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Ever-Life the Two Book Set: The C.P.T Incident and Time Trust

Page 30

by Andrew Sarkady

  “But, why don’t we just ask the Carriers right now?”

  “This treaty/agreement prohibiting 2-ways has been in place for over 9000 years. I am not going to let one rogue Carrier, with an overzealous sex drive, bring Ever-Life to a halt. Let’s fight fire with fire, and get one on our side, eh. If you have the ‘sustenance’ Brock has, it may give us an advantage. We have no idea, how many other Carriers may go rogue. Considering our situation, how do you know when you meet her, if it’s even her? Without a two-way communication, how do you know anything, Jake?”

  “Yes, I never thought of that. I’ll leave right away.”

  “Jake, wait.”

  Swanson unlocked, reached inside his desk drawer, and took out what looked like an old pocket watch.

  “Here, put this in your pocket. Keep it with you at all times.”

  Jake studied the watch.

  “Thank you, I think; but it’s not working.”

  “That’s because it’s not a watch. I’ve had that for decades. I would have given it to Mathew; but, he has other means at his disposal, now. Times have changed.”

  “So, what is it?”

  “It’s a bomb; and I never ever thought, I may have to use it. It was given to me by a friend in the Carrier Council. It will incapacitate them. You will know if you need it.”

  Jake slipped it in his coat breast pocket.

  “Jake, I know you’ve got a lot to think about. But hear me out. The center of Earth generates temperatures that rival our Sun. Obviously, we can’t go there. The inner core is the size of the moon. We don’t even know what it’s made of. We think the Carriers do. The outer surrounding core is 1500 miles thick, and mostly liquid. The Earth's rotation creates the movement of this liquid, and that movement generates the planet's magnetic field. That is where we believe the really big Carriers stay and derive most of their power. No one has been able to reach them, unless they invite us. If somehow Brock were to gain control of those Carriers, by offering ‘compatibilities’, through cloning himself, we’d be in a very bad position. He could rule more than the Carriers, or Ever-Life; he could rule time itself.”

  “Yes; I see, but couldn’t we do the same?”

  “We could, and it did cross our minds. But for us, first, there are ethics and morals that humans cling to, regarding cloning or duplicating. Second, we haven’t had ‘a compatibility’ like you describe, for hundreds of years. Third, we stopped two-way exchanges, because we were dying, from the experience.”

  Jake scratched his head.

  “Now come around here. This will only take a minute. I am calling up genetic records.”

  The Knofer lit a display and created a thin vertical monitor, in front of the two men.

  “Look, here is your DNA and there is Brocks; now we over lap them.”

  “All I see is everything is the same.”

  “Not quite.”

  Swanson spoke into the Knofer, “Cross check with historic records of last two ‘compatibilities’…

  ...You see, my friend; I never thought of ‘compatibilities’ when I checked Mr. Brock or his family history. Until you brought it up, I am sure no one has. If you and he do have a gene match, we should see it here.”

  “Overlap the red dashes please’

  “What are the red dashes?”

  “’Compatibility’ indicators…Look at that.”

  The Knofer compared and listed the characteristics for Brock, Jake and one other person.



  “Translate into numbers please…Christ, Brock’s numbers are two to three times anyone’s in Ever-Life, except…There is one here, who lived on the surface. Jake, I want you to get to O.P.A.S.; and stop whatever Mr. Stevens is doing. I am sure the combination of yours and Brock’s genetics, coupled with what Stevens is working on, is what triggered the Sidron event. I am sure Brock has figured out, how to go back in time, with a Carrier; but, he doesn’t know about you. I’m afraid this is a time bomb. He has two, out of three, components to ruin Ever-Life. You have to get Stevens out of the picture. It may make the difference. Jake, you have always been my choice. Please, believe that. I will brief GGM; go now.”

  Jake turned to leave; but, after a few steps, he stopped and turned around.

  “Not to add another coal to the fire; but, there is another very important component here, we haven’t discussed.”

  “What is it?”

  “The Bering Straits tunnels.”

  “Ah, yes.”

  “There were two keynote speakers from the Brock Companies. I listened and found their proposal extremely attractive. Of course, I never expected he might be, behind the effort, himself.”

  “Well, he’s not a billionaire for no reason. I will tell Mathew. I am sure he will want to get involved, personally.”

  Swanson walked up to Burns and smiled.

  “I remember when Brock and I first met. I thought my God; what a combination, brains, money, and charisma. He was the answer to what we needed to complete the Campus in New Mexico. He was as brilliant, as he was clever. Now he is a narcissistic, obsessive control freak, without regard for humanity. Jake, remember; he is sick; and he knows it. It all makes sense. He wants to control time, to control Ever-Life. Be careful; he wants to control the planet.”

  “From what I saw, he’s on his way to controlling the cosmos”

  “Let’s start with O.P.A.S.; try and find out all you can. Report back to me, when you know anything.”

  Swanson patted his shoulder, and Burns walked out.

  Chapter 11

  Wheeler’s C.P.T.

  Inside Ever-Life lab 202, below Arden city, New Mexico, a surgical light illuminated the center of the main room. A transparent Carrier bubble had expanded around a table and gurney, enough so that Dr. LuAnne Rather and Focus Ward Nurse, Angie Bellos, stood within it, leaning over the body of Thom Wheeler.

  “Okay Angie, help me slide him over on his side, into the body cavity, there on the table.”

  Angie shoved his torso, while Dr. Lu guided his legs. The body flopped comfortably, into the gel-like mold. Angie wiped her forehead.

  “Boy things change so fast here. When Dr. Sheldon did this to his wife, he just stuck her in the back of the head and then, again, in the side of her neck.”

  “That was a first timer, as I recall; and, I’m going to say luck, or God was involved.”

  “So, who is this guy, anyway?”

  “He is Dr. Thomas Wheeler, Professor of Particle Phenomenon, Ever-Life Time Trust Physics Cavern 1017.”

  “What did he do to deserve C.P.T.?”

  “He is ‘an essential.’ Essentials are genetically capable of duplication and Transtosis. Consequently, their DNA will tolerate C.P.T. Today with him, we begin a brand new procedure…Among other things, way back, he helped identify one, of what the surface called, a ‘God particle’. We leaked it and they made a lot of money advertising it…Elementary fools…Our Post 3, here alone, got a 5% cut of the gross, I think. Don’t quote me though. It is in the history headset files, if you want details.”

  “That sounds like corruption.”

  “Standard procedure, when we give knowledge to the surface. Anyway, Wheeler, here, is a primary controller of our ‘Time Trust’ records, under Egypt. I don’t know what happened, really, but the GGM put a priority-one security, in getting him back.”


  “Yes, GGM wants to confirm the new C.P.T. because of Mr. Swanson’s condition and to replace Post Controllers. I guess Wheeler, here, was conducting research on interactive plasma components that make up different forms of electricity; you know, ‘torsunary anomalies’.”

  “No, I don’t have any idea what that is; way beyond my interest and pay grade.”

  Dr. Lu smiled. “It has to do with combining physics with medicine and genetics. Anyway, we do have his genetic history. The GGM had the body sent here, himself.”

  “Something is up.”

Yes, it has been quite a day, so far.”

  “Every day is quite a day here.”Angie smirked.

  “Look there; hand me that wand; then, read me the memory codes and telemetric pools, on the monitor.”

  “I remember this stick.”

  “This one is a little different.”

  “Why did my dad want me to be here, anyway?”

  Dr. LuAnne focused, and placed the wand tip against the back base of Dr. Wheeler’s skull. Then, she let go. The ten-inch wizard wand stuck to his neck, wiggled and morphed. It changed, completely, shrinking to a tiny, half inflated, transparent balloon, about two inches in length. It stayed in that fixed position, while Dr. Lu announced to the room, “Please initiate program…You see my dear, the Bubble, around us, is really a Carrier; and, it will control the procedure now. We will monitor.”


  The procedure took only minutes; precise in every detail. The small balloon sucked a small glob out of Wheeler’s head, and mixed it with the new synthetic catalyst, already inside the tiny reservoir. The two women watched as the combined mixture burst into a blue carbonated liquid. After the balloon inflated, it disintegrated the needle. Then it rolled around his neck, to the right side and injected a new needle, into his carotid artery. It squeezed the sparkling liquid back into the patient; and, then both the needle and deflated residue of the balloon, disintegrated, completely. Angie was stunned.


  “Yes it really is. The wand is organic, and controlled by the Carrier. Now we wait…”

  “How long?”


  Dr. Lu grabbed her Knofer, scanned Wheeler from head to toe and then spoke into it, “Please note and record; movement, normal brain liaison and body coordination observed at 7:17.5; Post 3, Ever-Life Lab-202, Universal Time Zone 7…

  …Well, we are done here, Angie. Please take Dr. Wheeler to Module-10, down the hall and to the left, for recovery. You can go, after that; I guess. Thank you.”

  Dr. LuAnne walked through the bubble membrane, out of the lab. Angie covered her patient. As she tucked the sheet into the mattress, she felt a hand on her sleeve.

  “Hello there…Thank you, for whatever you did.”

  Angie smiled, “I am your nurse, Mr. Wheeler. Welcome back. You are going to be fine.”

  Wheeler looked around the room.

  “Where am I?”

  “Lab 202.”

  “How long?”

  “The procedure took only a few minutes. I was told you have been here almost twelve hours.”

  Wheeler instinctively studied everything he could see.

  “I love these floating beds…I have to see your father right away. You are Angie Bellos; are you not?”

  Angie cocked her head.

  “Yes, how do you know me?”

  “Get me a pillow, will you darlin? I need to sit up a little…I am Dr. Thomas Madeline Wheeler. Don’t let the middle name fool you. It seems your dad has intuitive powers, regarding safety. You are here, because it’s the safest place to be right now. And I believe we should find your dad, right away.”

  “First, you recover; then, you see Dad; doctor’s orders! Now this is just a little something to help. Drink it, and rest.”

  “Angie, do you have any idea who I am?”

  “No, not really.”

  “What is your schedule?”

  “I am leaving, for the surface, soon. I have an early appointment, with a friend.”

  “Don’t go. Stayhere, until your dad arrives. You are in danger.”

  Angie sat on the bed and took his hand.

  “Don’t be so paranoid. It’s probably side effects of the new procedure you just had. Go on, drink. It’s good for you.”

  While he swallowed his cocktail, Angie tapped her Knofer; and, within seconds, a lab nurse came through the door. She was a majestic woman, who you couldn’t miss in a crowd.

  “Hello you two; how is our patient?”

  “I am fine Madam. I do not require your condescending tone. What I do require is the presence of our GGM.”

  Angie spoke quickly, as she moved to the door, “I have to leave. Can you take over?”

  “Yes Miss, certainly. We will all be just fine.”

  Angie opened the door and turned to Wheeler.

  “I hope I’ll see you soon.”

  Wheeler began to get out of bed.

  “Angie, you must not leave. Just believe me; please.”

  “Sir,” the nurse snapped, “protocol is solitude and rest, to guarantee all functions.”

  “Poppycrap! And, you are not my mother.”

  “It looks like I’ll have to be.”

  The nurse smiled, quickly injected Wheeler, with a stronger sedative; and, he fell back on the bed. The nurse tucked him in and said, “Nitie-nite.”

  Then, she walked out closing the door behind her.

  Chapter 12

  Three Fathers

  There was no moon that evening. The campus lighting was strategic enough, so no one looking out the Ever-Life limo saw any bomb wreckage. The car stopped at the hospital’s main entrance; and, driver Mr. Mike Warren told the three passengers to take off their blindfolds. He, then, escorted Pappas Kristos Alieri, Rabbi James Jeshua and Imam Ahmir Udera up to the Bellos office suite. The three fathers just spent the last two hours riding in a Carrier from Jerusalem to Andrews, without saying a word to each other. They agreed to blindfolds, only because it was one of ‘S’s last wishes. Once inside the suite’s foyer, Mike said, “Thank you for your patience, gentlemen. I must leave you now. I trust you will play nicely, until Dr. Bellos arrives. Please look around and make yourselves at home. There are pastries there, on that table, if you like. The doctor should be here soon. Good day, gentlemen.”

  He tipped his hat, turned and walked out the door. The three fathers looked at each other and shrugged.

  Kristos broke the silence, “My brothers; this is ridiculous. Please consider our history together. We are not enemies.”

  Ahmir scowled, “I was reprimanded, indignantly. If only you had just given me the book those months ago. You knew this would happen. Why have you done this, even now?”

  “You two must stop bickering,” James interrupted. “What did it say, Kristos? We know you read it.”

  Kristos moved down the stairs, into the oval room; ignoring their baited words; looking at all the books and artwork. He noticed on one of the top shelves, what looked like the same books, as he was holding; except each of those had different initials, inlaid on the back binding. He turned to address James, when he heard footsteps in the back hallway, on the other side of the room. In walked Mathew Bellos, from his private elevator.

  “Hello Gentlemen. Just for the record, all those books say pretty much the same thing. It is the people that change.”

  Kristos looked at Bellos with a questioning expression and extended his hand, “How do you do, again. I believe we met on the villa steps”

  “Yes, quite a while ago…It is my honor to receive you all. How was the ride?”

  James said, “As for me, I’m still in shock, at how fast we made it; quite comfortable, actually.”

  The fathers nodded in agreement.

  “Please sit down my friends. Make yourselves at home. I have a little story to tell you. First, would you like anything, perhaps light refreshment; pastries?”

  All three nodded, yes.

  Bellos went to the far corner of the oval room, while his guests picked up cakes from the coffee table tray. He opened a small compartment door and took out four wine glasses, filled with a sparkling white liquid. As he withdrew the tray, Ahmir saw it and remembered, “Is that what I think?”

  “It is an old traditional drink.”

  Bellos handed out the goblets. We should toast this auspicious occasion. I welcome you to my home and your friend ‘S’s gift.”

  With an apprehensive look, Kristos said, “To the gift of truth.”

  The four men sipped.
  “This is it; isn’t it?” Ahmir giggled and looked at the other three.

  “He’s right,” James said.

  “My goodness…” Kristos studied the glass.

  “Yes he is right,” Bellos said. “Perhaps you three can remember this moment of agreement, and sustain that thought, throughout our meeting.”

  “Please, Dr. Bellos; will you explain. Tell us what we are doing here. I was contacted by the guard, we all met at the villa, when ‘S’ passed away. He invited me to witness ‘S’s heritage presentation. It’s been a long time; but, of course, I would not refuse his dying wish. But, it’s time we all know why we are here.”

  “Sit down gentlemen, please. Yes, that is correct; and, I have the honor of presenting it.

  “Whatever does that mean?” Kristos asked.

  “It means ‘S’ charged me, to explain that book you hold; and, hopefully, you will stop bickering about the silliest of trivia, and understand the cooperative effort that you plotted, in the first place…Don’t you remember his last request to you? He looked at you three and softly but resolute, and said, ‘My friends, you can be at peace; and do not let what appears to be my pain or anyone else’s euphoric promises cloud your thinking or deaden your ears and mind to what you must understand’.”

  The three clergy looked a bit confused at each other. They sat up ridged, in shock at what Bellos quoted.

  “But how could you know those words?” James said. “He spoke to us alone.”

  The other two nodded, agreeing. Bellos walked to the chair, next to their couch, sat down and looked at all three.

  “The truth is that this is a challenge for me…My first time. The important thing is that you three realize, you are in this together. You committed, not only to uniting your faiths; but also, to the patience it will take, to do such a thing. ‘S’ had faith enough in you three, to give you that book; and, he charged me, with taking you to where you can find the answers you seek.”

  The fathers looked a bit puzzled, sat back on the couch, again; and, Kristos gestured to Bellos, “We are all ears, Doctor.”


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