Sophisticated Sophomore (Love 101 #2)

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Sophisticated Sophomore (Love 101 #2) Page 12

by J. Nichole

  I look at her in amazement. God has an amazing way of reminding me how fortunate I am. I take for granted the fact that my parents can send me money. "You're amazing, Danielle. I'm sure you are going to make your family proud."

  Danielle blinks away her tears and a tiny smile crosses her face. “I appreciate that Laila.” She grabs her pen and turns a few pages in her tattered book. “Tonight is going to be a long night. Especially if Jason doesn’t show up to claim his sections.”

  “Right, we better get back to it.”

  After a stack of notecards, pages of notes, and fumbled responses to Danielle’s questions, we call it a night. Leaving the library, Danielle asks, “Whatever happened to that professor?”

  I look at her with wide eyes. “What happened to what professor?”

  “The one you wrote the article about.”

  “Oh, Professor Douglas.” How could I forget about Professor Douglas? “Forgive me, after that long study session my mind is mush.” I tighten my jacket around my chest. Late at night is about the only time we get a break from the humidity and the chill remaining confirms our pathetic winter has arrived. “He isn’t on campus anymore and the cases against him are innumerable.” Danielle’s mouth drops.

  "Yeah, it's surprising, to say the least." We reach my car and I wave to Danielle. "I'll see you tomorrow night."

  She says, “Same place and time.”

  My phone dings a few times before I can fully exit the parking lot. Messages from my roommates fly in, and the first I read is from Nicole.

  Nicole: That crazy bitch!

  I scroll through similar messages from Monica and Jennifer before I call Monica to get more details. “What’s going on?”

  “We had a visit from your stalker.” I hear Nicole and Jennifer yelling in the background. “She egged our front door and drew your name in ketchup on the doormat.”

  I pull into a parking spot as I continue the conversation. “How do you know it was her?”

  Jennifer yells in the background, “Who else would do some crazy shit like that.”

  Monica sighs. "Well, your name was also crossed out. Unless you have more enemies we don't know about seems that it has to be Courtney." The noise in the background dulls. "Okay, those two are plotting all types of revenge. Seriously though, Laila, do you think we should get the cops involved?"

  “Give me a minute and I’ll call you right back.” I hang up with Monica. Staring at my phone I begin a text message to Chris, then erase it. I then click his name to call him.

  “Hey, babe.” Chris has been pulling late nights since we’ve been back from Thanksgiving. He’s snuck me into his schedule when he can, but we’ve both been busy preparing for the end of the semester.

  “Courtney is at it again. She egged our door and drew on our doormat.” Before Chris can react I continue. “What does she expect to gain from all of this?”

  “Laila, I’m not a fan of the wait and see approach you seem to be taking.” My approach avoids getting his mother involved before I’ve had the opportunity to get to know her. After she swooped in to help last year I felt like a burden on her.

  “I agree, I should reconsider, but I’d prefer to call the cops not your mother.”

  “I don’t care if you call the cops, just get someone involved.” Chris huffs. “I swear if I knew ol’ girl was this crazy I would have never stepped to her.”

  Even with our schedules, I’d rather be in Chris’ arms instead of heading home to the chaos that my roommates are sure to surround me with. “Can I come by?”

  “I wouldn’t be good company babe. I need to finish up these papers.”

  I sigh but don’t let Chris know I’m disappointed. “Alright, get back to it. Love you.”

  “I love you too, Laila. Let me know what you decide to do.”

  I have to stand back from the door to avoid stepping in the ketchup on the doormat. The girls are sitting in the living room looking like they’ve been plotting world domination. I don’t meet anyone’s eyes as I apologize profusely for having them in this mess. “I’m so sorry.” I walk to the kitchen to gather cleaning supplies.

  Nicole joins me in the kitchen. “We have all types of plots planned for revenge.” She grabs my hand. “But none of it makes sense. What if her revenge is worse, or she tries to hurt you?” I meet Nicole’s eyes and the sincerity I see is astonishing. Nicole isn’t the one to be levelheaded.

  “Alright, let’s call the cops before I clean the door.”

  The cops arrive and after describing the events that transpired over the past year, they take pictures of the door.

  After handing me a police report, the young cop looks at me and says, “Listen. There isn’t much we can do unless you want to file a restraining order. We see all types of jealous ex stories. I can’t say any of this is normal, but it certainly isn’t out of the ordinary.” He looks to the girls who are hanging on each of his words. “I suggest you do not interact with her if she appears, but if she continues to harass you call us immediately.” He smiles, and exits as the girls ogle him.

  I shrug my shoulders as I close the door behind him. “At least I called.”

  Nicole falls back on the couch. “And thank you for that. That man right there was perfection. Did you see those deep dimples, his smooth skin?” She closes her eyes. “And the way his muscles bulged out of his uniform.”

  I laugh at her. "I don't think I noticed all of that. I was busy listening to what he had to say about crazy exes."

  “I was waiting for you to pounce on him.” Monica grins at Nicole. "You know we don't have the same taste in men. I don't know if you have a type, but he was universally sexy."

  Nicole interrupts Monica. “I have a type. Sexy. That’s the only criteria.” Her smile disappears. “But he had me speechless.”

  Jennifer adds her two cents. “I’ll have someone to penetrate my dreams tonight.”

  “I’m glad you all found him attractive, but I hope he doesn’t have to come back. Ever.”

  Nicole looks to the paper in my hand. “Maybe not for Courtney. But I’m sure I can find a purpose for his handcuffs.” We all laugh at Nicole. “I’ll just borrow his number from you.”

  I place the paper on the counter and grab my supplies. “Better clean the egg before it dries.” Jennifer and Nicole look to me then disperse from the living room.

  Monica stretches her arms. “It’s getting late. I better get to bed.”

  I pout my lips but don’t complain. After all it’s my mess to clean up.

  “I just turned in my last paper. Where are you?” Chris’ voice is laced with excitement. I wish I could be as excited but I still have one last exam to take before my vacation can begin.

  “Where I’ve been for the past week. This damn library.” My response came out more direct than I intended.

  “When is your last exam?”

  I look at my watch and exhale. “In two hours.” Fortunately, I finished my economics exam with no help from Jason. But because I couldn’t put as much time into my other classes I’m nervous about this exam. “Can I call you when I finish?”

  “What building is it in?”

  “The Journalism building.” I shuffle my notecards again. If I knew I could focus with Chris in my space I would invite him to quiz me on the material, but that wouldn’t be productive.

  “Alright. Good luck.”

  With my study guide in my hands, I walk into the Journalism building. With my head down while reading, I walk to the classroom without looking up.

  “Ready for your test?” I look up and avoid bumping into Professor King. She smiles, cautioning me to watch where I’m going. “I’m sure you’ll do fine, Laila. Take a minute to breathe a bit before you start the test.”

  Taking her advice, I slide my study guide into my bag and inhale a deep breath. “Thanks, Professor King.”

  “If you have time can you stop by my office before you leave the building?”

  “Sure. I’ll see you when my test is
over.” She steps out of my way and I continue to my classroom.

  The professor lays the papers on my desk and I say a silent prayer. My heartbeat quickens as he gives us instructions about the test and final grades. Before he lets us begin he wishes us well in the journalism program and tells us he enjoyed having us in his class this semester. When I turn the test over, I begin reading the first question and my nerves are calmed as I recall the answer from my notecard.

  I text Chris on my way to Professor Kings’ office.

  Laila: I’m done!

  I stuff my phone in my purse, and then I knock on the office door. “Come in.”

  Professor King stands up from her desk and sits on a couch that I hadn't noticed on my previous trip to her office. She pats the seat next to her and says, "Sit with me?"

  I sit beside her and wring my fingers together. Something about this visit doesn’t seem right. “Is everything okay?”

  She stares at me, then bites her lip. “I won’t beat around the bush, Laila. As I said before, I know you had a good relationship with Dr. Douglas.” I narrow my eyes at her. She blurts out, “He’s sick,” then averts her gaze from me to the door.

  Obviously he’s sick. What kind of man can abuse his position to get his rocks off? I nod my head at Professor King.

  “Wrong choice of words. His health is failing.” As she continues to tell me about his condition I remember him telling me he wasn’t doing well. The current circumstances don’t allow me to sympathize with him, but then I was concerned. “Just thought you should know, in case you wanted to visit him.”

  I snap my head in her direction. “Visit him? After everything that has been divulged about his behavior?” I shake my head. “Probably not a good idea.”

  Professor King stands. “I understand.” She removes her glasses and I see her eyes are moist.

  “Through everything, I have been trying to remember the man he was to me. And that man who earned my respect, as a colleague, is the man I choose to remember. I empathize with the girls who have come forward.” She shrugs. “But I am a forgiving person.”

  I stand beside her, and before walking out I say, “One day I hope to be more like you.”

  Walking past Dr. Douglas’ office, I stop and look in the empty space. “You alright?” I look up at Chris, staring down at me intently.

  “How’d you know where I was?”

  “You told me what building you were in, and when you said you were done I was waiting for you outside but decided to come in when you took a while.” He looks into the office. “This was his office, right?”

  I nod my head then grab Chris’ hand, leading us out of the building. Chris releases my hand and throws his arm around my neck. “We have a couple of days before we leave.” He smiles licking his bottom lip. “What do you think we should do until then?”

  I look up at him and smile sheepishly. “I can think of a few things we could do.” I wrap my arm around his waist. “Your place is closer than mine. We could go there.”

  Chris' smile fades and he looks away from me. "Ugh. Let's go to your place." Typically I would pry for more details, but I don't care if we lay out in front of the library. I need to release this sexual tension that has built up over the past week.

  Chris walks me to my car, peppering me with details of how he will devour my lady parts when we get to the apartment. Reaching for my keys,” I look down at my back tire. “What the hell?” I guide Chris’ gaze to my tire. “I have a flat.”

  Chris’ eyes dance to the front of my car, and then to the back again. “You have two flats.” He kneels beside the tire. “I don’t think this is a coincidence.”

  I circle the car and scream, “All four are flat.” I slap my trunk, “Fuck!”

  Chris pulls out his phone and dials as I continue to yell out expletives. “Calm down, babe. I’ll call the tow company.”

  Fire feels like it’s about to pour from my mouth. “This has to stop.” I look at Chris in his calmness. “What the fuck did you do to her?”

  Pacing, he ignores my comment. I lean against the car as anger takes over my body. He hangs up the phone and stands in front of me. “They’re on the way.” He kisses my lips. “I’ve never seen you this angry. It’s sexy.” I roll my eyes and turn away from him.

  “If she doesn’t stop this shit soon you’ll see me like this more often.” He runs his hand down my arms.

  “Do you still have that cop’s number?”

  I pull my phone out and dial his number. Thankful for storing it when he gave it to me. Surprisingly, he answers and I begin explaining who I am and then give him an update on the most recent incident. “Still nothing we can do? Par for the course?”

  “I can come to your car and write another police report. I’ll request the security cameras that hopefully caught the person in the act.” I give him directions to my car and hang up.

  Chris looks at me apologetically, and although I don’t completely blame him for this drama I am pissed at the thought of paying for four new tires. My stomach aches at the thought of mentioning it to my dad.

  My phone dings and I crawl out from under my covers where I’d been hiding all morning.

  Jason: Come out to the hill at 8 pm tonight.

  My top lip curls up and I consider blowing Jason off, especially after his absence from our study sessions.

  Laila: Alright.

  I pull the covers back over my head and I allow myself to relax. After tomorrow I’ll be back home and can escape the nonsense. At least for a little while.

  I convince the girls to come with me back on campus. We are all more relaxed than we were at the beginning of the week with our semester hinging on a few tests. Jennifer is throwing out different reasons for the invite to campus at this hour. “I hear there is a line coming out tonight.”

  As soon as she mentions it, my strange interactions with Jason over the semester collectively make sense. I knew he wanted to be a Que. Hence, him being Chris' eyes and ears whenever he wasn't around, but it didn't dawn on me that he could be pledging.

  “That makes sense. If so, Chris sure did keep that one from me.”

  Nicole smacks her lips. "I hope Jason doesn't think being Greek will get him in the sheets with anyone. I'll have to remind him he is still lame."

  We pile out of the car and make our way to the hill. Jennifer and Nicole lead the way and I slow my pace to be in step with Monica. Monica starts in on me when we are out of earshot of the girls. “Laila, this Courtney situation is starting to worry me.” She rubs her eyes. “Egging the door and slashing all of your tires is something totally different.”

  "The cops are scouring the security cameras, and I hope they will catch her doing damage. At the least, I can take her to court to repay me for those tires." I pause then restate myself, "Well repay Chris for those tires."

  Monica exhales. “Alright.” I wrap my arms around her shoulders and give them a tight squeeze. I’m grateful she cares enough to be concerned.

  The hill is packed with onlookers, mostly females. My watch says we have a few minutes until whatever is supposed to happen, happens. The sooner this happens, the sooner I’ll be back at the apartment, getting ready to leave. We’ll be leaving early in the morning to maximize my time in Fort Walton Beach before heading to Tennessee.

  Nicole mumbles, “Hell yeah, the men have arrived.” Men begin infiltrating the crowd, men dressed in camouflage pants and gold boots. I scan the crowd in search for my favorite Que, but can’t quickly spot him.

  The line starts marching in and I recognize Jason, although his face is covered, his height isn’t hard to miss. Much taller than the other guys, he capped off the end of the line.

  As they start their chants the crowd begins to cheer. When the introductions begin, Nicole and Jennifer begin telling me whom Chris will need to bring to the apartment with him next semester.

  I half-listen to introductions until I hear a familiar voice and an even more familiar city. “Fort Walton Beach…” I look
up to see a smug look on Randy’s face.

  My mouth drops and Monica nudges my arm. “Isn’t that…?”

  I interrupt her and respond, “Yes, Tanya’s baby daddy.”

  She shakes my arm and I look at her with her mouth agape. She points in the direction opposite of us. “No, isn’t that Courtney? With Chris.”

  I follow her finger and see Courtney leaning into Chris and appearing to whisper in his ear. What the hell?

  I push through the crowd standing in front of me. Monica stops me and says, “What are you about to do?”

  “I’m going to go see what she’s saying.” I look at her with eyes daring her to stop me. I keep walking, but she tugs my arm harder.

  "Laila, that's not a good idea." She reaches for my purse and pulls out my phone. "How about calling him?"

  I look at her sideways. “But he’s standing right there.”

  Monica nods her head. “And she’s crazy.”

  I snatch my phone from Monica’s hand and tap Chris’ name. I watch as he looks at the screen, then scans the crowd. He looks back to Courtney and stuffs his phone back in his pocket. Courtney continues talking to him, and I look to Monica. “How about that?” I grab my purse back from her and leave her standing, shaking her head.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The house is decorated with white lights, and a green and red wreath with poinsettia flowers adorn the door. Before heading in, I turn off my phone and say a silent prayer. Get me through the holidays.

  I find my mom in the kitchen, washing fruit. “Mom, I’m home!” She turns to me with her arms wide open. I allow her to wrap me up and hold me.

  “Honey, what’s going on?” She pulls away and grabs my chin. “You didn’t cry the entire drive did you?”

  I close my eyes, wishing I were able to hide my emotions better. “No, not the entire drive.”

  “I’ll let you tell me what happened when you’re ready. Do you want some fruit?” Just like that, the conversation was over before it began, and although I didn’t want to talk about Chris, I wanted her to validate my reason for coming home without him.


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