Ask Adam

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Ask Adam Page 10

by Jess Dee

  Otherwise, you wouldn’t have reacted this way to Lexi. You would just have filed her away with all the other numbers.”

  Shit, Matt’s words made sense. He reacted differently to Lexi. He couldn’t cut her out of his thoughts or his life. Something made him go back to her, repeatedly.

  “Adam, give her a chance. Give yourself a chance.”

  He shook his head again. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  They both knew the answer. Adam pursed his lips and remained silent. He didn’t quite trust his voice.

  “You scared?” Only Matt would have the audacity to ask.

  He grimaced. Yes, goddamn it. He was frigging terrified.

  “Same old story, huh? You get involved, you get hurt.”

  Shit, what did Matt think? That he was a selfish git? “Not just me, mate.”

  “Ah.” Matt nodded. “You’re worried you’re going to break her heart. Very chivalrous of you.”

  The sarcasm was not lost on him. He resisted the urge to swear at his friend.

  “She’s an adult woman,” Matt said. “She can make decisions for herself.”

  Yes, Lexi was indeed an adult woman. He’d become intimately acquainted with just how adult she was. That didn’t mean letting her into his life was the right decision.

  “We’re different. We want different things out of life.”

  Matt looked surprised. “You know her well enough to know what she wants from her future?”

  Damn. He had an answer for everything, didn’t he? “I know her well enough to know what’s important to her.” He didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what mattered to Lexi. People did. Lexi cared, AJ didn’t. Not anymore. That made for irreconcilable differences.

  “You don’t have to have similar beliefs and thoughts to get on.”

  “There has to be some common ground,” Adam countered.

  “Mutual attraction isn’t common ground?”

  That stumped him. He and Lexi shared a mutual attraction. He had no idea if she liked him but he was certain she was attracted to him. His body stirred and he subtly shifted the newspaper onto his lap before he embarrassed himself. “Mutual attraction doesn’t last.”

  “It doesn’t have to. I’m not asking you to marry the woman. I’m asking you to give her a chance. See where it goes.”

  For a good few minutes, Adam remained silent. He wanted to give Lexi a chance, wanted to see where it would go, yet the very idea scared him shitless. What if she demanded things he couldn’t give? What if she began to care for him? Worse, what if he began to care about her?

  Rubbing his hands over his perpetually tired eyes, he gave up. “Can I agree to think about it for now?” he asked, keen for Matt to drop the subject.

  “Can you promise to do that?”

  “If I do, can we change the subject?”

  “We’ll talk about the Melbourne deal,” Matt agreed.

  “Then I promise to think about it.”

  Matt assessed him carefully, then nodded. “Lewin agreed to the price but he wasn’t altogether happy with the conditions attached. He wants affirmation that none of his staff will be compromised.”

  “I can’t give him any guarantees.”

  “Give him something. He’s giving you his company.”

  Adam considered his request. “Right. Three months trial period. I’ll guarantee every job for three months. It’s up to each individual to prove his or her worth in that time.

  More than that I won’t offer.”

  “Sounds fair. We’ll run it by Lewin at the meeting.” He leaned forward and took out the in-flight magazine. “Interesting…” He flipped a page. “Very interesting…” Another page. “Hmmm…”

  “Okay,” Adam finally snapped. “What the bloody hell is so interesting?”

  “I’m thinking, you’re giving a bunch of complete strangers a real chance, an opportunity to prove themselves, and yet…”

  He knew he’d regret asking. “And yet?”

  “And yet you’re not willing to give Lexi a second thought.”

  “Change the subject.”

  “Sure.” Matt flipped another page of the magazine. “This is the easy part of the negotiations. All I need is a signature. Pretty simple, yeah?”


  “Right. So remind me again what you’re doing here?”

  Crap. Matt wasn’t going to let this rest. He knew his reason for going to Melbourne had nothing to do with business. He just needed to get away from Sydney. Needed to put some space between himself and Lexi before he did something irrational. “Matt?”


  “Let it go.”

  “You’ll think about it?”

  “I said I would.”

  “I’ll let it go.” This time, he did.

  Adam tried to focus on the headlines but his concentration was shot. Promising Matt he’d think about Lexi hadn’t been hard. Forcing himself not to think about her was damn near impossible.


  Adam stared dumbfounded at the woman standing before him. Christ, what was she doing in Melbourne? Furthermore, what were the odds of bumping into her on the street like this?

  “Tracey?” Apart from looking a couple years older, she’d hardly changed. A few lines around her eyes, a different hairstyle and perhaps an air of maturity that hadn’t been there before.

  “Don’t look so shocked, Adam,” she said. “It’s just me.”

  Just me? Did she have the foggiest idea what seeing “just her” did to him? It wrenched his heart and twisted his stomach and tortured his mind.

  “What are you doing in Melbourne?” He had to stop coming to this city. Every time he did he bumped into a woman who shook him to his bones.

  “I’m here on business.”

  “Business?” She hadn’t been working last time he’d seen her.

  “Yes. I’ve started up a clothing line for children.”

  Logical choice. She had an eye for fashion and a way with children. “How’s it going?”

  “It’s doing well in Perth, now I’m trying to bring the label to Melbourne.”


  “So far, so good. If the line proves successful here, I’ll go to Sydney next.”

  “Good luck. I hope it works out.” He did. He just didn’t want her in Sydney.

  “Thanks. What are you doing here? I thought the business mogul never left his office.” Her voice held no malice, just gentle teasing.

  “We’re purchasing a company here.”

  “Are you still driving yourself so hard?”

  Sure, the concern in her voice touched him—she was the one person who understood why he drove himself the way he did. Didn’t mean he wanted to stand around and chat.

  His mind already searched for an escape, an excuse to leave before she started asking questions.

  “Hey, you know how it is,” he answered casually. “When there’s work to be done, someone’s got to do it.”

  “I spoke to your mother the other day,” Tracey said. “She’s worried about you. She said you’re involved with another cancer charity.”

  Fuck, couldn’t they just make polite conversation about the weather or something?

  They hadn’t seen each other in years. Did she have to drive to the heart of the problem within two minutes of meeting him again?

  “I’m not involved. Someone approached me and I gave her the money. That’s all.

  Matt’s doing the follow-up.”

  She touched his arm, left her hand there. “Even now, you’re not able to move on, are you?”

  He simply was not prepared to go there. “How is my mother? Do you still see her so regularly?”

  Her brow puckered and she frowned. “We meet every few months. I like the contact and so does she. We both find it comforting.”

  “Yeah, Mum always did like you.” Then, because he had to ask—even if it damn near killed him—he said, “How is your family? How are the boys doing?”

  She gave him a sad smile. “They’re wonderful. Getting big now. Jason’s already five and Corey’s going to be three next month.”

  Adam knew that. He made it a rule never to forget their birthdays. Sent them gifts every year.

  “You should come and meet them sometime.”

  Enough. He had to get away. “I’m sure I will. One day,” he said as he checked his watch. “Is that the time? My next meeting starts in ten minutes and it’s three blocks away. I have to run.”

  She frowned again, her eyes filled with hurt and sympathy.

  “Hey,” he said and impulsively hugged her. “It’s good to see you again.” He surprised himself by meaning it. It was nice seeing her. It just wasn’t nice remembering everything he associated with her.

  She hugged him, squeezing him close for a minute. “You too, Ad. Take care.” She stepped back. “I mean that. Look after yourself.”

  Adam nodded, gave a tight smile and walked off.

  “Send my love to Matt,” she called after him and he lifted his arm in acknowledgement.

  Her gaze cut into his back long after he’d turned the corner and walked out of her line of vision.

  Chapter Ten

  Lexi’s footsteps echoed through the empty offices, the odour of fresh paint sharp in her nose. The walls were now a mint green, the color chosen specifically for its soothing hue. She didn’t need to close her eyes to picture the place furnished. The couches and armchairs were being delivered on Monday week—plump, inviting seats with bold, bright prints that would appeal to kids of all ages.

  The new coordinator would also arrive on the same Monday. After extensive interviews, Lexi’d found the perfect person to head up the program: Abbey Perkins, a young, dynamic social worker.

  Someone knocked on the door and she turned to the sound, expecting it. Matt had scheduled a meeting and she was excited to update him on the progress.

  Only it wasn’t Matt who stood in the doorway.


  He looked quite devastating.

  He’d removed his suit jacket and tie and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. Black hair covered his muscular lower arms and peeked over his shirt collar. A five o’clock shadow darkened his jaw and upper lip, and his icy eyes flashed in his tanned skin.

  Her stomach lurched.

  She hadn’t heard from him since the wedding, more than two weeks ago. In that time, he’d driven her completely bananas. Or rather, her thoughts of him had driven her crazy. Something had changed at the wedding. They’d managed to shelve the antagonism, managed to turn the attraction into something sweet and sexy instead of something cheap and ugly. They’d become…friends. Sure, the bond was fragile. Still, it was there. She’d found she genuinely liked him, and unless she’d misread him completely, she’d thought he’d begun to like her too.

  So why the freaking hell hadn’t he phoned? A simple hello would have sufficed, although a marathon session in bed—or out—would have been preferable.

  She didn’t get him. One minute he’d act as frigid as his cold blue eyes, and the next, hotter than his naked chest. When he was plain Adam, with his traffic-stopping smile and gentle humor, she melted into a puddle on the floor in front of him.

  He was an enigma. What went on his head? He’d kissed and seduced her, and then demeaned and belittled her. He’d chased her away, and then begged her to return. He’d mocked her strategy, and then supported her ideas. He’d, well…he’d just driven her bananas.

  What about the trauma buried in his eyes? She’d noticed it twice, and both times the ill-concealed pain left her reeling. Matt hadn’t just helped him through a “rough patch”.

  Anyone who housed so much sorrow, who hid so much grief, had to have been through hell.

  Her heart ached for him. She longed to offer him comfort. Where would she begin?

  How could she soothe his pain when he wouldn’t let her in?

  “Adam.” She groped around for a casual greeting, which wasn’t easy considering the startling array of backflips and somersaults her stomach performed. “You’ve caught me by surprise. I expected Matt.”

  “He…couldn’t make it today. I came in his place.”

  Bless the forces that kept him away. “I thought you’d decided to have nothing more to do with the program?”

  “I had.” He shrugged. “Someone had to come and I was available.”

  So, she had about an hour with him. She had no idea how she’d manage to spend that time without imaging him naked, but she’d damn well give it her best shot.

  “How have you been?” she asked, determined to not to think about his awesome abs or his erect penis. She absolutely would not picture him making love to her. That would screw with her powers of concentration.

  “Good, you?”

  I waited around for days for you to phone and pretended not to be disappointed when you didn’t. For a while I thought maybe, just maybe, there could be something between us. I guess I was wrong.

  “I’m good too,” she said as he pushed his hand through his hair, leaving it mussed and standing up a little.

  Her heart did a three-point turn. That’s exactly how his hair had looked in the hotel, after the second time he’d come. He’d run his hands through it, stared at her with glazed eyes and said, “Christ, that was unbelievable”.

  Aw, crap. She’d imagined them doing it. Not good. “Would you like to start by going over recent accomplishments? Or would you prefer a tour of the offices, seeing as you’re here anyway?” Blood roared through her ears and though she watched his lips move, she didn’t hear his answer. How could she? She was reliving the best sex of her life.

  She was back in the hotel, panting on the bed, shivering as he bent down to lick her between the legs. Heat stirred in her belly and snaked outwards. Her cheeks burned, as did her breasts. The potent flames of arousal scorched every part of her. He lapped up the moisture that ran down her inner thighs, spread her lips with his thumbs and dipped his tongue in to taste her. Then he reached up and sucked sweetly on her sensitive nub. She lay on the bed, her arm flung over her eyes, her thigh wrapped around his neck. His tongue. Oh, God, the things he could do with his tongue. She keened softly under his ministrations.

  “Lexi?” Adam stepped forward, jerking her back to the present. He stood close, with his hand on her arm, burning through her sleeve. She focused on his mouth, watched his lips move, saw a flash of pink tongue between his white teeth. The same pink tongue that had flung her headfirst into the throws of ecstasy.

  She bit her lower lip, her mouth bone-dry, and he growled and dropped his arm.

  “I…I’m sorry. I have a lot on my mind.” She forced herself to look into his eyes, wondering how he’d respond if she kissed him. She wanted to kiss him. Sweet Lord, she wanted to kiss him. Wanted to sip from the mouth that had given her such pleasure.

  His face was a dark mask and she didn’t dare.

  For a full minute, neither of them spoke. They simply stood, watching each other.

  Lexi knew her cheeks were flushed and her breath was uneven. She struggled to still her pounding heart. He knew, read her thoughts. Hadn’t he told her he recognized the signs of her arousal?

  Did he have any telltale signs? Would he be aroused, knowing she was? She studied him. There were signs all right. They just weren’t of desire. Beneath his tanned skin he looked pale. The whites of his eyes were bloodshot and frown lines crowded his mouth.

  Although still ridiculously sexy, he looked tired and stressed and he held his shoulders in a stiff line.

  “Hey,” she said in a gentle voice, “you okay?” Tension radiated off him in waves. If she hadn’t been so involved in her memories, she’d have noticed it sooner.

  Adam glanced around the room and cleared his throat. “Hospitals make me uncomfortable.”

  She sensed a wealth of unspoken thoughts. Adam wasn’t just uncomfortable here, he hated everything about the place. “A lot of people feel ill at ease in hospitals,” she said empath
ically. Why was it so hard for him to be here? Had he had a bad experience in hospital? Had he been sick?

  His smile was tight. “How about you give me that tour? The less time I spend here, the better.”

  Ouch. She knew he was talking about the hospital but she couldn’t help taking the comment personally. He was here because he had no choice. Matt couldn’t make it, so he came instead. Not to see her—to check out the program.

  She guided him through the rooms, bringing them to life as she detailed their future furnishings and functions to him.

  “And last of all,” she said as she led him into the cramped room with the sink and counter, “this will be the kitchen. We’ll add a kettle and microwave, and we’ll fill the shelves with plates and cutlery and the fridge with drinks and snacks. The kids can help themselves anytime. We’ll put the fridge in that corner—” she turned to point and lost her train of thought.

  The room was small with the two of them squeezed into it. They stood so close they almost touched. Adam made no pretence of looking where she pointed. He pinned his gaze on her mouth, his eyes hot and hungry. His lips parted and he swallowed hard as she stared back at him. The desire in his expression took her breath away.

  Lack of oxygen almost choked her and she inhaled deeply then let the air escape in soft shudders. Lord, what this man did to her with only a look. If he would just reach out and touch her now, she’d surrender herself to him in a heartbeat. Here in the kitchen, in the middle of the hospital, she would kick the door shut and claw his clothes off and tear her own away and just let him fuck her.

  “Lexi,” his voice was gruff.

  “Adam,” she whispered back.

  Silently, he stared at her mouth. Her eyelids grew heavy and fluttered closed. She hung there, suspended in the tiny room, waiting. The sound of their breathing drowned the noises outside. She floated toward him, her body pulled by an invisible magnet. Her lips parted slightly and she knew it was just a matter of time before his mouth touched hers, his tongue sought hers. Her heart raced and gooseflesh skittered up her spine. Blood pooled—

  “I’ve seen enough here. Let’s get on with it.”

  Lexi blinked in shock. What the…?

  Flecks of ice glinted in his eyes. She gaped at him, mortified. Talk about misreading a situation. Unable to take the mockery on his face a second longer, she pushed past him and called over her shoulder, “If you’ll come with me, I have a list of issues to discuss in my office.”


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