Faking It (Fake Boyfriend Duet Book 1)

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Faking It (Fake Boyfriend Duet Book 1) Page 2

by Madeleine Labitan

  I’m a few chapters in when Dad rounds the corner, a pile of books in his arms. “Hey, pumpkin.”

  A smile curves my lips. “What you got there?”

  “Just some books the customers decided they didn’t want to buy at the counter.” Putting them back on the shelf, he asks, “What are you reading?”

  My dad is a total book nerd, which I’d inherited to his absolute joy and relief—his own words, not mine. So when he decided to leave his job four years ago to start Indie Reads, I was one hundred and one percent on-board with it. Mom wasn’t easily convinced, thinking Dad was just wasting his time and resources, but seeing the bookstore flourish eventually won her over.

  A few times a week, I’d go here, providing assistance where I can and devouring books in my favorite genres during slow hours. Indie Reads has become my favorite place in the world.

  “The Soul Prophecy by Matthew Lowe. Have you read it yet?”

  “No. But let me add it to my TBR list.” Considering his TBR (to-be-read) list grows by the day, it will take him a while to get to this book. “So, how’s your day?

  Brad just let the whole school know that he dumped me and is now dating Daphne Lynch, so everyone thinks I’m a loser. But, on the plus side, Grayson finally agreed to be my fake boyfriend. So it’s been good, I guess.


  Dad's hazel eyes—that are so much like mine—narrow. “Don’t you have any plans with Brad?”

  Considering we already broke up, that’s a big fat no. “Nope. I’d rather stay here.”

  “Well, I could use some company," he winks.

  I should tell him about Brad—and I definitely will—but I’m not in the mood to discuss what happened right now. I just want to curl up in this sofa and get lost in the pages of this book, so I can forget about the breakup even for just a few short hours.

  Then I’ll focus on how I’ll be able to get back at him with Grayson’s help.

  Totally doable. Right?


  “So, you’ve really lost your mind,” Allie says dryly.

  We’re eating lunch in the cafeteria, and I just told her that her brother finally agreed to help me out. I didn’t tell her yesterday because I was so upset at seeing Brad and Daphne together I hadn’t been in the mood to talk.

  But more importantly, I knew that she was against the plan from the start. She tried to talk me out of it when Gray came up with the idea.

  Tried being the operative word. My mind is already set.

  I’m not surprised that she’s not being supportive about it, though. While I tend to be impulsive and careless, Allie is level-headed and cautious. That’s why she always makes sure to keep me grounded. That’s what she’s been doing since we met and became fast best friends back in kindergarten.

  While I appreciate that, sometimes I wish she’ll say “screw it” and throw caution into the wind. A little adventure can do her good.

  But while our personalities differ, we share some similar physical features. She stands at five-nine like me. We also have the same slim body build. And we both have long hair, although hers is light brown. She has the same deep green eyes as Gray’s though, which she frames with pink-rimmed glasses.

  All in all, Allison Turner is a gorgeous girl. She’s just modest about her looks.

  I bite into my cheeseburger. “It’s going to be fine, Allie. Don’t worry about it.”

  “I can’t. You know worrying is what I do.”

  I pat the back of her hand. “I know, hon. But try not to. Trust me, it’s going to be fine.”

  “But Indie, seriously, are you okay? You were awfully quiet yesterday. We haven’t really talked about the, um, new development.” By ‘new development,’ I take it she means Brad and Daphne.

  “What is there to talk about? He moved on just like that. No amount of talking will change the fact that he heartlessly dumped me and replaced me with one of the Four Blondes in just a matter of days.” I exhale an audible breath. “Anyway, I’m doing fine. I was upset when I found out, but I’m okay now.”

  “Are you sure? If you want, we can skip last period and go to the mall or something.”

  I blink at her. “You want to skip last period?”

  “Yeah. That’s what I said.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Since when do you skip classes?”

  “Since my best friend got her heart broken by some douchebag and needed cheering up.”

  “Aww, Allie,” I coo, putting a hand on my chest. “That is so sweet.”

  “Shut up.” She rolls her eyes, her cheeks burning.

  “Seriously, it’s sweet, All. But, really, I’m fine. No need to get in trouble just to cheer me up.”

  And I’m not lying. Surprisingly, I wasn’t as upset as I’d been yesterday. The whole thing still stings—as it should—but I don’t feel like moping anymore. In fact, I feel rejuvenated. Like I just found a life-changing purpose.

  Maybe I did. Maybe that purpose came in the form of my revenge plan. Or maybe I wasn't as invested in my relationship with Brad as I thought I was. Either way, I'm not about to think much of it.

  “If you say so,” Allie sighs, popping a chicken nugget into her mouth and pushing her glasses up her nose. “So are you, like, going to make out with Gray in public now?” She shudders. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

  “I don’t know,” I give my shoulders a small shrug. “I mean, I guess if the situation calls for it.”

  Her mouth falls open comically. “But it's gonna be weird. I mean, it’s Gray. He’s like your brother.”

  “No, he’s not,” I snort.

  Aside from the fact that I already have a brother—an adorable fifteen-month-old baby named Sam—I’ve never seen Gray like a sibling. It’s not like I have a secret crush on him or anything. I know he’s attractive, but I’ve never been attracted to him. He’s always been my best friend’s older brother who I sometimes hang out with. He’s my friend by extension, I guess.

  And who you’ll possibly make out with.

  Eh, who knows? Maybe it won’t even come to that. Maybe all we have to do is act flirty and sweet toward each other, and that’s it.

  Although I’m also desperate enough that I can totally see myself doing that.

  Whatever. It’s just Gray. If it happens, I’m sure it’s not going to be weird. We’ll just probably laugh it off afterward.

  Unlike most girls in our school, I’m immune to his charms. I’m confident one measly kiss won’t change that. So I don’t need to worry about developing feelings for the guy.

  Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. Right now, I need to focus on how to make the plan work.

  Glancing past Allison, my eyes shift over to where Brad is sitting. Daphne is right beside him, feeding him lasagna from his own plate like he isn’t capable of doing it himself. Bitterly, I wonder if it’s also one of the reasons why he broke up with me. Because I don’t cater to his every whim. Because I don’t spoon-feed him things—literally and figuratively. Or maybe because she’s a senior like him while I’m still a junior.

  If I have to make out with Gray a million times just to exact my revenge, I will.

  As if hearing my thoughts, Allie shakes her head. "It's still going to be weird."

  I shove the remaining chunk of burger into my mouth and smile. "Then I'm just gonna have to deal with it."


  “She’s already posting pictures of them? Ugh, how tacky.” I’m lying in my bed, scrolling through Instagram—specifically, Daphne’s Instagram feed.

  What can I say? I’m a masochist.

  And right now, masochistic me is staring at a picture of Daphne kissing the cheek of a grinning Brad. It's captioned "best day ever."

  As much as I hate to admit it, they look perfect together. Like a real-life version of Barbie and Ken, with their identical blue eyes and gorgeous blonde hair. As if to show how inferior everyone else is compared to them.

  Unlike the first picture, the
next one only contains Brad. He’s standing in the lacrosse field in his letterman jacket, his hands shoved in its pockets, looking off into the distance. This one says “how did I get so lucky?”

  As expected, the comments on both pictures are praising the new 'It couple.'

  “You guys are so perfect together.” *three red hearts emojis*

  “Lucky indeed.” *heart struck with an arrow emoji*

  “You’re prettier than the last one. Just saying.” *smirking emoji*

  My mouth falls open. “‘Prettier than the last one?’ What an asshole,” I snarl. "What the hell? She even liked the comment!"

  Well, it's official. I don't like Daphne Lynch at all. Considering there's a very real possibility that she stole Brad from me, this just sealed the deal.

  "Who are you talking to?" Mom's voice startles me.

  Looking up, I see her leaning against the doorframe. With a sheepish smile, I say, "Just myself. Hey, are you making a new video?"

  Mom runs a YouTube channel that features recipes, crafts and even DIY home repairs. It's pretty popular. Last I checked, she already had over a million followers. She started it when she was pregnant with my brother and got bored during her maternity leave. It was only supposed to be a hobby, but the cash started coming in, so she eventually left her job in finance and focused on it instead.

  She'd rather stay at home after Sammy was born, anyway. So the career shift has been a Godsend. She’s never been happier.

  And nowadays, Laurie Jackson is quite the celebrity around town.

  "Yes. I was just about to finish up." She has on her denim overalls, and her auburn hair is gathered in a bun on top of her head. Which tells me she's recording a DIY video.

  "Where's Sam?" I ask.

  "Sleeping soundly in his room." She pauses. "Is there a reason why Grayson is downstairs looking for you instead of Allie?"

  "Gray's here?" I wrack my brain for any plans we made at school. But nothing. Well, maybe he wants to discuss our arrangement. "Um, can you send him up?"

  Her eyes narrow. "Is there something you need to tell me?"

  "What? No," I lie, shaking my head briskly. "He's just helping me out with something." Now, that part is technically not a lie.

  She gives me a suspicious look but thankfully drops it. "Fine. Just make sure to leave your door open."

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. What, does she expect us to make out or something in here?

  A minute after she's gone, Gray walks into my room. "Huh. No pink?" he comments, his eyes taking in the whole interior.

  I sit up on my bed. "Pink is not my style. It's your sister's."

  Allie's room looks girly, mine is rather straightforward and somewhat minimalist. It's awashed in hues of white and blue. My queen size bed, the bedside table next to it, and the study table in the corner are the only pieces of furniture in my bedroom. Everything else I own is in my walk-in closet and bathroom. I don't even have a couch—just a reading nook with built-in bookshelves on either side by the window. And no pictures or any designs on the walls. The only pictures I have in my room are the two ones on my bedside table—one with my family and the other with Allie.

  "Considering the two of you are practically attached to the hip, I wouldn't be surprised if you were." He pulls out the chair of my study table and plops down on it. "But color me impressed, Red. Your room is actually neater and more impersonal than mine."

  I smile sweetly. "Probably smells even better, too."

  That makes him scowl. "I'm not a slob, Jackson."

  It's true. I've been to his room countless times over the years—to help Allie retrieve the things he stole from her. And every single time, I never see any laundry or boy stuff lying around and littering the floor. Even his bed is always fully made up.

  At first, I thought their mom, Irene, was the one cleaning his room. But then, I caught him tidying it up himself.

  His neatness shows in his appearance, too. Right now, his hair isn't styled by any gel, but it doesn't look messy at all. And he looks real nice in a long-sleeve gray tee and black jeans. But this is Gray we’re talking about. He probably looks good in anything.

  "Whatever.” I let my hair loose from my messy ponytail, suddenly feeling self-conscious—for some crazy, weird reason—in my faded oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. “What are you doing here, anyway?"

  "You want me to be your fake boyfriend, right?"

  “Um, yeah,” I nod.

  "Then, get up. We're going to Jerry's. It's time to make this fake relationship public."

  I blink at him. "We are?"

  His waggles his eyebrows. "Unless you already changed your mind?" He smirks and takes out his phone. "Shame. I heard Brad and Daphne are there right now."

  "Oh, we're definitely going." I'm already up from the bed and scurrying toward my closet. "And, FYI, my mind is already set!"

  Gray's low chuckles trail after me.

  Fifteen minutes later, we’re walking into Jerry’s. It’s a pizza place-slash-café and a major hangout of students in Maple Grove. Kids head over to this place to get together when school ends.

  So when Grayson told me that he heard Brad and Daphne were here, I quickly slid out of bed and tugged on the prettiest let-my-ex-eat-his-heart-out dress I could find in my closet. Judging from the way Gray whistled when I stepped back in my room, I made the right call.

  I instantly spot my douchebag of an ex and his new girl trophy out in the back. They’re sitting with some of Gray and Brad’s teammates. And look, Merritt Wayne, who happens to be Daphne’s best friend, is there with them, too.

  Here’s another thing about Merritt: she has a huge not-so-secret crush on Gray.

  This should be fun.

  Duane Hollis, Gray’s best friend and lacrosse teammate, whistles when he sees us. “Oh, look, here comes the new ‘It’ couple.”

  I snap my gaze to Gray. Did he tell Duane of our arrangement?

  “I texted him on our way here,” Gray says out of the corner of his mouth.

  “Does he know?” I demand.

  “He’s my best guy. He can be trusted.”

  What the hell? I can’t believe this guy. But before I can chew him out for being a blabbermouth, we’re already at their table.

  Gray exchanges fist bumps with the guys—with the exception of Brad—while I engage in a stare-off with Daphne and Merritt.

  What are you doing here? their eyes are telling me.

  To hang out, what else? But feel free to leave, if you like. No one’s stopping you, I shoot back, unperturbed.

  I give them a sweet smile as Gray pulls up chairs for the both of us. If these girls think they can intimidate me, they have another thing coming.

  Brad’s eyes are on me, but I pretend not to notice. I can tell he isn’t happy to see me, much less with Gray, which pleases me immensely.

  He's probably seething inside.


  “So, you guys are dating now?” Kirby Moseby, the guy sitting next to Brad, asks us.

  Here we go.

  I smile and thread my fingers through Gray’s on top of the table, noting how good his hand feels against mine. “I guess you can say that.”

  “Didn’t Brad just dump you?” Merritt says sweetly, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder, silencing everyone.

  “Hey, don’t mess with love,” Duane snickers.

  I’m about to give a scathing response to her, but Gray beats me to it. “Actually, McNeely did me a favor. I’ve always wanted to ask Indie out. He just gave me an in.” He winks at Brad. “Thanks, man.”

  “Don’t mention it,” Brad grits out, the muscles in his jaw ticking.

  “And, honestly, I’ve always had a crush on Gray,” I giggle. Then give Brad a fake-sheepish glance. “No offense, Brad.”

  He just nods, looking even more pissed.

  Shooting her boyfriend a sideways frown, Daphne forces a smile. “Well, you guys look great together. I’ve never seen a better pairing.”

nbsp; “Should we start a ship name?” Merritt mocks. “Okay, I’ll start. How about Graydie or, hey, Ingray? Both cute, right?”

  I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. God, she’s such a jealous hag.

  Gray chuckles. “I think we’re good with our respective names, Mer.”

  She gives him a coy smile. “But if you want to change your mind, let me know. So we can discuss it further.”

  I mentally roll my eyes. Girl is flirting with my fake boyfriend right in front of me. Trying hard much?

  I'm about to put her in her place when my eyes connect with Brad’s accusing ones. Daphne is whispering something to his ear, but he isn’t paying her any mind. He’s only focused on me.

  Good. Get pissed. Regret the day you dumped me. And get jealous of the fact that I’m with the ‘better’ version of you now.

  This revenge plan kicks ass.


  “I still think your plan is crazy.”

  “Maybe. But it’s working.” I close my eyes as a soft breeze blows through my hair.

  It feels good to be out in the quad for some sun and fresh air. Since Allie and I both have the same free period, we decided to hang outside instead of idle around the halls or the library.

  Besides, I have better use of the free time—like chill, people watch and tell my best friend what happened at Jerry’s.

  “But it doesn’t make it any less crazy.”

  I give my head a little shake. “Seriously, you should’ve seen the look on Brad’s face. It was priceless! I bet he’s dying of jealousy right now.”

  When we left Jerry's yesterday, I couldn't get the scowling image of him out of my mind. I was grinning all the way home that Gray had to ask if something was wrong with me. But I was fine. Hell, I felt great, knowing that the plan was working and I was getting to Brad.

  No more moping around for this girl.

  “Gray shouldn’t have suggested that idea in the first place. Now, you’re acting like a dog with a bone. I feel like you're getting obsessed with it by the day.” Tucking her hair behind her ear, she blows out an exasperated breath. “Tell me, Indie, what’s your endgame?”


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