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The Virginia Chronicles

Page 18

by Kayt Miller

  Throwing his head back he laughs. “Now you know how I feel about you ninety-nine percent of the time.”

  When his finger slides up and into my panties I open my legs a little bit to give him easier access, I moan, “Baker, don’t tease me.”

  “If we had more time...” he mutters. He pulls his hand away from my center and back on the wheel.

  I close my legs and scoot closer to the door. I’m not sure how long this dinner is going to last, but I hope it’s not long. I need him.

  Baker pulls his car into the two car attached garage. Hitting the garage remote as he slides out, I start to open my door. “Ah, ah, ah, wait for me, please.” I wait and watch as he comes around the car. It gives me a moment to glimpse him in his suit. He’s so handsome in his dark gray duds. He’s paired the jacket and slacks with a light blue shirt. He’s tie-less only having one button undone on his dress shirt. It doesn't detract from the overall look. The suit fits him perfectly across his shoulders and chest. The slacks are snug on his thick thighs, and I can only imagine how they’d hug his ass. Maybe he’ll model for me later.

  A shiver runs through me thinking about later. He made quite a few suggestions. The question is, am I ready for them? Baker steps to my side pulling the door open the rest of the way holding his hand out for me to take. “We have arrived, ma ‘lady.”

  I giggle at his attempt at an English accent. Taking my hand, he leads me into the house through the side door that opens up into the kitchen. It smells like something Italian is cooking somewhere. Yum. Once inside, he announces, “Granna? We’re here.”

  Oh, my, gosh. I’m so nervous. All of my focus is now on the beautiful woman walking toward me. She’s his grandmother? She can’t be older than forty-five. I raise my hand to shake hers, but she waves me off. “Oh, no sweetheart. Give Granna a hug.”

  Before I know it, I’m wrapped up in her arms. She’s about my height, maybe slightly taller. She smells like expensive perfume, but it’s not too strong. It’s subtle and sweet. When she pulls away, she holds my arms out in front of me, “You’re beautiful, Virginia.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “Granna. Please call me Granna.”


  “Now, come with me. I’d like you to meet my hot man.”

  I let out a startled giggle. Hot man? She leads me into the formal sitting room stopping in front of a handsome older man. “Virginia. This is Tommy. Tommy, this is Baker’s girlfriend. She’s a senior studying sociology with the hopes of going to graduate school.” She looks over at me, “Am I right?”

  “Right.” Wow, I feel I’m at a disadvantage. I know nothing about her.

  “Virginia, Tommy is a plastic surgeon.” I start to speak, but she has more to say. “And before you ask, no, I haven’t had a boob job.”

  I start to giggle, and I can’t stop. She’s funny. “Noted,” I say through fits of laughter. I look behind me to see Baker leaning against the doorframe. He’s smiling from ear to ear at his Granna.

  “Virginia, can I get you something to drink? I’ve got wine, water, soda, beer, and milk.”

  I look to see what Granna’s drinking. “May I have a glass of wine, please?”

  “Red or white?”

  “White. Thanks, Baker.”

  He winks at me as he makes his way back into the kitchen. When he returns, he’s got a glass of wine for me, and a beer for himself. “Let’s sit, shall we,” says Granna.

  I sit next to Baker who takes my hands in his. With our fingers entwined, he rests them both on his thigh. “So,” says Granna after sipping her drink. “When’s the wedding?”

  I spit out the sip of wine in my mouth. “Jesus, Granna. Give her a heart attack, why don’t you? She hasn’t been warned about your wicked sense of humor. Baby steps.”

  “Well, shoot. Why didn’t you tell her?”

  “He didn’t tell me anything. He just invited me to meet his ‘favorite person’ without any information.”

  Her face softens at those words, “He’s my favorite person too, honey.” She turns to Tommy. “No offense.”

  “None taken. I’m partial to my children too.”

  “How many children to you have Dr., er, Tommy?”

  “Four. Sam is thirty-five, Becky’s thirty-four, Elizabeth is thirty-two, and Shanna is twenty-eight.”

  “Wow! One boy and three girls?”

  “All girls. Sam is short for Samantha.”

  “Wow, I bet that was something having all those girls growing up in the same house.”

  “It was a nightmare. I almost built myself a clubhouse just to have somewhere to hide when the fights over clothes and makeup got going. But, I adore them, and I couldn't imagine my life without them, so it was all worth it.”

  A ding from the kitchen alerts us that something is done. “Food!” says Baker excitedly. “I hope you’re all hungry. I made lasagna. Granna’s recipe.”

  “It smells amazing, Baker. You cooked it all?”

  “He’s a wonderful cook, Virginia. I told him ‘every man needs to know how to cook.’” She shrugs. “I didn’t want him to starve to death when he was on his own,” she chuckles.

  “Never, Granna,” Baker says softly. “You’ve taught a lot of important things. I’d be lost without you.”

  “Oh, now would you listen to that? Isn’t he the sweetest?” she says pinching his cheek.

  “Come on, let’s eat,” he grumbles, embarrassed.

  Dinner’s amazing. I think it was the best lasagna I’ve ever eaten. I complimented the chef over and over again. Everything I put into my mouth was perfect. I was in awe of him.

  After dinner, he served us warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream in the living room. “Before you think I’ve somehow developed superpowers, I did not bake the pie. I bought it at a bakery on Main Street.”

  I’m so stuffed with pasta; I can barely eat. I only nibble on my slice of pie. I don’t want to be rude. After Baker and Tommy finish off their pie, Granna clears her throat. “The girls are going to clean up.”

  “No. I’ll do it later, Granna.”

  “Nonsense. You cooked. Right, Virginia?”

  Okay. I know what this is. This is Granna’s attempt to get me alone. I’m going to play along because I want to hear what she has to say. I’m nervous, though. What if she doesn’t like me and she wants to use this time to tell me so. Oh, hell. I hope she likes me. “Of course. That’s the rule,” I nod at Granna.

  Making our way into the kitchen, we both take dishes from the dining table returning several times to get the rest. I hear the guys talking in the living room. Tommy wanted to check out Baker’s face to see how he’s healing so this is a good time for that.

  She stops rinsing dishes and turns to face me. “Now, I know you figured out my little ruse––I wanted to talk to you alone.”

  I nod.

  “How much has Baker told you about his mom and dad?”

  “Nothing. Well, he mentioned something about not liking his mom very much, but that’s it. He’s promised to talk to me about her.”

  “Good. Give him time. He’s pretty closed off normally, but I can tell it’s different with you, Virginia.”

  “It is?”

  “Definitely.” She smiles at me warmly. “I like you very much, sweetheart. I liked you before you even walked in the door.”


  “Because I could see a change in Baker since the last time I was here. He’s smiling. I heard him whistling as he cooked tonight. And seeing the two of you together, I know why.”


  “You two fit.”

  “We fit?”

  “He’s more relaxed when you’re with him than when it’s just the two of us. To use a movie cliché, I think you complete him.”

  “Oh, that’s nice.” I feel the same about him. “But, we just started dating. It’s too soon to…”

  “Nonsense. I bet you knew the first time you two kissed.” I feel the heat of the blush as it
moves to my cheeks. “Oh, goodness. You’re adorable. You’re blushing.”

  “I do it a lot.”

  Without warning, Granna wraps her arms tightly around me, “I’m so fucking happy you two found each other,” she whispers. “Don’t you dare tell Baker I just dropped the f-bomb. He doesn’t know I cuss.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “Wonderful. I don’t want you to keep things from Baker, but sometimes you need to have a secret or two with your Granna, am I right?”

  “You’re right. “

  “Okay, let’s get these dishes done. Tommy and I have a movie date after this.”

  “Tommy’s great.”

  “He is, isn’t he?” It’s her time to blush now. “I’m pretty smitten.”

  As we work side by side, we chitchat about everything from clothes to politics. We’ve finished the dishes in record time and make our way out to the guys. “We’d better get going, Tommy. The late show is going to start soon and I’d hate to miss the previews.”

  “Right. Well, thank you for dinner, Baker.” He turns to me, “It was nice meeting you, Virginia. I suspect I’ll be seeing more of you two.” He looks at Granna. “If Kate doesn’t get sick of me, that is.”

  She blushes again. “Oh, Tommy. I’m not planning on it.”

  “Good.” He holds his hand out, and Granna takes it. “I’ll call you tomorrow, Baker.”

  “Sounds good. Love you.”

  “Love you more, baby boy.”

  We watch the older couple walk out the front door and out to the driveway. We’re like an old married couple waving to them as they drive off. “Wow, that was…” I squeak in shock. Baker has me over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold before I’ve even finished my sentence. “What the…”

  Chapter 42


  “What the hell, Baker?!” I screech. “What are you doing?” The big brute has thrown me over his shoulder and is now jogging up the steps.

  “Taking you to bed. Fuck, I thought they’d never leave. I adore my Granna. I can’t imagine my life without her but tonight was excruciating. My dick has been hard since we left your place. I need you, babe.”

  “I, uh, need you too.” I’m being jostled around over his shoulder, but we’re almost there. Setting me down next to his bed, I watch him step back as he yanks off his suit jacket and tosses it on the floor. Next, he starts working the buttons on his shirt frantically.

  “Dress off. Leave those fucking stockings and panties on. That’s an order.”

  Damn, he’s so bossy. I know my eyes are as big as saucers, but I do as he asks. I’m as turned on as he is so I’m playing along. Pulling the dress up until it’s over my head I toss it on the floor next to his shirt and jacket.

  “Bra off.”

  “You’re very bossy, Baker.”

  “Can’t help it right now.”

  “Fine.” I unhook the bra from the front. Watching him as I do it. His eyes dilate as he stares at my breasts.

  “Fuck. You’re the hottest, sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in person or anywhere, V.”

  “Thank you,” I say shyly.

  “Don’t you dare get shy on me now.”

  He unbuckles and unzips his dress pants. They fall to the ground along with his boxers. Kicking them aside, I gaze at his hand as he grasps his cock, pumping up and down slowly. Distracted, I flinch when he asks, “What do you want, babe? I don’t want you to feel pressured. Tell me what you want to do next.”

  “Kiss me?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely.” He gets to me in two long strides sliding his hands into my hair as soon as he’s close enough. When our mouths meet, we’re immediately all tongue and teeth. I nip at his lip while he sucks on mine. It’s hot as hell.

  “Lay down on your back, V.”

  Sitting first, I scoot onto the center of the bed. Lying back on my elbows, I keep my eyes on him. He’s been stroking himself leisurely as I move to my spot.

  “Open your legs for me.”

  Slowly, I open my thighs. I’m a little nervous about it. I know we did things before, but this is much more intense now. My feelings are so much stronger. It feels like there’s more at stake.

  “You’re a wet dream, babe, with your Harry Potter undies and those sexy as fuck stockings. You’re a hot nerd.” Placing his knee on the bed, he moves up until his big body is between my legs. “What do you need, Virginia?”

  “I want you to take the lead here. So far, every instinct you’ve had about me has been right. I don’t want to have to think about it.”


  Placing a finger over my lips, she adds, “I promise I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”

  “You will?”

  “I promise.”

  He leans down to kiss my lips softly. Oh, sweet Baker. My feelings for him have morphed into something I didn’t expect. He kisses down my neck until they reach my breasts. As soon as I feel his tongue on me, I arch my back. My first instinct is to hold his head in place––to keep him there––but I don’t want to hinder him.

  Baker licks and sucks on my right breasts then my left. At times, he nibbles and bites. I would never have guessed that would feel as good as it does but I’m learning new things thanks to this man. I’m so turned on just from this, but I need more. “Baker?”

  “Yeah? What do you need, Virginia?”

  “You. More.”

  He gives me more. He gives each breast one last lick and begins working his way south. Nervously, I start to wiggle away. Grasping my hips, Baker attempts to keep me in place as his lips move down my body. His fingers slide onto the lace of my Harry Potter’s. I feel them being tugged down my legs and then off.

  In a husky voice, Baker moans, “You’re dripping. I love that you’re this wet for me, Virginia.” I watch his head move down, and I do my best to push my legs together. No one has ever done that to me before. I’m not sure I want it now. When his strong hands move to my knees, he gently pulls them apart. “You told me you wanted me to take the lead. Right?”

  I nod.

  “Well, then let me do it. Okay. I’m going to make you feel good. Trust me?”

  I nod and then moan the second I feel him swipe his tongue over my clit. When he practically growls, 'Mm, So sweet.' I nearly lose my mind. His tongue moves lower and slides all the way through me from back to front. I tense up.

  “Virginia? What’s wrong?”

  “It’s, uh, strange.”

  “Strange good or strange bad?”

  “Good?” Using his big finger, he pushed it into me as he sucks and licks. Hell. “Oh, that’s good, Baker. Don't stop, please.”

  He continues to work me with his mouth and finger of one hand while his other one slides up my belly back to my breasts. When he suddenly pinches my nipple, I launch myself upward, “Oh God, Baker.” He begins to work fast applying more pressure with his tongue and his fingers until I lose control and explode. I’m shaking from the orgasm. My center is pulsing, throbbing around his fingers. Holy hell.

  Baker moves his body up until his rock hardness is pressing into me. Kissing me, I taste what he just tasted. It’s not terrible; it’s just a little weird. Now he’s giving me sweet kisses all around my mouth and the tip of my nose. I hope he’s not finished because I don’t want to stop. Taking a deep breath, I draw courage from the fact that I know Baker doesn’t want me to do anything until I’m ready. There’s no pressure. It's the opposite. Maybe he doesn’t want to pop my, um, hymen. “Baker? I’m ready to, you know.”

  “Virginia. We don’t need to do that yet. Don’t rush it. I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

  “I don’t. At all. I’m starting to think you don’t want to do it, though.”

  His head pops up suddenly. Our eyes meet, “What the hell are you talking about? I can’t wait to do it. My cock is weeping it’s so ready.”

  Phew. I thought he was going to pull a Dave. Remember him? Dave the douche? Ugh, why am I thinking about him right now?
“Then, let's do it. I’m ready.”

  “If you’re sure.” I watch him pull back and reach for something. When a drawer slides open, I look down in time to watch him tear open a condom package. He places it on the tip of his long shaft slowly rolling it down. He leans back to the drawer and brings out a tube of something. “What’s that?”

  “Lube. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Oh. Okay.” He is big. Huge. I know it’s going to hurt. Courage.

  He rubs a small amount of the lube onto the condom and moves it all over the tip. Oh, God. This is it. It’s happening. I’d like to tell you I feel a little regret but that’s the last thing on my mind. I’m thinking how happy I am that it’s Baker here with me and not someone like Dave. Dave didn’t deserve to share this with me.

  Baker moves his big body back between my legs. When his face is above mine, he looks into my eyes and whispers, “You sure about this?”

  “I’m sure.”

  He kisses me so sweetly and deeply I nearly cry. When he uses his hand to place himself right against my motherland, I stiffen. “Relax, Virginia. I’ll go slow. Just relax.”

  I take a deep breath and nod. My body relaxes as I feel him press into me. It doesn’t hurt. There’s pressure there, sure. When he stops, I ask, “Are you all the way in?”

  “Uh, no. That’s just the tip.”

  “Just the tip?” I squeak.

  “Do you want me to stop, Virginia?”

  “No. No. Keep going.”

  He presses into me again, a little faster this time, and I’m happily surprised at the sensation. It feels, okay. Yeah, it’s…“Oh, fuck!”

  “Sorry. Sorry, Virginia. Damn it! I thought it’d be best if I just went for it. I’m not moving until you say it’s okay.”

  Panting out breaths like ladies do when they’re giving birth, I nod. The breathing works. In no time the pain that shot through me is gone. Now, all I feel is Baker inside of me and on top of me. He’s surrounding me with his weight and warmth.

  When the pain is gone I nod. “I’m good. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Baker kisses my lips quickly and begins to pull himself back. I wince a little, but as he slowly pushes back in, I moan. “Oh, wow. Th-that feels good.”


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