ADaugter of Snows

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ADaugter of Snows Page 19

by Jack London

  On Split-up Island all were ready for the break-up. Waterways have ever been first highways, and the Yukon was the sole highway in all the land. So those bound up-river pitched their poling-boats and shod their poles with iron, and those bound down caulked their scows and barges and shaped spare sweeps with axe and drawing-knife. Jacob Welse loafed and joyed in the utter cessation from work, and Frona joyed with him in that it was good. But Baron Courbertin was in a fever at the delay. His hot blood grew riotous after the long hibernation, and the warm sunshine dazzled him with warmer fancies.

  "Oh! Oh! It will never break! Never!" And he stood gazing at the surly ice and raining politely phrased anathema upon it. "It is a conspiracy, poor La Bijou, a conspiracy!" He caressed La Bijou like it were a horse, for so he had christened the glistening Peterborough canoe.

  Frona and St. Vincent laughed and preached him the gospel of patience, which he proceeded to tuck away into the deepest abysses of perdition till interrupted by Jacob Welse.

  "Look, Courbertin! Over there, south of the bluff. Do you make out anything? Moving?"

  "Yes; a dog."

  "It moves too slowly for a dog. Frona, get the glasses."

  Courbertin and St. Vincent sprang after them, but the latter knew their abiding-place and returned triumphant. Jacob Welse put the binoculars to his eyes and gazed steadily across the river. It was a sheer mile from the island to the farther bank, and the sunglare on the ice was a sore task to the vision.

  "It is a man." He passed the glasses to the Baron and strained absently with his naked eyes. "And something is up."

  "He creeps!" the baron exclaimed. "The man creeps, he crawls, on hand and knee! Look! See!" He thrust the glasses tremblingly into Frona's hands.

  Looking across the void of shimmering white, it was difficult to discern a dark object of such size when dimly outlined against an equally dark background of brush and earth. But Frona could make the man out with fair distinctness; and as she grew accustomed to the strain she could distinguish each movement, and especially so when he came to a wind-thrown pine. Sue watched painfully. Twice, after tortuous effort, squirming and twisting, he failed in breasting the big trunk, and on the third attempt, after infinite exertion, he cleared it only to topple helplessly forward and fall on his face in the tangled undergrowth.

  "It is a man." She turned the glasses over to St. Vincent . "And he is crawling feebly. He fell just then this side of the log."

  "Does he move?" Jacob Welse asked, and, on a shake of St. Vincent 's head, brought his rifle from the tent.

  He fired six shots skyward in rapid succession. "He moves!" The correspondent followed him closely. "He is crawling to the bank. Ah! . . . No; one moment . . . Yes! He lies on the ground and raises his hat, or something, on a stick. He is waving it." (Jacob Welse fired six more shots.) "He waves again. Now he has dropped it and lies quite still."

  All three looked inquiringly to Jacob Welse.

  He shrugged his shoulders. "How should I know? A white man or an

  Indian; starvation most likely, or else he is injured."

  "But he may be dying," Frona pleaded, as though her father, who had done most things, could do all things.

  "We can do nothing."

  "Ah! Terrible! terrible!" The baron wrung his hands. "Before our very eyes, and we can do nothing! No!" he exclaimed, with swift resolution, "it shall not be! I will cross the ice!"

  He would have started precipitately down the bank had not Jacob Welse caught his arm.

  "Not such a rush, baron. Keep your head."


  "But nothing. Does the man want food, or medicine, or what? Wait a moment. We will try it together."

  "Count me in," St. Vincent volunteered promptly, and Frona's eyes sparkled.

  While she made up a bundle of food in the tent, the men provided and rigged themselves with sixty or seventy feet of light rope. Jacob Welse and St. Vincent made themselves fast to it at either end, and the baron in the middle. He claimed the food as his portion, and strapped it to his broad shoulders. Frona watched their progress from the bank. The first hundred yards were easy going, but she noticed at once the change when they had passed the limit of the fairly solid shore-ice. Her father led sturdily, feeling ahead and to the side with his staff and changing direction continually.

  St. Vincent , at the rear of the extended line, was the first to go through, but he fell with the pole thrust deftly across the opening and resting on the ice. His head did not go under, though the current sucked powerfully, and the two men dragged him out after a sharp pull. Frona saw them consult together for a minute, with much pointing and gesticulating on the part of the baron, and then St. Vincent detach himself and turn shoreward.

  "Br-r-r-r," he shivered, coming up the bank to her. "It's impossible."

  "But why didn't they come in?" she asked, a slight note of displeasure manifest in her voice.

  "Said they were going to make one more try, first. That Courbertin is hot-headed, you know."

  "And my father just as bull-headed," she smiled. "But hadn't you better change? There are spare things in the tent."

  "Oh, no." He threw himself down beside her. "It's warm in the sun."

  For an hour they watched the two men, who had become mere specks of black in the distance; for they had managed to gain the middle of the river and at the same time had worked nearly a mile up-stream. Frona followed them closely with the glasses, though often they were lost to sight behind the ice-ridges.

  "It was unfair of them," she heard St. Vincent complain, "to say they were only going to have one more try. Otherwise I should not have turned back. Yet they can't make it—absolutely impossible."

  "Yes . . . No . . . Yes! They're turning back," she announced. "But listen! What is that?"

  A hoarse rumble, like distant thunder, rose from the midst of the ice.

  She sprang to her feet. "Gregory, the river can't be breaking!"

  "No, no; surely not. See, it is gone." The noise which had come from above had died away downstream.

  "But there! There!"

  Another rumble, hoarser and more ominous than before, lifted itself and hushed the robins and the squirrels. When abreast of them, it sounded like a railroad train on a distant trestle. A third rumble, which approached a roar and was of greater duration, began from above and passed by.

  "Oh, why don't they hurry!"

  The two specks had stopped, evidently in conversation. She ran the glasses hastily up and down the river. Though another roar had risen, she could make out no commotion. The ice lay still and motionless. The robins resumed their singing, and the squirrels were chattering with spiteful glee.

  "Don't fear, Frona." St. Vincent put his arm about her protectingly. "If there is any danger, they know it better than we, and they are taking their time."

  "I never saw a big river break up," she confessed, and resigned herself to the waiting.

  The roars rose and fell sporadically, but there were no other signs of disruption, and gradually the two men, with frequent duckings, worked inshore. The water was streaming from them and they were shivering severely as they came up the bank.

  "At last!" Frona had both her father's hands in hers. "I thought you would never come back."

  "There, there. Run and get dinner," Jacob Welse laughed. "There was no danger."

  "But what was it?"

  "Stewart River's broken and sending its ice down under the Yukon ice.

  We could hear the grinding plainly out there."

  "Ah! And it was terrible! terrible!" cried the baron. "And that poor, poor man, we cannot save him!"

  "Yes, we can. We'll have a try with the dogs after dinner. Hurry,


  But the dogs were a failure. Jacob Welse picked out the leaders as the more intelligent, and with grub-packs on them drove them out from the bank. They could not grasp what was demanded of them. Whenever they tried to return they were driven back with sticks and clods and imprecations. This only bewilder
ed them, and they retreated out of range, whence they raised their wet, cold paws and whined pitifully to the shore.

  "If they could only make it once, they would understand, and then it would go like clock-work. Ah! Would you? Go on! Chook, Miriam! Chook! The thing is to get the first one across."

  Jacob Welse finally succeeded in getting Miriam, lead-dog to Frona's team, to take the trail left by him and the baron. The dog went on bravely, scrambling over, floundering through, and sometimes swimming; but when she had gained the farthest point reached by them, she sat down helplessly. Later on, she cut back to the shore at a tangent, landing on the deserted island above; and an hour afterwards trotted into camp minus the grub-pack. Then the two dogs, hovering just out of range, compromised matters by devouring each other's burdens; after which the attempt was given over and they were called in.

  During the afternoon the noise increased in frequency, and by nightfall was continuous, but by morning it had ceased utterly. The river had risen eight feet, and in many places was running over its crust. Much crackling and splitting were going on, and fissures leaping into life and multiplying in all directions.

  "The under-tow ice has jammed below among the islands," Jacob Welse explained. "That's what caused the rise. Then, again, it has jammed at the mouth of the Stewart and is backing up. When that breaks through, it will go down underneath and stick on the lower jam."

  "And then? and then?" The baron exulted.

  "La Bijou will swim again."

  As the light grew stronger, they searched for the man across the river.

  He had not moved, but in response to their rifle-shots waved feebly.

  "Nothing for it till the river breaks, baron, and then a dash with La

  Bijou. St. Vincent , you had better bring your blankets up and sleep

  here to-night. We'll need three paddles, and I think we can get


  "No need," the correspondent hastened to reply. "The back-channel is like adamant, and I'll be up by daybreak."

  "But I? Why not?" Baron Courbertin demanded. Frona laughed.

  "Remember, we haven't given you your first lessons yet."

  "And there'll hardly be time to-morrow," Jacob Welse added. "When she goes, she goes with a rush. St. Vincent , McPherson, and I will have to make the crew, I'm afraid. Sorry, baron. Stay with us another year and you'll be fit."

  But Baron Courbertin was inconsolable, and sulked for a full half-hour.


  "Awake! You dreamers, wake!"

  Frona was out of her sleeping-furs at Del Bishop's first call; but ere she had slipped a skirt on and bare feet into moccasins, her father, beyond the blanket-curtain, had thrown back the flaps of the tent and stumbled out.

  The river was up. In the chill gray light she could see the ice rubbing softly against the very crest of the bank; it even topped it in places, and the huge cakes worked inshore many feet. A hundred yards out the white field merged into the dim dawn and the gray sky. Subdued splits and splutters whispered from out the obscureness, and a gentle grinding could be heard.

  "When will it go?" she asked of Del.

  "Not a bit too lively for us. See there!" He pointed with his toe to the water lapping out from under the ice and creeping greedily towards them. "A foot rise every ten minutes."

  "Danger?" he scoffed. "Not on your life. It's got to go. Them islands"—waving his hand indefinitely down river—"can't hold up under more pressure. If they don't let go the ice, the ice'll scour them clean out of the bed of the Yukon . Sure! But I've got to be chasin' back. Lower ground down our way. Fifteen inches on the cabin floor, and McPherson and Corliss hustlin' perishables into the bunks."

  "Tell McPherson to be ready for a call," Jacob Welse shouted after him. And then to Frona, "Now's the time for St. Vincent to cross the back-channel."

  The baron, shivering barefooted, pulled out his watch. "Ten minutes to three," he chattered.

  "Hadn't you better go back and get your moccasins?" Frona asked.

  "There will be time."

  "And miss the magnificence? Hark!"

  From nowhere in particular a brisk crackling arose, then died away. The ice was in motion. Slowly, very slowly, it proceeded down stream. There was no commotion, no ear-splitting thunder, no splendid display of force; simply a silent flood of white, an orderly procession of tight-packed ice—packed so closely that not a drop of water was in evidence. It was there, somewhere, down underneath; but it had to be taken on faith. There was a dull hum or muffled grating, but so low in pitch that the ear strained to catch it.

  "Ah! Where is the magnificence? It is a fake!"

  The baron shook his fists angrily at the river, and Jacob Welse's thick brows seemed to draw down in order to hide the grim smile in his eyes.

  "Ha! ha! I laugh! I snap my fingers! See! I defy!"

  As the challenge left his lips. Baron Courbertin stepped upon a cake which rubbed lightly past at his feet. So unexpected was it, that when Jacob Welse reached after him he was gone.

  The ice was picking up in momentum, and the hum growing louder and more threatening. Balancing gracefully, like a circus-rider, the Frenchman whirled away along the rim of the bank. Fifty precarious feet he rode, his mount becoming more unstable every instant, and he leaped neatly to the shore. He came back laughing, and received for his pains two or three of the choicest phrases Jacob Welse could select from the essentially masculine portion of his vocabulary.

  "And for why?" Courbertin demanded, stung to the quick.

  "For why?" Jacob Welse mimicked wrathfully, pointing into the sleek stream sliding by.

  A great cake had driven its nose into the bed of the river thirty feet below and was struggling to up-end. All the frigid flood behind crinkled and bent back like so much paper. Then the stalled cake turned completely over and thrust its muddy nose skyward. But the squeeze caught it, while cake mounted cake at its back, and its fifty feet of muck and gouge were hurled into the air. It crashed upon the moving mass beneath, and flying fragments landed at the feet of those that watched. Caught broadside in a chaos of pressures, it crumbled into scattered pieces and disappeared.

  "God!" The baron spoke the word reverently and with awe.

  Frona caught his hand on the one side and her father's on the other. The ice was now leaping past in feverish haste. Somewhere below a heavy cake butted into the bank, and the ground swayed under their feet. Another followed it, nearer the surface, and as they sprang back, upreared mightily, and, with a ton or so of soil on its broad back, bowled insolently onward. And yet another, reaching inshore like a huge hand, ripped three careless pines out by the roots and bore them away.

  Day had broken, and the driving white gorged the Yukon from shore to shore. What of the pressure of pent water behind, the speed of the flood had become dizzying. Down all its length the bank was being gashed and gouged, and the island was jarring and shaking to its foundations.

  "Oh, great! Great!" Frona sprang up and down between the men. "Where is your fake, baron?"

  "Ah!" He shook his head. "Ah! I was wrong. I am miserable. But the magnificence! Look!"

  He pointed down to the bunch of islands which obstructed the bend. There the mile-wide stream divided and subdivided again,—which was well for water, but not so well for packed ice. The islands drove their wedged heads into the frozen flood and tossed the cakes high into the air. But cake pressed upon cake and shelved out of the water, out and up, sliding and grinding and climbing, and still more cakes from behind, till hillocks and mountains of ice upreared and crashed among the trees.

  "A likely place for a jam," Jacob Welse said. "Get the glasses, Frona." He gazed through them long and steadily. "It's growing, spreading out. A cake at the right time and the right place . . ."

  "But the river is falling!" Frona cried.

  The ice had dropped six feet below the top of the bank, and the Baron

  Courbertin marked it with a stick.

  "Our man's still there, but
he doesn't move."

  It was clear day, and the sun was breaking forth in the north-east.

  They took turn about with the glasses in gazing across the river.

  "Look! Is it not marvellous?" Courbertin pointed to the mark he had made. The water had dropped another foot. "Ah! Too bad! too bad! The jam; there will be none!"

  Jacob Welse regarded him gravely.

  "Ah! There will be?" he asked, picking up hope.

  Frona looked inquiringly at her father.

  "Jams are not always nice," he said, with a short laugh. "It all depends where they take place and where you happen to be."

  "But the river! Look! It falls; I can see it before my eyes."

  "It is not too late." He swept the island-studded bend and saw the ice-mountains larger and reaching out one to the other. "Go into the tent, Courbertin, and put on the pair of moccasins you'll find by the stove. Go on. You won't miss anything. And you, Frona, start the fire and get the coffee under way."

  Half an hour after, though the river had fallen twenty feet, they found the ice still pounding along.

  "Now the fun begins. Here, take a squint, you hot-headed Gaul . The left-hand channel, man. Now she takes it!"

  Courbertin saw the left-hand channel close, and then a great white barrier heave up and travel from island to island. The ice before them slowed down and came to rest. Then followed the instant rise of the river. Up it came in a swift rush, as though nothing short of the sky could stop it. As when they were first awakened, the cakes rubbed and slid inshore over the crest of the bank, the muddy water creeping in advance and marking the way.

  "Mon Dieu! But this is not nice!"

  "But magnificent, baron," Frona teased. "In the meanwhile you are getting your feet wet."

  He retreated out of the water, and in time, for a small avalanche of cakes rattled down upon the place he had just left. The rising water had forced the ice up till it stood breast-high above the island like a wall.


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