Fear: Trump in the White House

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Fear: Trump in the White House Page 42

by Bob Woodward

Gray, C. Boyden, 76, 77, 78

  Great Britain. See United Kingdom

  Great Recession (financial crisis of 2008), 137, 293

  Green Room (White House), 317

  Greenspan, Alan, 233

  Gridiron Dinner, 175–76

  Gulf Cooperation Council, 114

  Gulf War, 77, 117

  The Guns of August (Tuchman), 280

  Haberman, Maggie, 356

  Haiti, 320, 321

  Haley, Nikki, 179

  “hammerheads,” 33

  Handelsblatt, 326

  Hanoi Hilton, 77

  Haqqani Network, in Pakistan, 258

  Harvey, Derek, 108–14, 147–48, 151, 154

  Harward, Bob, 51–52

  Hatch, Orrin, 239, 291, 293, 294

  Heller, Dean, 295

  Hezbollah, 54, 109–10, 113, 154, 229

  Hicks, Hope, 20, 66, 165, 206, 252, 265, 270, 338, 356

  “the hidden Trump voter,” 24–25

  Hijazi, Aya, 324

  Hiroshima, 181

  Hitler, 239

  Holbrooke, Richard, 127

  Holder, Eric, 213

  Holt, Lester, 164

  Hoover, Herbert, 233

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 63, 71

  House Ethics Committee, 170

  House of Broken Toys

  Afghanistan as, 314

  Iraqi Operations Group as, 182, 183

  Huckabee Sanders, Sarah, 202–3, 241

  human trafficking, 104–5

  Hussein, Saddam, 65, 181–82, 185

  Hwasong-14 (North Korean ICBM), 178

  ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles), xviii, 60, 178–80, 230, 279, 302

  ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) union, 283

  Ignatius, David, 153


  Australian refugee agreement, 207

  border security, 320, 342

  chain immigration (family reunification policy), 186–87, 268, 321

  Cohn on U.S. as immigration center, 56

  diversity lottery, 321

  Dreamers and DACA, 185–88, 267, 285, 317, 318, 319, 321

  Graham on, 185–88, 317–21

  Mexicans called “rapists” by Trump, 11

  Muslim ban, 100

  Nielsen on, 284

  possible deal on, 317–23

  in presidential campaign, 15

  “shithole countries” remark, 320–21

  strategy on, 217

  Trump’s rhyming snake story on, 322–23

  wall, 175–76, 186, 284, 285, 317, 322, 323

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) union, 283


  of Bill Clinton, 181

  Trump and Comey firing, 164–65

  Trump and Mueller investigation, 355–56


  Afghanistan and, 121, 125, 127

  Modi and Trump, 125, 146

  Pakistan, as counterweight to, 146

  inflation, 57, 58

  Instagram, 206

  Intel, 247

  intellectual property violations by China, 272–73, 336, 337

  intelligence community. See also specific agencies

  on chemical weapons in Syria, 147

  North Korean nuclear proliferation, secretiveness about, 177–81

  Russia, first Trump briefing on, 62–71

  on Saudis, 111–12

  Trump’s war with, 65, 68, 71

  Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), xviii, 60, 178–80, 230, 279, 302

  The Interview (film), 98

  inversion (relocation of corporation’s legal home to low-tax company), 57–58, 289


  Bolton on, 87

  cyber wars with, 339

  European trade with, 221, 223

  Harvey and Kushner on, 109, 111, 113, 114

  Hezbollah and, 109, 154

  Iraq and, 182, 209

  Mattis and, 50, 52–54, 83

  National Security Strategy and, 298, 300

  nuclear deal with, 111, 129–33, 221–23

  Syria and, 154

  Tillerson on, 229

  Trump on state of regime in, 300

  U.S. in Afghanistan and, 313

  Yemen and, 72

  Iran-contra, 165, 352

  Iraqi Operations Group (The House of Broken Toys), 182, 183

  Iraqi Republican Guard, 117, 181

  Iraq/Iraq War

  Afghanistan compared, 128

  Bolton’s support for Iraq War, 87

  under George W. Bush, 314

  Dunford, in Iraq War, 100

  Gulf War, 77, 117

  Harvey as director for Middle East on, 108

  Iran and, 182, 209, 298

  Mattis and, 50, 51, 54

  McMaster and, 117, 314

  under Obama, 256

  paying for commitments in, 310

  Rice on, 185

  Saddam Hussein, efforts to remove, 181–83

  Tillerson on, 229

  Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229

  WMD allegations, 64

  ISIS, 39, 51, 61, 83, 196, 222, 229, 256

  Israel, 51, 109–11, 113, 114, 131, 298

  J. P. Morgan/JPMorgan Chase, 136, 248

  Jackson, Ronny, 266


  American relationship with, 96, 179, 219

  case for free trade with, 220

  Chinese intellectual property violations and, 272

  Hiroshima, 181

  North Korean nuclear proliferation and, 92, 93, 179, 224, 302, 306

  TPP and, 139

  trade with, 179, 220

  Jarrett, Valerie, 122

  Jefferson, Thomas, 246, 253

  Jefferson Memorial, 328

  Jeffersonian democracy, 127

  Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), 138


  agricultural products, trade in, 158–61, 220

  in automotive industry, 276

  China, jobs lost to, 6, 15

  employment statistics under Trump, 175

  in presidential campaign, 15

  service economy versus industrial/manufacturing jobs, 136–38

  tariffs affecting, 274, 335

  tax reform and, 292, 296

  trade agreements affecting, Trump’s views on, 134, 135, 137

  Johnson, Jeh, 29, 30

  Johnson, Ron, 295

  Johnson, Woody, 10

  JOLTS (Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey), 138

  Jones, Paula, 38, 39

  Jones, Seth G., 259

  Kahl, Colin, 301

  Kaine, Tim, 260

  Kasowitz, Marc, 167, 168, 169, 204

  Katsas, Greg, 192

  Keane, Jack, 49–51

  Keating Five ethics investigation, 168

  Kellogg, Keith, 77, 88, 126, 255, 257

  Kelly, John F.

  on Afghanistan, 254, 310, 311

  on Charlottesville, 240, 243, 246, 247, 249, 251, 253–54

  as chief of staff, 234–36, 311

  on Cobb, 326

  Chris Crane and, 283

  on disorder and disruption of White House staff, 261, 262–64, 265–66, 268, 269

  on immigration, 185–86, 285, 319, 323

  KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 265, 304, 306

  on McMaster versus Tillerson, 303

  media and, 285–86, 356

  Mueller investigation and, 325, 326, 342, 346, 347

  on NAFTA, 156

  Navarro and, 277–78

  Nielsen suggested as secretary of homeland security by, 284

  on North Korea, 281–82

  in Oval Office meetings, 265–66

  Porter and, 261–63, 268–69

  senior staff meetings of, 285–86

  short attention span of, 285

  tariffs and, 335–36, 337

  tax reform and, 292

  Tillerson warned about imminent removal by, 323

  on transgender troops, 203

  Trump, rela
tionship with, 263, 265–67, 268–69, 283–87

  Kennedy, Ted, 318

  Kenya, Hezbollah in, 109

  KEY2ACT, 42–43

  Khans (Gold Star parents), 74

  Kim Jong Il, 93

  Kim Jong Un, 93, 95, 97, 98, 180, 181, 183, 184, 206, 279, 280–81, 282, 300–302

  Kislyak, Sergey, 80, 81, 329, 330, 353

  Kissinger, Henry, 297

  KKK (Ku Klux Klan), 243, 246, 251

  Kobach, Kris, 188

  Koch brothers, 292

  Korean War, 96

  KORUS (United States–[South] Korea Free Trade Agreement), Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 243, 246, 251

  Kushner, Jared

  Bannon and Priebus, problems with, 144–45, 186, 194–95, 195–96, 237

  finances investigated, 163, 194–95

  foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

  foreign wars, Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229–30

  on immigration, 185–88, 217

  KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xx

  McMaster and, 88, 89, 229–30

  Middle East interests of, 109

  on NAFTA, 155, 156, 157

  on NATO, 78

  on Paris Climate Accord, 190

  political acumen of, 217–18

  in presidential election campaign, 20, 22, 26, 32, 33, 39, 40–41

  Priebus resignation and, 236, 237

  Russian election interference/collusion/Mueller investigation, 145, 165, 194–95, 197, 215

  on Saudi Arabia, 110, 111–14

  Sessions attack by Trump as smokescreen for Russian testimony of, 215

  Syrian air strike and, 144–45, 150, 154

  on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 138–39

  in transition-period economy meeting, 55, 59

  Kuttner, Robert, 259

  Lavoy, Peter, 116, 120

  leader’s command-and-control targeting, 181–84


  Bannon and Kushner, conflict between, 144–45, 190

  hacked Democratic Party emails, 28

  Podesta emails, 30, 36

  in presidential campaign, 14


  Beirut, bombing of Marine Barracks in (1983), 52

  Hezbollah, 54, 109–10, 113, 154, 229

  National Security Strategy and, 298

  Tillerson interventions on, 229

  Lee, Mike, 294

  Lee, Robert E., 238, 246

  Lewinsky, Monica, 36, 165, 352

  LGBT rights, 201–3

  libel laws, 318–19

  Libya, 195, 230

  lie detectors, 64

  lies and lying

  Hillary Clinton coming across as lying, 16

  Comey accused of, 169, 331

  by Flynn, 82, 198, 330, 345

  by Gates, 348

  Mueller investigation and, 4, 299, 347, 348, 352

  in polls, 45

  Trump, as liar, 208–9, 235, 320, 338, 353, 357

  Trump accusations of, 4, 169, 299, 331

  to Woodward, about North Korea, 177–78, 181

  Lighthizer, Robert E. (Bob), 142–43, 160, 266, 272, 274, 276

  Lincoln, Abraham, 123, 237, 253

  Lincoln Bedroom (White House), 328

  Lindsey, Lawrence B., 137

  lithium, 309

  “Little Rocket Man”/“Rocket Man,” 280, 281, 282

  “Lock Her Up” chant, 43, 60

  Lonesome Dove (novel/miniseries), 325

  Lowell, Abbe, 194

  loyalty, importance to Trump of, 66, 138–39, 176, 268, 317

  Lujan, Fernando, 117–18

  Lute, Douglas, 116

  M16 (United Kingdom), 63

  “Make America Great Again” slogan, 15, 115

  Manafort, Kathleen, 21

  Manafort, Paul, 9, 10, 13–14, 16, 20–22, 21–22, 26, 172, 197, 348

  Mar-a-Lago, 86, 88, 150, 151, 205, 299

  Marine One, 213

  Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP), 184

  Masters Tournament, 339

  Mattis, James

  on Afghanistan, 50, 51, 123, 124, 125–26, 196, 256, 258, 260, 313

  approach to working with Trump, 227–28

  on coordination of foreign policy, 195–96

  foreign policy, Bannon’s efforts to deal on, 196

  foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

  on Iran nuclear deal, 130, 132, 133

  KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 304, 305–6

  as “Mad Dog,” 50, 222

  McMaster and, 86, 154, 210, 211

  on NATO, 76–79

  on North Korea, xxi, xxii, 100, 106, 179, 180, 280, 302

  recruitment as secretary of defense, 50–54

  on Russian election interference, collusion, and Mueller investigation, 82–83, 325

  on Saudi Arabia, 110, 112, 114

  Sunday talk shows, refusal to appear on, 133

  on tariffs, 160

  Tillerson and, 132, 210–11

  on trade/trade agreements/trade deficits, 139, 146, 148, 149–50, 153, 154

  on transgender troops, 202, 203

  on Trump, 83

  waiver to become secretary of defense, 139

  Yemen, strike on, 72, 74

  MBN (Mohammed bin Nayef), 111–12

  MBS (Mohammed bin Salman), 111, 112

  McAuliffe, Terry, 84

  McCabe, Andrew, 63, 83–85

  McCabe, Jill, 84

  McCain, Cindy, 104–5

  McCain, John

  on Afghanistan, 260

  on Charlottesville, 239

  dinner with Trump, 104–5

  dislike of Trump, 104

  Dowd’s representation of, in Keating Five ethics investigation, 168

  Graham and, 99, 100, 104–5

  on North Korea, 105

  as presidential candidate, 17

  Steele dossier and, 63

  on Syrian air strike, 153

  Trump on Vietnam War experience of, 76–77, 104

  Yemen raid criticized by, 76–77

  McCain, Admiral John, 77

  McConnell, Mitch, 11, 104, 159, 187, 248, 291, 295

  McEntee, Johnny, 231

  McGahn, Donald, 80, 81, 162–63, 165, 170, 172, 192, 198, 268, 329, 330, 350

  McMaster, H. R.

  on Afghanistan, 117–21, 122, 123–26, 254, 255–56, 257, 258, 259, 260, 310–11, 314

  coordination failures in White House and, 261, 264, 265, 266

  Dereliction of Duty, 86, 87, 117

  on Iran nuclear deal, 131, 132, 133

  Iraq and, 117, 314

  KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 265, 303–4, 305, 307

  on NAFTA, 156

  on North Korea, 91, 101, 102, 103, 106–7, 184–85, 279–80, 282

  NSC process and, 228

  on Paris Climate Accord, 193

  Priebus and, 145–46

  recruitment as national security advisor, 86–90

  on Saudi Arabia, 110–14

  Saudi Arabian money, feud with Tillerson over, 303–4, 307

  on Syrian air strike, 145–46, 147, 148–49, 150, 151, 153, 154

  Tank meeting at Pentagon not attended by, 219

  on tariffs, 266–67

  Tillerson and Mattis, difficulties with, 154, 210–12, 228–29, 303–4, 307

  Trump, relationship with, 145–46, 230, 270

  Trump’s view of foreign wars and, 229–30, 314–15

  on Xi Jinping and China, 232

  Meadows, Mark, 43–44

  media. See also specific outlets

  Charlottesville and, 253–54

  Cobb interviews in, 325–26

  on Comey firing, 164

  credentials, Trump’s desire to pull, 356

  fake news, concept of, 164, 311, 357

  Hicks’s views on, 66

  Kelly an
d, 285–86, 356

  McMaster’s appointment as national security advisor and, 86–90

  on Mueller investigation, 165, 174, 197–98

  oppositional defiance syndrome attributed to, 66

  Trump heavily influenced by, 195, 231, 291

  Trump’s views on, 14, 86, 195, 356

  Mercer, Bob, 10, 13

  Mercer, Rebekah, 9–10, 13

  Merck, 247

  #MeToo, 299–300, 336


  case for free trade with, 220

  jobs lost to, 134, 135

  Mexicans called “rapists” by Trump, 11

  NAFTA, 135, 142, 155–58, 160, 233, 264, 274

  Middle East. See also specific countries

  Harvey as director for, 108–14

  Hezbollah in, 54, 109–10, 113, 154, 229

  importance of U.S. alliances in, 219

  ISIS in, 39, 51, 61, 83, 196, 222, 229, 256

  Mattis and, 50, 83, 219

  National Security Strategy on, 297–98, 316

  Trump briefings, 110

  U.S. payment for defense of, Trump on, 305


  arms deals, 220

  Charlottesville, comments on, 246

  SEALs, 51, 72–75, 243

  Syria, Saudi Arabia funding operations in, 303, 307

  transgender troops in, 201–3

  Trump’s ability to relate to families of, 73–75

  Miller, Jason, 20

  Miller, Stephen, 126, 133, 140, 187, 213–14, 217, 234, 235, 260, 268, 278, 320, 321

  Milley, Mark, 89, 246

  mineral wealth of Afghanistan, 125, 309–11

  Mnuchin, Steve

  on Charlottesville, 243, 250

  economy, meeting on, 55–57, 59

  foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

  on NAFTA, 156

  on North Korea, 180

  in presidential campaign, 26, 41–42

  on tax reform, 267, 290, 291, 292, 294

  on trade/trade agreements/trade deficit, 55–57, 59, 140, 143

  MOAB (Mother of All Bombs; GBU-43/B), 222

  Modi, Nahendra, 125, 146

  Mohammed bin Nayef (MBN), 111–12

  Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), 111, 112

  Moon Jae-in, 304

  MOP (Massive Ordnance Penetrator), 184

  Morell, Mike, 28–29

  Morning Joe (TV show), 153, 205

  moron, Tillerson describing Trump as, 225, 227, 228

  Mossad, 110

  Mother of All Bombs (MOAB; GBU-43/B), 222

  Mozambique, Hezbollah in, 109

  MSNBC, 165, 195, 205, 241

  Mueller, Robert (Bob)

  appointment of Mueller as special counsel, 165, 168

  conflict of interest raised by Trump, 166

  Dowd and, 170–72, 325

  Dowd’s negotiations with, 324–33, 343–56

  as FBI director, 168, 170

  Mattis and, 325

  silence of, 171, 349

  Mueller investigation

  anger and agitation of Trump regarding, 165–66, 168–69, 173–74, 268–69, 270–71, 331–32

  appointment of Mueller as special counsel, 165, 168


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