “I’ll be at homecoming!”

  “Are you serious? Your parents agreed to watch Ava?”

  “Yes. I’m walking around the mall now, looking for outfits.”

  “I don’t think L.U. is ready for both of us.” Looking around campus I remember when we were both here for freshman orientation and how bad the weekend turned out. Tanya was nauseous most of the weekend and couldn’t party.

  “They better get ready. You sure your roommates won’t mind me tagging along?”

  “Of course not.” After the night with Danielle, they might.

  “I’m going to send you pics of the outfits I find. Tell me if I should pass or not.”

  “Do that. I’m on my way into a study session. I’ll talk to you later to work out details.”

  “Later chick.”

  I throw my phone in my purse as I make my way up the stairs to the library. Crossing the lobby, I see Jason walking with his head down. "Jason." He looks up with a sad smile. "What's wrong?"

  “Nothing. I’m just so tired.”

  “It’s Wednesday. Were you partying last night? I know you weren’t up late studying.”

  Jason rolls his eyes. "Why are you hating?" He pops his collar. "I'm quite studious actually. My education is of utmost importance to me."

  I cough. “Bullshit.”

  “Damn. A brotha can’t get no love from you.” He looks behind him. “Let me be careful before Chris pops out of a corner.” We both laugh.

  “Jason, you’re a fool. Let’s go find Danielle.”

  Walking past the computer lab, we go to the study rooms, looking for Danielle. We finally find her in the last r
oom. She looks up from her book when we walk through the door.

  “Hey guys,” she says in a soft voice. She has been very low-key since the night at the club. After a few pics of her pissing in the bushes were posted on Facebook she vowed to never go to the club again.

  Jason sits beside her and I sit across from both of them. Pulling out my economics book, I flip a few pages before Jason speaks up. “I still can’t believe this professor has the nerve to give us an exam during homecoming week.”

  Danielle looks at him. “It shouldn’t surprise you. He is one of the lowest rated professors on Rate My Professor.”

  I scrunch my nose. “Do you actually use that site when you schedule your classes?”

  She nods. “Even if I don’t change professors at least I know what I’m getting into.”

  Jason looks at the both of us with a grimace on his face.

  “It’s a site with feedback from students.” I look at him, waiting for the light bulb to go off.

  “Oh snap.” He nods slowly. “I should use that next semester. I need to stay away from the professors with quizzes every week and exams during homecoming.”

  Danielle looks back to her notes. "I have a few areas highlighted that we should probably focus. Then maybe we can break some of the other areas and divide and conquer for info we should drill before the exam."

  I sigh. “Okay.”

  Danielle smiles. “At least we are starting early. By next week we should be in good shape.”

  "Yeah but fuck our weekend plans," Jason says matter-of-factly.

  Danielle says, “It’s not like I would have been doing anything.” She looks at me sheepishly.

  Nicole is going to hate me. “Maybe not this weekend. But you should come out with us again next weekend.”

  Jason’s eyes bulge. “That’s a good idea, Danielle. You need to redeem yourself.” He rubs her back. “Maybe just stick to water this time.” Danielle seems to light up with Jason’s touch.

  “I’ll let you know, Laila. Thanks for the invite.”

  “How much do we need to study in the next few days?” I grab my pen, and prepare to write down everything I need.

  Danielle flips through her book to her bookmarked pages. Jason looks over and says, “Guess you don’t plan on selling that one back.” He flips a few of her pages. “This book is at the end of its life.”


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