The Barrier: The Teorran of Time: Teen Fantasy Action Adventure Novel

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The Barrier: The Teorran of Time: Teen Fantasy Action Adventure Novel Page 26

by Unknown


  Ralti ran down the hall toward the keep. Helios and Pontos followed into a large cavern that was the reception hall for political meetings.

  “It’s too quiet, and I don’t see the usual guards.” Ralti said.

  “Where are they?” Jaxton asked.

  “I don’t know, Kronos thinks he runs things now.” Ralti said.

  “I do run things now, with you no longer the first in command.” Kronos said. They spun on their heels and glared at the mangy and unkempt General. “I see you brought some friends with you.” waving to the side he continued, “So did I.”

  Several heavily armed soldiers appeared from the dim corners of the room.

  “Great, just great.” Pontos said, “I just polished my talons and now I have to get them scuffed up on your shiny armor.”

  Jaxton snickered. One of Kronos’s thugs parried forward bringing his sword up in an ark. Ralti side stepped and slammed his fist into his side. Helios swung his battle ax up across his body blocking a forward thrust from another thug. He rotated his wrist and stepped toward him. He threw out his paw and jerked the sword from his opponents grip. The startled gryphton spun out of the way and elbowed Helios in the ribs. Pontos lifted off the ground, whipped his sling back and let loose flinging a polished stone. It smacked the thug’s armor with such speed that it shifted him back several feet and dented the metal.

  Ralti ducked away from the forward strike and came up under a thugs chin with his fist. It jolted him up and backward. Ralti scooted around him with the intent on engaging Kronos. Helios felt a slam hit his ribs. He recoiled sharply keeping his ax blocking his body. Helios took a few steps back. The thug advanced quickly, Helios lifted his ax and spun it around the soldier’s ax. Then Helios slammed his fist into his ribs. Helios heard the crack of the bones break and brought his ax down. The dampness of the mildew drenched walls wafted across the cave, as Ralti threw a gryphton against it. Pontos reloaded his sling and shot another stone, this time smacking into the center of the gryphton’s skull. It lodged into the skull knocking the soldier dead to the ground.

  Ralti felt the sting of a blade in his side just below his chest armor. Ralti hit the ground on his knees as the pain seared through his body. Helios spun just in time to throw his ax into the assailing blade blocking it from hitting Ralti a second time. Ralti spun on his knee behind the protection of Helios and stood, bringing his blade up and over his shoulder slicing through the shoulder of the gryphton who had struck him.

  The thug retreated as his arm lost the ability to carry his blade. Blood hit the ground mixing with the odor of musky dirt. Pontos was about to load another stone, when a gryphton that had come from an adjacent tunnel, slammed a stone of his own into his back. The impact knocked him into a stalactite. Blood dripped from his temple as he hit against the sharp edges. Ralti spun on his knee again, this time swiping his leg under the legs of another gryphton, sending him falling to the ground. Ralti flipped his blade and sunk it into the fallen gryphton.

  Helios stepped back with his raised elbow, and slammed it into the eye of the thug. Flipped his sword backward and palmed the hilt of his blade. With both paws he shoved the blade through his heart. He fell with a thud. Pontos spun around and glared through the one eye that still opened. He lifted his hind legs, and released his talons, in time to sink them into the thigh of an oncoming soldier. The combatant roared with pain as the sharpness sliced through the muscle. Pontos gripped his blade and attempted to pull it from its sheath, when the other sliced his belt allowing it to fall to the ground. Ralti rounded a stalagmite, crossed his body with his blade and engaged the gryphton. The clank of metal on metal sounded in the cavernous room. First a forward jab, blocked with a sideways step, a kick to the chest and a crash against the rocks.

  “We’re about to be outnumbered, Helios.” Ralti said catching a glimpse of an adjacent hallway.

  “Now.” Helios said.

  They shoved cloth into their nostrils and took out the masks Helios had given them, and strapped them around their beaks. Kronos and the others laughed.

  Helios reached into a pouch and pulled out a little glass jar.

  “You may think you are stronger than us but we are smarter.”

  He threw the jar at the feet of the oncoming soldiers, shattering it into pieces. The gaseous fumes of the mushroom evaporated into the air. Kronos glanced around and when he didn’t see anything he threw up his blade. Ralti blocked, sliced, blocked, parried, sideways strike, block.

  Pontos engaged two new soldiers first blocking then striking, then spun in the air and sliced his blade through the flesh of one and elbowed the other. Helios ducked, sliced, side stepped, and ducked again. It would only take a moment until the effects of the hallucinogen would take over. Helios had spent many hours perfecting his poison.

  Ralti shook his head clear of the fog from the last blow Kronos gave. He gripped one of Kronos’s wrists, while the other engaged his blade and slammed his forehead into Kronos’s. Kronos stumbled back as the hit nearly took his senses. Ralti slammed his fist into his throat knocking the air from his airway. He brought the hilt of his blade up and thrust it against Kronos’ temple. Kronos crumpled to the ground and Ralti pulled his blade down through the flesh of his neck. A soldier in the front saw the mask Helios and the others wore and dropped his sword. He started toward the others frantically trying to get away. Others soon too dropped their swords and scrambled through the oncoming gryphtons.

  “Why are they running away?” Pontos asked.

  “I isolated the components of the mushroom that evokes fear and heightened it, mixed it back in with the hallucinogenic effects. When they see our masks they think they see something they can’t explain.” Helios said.

  Ralti smiled, slapped Helios on the back and ran off down the hall toward the keep.

  “It’s good to have you back.” Pontos said.

  Helios smiled, it had been a long time and it did feel good, even with a broken rib and bruised and bleeding. Ralti ran around the corner and came to a skidding stop. Brigdon looked up through swollen and beaten eyes.

  “It’s about time you got here.” Brigdon grunted.

  Ralti looked for the keys to open the shackles.

  “I thought you were just a political prisoner.” Ralti said, spotting the key on the table across the room.

  “I was, until the rumor that Azrak was back started. Is it true?” Brigdon asked.

  “Yes, he’s back.” Ralti snagged the keys and darted back to Brigdon. He unlatched the shackles and Brigdon’s arms fell.

  “Let’s go.” Ralti helped him stand.

  “I’m fine.” Brigdon said. He shook the fog from his mind and rubbed his swollen wrists. “Never felt better.”

  “Where’s the treasure keep?” Ralti asked


  “Because, we have to get the Orb.” Ralti said.

  “Not that thing again.” Brigdon said.

  Ralti laughed, “That’s what I said.”

  Brigdon grimaced through his black eye and said, “This way.”


  The library was vast with two balconies and a level below ground. The smell of leather and paper filled his nose. In the center of the room were isles and isles of shelves. He had never seen so many books in one place. The room was decorated with tall silver and crystal vases. Some had flowers arranged in them and others marbles of lighted glass.

  Shaz spotted Inelius sitting in a soft over stuffed leather chair, resting against the tall back. He avoided a large globe sitting in the center of the room but ran his finger on the hand painted surface. The old man stirred in his chair and opened one eye.

  "Ah, your here" Inelius climbed out of his chair.

  Shaz nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets.

  Inelius rummaged through a desk, "Ah here it is" he said, "This is a Time Portal map. It shows you were the Time Portals are in each realm."

  Small spheres rose from the surface and hover
ed over different areas of the map. Bright glittering hues of gem stones contrasted the earth tones of the planet showing the realms.

  "These are the same symbols the Earth Portal taught me last night." Shaz said pointing to along the sides.

  "Yes, that's right, and since you can't take the earth portal with you this map will help you."

  "Thanks.” Shaz said.

  After spending more of the day exploring the castle, Shaz and Serin found a large door. It was larger than the rest and very heavy. Shaz tugged on the handle and it opened slowly. As they walked into the dark room, sconces around the walls lit by themselves. It was if the room knew they were there. The walls curved around in a circle. Large window frames round the room. The domed ceiling had more symbols carved into the stone, along with depictions of stars and planets. Shaz walked around the room studying the symbols on the sides of the oval doorway.

  “What is this place? It wasn’t here before was it?” Serin asked.

  “I’m guessing it’s the portal room.” Shaz said.

  “So each of these frames are a portal to another time and place?” Serin asked.

  “One does not travel through time, but that time is measured at a different rate in each realm.” Inelius said. He had a gentle smile as he entered the room.

  “Does every portal look different?” Serin asked, “I mean from the other side?”

  “This is the only place where all portals come to the same location. Each opposite portal has its own environment.” Inelius said, walking to the center of the room.

  A light flashed across one of the frames causing them all to jump.

  “What was that?” Shaz asked quickly making his way to the frame.

  “Or rather who?” Inelius said.”

  “What do you mean, who?”

  “A portal doesn’t just activate itself dear boy.” Inelius said, “Remember, it’s the lack of imagination that keeps a person limited from the possibilities.”

  Shaz tried to open his mind but found it more difficult than before. There was so much stuff running through his mind. If only I had a box for each worry, I could organize all the chaos, he thought. The lightning illuminated some of the symbols.

  “What’s happening?” Serin asked.

  “I must find the book of time,” Inelius said.

  “The what?” Shaz asked.”

  “A very large book about the portals.” Inelius said.

  Shaz thought he saw something in the blackness of the frame. The hairs on the back of his neck stood out as a pit formed in his stomach.

  “Blast, shadow magic.” He said under his breath.

  “What was that?” Serin asked stepping closer.


  Open me, came a whisper. Shaz didn’t see anything in the portal. He looked back at the frame, Open me, I won’t hurt you, it came again. I have much to show you, open me. Shaz’s heart began to beat stronger and the pit grew. The tingle of energy inside his core came to life and rippled through his limbs. Both magic’s? Shaz questioned, We don’t care what magic uses us, we only want to serve, the voice came again. Something felt very wrong but also so right. Look with the possibilities, the whisper said growing louder.

  The frame popped to life, dazzling colors glimmered. Serin jumped. Shaz raised his hand toward the light.

  “Shaz, I don’t think you should do that.” Serin said taking a step closer to him.

  “There is something drawing me in.” Shaz said.

  “We don’t know where it goes and Inelius isn’t here.” She said her tone soft.

  The pit in her stomach felt as though it was going to consume her whole body any minute. She could feel Shaz was falling into some kind of trance. She touched Shaz’s shoulder a second before Shaz touched the energy wall of the portal. The energy of the portal sucked them into it throwing them threw time and into a realm unknown.


  “Ah, so the rumor is true.” Groargoth said. His tortured black eyes pierced Azrak’s with a maddening leer.

  “What rumors?” Azrak asked as he gripped his sword.

  “Was it not just yesterday you were a hero? The one everyone loved, worshiped?” Groargoth asked. A low growl rumbled deep in his throat. “I remember watching you cut down twenty men in the blink of an eye, and for what, to run away, to escape. What a coward.” Groargoth said his voice deep and raspy.

  Azrak flinched at the words. He was right, he had been a coward. A real soldier would have stayed and faced his accusers. Azrack sidestepped around a small bench.

  “I’m here now.” Azrak said, with a low deep growl.

  “And what do you suppose that means to me? You think you can just come in here and take what wasn’t yours to begin with?” Groargoth said.

  He threw contents of his goblet on the small fire.

  “Not mine to begin with?” Azrak asked.

  “You know what I’m talking about, the fact that my inheritance was given to you. I was going to be left with the scraps.” Groargoth growled. He circled Azrak looking for signs of weakness. Groargoth was delirious with revenge, which made him an unpredictable foe. “You don’t have what it takes, you think me the bad guy, but you’re the one that was going to steal everything from me.” Groargoth said his tongue slipping in and out of his beak.

  “Oh, you see that’s just it, I do, and now that King Ruadan is gone there is nothing keeping me from killing you.” Azrak growled. He pulled his blade from its sheath.

  Groargoth picked up his battle ax from the table.

  “I have been waiting a long time to do this.”

  With both paws on his battle ax, Groargoth lifted his arm high and brought the heavy blade down. Azrak sidestepped and caught the ax in the center of his blade. He locked his blade against the ax, twisted his wrist, and threw his arm out. Groargoth allowed the staff to spin in his paw. At the last second he gripped the staff and the sword slid off. Groargoth took a step back, rotating the ax behind him and over his head. He lunged toward Azrak with a full swing, twisting at the waist for added momentum. Azrak ducked, sidestepped, twisted his paw with his talons release and jabbed at Groargoth’s side, slicing through his flesh. Groargoth gripped the staff as the pain thrust his brain deeper into the frenzy he suffered.

  Azrak threw the table out of his way as he circled. Dishes clattered to the floor and echoed through the large room. Groargoth swung his ax around and whipped it toward Azrak. Azrak withstood Groargoth’s strike. He slid under Groargoth’s ax and stepped out of the way. Groargoth’s eyes widened with a hint of fear. Lowered his arm and spun the ax’s tip upward as he stepped back. Groargoth stepped forward and flicked his wrist upward, slicing Azrak on the chest barely below his neck. Azrak roared as he stepped back. Azrak attempted another strike, which Groargoth blocked.

  “I tire with this nonsense, I thought you were ruthless, you’re nothing but a whimpering cub.” Groargoth said.

  He faked an advance then stepped to the side as Azrak stumbled. Groargoth whipped his ax around him, coming up in a diagonal slice. Azrak dodged, spinning around with the momentum. Azrak threw out his blade in time to catch Groargoth’s ax in the crook, and yanked it out of his paws. It skidded across the ground coming to rest on the other side of the cave. Groargoth growled and lowered himself to the ground. He readied himself to pounce.

  Azrak leaned down onto all fours and circled Groargoth. Groargoth leapt at Azrak who leapt toward Groargoth. Azrak gripped around Groargoth’s neck, unleashing his talons, and thrust his beak into Groargoth’s neck. Groargoth squirmed and thrust his beak into Azrak’s neck. They reared onto their hind legs and pushed against each other. Black and red feathers went flying. Groargoth moved Azrak across the floor until he was nearly pinned against the wall. Azrak rolled out from under his grip.

  Groargoth landed on his front legs and circled quickly. Azrak reached up with a paw and struck Groargoth on the side of the head knocking him to the ground. He pounced onto Groargoth and pinned him to the ground.
He growled and reached for the neck, when Groargoth folded up his hind legs and launched Azrak across the room.

  Azrak smacked up against a jagged stalagmite. He roared as a jagged edge pierced the side of his back, and fell to the ground. Groargoth pawed at the ground pacing back and forth.

  “The mighty Azrak has fallen after all. What would your men say about you now? Watching you fight like a cub.” Groargoth said.

  Azrak tried to get up, but the rock shard was lodged in his side. Azrak reached out slowly as Groargoth paced. He gripped a broken shard of rock, and slid it next to him. Groargoth reared on his hind legs and leapt toward Azrak. Azrack gripped the shard tightly as Groargoth’s beak came in for the kill strike. Azrack pulled the shard up and stabbed it into Groargoth’s heart. Groargoth stopped instantly. He looked down at the jagged rock protruding from his chest and staggered backward. The sudden loss of his heart beating caused a lack of oxygen. Disoriented he fell backward with a thud.


  Inelius returned to the room and found it empty. The portal swayed gently from the rippling effect it gave after items went through it.

  “Oh, blast.” He muttered.

  He set the heavy book onto a table and hobbled out of the room. As quickly as he could, he made his way to where Jagwynn was sun bathing in the great hall.

  “Miss Jagwynn dear, you must find the Minca and take the sword to Shaz. Hurry now, you know the way.”

  Jagwynn lifted her head and blinked. She leapt to her feet and scaled the staircase. A moment later she trotted down the stairs with the sword in her mouth and the Minca scurrying down behind.

  “What is the trouble?” Tukill asked.

  “Shaz and Serin have slipped through the portal.”

  The Minca gasped and Tukill rubbed the back of his neck.

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Jagwynn will take you to where he is. You must go quickly.”

  “What? Ride on her back?” Ladtwig said

  Tukill smiled big, his heart leapt at the idea of getting to ride the massive cat. Jagwynn rolled her eyes as if to say “Oh, brother, I have to put up with them.” She lowered to the floor and Tukill jumped on.


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