The Virginia Chronicles

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The Virginia Chronicles Page 17

by Kayt Miller

  As I work her, I feel her touch me. My dick jerks in her hand. He’s very sensitive right now. I use my hand to show her how I like to be handled. Before she can protest, I’m back to touching her moving my hand in and out of her slit. “Oh, Baker.”


  “Oh, oh, that’s definitely good, Baker. G-g-good. Don't stop, please.”

  I know she likes it because she’s wrapped her little hand around my cock and she’s pumping me like a damn pro. “Fuck, don’t stop, Virginia.” When I moan out my pleasure, she seems to get a little braver. Increasing her speed, she repeats the move. “Twist your palm a little as you move up and down, Oh, fuck, yeah. Like that. Oh, shit. You’re good. Yeah. Oh, fucking hell, Virginia. Don't. Ever. Stop.”

  Working like a mad man to get her to come before I do, I press my finger further inside and use my thumb on her clit. “Oh, oh, I-I’m almost, don’t stop, ahhhhh. Oh, my, yes, Baker.”

  She keeps her hand moving up and down my shaft twisting her palm around me as she goes. Hearing her release is all I need to come like a fucking rocket. Her moans and whimpers are enough to make me go goddamn crazy. “Virginia. That’s it. Stop. I’m gonna come.” But, she moves faster. One-two-three more pumps and, “Oh, fucking, motherfucking, Jesus, hell, yessssss!” I come so hard, and so fast I’m dizzy.

  Panting, I look over at her pretty flushed face and see a bright smile. “That was good, right?”

  “Babe, that was fucking perfect.” I peer down at the mess between us. Rolling out of bed, I grab my shirt and wipe off her stomach and chest. I wipe myself off and smile down at her. “You good?”

  “So, so, so good, babe.”

  Ah, there it is. I love that. “I like when you call me ‘babe.’”

  “You do?”

  Nodding, I stand up. Her eyes lock onto my dick as soon as I’m at full height. “What about me? Do you like what you see?”

  “Well, I can tell you this. That…” she points at little Baker, “is not a penis.”

  I peer down, “Huh? Yeah, it’s a penis.”

  “No, that’s a cock.”

  “It’s both, V.” What the hell is she talking about?

  “No. A penis is little. A cock is B-I-G.”

  “Whatever you say, Virginia.” I can’t help myself. I chuckle. “We’re going to have a lot of fun together, V.”

  “We are?”

  “We are.” Placing my knee on the bed, I move onto the bed sliding up close to her. Wrapping my arms around her; I pull her into me. I kiss her nose then her mouth. “You’re amazing, Virginia.”

  “I am?”

  “You are. I can’t believe how lucky I am.”

  “You can’t?”

  Chuckling again, I kiss her deeply. She moves right along with me. “No, I can’t. Thankfully, I finally got smart.”

  “That’s true,” she deadpans.

  Smiling, I reach the end of the bed pulling a quilt up and over us. When her breathing evens out, I know she’s asleep. Peeking down at her naked body, I smile. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m right where I’m supposed to be. This has been, hands down, the Best. Night. Ever.

  Chapter 39


  I’m late. My first day back to work and I’m frigging late. Hopping off the bus, I take off at a run down Lincolnway. I turn right up Welch Avenue, pass two shops, and I’m there. I yank the door open and step inside. Between gulps of air, I say, “I’m sorry. I’m late. I overslept.”

  Bending at the waist, I work to catch my breath. When I look up, I see Jackson and some hot as shit man next to him. He’s got short blonde hair cut in a stylish fade. His face. Well, he looks sort of like Chris Pine, the actor, so that’s saying something.

  “Well, hello!” coos the new guy. “You must be Virginia!” Sauntering over to me he bends down, so we’re face to face. “I’m Johnathan, but you can call me John John.”

  “John John?”

  “Yes, indeedee. It’s what my friends call me, and from what my new man tells me, you and I are going to be besteeees,” he sing-songs. Wow, he’s so perky this early in the morning. Not necessarily a good thing. He claps his hands rapidly in front of his chest. “I can’t wait ‘til we have a sleepover. I’ve heard so many cool things about you.”

  A sleepover? I’ve just ignored half of the stuff he just said. “A new man?”

  As I stand, he stands. He’s not much taller than I am so he didn’t have to go far. “Yep.” He cups his hand over his mouth like he’s going to whisper, but he says it at full volume, “It’s Jackson.”

  Giggling at John John, I peek over at Jackson. “It’s true. We’re dating.”

  “Well, congratulations you guys. Jackson’s pretty awesome, isn’t he?” I ask John John. Geesh, I wish he’d go by J.J. instead. It’d be so much easier at six-forty in the morning.

  “Girl,” he says slapping my arm, “Jackson is F.I.N.E. fine. Now go get clocked in so we can chat and get paid.”

  I smile at both guys as I walk back to the break room. I take off my coat, clock in, and grab a green apron. Stepping out into the shop I look around. “What do you want me to do first?”

  “Oh, it’s all done. J.J. came in early.”

  Yay! I can call him J.J.

  Jackson chuckles as he wipes off the counter nearest the register. “He wanted to focus all of his attention on you this morning.”

  I turn to see J.J. leaning on the counter with his chin on his hand. “It’s true. When Jackson told me about you and the deal with,” he does that thing with his hand again. Not whispering he finishes his sentence with, “K.I.P. Kip.”

  I see a T.R.E.N.D. trend. Not wanting to answer questions about K.I.P. Kip, I ask, “So, what are your thoughts about kissing?”

  “Kissing?” asks Jackson.

  Before I can respond, J.J. speaks, “Oh, girl. Kissing is everything.”

  “It is?” asks Jackson.

  “It is. If you can’t kiss, why bother?”

  “I can kiss,” Jackson says defensively.

  “Honey, you’re the best kisser I’ve ever had. Trust me. You can K.I.S.S. kiss.”

  Relieved, Jackson goes back to wiping shit down. When we both hear a harrumph, I look at Jackson. “Oh, um, you’re a good kisser too, J.J.”

  “Oh, honey. I know I can kiss.”

  Before I can ask another question, our first customers step into the shop. According to J.J., thanks to the cold, our business has picked up. It could be the cold, or it could be that J.J. is a natural customer service schmoozer. K.I.P. Kip would never have had people laughing while he’s upselling more expensive drinks like Lattes and Frappuccinies (our version of our competitor’s drink). Nope. J.J.’s good. Really good.

  By eight o’clock, I’m beat. I haven’t worked in almost a month, so I need to get back into barista shape. Not to mention the fact that Baker woke me up several times in the night for some lovely kissing and touching and some amazing orgasms. I wanted to do, you know, it. But, Baker wants wait. He wants it to be special.

  As I’m cleaning out the espresso machine, I hear someone’s throat clear. I look up and see Baker wearing one of my old t-shirts that’s got to be three sizes too small for him. I want to ask him about it, but when I look at his face, he looks downright grumpy. How could that be after last night?

  “Virginia? Can we talk?”

  Oh, shit. “What? Why?” I look around. There’s no one around. J.J. and Jackson are in the back doing ‘inventory'. Yeah, right. There’s a young couple sitting at the table near the front window. “I can’t leave the counter.”

  “It’s okay. We can talk right here.”

  Wow, he looks angry. Hesitantly, I say, “Okay.”

  “If this thing between us is going to work. If we’re going to be a couple, we need to get some things straight.”

  “Okay, I…”

  “One. You will not leave me in bed alone without waking me up before you leave. When I woke up alone, I felt, well, a little u
sed, to be honest.”

  I start to giggle, but when I look at Baker, he looks hurt. “Oh, Baker. I’m sorry. I woke up late, and I didn’t want to wake you. You needed your rest,” I say shyly.

  “I appreciate that. It’s why I’m mentioning this now, but I didn’t get to kiss you goodbye.”

  And there it is. I’m blushing again. “Okay.”

  “Two. You will stop walking everywhere alone.”

  “But, I don’t have a car and…”

  Holding his hand up, “Please let me finish.”

  Nodding, I remain silent.

  “If my Granna knew my girlfriend was walking around this city unaccompanied, she’d whip my ass.”

  “But, Baker. I’m used to walking and taking the bus. It’s no big deal.”

  “It is to me. So, I’d like to propose a compromise.”

  “A compromise.”

  “You will stop walking everywhere especially when it’s dark outside. That means early mornings and evenings. If you need a ride, I’ll take you. I will pick you up from work and class whenever I can. The only exceptions would be if I were in class, at practice, or at an away game. When I’m at away games, you’ll drive my car and I’ll…”

  “No! That’s too much.”

  “It’s too much?” His lips go thin as he arches his brow. He’s mad again.

  I nod afraid to say more.

  “Fine. I’ll buy you a car.”

  “No! If I wanted a car, I’d buy one. They’re a hassle.”

  “And now we’re back to number two. You will not walk unaccompanied in this city when darkness is imminent. I’ll drive you.”

  Imminent? “Geez, Baker. What’re you gonna do, spank me if I don't obey?” When he doesn't respond I know I just stepped into a brand new world. “You wouldn’t!” I whisper hiss.

  “Try me.”

  We’re in a stare down, and I’m losing. “Fine. We’ll play it by ear. But, you can’t just say I’m not allowed to walk places. I like to walk.”

  Smiling from ear to ear, no doubt because he believes he won, Baker nods. “I’ll pick you up after work. What time do you get off here?”


  “I’ll be here. As for the rest of the details, we can work those out the tonight.”


  “I was hoping you were free. I want you to meet someone. Someone very important to me.”

  “Oh, sure. Of course. When? Where are we going?”

  “My house. Dress casual. I’ll cook.” He leans over the counter until we’re inches apart. “I’ll pick you up at six.” He moves the rest of the way and lays a soft, slow kiss on me.

  My knees almost buckle and my panties? Well, they melt.

  “Bye, babe,” Baker says as he walks toward the door.

  “Bye.” I wave and keep waving until he’s out the door and halfway to his car.

  “O.M.G.” squeaks the man to my left. “You’re with him?” J.J. says pointing to the door. “He’s your boyfriend?” he says cupping his mouth like it’s a secret. Well, not anymore. I watch J.J. jump up and down clapping his hands like an overly peppy cheerleader. “You. Are. Da. Bomb. Girl. We are so having a slumber party tomorrow night.”

  “Uh, I…”

  “Just go with it,” says Jackson with a smirk. “It’ll just be easier.”

  “Oh, shush, you bad boy or Virginia won’t be the only one to get a spanking.”

  I feel my eyes double in size with shock. Jackson is blushing like a virgin on her wedding night. Okay, that made me giggle. The virgin joke, not Jackson’s spankings, although…

  “Tomorrow night. Your place. I’ll bring the wine. You bring the deets about that hot man of yours.”

  “Fine.” I’ll be sure Peach is there. I don’t think I can handle J.J. alone.

  “Hurray!” he shouts as he hops and dances into the back room.

  I turn to Jackson. “Seriously? You and J.J.?” He doesn’t seem like Jackson’s type at all.

  Shrugging, Jackson responds, “We can’t help who we love.”

  I nod because truer words were never spoken.

  Chapter 40


  Promptly at six, I knock on Virginia’s apartment door. When it opens, my heart nearly stops. She’s fucking stunning. “Babe. You look beautiful.” I know I probably sound surprised, but I’ve never seen her like that. She’s got on a black dress that’s not too short and definitely not too long. It hits her in the middle of her gorgeous thigh. Her legs are covered in black hose or tights or whatever they’re called. I pan down her legs to see she’s wearing heels. They aren’t stilettos, but they’re a few inches high. “Nice shoes,” I wink.

  Looking at her face. She doesn’t have a lot of makeup on, but her lips are pink and glossy which makes me want to kiss them. Better not. Chicks get all weird about ruined lipstick. Later. I can tell she’s changed something. Her hair. “Your hair. It’s shorter than it was this morning.” It’s still sort of blonde, but her hair is flowing just past her shoulder. It’s wavy and shiny. I want to touch it, so I do. I step closer to her as I reach my hand out. “It’s so soft.”

  “Oh, yeah, I had it done this afternoon. And don’t worry, Peach drove me.”

  “Good to know. You ready to go. You’ll want a jacket. The temp has dropped.”

  “Got it,” she says holding up a jacket. Sliding it on over the dress, she steps toward the door.

  I wait until she starts out the door so I can put my hand on her lower back. She looks up at me with a pretty little smile, “So, are you going to tell me who I’m meeting tonight?”

  “My Granna. She’s in town meeting up with her new boyfriend.”

  She giggles, “Your grandmother has a new boyfriend?”

  “Yeah. My plastic surgeon. They hit it off when I was in the hospital.”

  “Are you ever going to tell me about what happened, Baker?”

  I pull her to me to give her a small kiss. “Yeah. I’ll tell you about it. But, not tonight. Tonight is about my girl meeting my favorite person.”


  At the car, I hit the unlock button on my key fob and open the door for her. As I watch her slide into the seat, my eye is drawn to her legs. The little dress has ridden up revealing some of those sexy as fuck thigh high hose. “Jesus, Virginia. What are those?” I ask pointing to her legs. She nervously attempts to adjust her dress to cover her legs. “No. Don’t you dare. Pull your dress up a little. Let me see them.”


  “Do it.” Okay, I'm bossy, but I’m not angry. I’m fucking hard as a rock. Not a good look when visiting your grandmother. Shyly, she pulls the skirt up another few inches. “No way, woman.” Her brows are drawn together like I’ve confused her. “They’re fucking hot.” I step around the door and lean into the car. Sliding my palm up her thigh, I whisper close to her lips. “You’re a very naughty girl, Miss Murray.”

  She’s blushing profusely. “I am?”

  I let my palm climb higher. “You are. You knew what those little stockings would do to me, didn’t you?” I look down at my crotch. Her eyes follow. My dress slacks are tented as far as they’ll go.


  “So, you did know. Tsk, tsk, tsk. What am I going to do now? I can’t very well see my grandmother like this. Besides, I’ll spend the entire evening thinking about those. Looking down again I say, “Show me your panties.” My voice is husky now. I’m so turned on I’m about to unravel.

  Slowly. Too slowly, she pulls her skirt up to reveal a dark pair of panties with symbols all over them. I lean in closer. When I can’t see, I ask, “What are those all over your undies, babe?”

  “Uh, they’re insignias.”

  “Insignias? Of what?”

  She giggles. “They’re the insignias from all of the houses from Hogwarts.”

  I look up at her face. “From Harry Potter?”


  Holy hell. The perfect cocktail of nerdy and sexy is sitting in
my car. If that doesn’t make me want to fuck her right here and right now, I don’t know what will. “Naughty girl, Virginia.”

  Squeaking nervously she attempts to defend herself. “I’m not naughty.”

  “Do you know what happens to naughty girls? I run my finger up the front of her panties. Her breathing has become labored. She’s flushed with arousal. “What?”

  “They get a red, little bottom.”

  “Huh?” she squeaks again.

  “That’s right,” I say as I dip my finger underneath the elastic of her Harry Potter panties. “You’re fucking drenched,” I growl. “I’ve got a mind to take you right back upstairs and…”

  “But, we need to go… your grandmother.”

  Sighing, I pull my finger out of her center. We’re so close; I can feel her breath on my face. I bring my wet finger to my mouth and suck, “Mm, sweet.”

  “Oh, God. Baker,” she moans.

  “Later. I’ll deal with you later.” I lean down and kiss her shocked little lips.

  Adjusting my rock hard dick as I walk around the car, I hop in and start it up. Looking over at her, I smirk. “Later.”

  Chapter 41


  I knew I was playing with fire. I had planned to wear some spanks and black hose, but Peach talked me into the thigh high stockings. I’d bought them to go with my Sexy School Girl costume but ended up going with knee-highs. Honestly, I thought my dress was long enough to cover them I just didn’t consider what would happen when I sat down. I’m not disappointed in his reaction, but spanking? I’m not sure how I feel about that.

  As we drive, Baker is moving his palm slowly up and down my upper thigh; it’s driving me crazy. I’m on edge as it is with what happened earlier. Squirming in my seat as inconspicuously as possible, I keep my eyes forward. But, Baker knows. Winking he says, “You keep wiggling around in your seat like that, I’m going to have to pull over and help you out.”

  Yep, he knows. “I can’t help it. You make me crazy, Baker.”


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