Bowery B’hoys and G’hals, 1, 178–83, 188–90, 284, 346
Bowery Boy Riot (1857), 269–70, 277, 281–93, 297, 440
Bowery Theater, 10, 175, 185, 188–89
bowling, 195–96
Bowling Green Savings Bank, 331
boxing, 1, 174, 176, 201–6
Boyle, Hugh, 318
Boyne, Battle of the, 185
Brace, Charles Loring, 103, 109, 132, 194, 251, 350, 352, 364
Brady, Mathew, 235
Breen, Matthew P., 182, 195, 320, 333, 334
Bremer, Fredrika, 34, 71
Brennan, Hannah, 164
Brennan, Margaret Molony, 169
Brennan, Matthew T., 164–71, 186, 261, 293, 320–21, 323
appointed police captain, 167–68, 170
and Bowery Boy Riot, 286–87, 289, 291, 292
during Civil War, 308, 311
death of, 334, 335
downfall of, 331–34
elected city controller, 309–10
and Engine Company No. 21, 146, 159, 165, 185, 270
Foote supported by, 159–62, 166
Kerrigan and, 274, 275, 277, 283
Monroe Hall saloon of, 159, 194, 202, 243
in Tammany hierarchy, 296, 309, 318–20, 328, 336
Tweed arrested by, 329, 330
Brennan, Owen, 146, 164, 165, 202, 323
Brennan, Timothy, Jr., 165
Brennan, Timothy, Sr., 164
Brennan Guards, 186
Bring in Da Noise, Bring in Da Funk (Broadway show), 175
Bristol, Sherlock, 143
Brooklyn Navy Yard, 298, 299
Brooks, Preston, 307
Brophy, Michael, 146
brothels, see prostitution
Brotherhood of San Rocco of Savoia di Lucania, 384
Bryant, William Cullen, 214
Buchanan, James, 36, 76, 167, 306–7
Buddhism, 412
building codes, 347
Bull Run, Battle of, 308
Bull’s Head Tavern, 14
Buntline, Ned, 2
Burke, John, 70
Burlingame Treaty, 421
Burr, Aaron, 201
Burrows, Edwin G., 290
butchers, 113, 114, 173
apprentices to, 180
Byrnes, “Big Tom,” 313–14, 317, 375
Cable, Ellen, 211–12, 217
California gold rush, 180, 206, 390
California Workingmen’s Party, 398
Callahan’s dance hall, 436
Calyo, Nicholas, 179
Canada, Irish immigration to, 58–60, 64
Capone, Al, 437
Carr, Caleb, 3
Carson, Alfred, 185
Casey, Owen, 50
Casey, Richard, 226
Castle Garden immigration depot, 338
Catholic Young Men’s Association, 413
Catholics, 31, 230, 241
charitable activities of, 234, 265, 267–68
Chinese and, 393, 413, 414, 418, 419
ethnic diversity of, 344
Italian, 375, 378–88, 438
and Protestant charities, 245–46, 249, 250, 252–54, 256, 262
school subsidies for, 154–55, 331
views on slavery of, 303, 304, 311; see also Irish
Catlin, George, 25–26
Caunt, Bob, 203
cellar lodging houses, 78–80, 94, 350–52, 356, 429
cesspools, 85–86
chain migration, 44
Chanfrau, “Hen,” 166
Chanfrau, Frank, 181, 189
Chatham Street Chapel, 9–10
Chatham Theater, 8–9, 175, 189, 190
Child, Lydia Maria, 34
children: abandonment of, 224–25
abused and neglected, 106–9
adoption of, see adoption programs
of alcoholic parents, 4, 106–8, 130, 133, 231
in brothels, 210
drinking by, 232
enslaved as street musicians, 362–67, 370
at Five Points House of Industry, 235–40
immigration of, 44–45
at mission day school, 247
mortality rate for, 358–59
in notorious tenements, 354
occupations of, 129–33
scavenging for coal by, 88, 107
sleeping arrangements for, 75–76
thievery by, 220, 231
Children’s Aid Society, 103, 109, 132, 133, 251, 257, 364, 366, 367, 433
chimney sweeps, 19, 91
Chin, Kaimon, 402
Chinese, 1, 2, 378, 389–423, 429, 432n, 436–41
assimilation of, 422–23
clubhouses of, 397
gambling by, 408–13, 415
housing for, 404–6
intermarriage of Caucasians and, 389, 390, 394, 406, 411, 414, 419–20
occupations of, 396, 397, 400–404
opium dens of, 409–10, 413–15
organizations of, 188, 415–17
proselytizing among, 418–19
religious institutions of, 417–18
restaurants of, 406–8, 436, 438
restrictions on immigration and naturalization of, 421–22
Riis on, 426
violence against, 398, 399
Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, 416
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 419
Choate, Joseph H., 421
cholera, 23, 82
Churchill, James, 119
cigars, manufacturing and peddling, 400–401
Civil War, 83, 129, 140, 181, 236, 305, 307–14, 333
casualties in, 265
charities during, 244
child labor during, 132, 133
Chinese in, 422
decline in Five Points population during, 343
Draft Riots during, 314–18
Kerrigan in, 284, 297–300
politics during, 147, 171, 271, 296, 309–11, 313
ragpickers during, 376
return migration during, 135
tenements during, 85, 89
Clancy, John, 146, 170–71, 328
and Bowery Boy Riot, 280, 289, 290
during Civil War, 307–12, 315
death of, 320, 333
elected county clerk, 293–96
Kerrigan and, 274, 275
Clark, James, 325
Clark, William, 26, 27
Clay, Henry, 143
Cline, Elizabeth, 258
clothing: charitable distribution of, 254, 267, 308
manufacture of, see needle trades
second-hand, peddling of, 119
washing, 83–85
coal, scavenging for, 88, 107, 133
coal stoves, 88
Colfax, Schuyler, 10
Collect Pond, 14–20, 46, 67, 91
colonization movement, 9
Columbia College, 170
Common Council, 15, 21, 22, 155
Confucianism, 417
Congregationalists, 428
Congress, U.S., 27, 158, 164, 293, 298, 306, 314, 421, 422, 435, 438
Connell, William, 226
Connolly, Tim, 201
Connor, Margaret, 122
Consolidated Chinese Benevolent Association, 440
Constitution, U.S., 27
construction trades, 113
Conway, Michael and Bridget, 44
Conway family, 78
Coogan, Michael, 121, 136
Cooper Union, Lincoln’s speech at, 235, 229–40
Corcoran, Michael, 308
Cornish, Samuel E., 7, 9
Corrigan, Archbishop Michael A., 380–82, 386, 388
corruption: police, 228–29, 394
political, 309, 319–33, 336
Coulthardt Brewery, 15
Coulthardt family, 67
counterfeiting, 393
County Democracy, 335–36
Cow Bay, 24, 91–93, 98, 220, 343, 348, 357, 423, 433, 434
African Americans in, 1
2, 46, 91–92, 97, 316
dance halls in, 197
Italians in, 367
rents charged for apartments in, 102
Cox, Samuel H., 7–8, 10
Crimean War, 186
Crocker, Charles, 398
Crockett, Davy, 2, 26–27
Croker, Richard, 336
Crolius, Clarkson, Jr., 156, 157
Crolius pottery works, 15
Crowley, Katie, 413–14
Crown’s Grocery, 192–93, 209, 226, 231
Cuddy, Edward, 324–25
Cuneo, Antonio, 372, 373
Cuneo, Pasquale, 368
Custer, Gen. George Armstrong, 189
Cutter, Osman and Margaret, 219
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 213–15, 288, 292
dance halls, 1, 172–73, 175, 196–200, 346, 436
lodging in, 79–80
mixing of races in, 26, 36, 197–99
Davenport, John I., 326
Davis, John, 124
Dayton, Elizabeth, 209
Dead Rabbits gang, 284–89, 292, 310; see also Roche Guard
Decker, Wilhelm, 227–28
Delmonico’s restaurant, 436
Democratic party, 3, 26–27, 76, 148–58, 206, 272, 279, 395
and Bowery Boy Riot, 269–71, 292
Brennan’s career in, 164–69, 293, 319–20, 328, 332
during Civil War, 297, 309–11, 313
Clancy’s prominence in, 170–71, 293–96
Donoho’s career in, 148–49, 152–53, 155, 331
Dowling’s rise in, 169–70
and election riots, 27–29, 156–57
factional struggles in, 277–78
Kelly-Foote contest in, 158–64
Kerrigan and, 274–75, 298, 299, 301
machine of, see Tammany Hall
newspapers allied with, 20, 155, 322, 340
police corruption and, 228
in presidential elections, 36, 143, 305, 324–25
primaries of, 149–52
radical, 179
and slavery, 303, 304, 306
voter fraud in, 323–25, 327
Devier, Hugh and Catharine, 91
Devins, John, 219
Diamond, John, 174–75
Dickens, Charles, 2, 32–34, 36, 172–73, 195, 198, 236
Dodwell, George, 52
Doheny, Michael, 54
Dolan, Peter, 353
domestic servants, 122, 123, 126–28, 134, 376
children of, 262
prostitution as alternative for, 216, 217
training of, 251–52
Donaho, John, 218
Donahue, Catherine, 260
Donoho, Constantine J., 148–49, 151–53, 155, 157, 158, 166, 167, 171, 271, 275, 320, 331
Donovan’s Lane, 391–92, 397, 410
Dooley’s Long Room, 150–52, 166, 275
Doscher, Herman, 225
Doscher, John, 225–26
Doty, Phoebe, 217
Douglas, Stephen A., 306–7
Douglass, Frederick, 166
Dowdican, Denis, 221
Dowling, Joseph, 146, 169–70, 186, 229, 274, 280, 289, 293, 310–11, 320–21, 328, 334, 392
Draft Riots (1863), 305, 314–18
Dred Scott decision (1857), 307
Drumcliffe (Ireland), 57, 59
drunkenness, 4, 23–24, 105, 136, 207, 230–33, 353
effect on families of, 106–8, 130, 133, 231, 256
fires and, 91
and giving up children for adoption, 258–61
murder and, 225–26
of politicians, 161, 164
prostitution and, 216
violence and, 92, 390, 391
“dumbbell” tenements, 347–48
Durante, Jimmy, 437
Dwyer, Mary Ann, 123
Eastman, Monk, 437
elections: importance of spectacle in, 162
intimidation and violence during, 141, 143, 153–54, 156, 162, 201, 277, 333
location of polling places, 168
riots during, 27–29, 145, 154–58, 277, 203, 295
voter fraud in, 321–27
elevated trains, 346, 434
Ellingham, Bob, 173
Ellis Island, 373
Emancipation Proclamation, 311
Emigrant Savings Bank, 111, 137–38, 432n
Emmons, John, 151
Empire Club, 143, 144, 166, 206
Encyclopedia of New York City, The, 3
Engine Company No. 6, 185
Engine Company No. 11, 165
Engine Company No. 15, 202
Engine Company No. 21, 146, 165, 169, 183–85, 227–28, 270
Engine Company No. 22, 184–85
Engine Company No. 28, 170
English, 106, 116, 127, 184, 232
entertainers, street, 177–78
Episcopalians, 241, 247, 248, 251
Equal Rights League, 421
Erie Railroad, 122, 378
evangelical Christians, 243–44
Evans, Jacob, 224
Everson, William, 222
factories, see manufacturing
family associations, Chinese, 416
Fannin, Eleck, 182
Farmer, Patrick, 104
Farragut, David G., 422
fencing of stolen goods, 119–20, 221–22
Fenians, 291, 300–301, 329, 394
Ferris, James, 9, 31, 155–56, 161
filibusterers, 275–76
Fillmore, Millard, 36
Finney, Charles G., 9
fire escapes, 89, 347, 349
fires: fighting, see volunteer fire companies
tenement, 89–91
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 164
Fitzgerald, Michael, 146
Fitzpatrick, Bridget, 222
Fitzpatrick, Catherine, 390, 391
Five Points House of Industry, 88, 92, 103, 197, 207, 208, 216, 248, 250–55, 265–67
adoption program of, 109, 225, 256–62, 264
alcoholics treated by, 230
children aided by, 130, 210, 231, 232, 237–40
Cow Bay replaced by, 343
fund-raising by, 255
Lincoln’s visit to, 235–27
meals provided by, 122, 254
Sunday school of, 252–54
temperance requirements of, 255
vocational training at, 251–52
Five Points intersection expanded to six streets, 345
streets composing, 4, 14
street names changed, 105
Five Points Mission, 88, 122, 134, 139, 245–56, 265–67, 418
adoption program of, 109–10, 225, 256–60, 264
alcoholics treated by, 230–31
Catholic criticism of, 255–56
Chinese proselytized by, 418
during Civil War, 308
employment program of, 246–47
establishment of, 245
food and clothing distributed by, 254
fund-raising by, 255
Old Brewery purchased and razed by, 70, 71, 248–49, 266, 343
school of, 247, 252, 254
temperance requirements of, 255
Five Points neighborhood, boundaries of, 17n
Five Points Union Mission, 244–45
Five Points Temperance House, 248
Fletcher, Mary, 390–91
flophouses, 79–80
Florentine, Abraham, Jr., 281
Flying Dragons, 440
Flynn, Mary, 138
Flynn, Thomas, 218
Foley, Tom, 437
fongs, 415–16
Fong Yue Ting, 421–22
food, 439
charitable distribution of, 254, 267
Chinese, 406–8
Italian, 368–69
food-service trades, 113
Foote, John, 152, 158–63, 166
Ford, Bill, 156, 166
Fordham University, 274
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 305
Foster, George G.
, 34, 92, 179–80, 188, 192, 197–99, 208, 209, 213, 215, 217, 233
Fox, John, 313
Fox family, 78
Francis, Ann, 219–20
Franciscan brotherhood, 388
Franco-Prussian War, 301, 338
fraternal lodges, 186
Freighthandlers Union, 378
Frémont, John, 36
French, 127
fruit vendors, 375–76
Gallagher, Barney, 290
gambling, 1, 142, 143, 176, 182, 200, 336, 346
by Chinese, 408–13, 415
in saloons, 195–96
gangs, 2, 437
battles between firefighters and, 185
Chinese, 437, 440
political, 156, 269–71, 313, 333
rioting by, see Bowery Boy Riot
Gangs of New York (Asbury), 2, 3
Gannon, Ann, 222
garbage, 82–83, 86, 87
garment workers, see needle trades
Garrison, William Lloyd, 166
Geary Act (1892), 421
Genet, Henry W., 332–33
Germans, 1, 42, 44–46, 232, 344
assimilation of, 422
boardinghouses of, 80
groceries operated by, 193
occupations of, 113, 116, 121
politics and, 294
and prostitution, 212
tenement apartments of, 92–93, 97
Ghost Shadows, 440
Giblin, Bridget, 128
Gilder, Richard W., 348, 352
Gilje, Paul, 29
Gilmartin, Martin, 277
Gilmartin, Thomas, 153, 158
Glance at New York, A (Baker), 189
Glass, James, 227–28
Glass, John, 227–28
glaziers, 113, 118
Goff, Patrick, 324
Goldsmith, Caroline, 220
Gon She, 420
Gordon, Robert, 218
Gore Booth, Robert, 49, 51, 52, 54–61, 135–36
Gotham (Burrow and Wallace), 3, 290
Gotham Court, 435
Grand Duke’s Opera House, 190–91
Grant, Ulysses S., 305, 325
Gray, Sarah, 90, 91
Greeley, Horace, 115, 125, 251
Green, Asa, 31
Greenwich Village, 346, 390
Griscom, John H., 103, 251
groceries: Chinese, 402–3
Italian, 367, 368
liquor sold by, 26, 191–93, 232
Grote, Caspar, 317
Guardian Savings Bank, 331
Gunther, Godfrey C., 318
Hagerty, Daniel and Mary, 96
Haley, Daniel, 96
Hall, A. Oakey, 212, 262, 328
Hall, Robert, 104
Halliday, Samuel B., 236–40, 244, 257, 263–64
Hamilton, Alexander, 201
Hampton, Gen. Wade, 142
Hancock, Joe, 221
Hang, William A., 422
Hare, Mary, 258–59
Harlow, Alvin F., 2, 181
Harrington, Ellen, 137
Harrington, Timothy, 196
Harrison, Mary, 259
Hartley, Robert H., 244
Harvey, Thomas, 285
Haswell, Charles, 81, 93, 177, 180, 188–89
Healey, Owen, 111
Hell’s Kitchen, 107, 357
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