Blissfully Broken

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Blissfully Broken Page 5

by Red Phoenix

  The Cabin

  Jenny started driving, not having a clue where she was headed. She couldn’t understand how the night had gone from a playful interlude to this. She cranked up her tunes and let the tears fall. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that Ryan had hurt her and lied about Kelly.

  After driving for an hour, she realized she was in the foothills headed towards Dan’s family cabin. She hoped his family wouldn’t mind if she spent the night there.

  The cabin was dark when she pulled up. She remembered fondly how it looked buried in snow with the trail of smoke flowing from the chimney. She hefted her bag on her shoulder and located the key under the porch. When she opened the door, she was assaulted with the smell of stale smoke. She figured no one had aired the place out after the two of them were snowed in together.

  Luckily, the electricity was back. She flicked on the lights and looked around, noticing that the place was exactly the same as they left it all those months ago. There was even a can of Vienna sausages still on the counter. She went over and popped it open, suddenly aware that she was hungry.

  The pile of firewood still lined one side of the cabin wall. She picked up a couple of logs and started a fire. The warm glow set her mind at ease. She gathered blankets off one of the beds and brought it to the couch. She lay down and wrapped herself in them, staring at the flames. It calmed her. Being here brought a sense of home. She sighed and snuggled deeper into the blanket. On the coffee table sat the deck of cards. She smiled, remembering Dan’s game of strip poker.

  Ryan was right; she had played into Dan’s hands willingly. Maybe not at first, but there was a spark she could not deny. Even though their affair had wrecked havoc on both their lives, she didn’t regret it. For a brief period of time, the three of them had been happy – truly happy.

  Now it was over, Kelly had seen to that. Just as Jenny had willingly played into Dan’s hands, Ryan had done the same with Kelly. Jenny could just imagine Kelly systematically breaking down Ryan’s defenses until he started questioning the beautiful relationship the three had created.

  Where did that leave her now? A huge yawn escaped her lips. Now was not the time to decide. Tomorrow, after a good night’s rest, she would have a better perspective. She let the fire die down and drifted off to sleep.

  She awoke to the sound of the cabin door opening and screamed out in fear.

  “It’s okay, Jenny. It’s just me.” Dan turned on the lights. She had to blink several times before she could make out more than his outline. He carried a bag of groceries and his own overnight bag. “I had no idea you would be here until I saw your car parked outside.”

  “I didn’t think your family would mind,” she said defensively. “I just needed a place to stay for one night.”

  “It’s fine.” He put his stuff down on the counter and walked over to her. “What happened with Ryan?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it tonight.”

  He headed to the kitchenette. “Okay. We can talk in the morning. Let me get this stuff put away and you can go back to sleep.” He threw the groceries in the fridge and started the fire back up. He turned off the lights and joined her on the couch. She made room so that they were laying side-by-side watching the flames lick the pieces of wood.

  Despite the emotional day, the hypnotic character of the fire and the warmth of his embrace helped her drift off to sleep. She felt safe with his arms wrapped around her, she always had.

  Jenny didn’t wake until morning when she felt him shifting. “Go back to sleep,” he murmured.

  She couldn’t, so she lay there and watched him. Dan reignited the fire and started brewing coffee. While it dripped, he made scrambled eggs. Soon the little cabin was filled with the aromatic smell of strong coffee and smoked bacon. He laid the feast on the table and motioned to her.

  “Come join me for some needed sustenance. Something tells me you survived on Vienna sausages last night and that won’t do.”

  She smiled and wrapped the blanket around her as she made her way to the table. She couldn’t help thinking of their snowy interlude on that same piece of furniture. She blushed when she sat down. “Thanks, Dan.”

  They ate in silence. Finally, he asked, “So what happened after I left?”

  “Ryan blamed you for everything. Kelly made sure of that.”

  “So he’s been in contact with her?”

  “Yes, for a while now apparently. I just found out yesterday. If you can believe, Ryan has this crazy idea that everything can go back to the way it was without you.”

  “Kelly is a convincing manipulator. He was a fool to listen to her and a bigger fool to keep it a secret from us.”

  “I swear I saw her outside the restaurant yesterday after I met with Ryan. I’m afraid she might be stalking him.”

  “Don’t worry about Ryan. He can take care of himself. It’s only you I’m worried about.”

  “But Dan, she’s ruined everything! It can never be like it was these past few months.”

  “No, that part of our lives is over,” he said solemnly. He put his fork down and stared at her. “What are you planning to do, Jenny?”

  She pushed her plate away and looked at him sadly. “I’ve finally come to realize something I’ve been blind to for years.” Her lip trembled slightly. “Ryan and I don’t want the same thing. He’s always been dead set on advancing in his job, but I hate the hours. I didn’t realize how much because I’ve grown accustom to being alone most of the time… until you came into my life. I don’t want to go back to that lifestyle, spending my life waiting for someone to come home.”

  “He wants to provide for you,” Dan said in his best friend’s defense.

  “I don’t care about the money, I never have.”

  He got up and collected her plate, taking them both to the sink to rinse. “So are you thinking about leaving him?” he asked as the water trickled slowly out of the faucet.

  Jenny’s heart rate shot up. It was the million-dollar question. She finally understood that their lives were not compatible, even though she loved him. It was clear to her now. “Ryan needs a woman who can appreciate his drive to succeed in the business world. The fact is I am not that woman.”

  Dan turned towards her, his hair covering his eyes. He brushed it back all cute-like. “What does that mean for us?”

  Jenny stood up and walked over to him. She put her hands on his chest and looked into his dark brown eyes. “I love you, Dan. I want to be with you.”

  He wrapped her in a tight embrace. “God, how I have wanted to hear you say that,” he said, his voice gruff with emotion.

  Jenny rested her head against his firm chest and a feeling of peace enveloped her. She had found her home. This time there was no second-guessing her desire. She loved Dan - mind, body and soul.

  He pulled away and grabbed her hand, heading towards the door. “Come with me.”

  “But I don’t have shoes on,” she complained.

  “You won’t need them. It’s not far.” Dan led her outside to the large pine that stood in front of the cabin. She tiptoed her way through the tiny rocks and pine needles, giggling as he smiled down at her. His eyes held a sparkle she only seen once before - the day she shouted that she loved him in the cabin.

  Dan pointed to the large Blue Spruce. “My great grandparents planted this tree after they built the cabin. It has special significance to me because my dad proposed to my mom under its branches. He even carved their initials in the trunk.” Dan lovingly caressed the scars on the bark. She touched the outline of the heart with her finger.

  Jenny felt a nervous tingling course through her body when he took her hand. “Jenny, I would like to continue that tradition.” She looked into his eyes, suddenly unable to breathe. His hand gently cupped her cheek. “Will you be my wife?”

  Her whole body quivered at his touch. “Dan…”

  “I love you, woman. I don’t want to share you anymore. I want you all to myself. Forever.”

pressed her hand against his and said with tears in her eyes, “That sounds incredible.”

  He took a deep breath and asked, “Is that a yes then?”

  She took his hand and kissed it tenderly. “Yes.”

  Dan picked her up and lifted her high above him, turning in circles. “She said yes!” he shouted and the mountains echoed back their reply. He brought her back to earth and kissed her fiercely. “My woman.”

  She grabbed his waist and pressed herself against him. “My man.”

  He smiled down at her and then pulled a pocketknife out from his jeans. Dan set to the task of marking the tree with their initials on the other side of the tree trunk. As she watched, she could just imagine one of their children doing the same years from now. It was surreal and wonderful.

  When he was finished, he stood back and asked, “What do you think, Jenny?”

  She ran her finger over the fresh cuts. “It’s beautiful.”

  He folded the pocketknife and then picked her up, carrying her back into the cabin. He set her on the couch and sat down beside her. “You realize this officially marks the beginning of our lives together.”

  She snuggled up closer to him. “Funny that it took a blizzard to set us on the right path.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Nature seems to have a wisdom all her own.”

  They sat there in pleasant silence. After a while, however, his closeness called to her. He must have felt it too because he leaned over and growled softly in her ear, “So Jenny, have you ever…”


  Look for the final book in the series coming soon... Blissfully Taken ~ Jenny is excited about her plans to wed to Dan, but is heartbroken for Ryan. Can the three navigate a friendship after the breakup of their ménage a trios? Kelly isn’t thrilled with the way things are turning out and is determined to do everything in her power to stop the wedding.

  Luckily, karma doesn’t take kindly to bullies.

  Red Phoenix is author of:

  Blissfully Snowbound

  (Snowy Fun - Two people find themselves snowbound in a cabin where hidden love can flourish)

  Blissfully In Love

  (Sexy Menage a Trois- The sequel to Blissfully Snowbound explores the loving relationship between one girl and two passionate men)

  Blissfully Broken

  (Scandalous Threesome – The third in the Blissful series. The sexy threesome is headed towards rough waters after a certain ex friend exacts her revenge,)

  Brie’s First Day of Submissive Training

  (Submissive Exploration – A young woman enters a world of new experiences when she enrolls in The Submissive Training Center)

  Brie Learns to Obey

  (Submissive 101 – The sequel to Brie’s First Day, the young lady learns about obedience and Sir’s intimate touch)

  Brie Learns Her Power as a Submissive

  (Sensual Power – The third in the series. The young student will have to prove herself worthy to remain in the program)

  Brie Lives Her Fantasy

  (Submissive Fantasies – Fourth in the Brie series, the young lady is auctioned off to a Dom who makes her ultimate fantasy come to life)

  Brie Practices Her Oral Skills

  (Seductive Skills – The fifth book in the Brie series focuses on a week of oral exams and a day alone with a hot doctor.)

  The Sensual Erotica Series

  (Sexual Adventures - True love reigns, but fate continually throws Troy & Amy into the arms of others)

  Keeper of the Wolf Clan

  (Sexual Secrets - A virginal werewolf must act as the clan’s mysterious Keeper)

  In 9 Days

  (Sweet Romance - A young girl falls in love with the new student nicknamed The Freak)

  9 Days and Counting

  (Sacrificial Love – The sequel to In 9 Days delves into the emotional reunion of two longtime lovers.)

  And Then He Saved Me

  (Saving Tenderness – When a young girl tries to kill herself, a man of great character intervenes with a love that heals)

  Play With Me at Noon

  (Seeking Fulfillment) - A desperate wife lives out her fantasies by taking five different men in five days.

  Varick: The Reluctant

  (Savory Vampire) - A dark, sexy vampire story. The hero navigates the dangerous world he has been thrust into with lusty passion and a pure heart.

  You can find Red on:

  Twitter: @redphoenix69

  Facebook: Red Phoenix




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