Fear: Trump in the White House

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Fear: Trump in the White House Page 44

by Bob Woodward

  U.S.S. Ross, 150

  Rubin, Robert, 59

  Rubio, Marco, 17, 239, 294


  cyber wars with, 339

  economy of, compared to U.S. and China, 298

  Flynn interview with Woodward on, 60–61

  FSB, 28, 64

  Iran and, 132

  North Korean nuclear proliferation and, 179, 180

  nuclear weapons and, 60–61, 132

  prostitutes/”golden showers” accusation, 64–65, 68–71

  Syria and, 28, 147, 149, 150–51, 153, 154

  Trump’s first briefing on, 62–71

  Ukrainian Trump campaign sabotage, propaganda about, 230

  U.S. in Afghanistan and, 313

  on war in Baltics, 132

  Russia, collusion with. See also Mueller investigation

  Dowd on lack of evidence for, 344–45, 357

  as “fake news,” 164

  FBI investigation of, 63

  FBI refusal to deny Times story about, 83–85

  Flynn’s denial of, 82

  initial intelligence report not suggesting, 67

  presidential campaign, meetings with Russians during, 197–98, 345, 349

  specific instances suggesting, 172–73

  Russian election interference. See also Mueller investigation

  Access Hollywood tape eclipsing, 30

  Clinton emails, 63, 67, 172–73

  Congress briefed about, 29

  first public release of information about, 28–29

  Flynn’s discussion of sanctions for, with Russian ambassador, 80–82

  initial evidence of, 27–29

  intelligence report on, 62–71

  Putin’s passive response to sanctions for, 81–82

  sanctions imposed by Obama for, 80, 81, 83, 330

  Trump addressing missing Clinton emails and, 172–73

  Trump’s view of, 65, 174, 330

  as “witch hunt,” 65, 174, 330

  Ryan, Paul, 31, 44, 130, 159, 239, 248, 286, 291, 292, 294, 356

  Salman (Saudi king), 114

  Sanders, Sarah Huckabee, 202–3, 241

  SAP (Special Access Programs), xviii, 83, 92, 180, 224, 305, 306

  sarin gas attack in Syria, air strike in retaliation for (April 2017), 146–54

  Sater, Felix, 199

  Saturday Night Massacre (1973), 216

  Saudi Arabia, 110–14, 183, 196, 298, 303, 307

  Scaramucci, Anthony, 233–34

  Scarborough, Joe, 153, 205

  Scavino, Dan, 206, 234, 235

  Schmidt, Michael, 164

  Schumer, Chuck, 286, 318

  SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), 83, 150, 207, 261

  Scott, Tim, 293

  SEALs, 51, 72–75, 243

  Secret Service, 35–36, 175

  Sekulow, Jay, 328, 333, 343, 345–46, 349, 351, 354

  Senate Armed Services Committee, 65, 99, 105, 255

  Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), 83, 150, 207, 261

  service economy versus industrial/manufacturing jobs, 136–38

  Sessions, Jeff

  on Afghanistan, 120, 126, 255, 257

  Bannon on, 299

  on immigration, 188, 267

  in presidential campaign, 46

  recusal of, 168, 176, 213, 216

  resignation called for, 213–16

  Russian election interference/collusion/Mueller investigation, 164, 166, 168, 174, 327, 347, 349

  Trump’s attacks on, 174, 176, 213–16, 299, 347

  sexual scandals

  Access Hollywood tape, 29–37, 39, 43

  of Clintons, 36, 38–39, 165, 352

  Russian prostitutes/“golden showers” accusation, 64–65, 68–71

  #TimesUp and #MeToo movements, Bannon on Trump as perfect foil for, 299–300

  Trump on handling, 175

  Shelton, Kathy, 38, 39

  “shithole countries” remark, 320–21

  Singapore, 220

  el-Sisi, Abdel Fattah, 324

  Situation Room meetings, 81, 83, 124, 158, 179, 182, 191, 227, 305, 311

  60 Minutes (TV show), 32, 311

  Slaughter, Anne-Marie, 153

  Sony Pictures Entertainment, North Korean cyber attack on, 97–98

  South Africa, Hezbollah in, 109

  South Korea. See also North Korea, nuclear proliferation in

  Afghanistan compared, 313

  case for free trade with, 220

  economy of, 305

  importance of U.S. alliance with, 219, 305–8

  KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

  THAAD missile defense system in, xxi–xxii, 106, 224, 285, 304

  troops in, Trump’s desire to pull out, 230

  U.S. dependents, consideration of withdrawing, 178, 302–3

  U.S. troops in, Trump’s desire to withdraw, xvii–xviii, 224, 230, 263, 264, 285, 305

  Winter Olympics (2018), 308

  South Lawn (White House), 323

  soybeans, 158, 341

  Special Access Programs (SAP), xviii, 83, 92, 180, 224, 305, 306

  Spicer, Sean, 133, 191

  Starbucks, 136

  steel tariffs, 135, 142, 160–61, 233, 266–67, 273–74, 277, 335, 336–37

  Steele, Christopher, and Steele dossier, 63–64, 327

  Sterling, VA, Trump National Golf Club, 166

  Stiglitz, Joseph, 233

  stock market, 194, 232, 242, 302, 334, 339

  Stone, Roger, 172

  Strategic & Policy Forum, 247–48

  strength/weakness, Trump’s concern about, xxii, 12, 34, 37, 66, 149, 152, 169, 175, 176, 214, 223, 242, 244, 247, 268, 281

  Strike Option Five, 53

  Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles, 60

  Surabian, Andy, 19–20

  Sweeney, Kevin, 196


  air strike in retaliation for sarin gas attack (April 2017), 146–54

  brutality of Assad regime in, 131

  Hezbollah in, 109

  ISIS in, 51

  jihadists migrating to Afghanistan from, 312

  Russia and, 28, 147, 149, 150–51, 153, 154

  Saudi Arabia funding operations in, 303, 307

  Tillerson on, 229

  Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229, 298

  Taiwan, 305

  Taliban, 116, 118–19, 121–23, 125–27, 255, 258, 260, 311–13

  Tank meeting on foreign policy (Pentagon), 218–26

  Tapper, Jake, 36

  tariffs, 135, 142, 158–61, 174, 175, 207–9, 232–33, 266–67, 273–74, 277, 334–37, 339–42

  tax on American consumers, tariffs as, 334

  Tax Policy Center, 295

  tax reform, 289–95

  Bannon on, 298

  Cohn on, 57, 249–50, 251, 267, 289–95

  Congress and, 267, 291–93, 294, 295

  corporate tax rate, 57, 289–90, 294, 295, 298

  increased economic growth as means of paying for, 291

  individual personal income tax rates, 290–91, 295, 296

  inversion, problem of, 57–58, 289

  job creation and wage growth, 292, 296

  middle-income families, relief for, 292, 295

  names for bill, 294

  pass-throughs, 292, 295

  percentage of Americans not paying tax, 293–94

  planning for, 291–93

  in presidential campaign, 18

  Priebus consulted by Trump on, 287

  simplification of code, 292

  tax credits and, 293–94

  tax returns, Trump’s refusal to release, 356

  Tea Party movement, 1, 2, 4, 5, 43

  TEAK, 303

  television watching, obsessive, of Trump, 158, 165, 195, 231, 270, 299, 339

  Tenet, George, 64, 182, 183

  Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system in South
Korea, xxi–xxii, 106, 224, 285, 304

  This Week (TV show), 340

  threat to national security, steel and aluminum imports as, 160, 337

  301 investigation into Chinese intellectual property violations, 272–73, 336, 337

  3M, 248

  Thune, John, 293, 295

  Tiberius Gracchus, Trump compared to, 25

  Tillerson, Rex

  on Afghanistan, 125, 260

  decision memos, on not being consulted about, 287

  on disorder in White House, 211–12

  foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

  on Iran nuclear deal, 129–33

  KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, 264, 305, 307

  Mattis and, 132, 210–11

  McMaster and, 154, 210–12, 228–29, 303–4

  moron, describing Trump as, 225, 227, 228

  on North Korea, 179, 180, 229, 282

  NSC process and, 228–29

  on Paris Climate Accord, 192

  Priebus and, 211–12, 227–28, 287–88

  recruitment as secretary of state, 54

  removal as secretary of state, 323

  resignation considered by, 227

  on Saudi Arabia, 110, 112, 114, 303–4, 307

  state department personnel disputes, 132–33

  on Syrian air strike, 150, 154

  Trump, relationship with, 227–28, 287–88, 323

  Time magazine, 26

  Time-Phased Force Deployment (TIPFID), 184

  #TimesUp, 299–300

  TIPFID (Time-Phased Force Deployment), 184

  Tomahawk missiles, 148, 150, 151, 152, 178

  Toomey, Pat, 293

  TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), withdrawal from, 139–40, 157

  Trade Act of 1974, 272

  trade/trade deficits/trade agreements

  agricultural products, 158–61, 220, 341

  antibiotics produced by China, 275

  arms deals, 220

  Bossert on trade with China, 339–42

  coordination problems, 140–43

  economy and trade deficit, relationship between, 137, 159, 275

  foreign policy, Pentagon lunch and Tank meeting on, 218–26

  free trade, Trump’s dislike of, 134, 218, 220

  imports posing threat to national security, 160–61

  intellectual property violations by China, 272–73, 336, 337

  job losses and, 134, 135, 137

  KORUS, Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

  NAFTA, 135, 142, 155–58, 160, 233, 264, 274

  service versus industrial/manufacturing economy, 136–38

  tariffs, 135, 142, 158–61, 174, 175, 207–9, 232–33, 266–67, 273–74, 277, 334–37, 339–42

  TPP, withdrawal from, 139–40, 157

  “Trade is Bad” note, 208

  U.S. as trade-based economy, 56

  White House staff and Trump’s views on, 134–43

  WTO, 264, 276

  transgender persons in the military, 201–3

  transition period, 47–71

  Priebus and election night, 47

  resistance of Trump to planning/financing for, 42

  Russia, Trump’s first briefing on, 62–71

  White House staffing during, 47–54, 58–60, 66

  Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), withdrawal from, 139–40, 157


  Flynn’s denial of, 82

  Trump accusing Cohn of, 249

  Trump, Barron, 175, 299, 328

  Trump, Donald. See also presidential election campaign; transition period; Twitter, Trump’s use of; specific issues, e.g. North Korea, nuclear proliferation in

  abortion, views on, 3, 6

  anger issues of, 253

  apologies, difficulties with making, 34, 242, 244, 249

  as “baby,” 14

  bankruptcies of, 274–75

  Bannon, breakdown in relationship with, 190, 297–301

  called “dotard” by Kim Jong Un, 281

  as change agent, 15, 297

  crowdsourcing by, 231

  diet of, 14

  on election night, 45–47

  erratic nature of, 226, 232, 252

  “Executive Time” for, 266

  failure to listen to advisers, 232

  on fear, as real power, xiii, 175, 275, 300

  fighting/pushing back, belief in, 12, 166, 174, 175, 243–44

  finances, Mueller investigation of, 199–201

  Graham, relationship with, 99–105

  grievance, sense of, 299

  impeachment discussed, 164–65, 355–56

  impulsivity of, xix–xx, 89, 100, 231, 282

  on lawyers, 268, 271, 354

  leveraging abilities of, 288

  as liar, 208–9, 235, 320, 338, 353, 357

  loneliness of, 169

  loyalty, importance of, 66, 138–39, 176, 268, 317

  Mattis on, 83

  media, influence of, 195, 231, 291

  media, views on, 14, 86, 195, 356

  military families and, 73–75

  “moving in both directions” comment, 280

  100th day in office, 155

  permanent governmental institutions, understanding of power of, 162

  persona of, 3, 25

  personal appearance of, 66–67

  presidency, definition of job of, xxii

  rallies, fondness for, 271

  refusals to pay, 16, 275

  “Rocket Man”/”Little Rocket Man” comments, 280, 281, 282

  signing, fondness for, 263

  staff, relationship with, 235–36

  staff chaos and churn, enjoyment of, 287

  stress experienced by, 266

  tax returns, refusal to release, 356

  television watching, obsessive, 158, 165, 195, 231, 270, 299, 339

  as throwback to 1950s America, 136, 299

  U.N. General Assembly address (September 2017), 280–81

  voting record of, 3–4

  weakness/strength, concern about, xxii, 12, 34, 37, 66, 149, 152, 169, 175, 176, 214, 223, 242, 244, 247, 268, 281

  World Economic Forum, speech at (January 2018), 298–99

  Trump, Donald, Jr. (Don), 32, 35, 197, 198, 345, 349

  Trump, Ivanka

  Bannon and Priebus, problems with, 144–45, 189–90, 237

  Charlottesville and, 245, 249

  Comey, firing of, 163

  on FBI seeking Kushner’s financial records, 163

  as “first daughter,” 145

  foreign wars, Trump’s desire to pull out of, 229–30

  on immigration, 186, 187, 188

  marriage to Jared Kushner, xx

  on Paris Climate Accord, 189–90

  in presidential campaign, 20, 32

  Priebus resignation and, 236, 237

  Syrian air strike and, 148

  tax reform and, 292, 294

  Yemen, death of Ryan Owens in, 73, 74

  Trump, Melania, 32, 34, 69, 174–75, 195, 299, 318

  Trump International Golf Club, West Palm Beach, 316

  Trump National Golf Clubs

  Bedminster, 12, 51, 229, 238, 240, 248, 261

  Sterling, VA, 166

  Trump Organization

  business credit score of, 58

  Goldman Sachs not doing business with, 275

  tax reform, effects of, 295

  Trump Tower, 2, 12, 19, 20, 31, 35, 42, 46, 49, 55, 66, 67, 103, 136, 197, 199, 245–47, 345, 349

  Trump voters. See also rallies

  farmers and agricultural producers as, 220

  “the hidden Trump voter,” 24–25

  Tuchman, Barbara, The Guns of August, 280

  Turnbull, Malcolm, 207–9

  Twitter, Trump’s use of

  on Afghanistan, 115–16

  centrality to Trump presidency, 206–7

  on CEOs resigning from American Manufacturing Council and Strateg
y & Policy Forum over Trump’s Charlottesville comments, 247–48

  Charlottesville, Pence retweeting Trump remarks on, 253–54

  on Hillary Clinton missing emails, 173

  doubling of number of characters in a single Tweet, 207

  Graham on, 103–4

  Manafort influenced by, 20–21

  on Jill McCabe campaign donations, 84

  on Morning Joe hosts, 205, 206

  on North Korea, 300–302

  during presidential campaign, 20, 39

  on Priebus’s resignation and replacement by Kelly, 234–35

  on Putin, 82

  on Russia dossier with prostitute allegations, 71

  on Russian election interference, 65, 330

  Sessions attacked, 214, 215

  staff efforts to control, 195, 205–7

  Tillerson, removal of, 323

  on transgender troops, 202

  Tyson, Laura, 233


  Manafort, funds paid to, 21–22

  Trump campaign sabotage, Russian propaganda about, 230

  Under Armour, 247

  United Auto Workers, 335

  United Kingdom

  Bannon on Kushner leak to Daily Mail, 145

  Brexit referendum, 78

  libel laws in, 318–19

  MI6, 63

  United Nations General Assembly, Trump addressing (September 2017), 280–81

  United Nations Security Council, 179–80, 232, 272

  United States–[South] Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS), Trump’s desire to terminate, xvii–xxii, xxiii, 105–7, 142, 224, 233, 264–65, 300, 304–8

  U.S.S Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), 213

  U.S.S Porter, 150

  U.S.S Ross, 150

  Venezuela, Hezbollah in, 109

  Veterans Administration reform plan, 18

  The Victory Sessions (radio show), 2

  Vietnam War, 76–77, 93, 96, 117

  Virginia Democratic Party, 84

  voting record of Trump, 3–4

  Wall Street Journal, 43, 122, 214, 339, 361

  Wallace, Chris, 44–45, 107

  Walsh, Katie, 22–23, 25

  Washington, George, 246, 253

  Washington Memorial, 328

  Washington Post

  on Access Hollywood tape, 29–30

  on Afghanistan, 254

  on Cohn resignation, 339

  on Dowd resignation, 356

  on Flynn/Russian ambassador discussions, 80–81

  on immigration, 318

  on Kushner finances, 194

  on Mueller investigation, 172, 198

  on nuclear weapons, 301

  on Porter domestic abuse allegations, 336

  Watergate, 165, 171, 173, 215, 352, 360

  weakness/strength, Trump’s concern about, xxii, 12, 34, 37, 66, 149, 152, 169, 175, 176, 214, 223, 242, 244, 247, 268, 281

  West Palm Beach, Trump International Golf Club at, 316

  Westerhout, Madeleine, 157, 218, 265–66, 286


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