SE7EN: A Single Dad Mafia Romance

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SE7EN: A Single Dad Mafia Romance Page 18

by Ann, Bry

  Fuck it.

  “I’ll be there!”

  Lacey opens her mouth but Seven walks in the room then.

  “Lacey.” He nods respectfully at her. She rolls her eyes slightly but greets him back before throwing headphones on and disappearing from the room.

  “What were you two talking about?” he murmurs.

  “Just planning your demise.”

  “Hmm, sure. You’re such a nerd.”

  “So you’ve said, but I still know you like it.”

  His arms wrap around me from behind. I’m coated in an ocean of warmth.

  “Nia and I are having a movie night. Wanna join?”



  My heart jumps and skips with excitement!

  “Yes, thank you. That sounds… well, that sounds amazing!”

  He gently turns me and guides my gaze up using the back of my head.

  “I’m sorry I was an asshole.”

  Swallowing, I nod. “It’s okay.”

  “Won’t do it again.”

  “Better not, Seven. I’m serious. You better not.”

  “I won’t.” His lips slide, soft and smooth, over the tender skin on my forehead. “Need a favor, though.”


  “I need you to talk to somebody about what happened. You’re avoiding it.”

  I jerk back. His hands are behind me, so he doesn’t let me go far.

  “It’s okay, hun. I know you’re hurting. You can shine your brightness all over the place, but I still see you.”

  His intense eyes drill into me.

  “Why?” My voice cracks.

  “I don’t know, Isla. Scares the fuck of me. I just… see you. I feel you. When you’re here, I know. When you’re hurting, I know. When you’re lost, I feel lost. And I don’t know why.”

  I lift my chin and push aside the memories.

  “I’ll get help when you do.” It’s his turn to rear back. “That’s right. I’m holding you accountable. You can’t ask me to do something you won’t do yourself, Seven.”

  “I have rules, Isla,” he hisses.

  “You don’t have to get therapy for your mafia stuff. Just… the other stuff.”

  “Boss would never approve. It’s too risky.”

  “I’ll make him. Give me another excuse. I’m ready for it.”

  “You’ll make him?” His lip twitches.


  I keep my voice even and stern. I don’t want him making a joke of this! I mean it. I’ll shout my trauma from the rooftops if it means he’ll get help for his PTSD.

  “There’s no helping a man like me,” he whispers, turning away.

  “Hey, that’s not true!” I grab his face and turn it my way. Gosh, he’s like a vicious, cuddly, strong, warm teddy bear. “I promise. I’ll find someone who knows about PTSD in veterans. I’ll find someone. I promise, Seven.”

  His gaze quickly flickers my way.

  “Why do you care so much?”

  “I don’t know. Remember how you said you see me and it freaks you out?”

  He grunts.

  “I feel you and I can’t handle knowing you’re hurting. I gotta help.”

  “You feel that way about everyone,” he laughs. “It’s like God dropped you here straight from heaven.”

  “Let’s not get carried away,” I laugh. “Ask Danny. I’m no angel.”

  His eyes grow heated and roam over me once. I see him visibly try to fight it, but my panties are already growing wet, my cheeks are flushed, and the air is thick between us.

  He fails.

  Really fails.

  “Shit. I’m gonna… get… Nia,” he grunts, stumbling back. “Meet me up front.”

  He bolts out of the hallway and I’m left panting up against the wood wall post. I feel 1,000 degrees and my heart is pounding.

  I take five deep, deep breaths to control myself and make my way out of the hall and toward the front door, more than ready to be out of here. Guards and random people pass as I wait, but no one bothers me, despite how anxious I feel.

  About five or so minutes later, a large and smaller figure appear out of the shadows. Nia smiles a little when she sees me. She wiggles out of Seven’s grip and runs over, wrapping her arms around my legs.

  “Hey, princess!”

  I wrap her back in a half-hug, the best I can give her with her tangled around my legs. When she doesn’t let go, I chuckle.

  “I missed you, too! Soooo much.”

  Her grip loosens on me slightly, so I use that time to wiggle out of her grasp and bend down and pick her up. As soon as I have her in my arms, she puts her head on my shoulder and squeezes me tight. It makes water come to my eyes.

  “Aw, sweetheart, I wasn’t gonna leave you. I’m okay. I promise,” I whisper, holding back tears. I glance at Seven through Isla’s hair. He looks guilt-ridden and touched. It’s his fault I couldn’t see her!

  “Did your dad tell you I’m staying for movie night?” I make my voice cheery.

  She nods vigorously.

  “Hey, princess.” I pull her away and poke her nose. “I want words from you today.”

  She nods a little shyly.

  “Starting now.”

  “‘Kay,” she croaks.

  “It’ll get easier. I promise,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Seven!” I call over.

  He glances up.

  “Do you have dinner planned?”

  “Not yet. Why?”

  “Can we get pizza, no veggies? Danny’s a health freak and never lets me eat pizza.”

  He chuckles lightly. “Okay, Nia loves pizza. Don’t you, kiddo?”

  She smiles at him. “Y… es.”

  Seven and I beam at each other.

  “Then pizza it is!”

  We’re all laughing as we walk out of the mafia mansion to Seven’s quaint apartment.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Noooo! Are you freaking kidding me?” Isla screams at the television, jumping to her feet. “That call was bullshit!”

  Nia and I glance at each other, smirking. She shrugs at the curse word.

  “Hey, uh, Isla? Can we start the movie or…?”

  “Five minutes.” She waves her hand behind her head and jumps up.

  “Yes, run! Come on, 7, goooooo!”

  Nia scoots over and sits on my lap, giggling.

  “Who knew she was so into sports, huh?” I whisper.

  Nia giggles again. “Fun…ny.”

  “Very funny, sweetie.”

  “YESSSSS!! Boo-ya. Score! See ya later, suckers!”

  Isla spins to look at us from her spot right in front of the TV and immediately blushes. Both Nia and I raise our eyebrows. I kick my feet up on the ottoman. Nia crosses her arms.

  “I…” Isla blushes hard and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ears. “I really like sports. I get a little carried away.”

  “Yeah,” I burst out laughing. “I see that. Jesus.”

  Nia giggles.

  “I’m sorry.” She facepalms, fidgets, and darts over to the movie case. “Which movie do you all want to watch?”

  She’s trying to change the subject ‘cause she’s embarrassed. I wink at Nia, lift her off my lap, and go over to Isla. I know she senses me behind her because she stiffens and her hand freezes over the Frozen DVD.

  I duck down and place my hands on her shoulders.

  “What?” she whispers.

  I know she feels my hot breath on her skin, because her entire body trembles beneath my fingers.

  “Just came to tell you what a weirdo you are.”


  She turns to swat me with the DVD, but I dodge her. She falls back, but quickly jumps up and reaches for my armpits.

  “Isla, no!”

  I roar out laughter as she tickles me. God, I’ve never been tickled. What the hell?!


  I laugh and laugh.

o’s weird now, huh?” Isla giggles.

  “Nia—” I gasp for breath, I’m laughing so hard. “Help.”

  I don’t know what happens next between the tears rolling down my cheeks and the deafening laughter, until I hear Nia’s distinct voice.

  “Dad…” her hoarse voice calls. “Dad…”

  I sit up to see her straddling Isla. Isla’s head is rolling back and forth with laughter. My heart spurs to life.

  “I got her, N!”

  Nia releases the loudest laugh I’ve ever heard from her as I crawl over Isla, being sure not to put too much weight on her.

  “Ready for revenge, Isla Grace?”

  “No!” she screams, laughing and catching her breath. “The movie.”

  “Nope, not before I tickle you back.”

  My hands go to her sides and I wiggle my fingers over her ribcage. She rolls back and forth trying to escape my attack. Her whole face is lit up with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Uncle!” she screams, laughing. “Uncle, uncle…”

  I release my hands and look down at her. She smiles up at me while wiping the tears from her cheeks. Nia crawls up next to us and lightly pretends to push me off her. I extend my hand and help pull Isla up. Her face is red and sheened with sweat. Staring into her big hazel eyes, I can’t help but think she’s the most beautiful woman in the world.

  * * *

  They’re asleep.

  Nia’s passed out on the floor, spread out like a starfish with kernels of popcorn around her hair.

  Isla’s leaning against my shoulder, softly snoring. I don’t wanna wake her, but I have to put Nia to bed.

  “Isla,” I whisper. “Isla.”


  I smile a little. “I need to put Nia to bed.”

  “Right, mmm,” she moans as she slides off my shoulder. Her eyes are a bit puffy, but she offers me a wobbly smile.

  She pushes to her feet and starts dragging herself around my apartment.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper, tiptoeing over to her.

  “Getting my stuff.”


  Her brows furrow a bit. “To go.”

  “You can stay. I don’t mind. It’s not like you haven’t been here before.”

  “You sure?” she murmurs, already sounding exhausted.

  “Make yourself at home. Let me just get Nia to bed, then I’ll come check on you.”

  “How about,” she yawns, “you put her in bed with me. I’m a girl and,” Isla’s eyes flutter, “I’m safe. Good transition.”

  “You don’t think she’ll be scared?”

  “No.” Isla gives Nia’s sleeping form a warm smile. “If you’ll trust me. I got her.”

  “I trust you, hun.”

  Isla drags her feet down the hallway as I make my way over to Nia. I scoop her up in my arms and start carrying her to her room. Isla already has the covers pulled back. I shift Nia on my hip and reach out to pull the covers back a bit more. I only have them slightly lifted when Isla slams her hand down on the top of the comforter.

  “I’m in sleep shorts,” she blurts, blushing.

  Oh shit…

  My heated gaze goes to her as I let out a noncommittal sound. I need to get the hell out of here. Carefully, I place Nia down on the bed and kiss her forehead.

  “I hope you sleep here tonight, sweetie,” I whisper. I place my hand on her forehead to make sure her skin’s still warm and she’s alive. I do it every night. I’m terrified I’ll lose her.

  Like I lost Delilah.

  I glance up quickly, unable to look at Isla knowing she’s half-naked.


  I cock my chin and rush out of the room. She laughs a little breathily.

  “Night, Seven. Thank you.”

  * * *

  I wake up to giggling.

  “Nia,” I grumble, pushing up to sit. She jumps on the bed and curls into my side.

  “Sur…” She scrunches her face with struggle. “…prise.”


  “Surprise!” Isla bursts out from around the corner. Isla, whose face I jacked off to last night.

  I pull the covers up a bit, but her gaze immediately flies to my bare chest. She quickly turns away and starts fidgeting. Her cheeks heat to a bright red color.

  I glance between the two of them.

  “Nia, did you sleep with Miss Isla last night? In the bed?”

  I raise my eyebrows pointedly. Nia looks at the covers and takes a deep breath. She grabs my wrist, and I let her because it’s obvious she’s struggling with the fact that she slept on a mattress. I don’t wanna overwhelm her.




  “Nia, that’s the best gift you could ever give me!”

  Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.

  “No,” Nia says, shaking her head back and forth.

  “To me it is,” I argue.

  “No…” She opens her mouth to explain, but gets nervous and looks to Isla for help.

  “Nia, tell him,” she encourages.

  I look at Nia. Her hair is sticking up in all directions and you can definitely tell Isla dressed her instead of me. I do my best, but obviously style and me don’t go. Isla has Nia dressed in a light pink dress with matching socks that have lace on the ends. Around Nia’s neck is a little crown necklace.

  I twirl it between my fingers.

  “Where’d you get this from, huh, silly?”

  “I gave it to her,” Isla says above Nia’s head. “I was wearing it yesterday. It matched Nia’s outfit so perfectly and reminded me of the little princess.”

  I glance at Nia. She’s grinning.

  “That was very nice of Miss Isla, wasn’t it, sweetie?”

  “Yes.” Nia smiles warmly at Isla.

  Nia jumps once on the bed using her knees.

  “Dad…” Nia’s eyes furrow and she quickly looks to Isla. Isla gives her a soft look.

  “You can do it, princess. Tell him.”

  “Dad… fo…od.”

  Two words? She said two words!

  “Nia! I’m so proud of you.”

  Before I can grab her and hug the hell out of her, she’s jumping out of the bed, taking Isla’s hand, and dragging her from the room. Isla glances over her shoulder and smiles softly at me.

  “We’ll be right back.”

  Uh, alright?

  Less than two minutes later, both girls come back in with a tray in hand, beaming.

  “We made you breakfast!” Isla announces, carefully passing the tray off to Nia to set on my lap. I smirk at her. She doesn’t want to get close to me since she knows I’m just in my boxers. As if on cue, she turns away from me. The loss of Isla almost sends the food toppling onto my lap. Luckily, I catch the tray in time. I glance down to see a tray full of eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, and cranberry juice.

  “This was so… nice.”

  The words get lodged in my throat. No one’s ever… I… I squeeze my eyes shut to stop the swell of emotions rising. I feel both of their eyes on me, but I need a minute. I have to get it together. I’m in the mafia for God’s fucking sake.

  “Seven?” Isla whispers.

  God, I need just one moment! Nia’s touching my arm. I’m her dad. She’s talking. They made me breakfast. I’m gonna explode with feeling.

  “Hey, Nia, can your dad and I have a moment? Can you go make your friends some pictures while he eats? I’ll be out soon.”

  No! We absolutely cannot have… My tray is plucked from my hands and planted on the side table.

  “Seven, were you gonna cry?”

  Isla’s in the same pink scrubs from the night before, makeup free, hair all a mess. Gorgeous.

  “No,” I bark, gritting my jaw.

  Her soft fingers curl around my cheek and press. Our eyes meet. She leans in close, warm, fresh breath on my face.

  “Were you gonna cry, Seven?” she whispers.

  Staring into her eyes, I admit, “No one�
�s ever cooked me breakfast before.”


  It runs right through me as her lips crash against mine. She whimpers and tangles her fingers through my hair.

  “Isla,” I groan. She pulls herself closer but still stays hanging over the side of the bed. My cock is hard as fuck. I need to feel her. Touch her. Smell her.

  I grab her waist and hoist her above me so her back is flat on my bed. When she’s there, beneath me, I reignite the kiss and deepen it. I slide my fingers through her crazy, silky hair and hold her where I want her so she’s helpless against the pleasure I want to ignite through our joined lips.

  “Seven,” she breathes when I pull away for a minute. Her pupils are wide and her breath is deep.

  She’s aroused. For me. For a man like me. I don’t understand.

  “Let me make you feel good, honey.”

  Her entire body trembles.

  “Seven…” Her voice shakes.

  I gingerly run my hand down her arm.

  “Whatever you want, hun. I’ll walk right out this door, tray in hand, or I’ll make you come ‘til my name is the only thing left on your lips. All your choice, angel.”

  “Holy shit,” she breathes as her body shakes. “I’m not very experienced.”

  She pauses and looks at me.

  “I’m scared,” she whispers.

  “I won’t hurt you, and Isla, I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. I’d never judge you, if that’s something you're afraid of.”

  She ducks down, confirming what I thought. It’s not about me. She’s shy.

  “I’d never judge you, honey.”

  “You’ve never seen me without my pants.”

  “You got a dick down there?”

  She giggles. “No, but…”

  “No.” I put my finger over her lips. “Insecurities aside, do you want this?”

  “More than anything.”

  I can’t stop the smirk that plays on my lips.

  “I promise, you won’t be thinking about insecurities when I get my mouth on you, honey.”

  “Mouth?” she squeaks.

  “Anyone ever gone down on you, Isla Grace?” I murmur as I drag her dainty pink scrubs down her legs.

  She shakes her head vigorously. “N-no, nev-er.”

  “You healthy enough to be doing this?”


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