Feast on Me

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Feast on Me Page 2

by Terri George


  I laid between David’s legs, my head resting on his chest as we lounged on the couch after dinner later that week. Mid-way into the show we were watching, he muted the TV with the remote.

  “Hey, I was watching that.”

  “I want to talk to you about something.”

  He sounded uneasy and David never sounded uneasy. Husband David was happy and relaxed; Master David determined and controlled.

  Unnerved by his disquiet, I sat up and swung my legs down to the floor as I turned to look at him. “What is it?”

  “I have a suggestion. Hear me out before you say no.”

  “Why do you think I’ll say no?”

  “Because it’s something we haven’t tried or even considered before.”

  I waited for him to continue.

  He drew in a deep breath and released it in a rush. “I want to share you.”

  “Share me? Why?”

  “Because I want to watch another man fuck you.”

  I knew it wasn’t an uncommon desire. Many men harbored the secret fantasy of watching another man fuck their wife, just as they’d fantasize about a three-way. But still, the idea of sharing made me uncomfortable.

  “You’re not thrilled with the idea, I can tell.”

  “No, I’m not. I’d never want to share you.”

  He brushed his knuckles down my cheek. “And nor would I expect or want you to. I’d never want to fuck another woman.”

  “Then why do you want this? Why do you want me to be unfaithful to you?”

  “Because you won’t be. He won’t be fucking my wife. He’ll be fucking my sub.”

  I understood the subtle distinction.

  “Who would you share me with?”

  “Another Dom.”

  I don’t know why this made me uneasy. It’s not as if it would be some guy off the street. It would have to be someone who knew and understood the lifestyle, but David was the only Dom I’d ever known. If we ever divorced or if fate stepped in and cruelly took him from me, I wondered if I would ever want to replace him. As husband or Dom.

  “Everything that happens will be under my instruction.”

  Despite my reservations, I felt relieved knowing David would be fully in charge. I’d still be doing his bidding.

  He cupped my chin and lifted my face to his. “Do you trust me?”


  “Then trust me to make the right choice. Trust that this will be good for us.”

  I knew I’d do it because I loved David as my husband and wanted to please him as my Master. “And this will make you happy?”

  “Yes.” He smiled. “More than you could know.”


  David pulled me back down against him and held me tightly to his chest. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Two

  A week went by and David had said no more about sharing me until breakfast on Saturday.

  “I thought it’d be nice if we had brunch with Alex tomorrow.”

  “Oh, okay. Any particular reason?”

  “He’s the other Dom.”

  I stared at him, my fork halfway to my mouth. “Alex is a Dom?”

  “I thought you knew.”

  It had never come up in conversation, but hadn’t I known, deep down? Hadn’t I sensed it that night at the party?

  I’d come out of the main bathroom to find Alex waiting. He leaned against the opposite wall, a treacherous glint in his ice blue eyes. His gaze latched onto mine.

  Something passed between us, something raw and primal.

  Before I knew what was happening, he had me backed up and pressed against the closed bathroom door. He flattened his palms on it, either side of my head as his body crowded me.

  “Have you any idea how much I regret not going out with David that night?”

  I was stunned; my brain playing catch-up. What was he thinking? David and the other guests were just down the hall in our sitting room. “What night?”

  “The night he met you... Because believe me, if I’d been there, you wouldn’t be with him now. I’d have made damn sure of it.”

  I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he leaned in, his mouth inches from mine. “That’s just the champagne talking.” My attempt at light-hearted laughter fell short as I tried to push him away. “But this is your farewell party so I’m going to let it slide.”

  “And do you know why I’m leaving?”

  The doleful look in his eyes spoke louder than the forlorn tone of his voice. I’d had my suspicions, but secret attractions were one thing. It’s a whole different thing when the words were spoken out loud. They changed everything. Once said, there was no going back.

  “Please don’t.”

  “I have to.” Alex threaded his fingers in my hair and turned a thick lock in his hand. His hard tug caused my head to tilt a little to the side. “I want to kiss you and taste you. Fuck you hard ‘til you beg me to let you come. And mark you as mine.”

  He crashed his mouth against mine and took it in a bruising, possessive kiss.

  I didn’t think, only reacted. My body responded innately as I surrendered to his mouth and kissed him back.

  My brain, having finally caught up, screamed at me to stop and I tore my mouth from Alex’s as I pushed against his body.

  His chest heaved beneath my palms as he panted.

  I’d never touched him before and the feel of his strong, athletic body sent my senses into overload. Images of us naked, limbs tangled together, bodies drenched in sweat, flashed across my mind’s eye. I swept them away, but not quickly enough.

  “You want me too,” Alex groaned as he pushed his erection against me. “I felt it in your kiss. Can see it in your eyes.”

  I moaned softly as he traced a finger down my cheek.

  “And I bet if I put my hand inside your panties I’d find your cunt is wet. For me.”

  It was, but I knew I had to stop this before we really did something we’d both regret. “No.” I pushed hard against him.

  Alex stepped back. From the sad look in his eyes, it was clear he knew the answer even before he implored, “Come with me.”

  For a moment I actually considered leaving everything behind and just running away, but only for a moment.

  I inhaled deeply, and gathered my senses. “I won’t tell David. It would hurt him too much.”

  I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about that night over the years. Late at night. After David had fallen asleep.

  Of course for David, Alex was the perfect choice. His former Harvard roommate, back after four and a half years working on the opposite coast having accepted a position at David’s company. So they were workmates who already had a relationship, and it made sense to keep it... in-house. Alex had as much to lose as David. The senior partners at the prestigious law firm were unlikely to ever discover their two brightest star’s secret predilections.

  But for me, this was a little too close to home.

  Half of me had longed to see Alex when David told me he was coming home. The other half dreaded it.

  I stared at my plate, unable to help my sudden restlessness and agitated my food with my fork. The breakfast David had made with such care because I was exhausted after a hectic week at work. Scrambled eggs, deliciously creamy and topped with slivers of smoked salmon because he knew it was my favorite.

  David put down his newspaper and reached across the table to still my hand. “We don’t have to do this. I would never push you to do something you’re truly uncomfortable with.”

  I looked into his eyes, so full of concern. “No, I want this too.”

  David’s smile as he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the back of my fingers was all I needed to reassure me. I had made the right decision. I wanted this because he wanted it. For us.


  We met Alex in a quiet little café. Not the trendiest place in our neighborhood, but their almond butter pancakes topped with fruit and crème fraiche were to die for

  I considered Alex as I sipped my coffee. His blond hair was shorter these days, but his gaze still pinned me in place whenever it fell on me. He’d made no mention of a woman in his life. I had to know.

  “So you came home alone? No girlfriend or wife?”

  “No... Never met anyone that compared with you.” Alex challenged my warning glare before his gaze softened, and he winked.

  He turned to David and grinned. “You know I’ve always had a thing for your wife, don’t you?”

  David’s laugh at Alex’s quip sounded like he believed it was just that, a harmless bit of fun. At least, I thought he had. But when the waitress brought our pancakes, David ate one-handed as his other rested proprietarily on my leg, just above the knee.

  I wondered if he felt the tension in me. I needed to calm myself. Unable to look at Alex, I kept my eyes fixed firmly on my food as I willed my body to relax.

  Always so in tune with my emotions, David sensed as I became more at ease and slid his palm around to my inner thigh. Needing the reassurance of his touch, I inched closer to the edge of my seat and opened my legs a little wider. The firm brush of his fingertips as he stroked them up and down my slit through my panties made me wet.

  We made the ten minute walk home in silence. I felt David’s growing need in the tightness of his grip around my hand.

  We’d barely made it through the front door before he grabbed me by the shoulders, propelled me into the kitchen and bent me over the central island. He pulled down my panties and gave my ass a good spanking, then fucked me hard from behind and scissored my clit until I screamed out my climax.

  Chapter Three

  David placed a hand on the top of my head and held it there for a moment before he crossed the room and sat in the armchair to wait.

  Maybe this pause was to allow me a few moments to mentally prepare, maybe to spur my desire, but I needed neither. I was ready. My body already keened with need.

  As the clock on the mantle chimed the hour, the door opened and closed. Alex and David greeted each other.

  “So what’s on the menu tonight?” Alex asked as he lifted the silver dome that covered their appetizer. The small metallic chime as it tapped against the side of the china plate hummed until he placed it down on the credenza. “Oysters?” he huffed. “I think I can guarantee I won’t have any trouble getting it up.”

  “Good.” There was something strange about David’s laugh. “Because I want you to fuck her hard.”

  I all but smooshed the strawberry to a mushy pulp I clenched so hard around it.

  They crossed to the table and flapped out their napkins as they took their seats. The crunching of the seal being broken was followed by the ‘pssst’ sound as the cap on a bottle was unscrewed. The sparkling water fizzed and glugged as it poured into their glasses. They didn’t drink. Alcohol dulls the senses.

  There was no talk as they performed the ritualistic consumption of the oysters: shucked open, juices slurped down, the soft, slippery centers sucked from their shells.

  Later, crockery clattered as they cleared away their plates after their entree, then they retook their seats. Seemingly oblivious to the naked woman that lay between them, they sipped their water and chatted about the things men talk of.

  But this was all part of the game.

  They weren’t unaware or unaffected. The air vibrated with their arousal; their desire.

  And there had been touching: absent-minded caresses, fingertips trailed through the chocolate and juices along the sides of my thighs and ass. Alex’s response to something David said hung in the air as he sucked off the sweetness.

  As if an agreement had been reached telepathically, they scraped back their chairs.

  Warm wet tongues flattened on my skin. My lungs held my breath captive as they began a slow, synchronized licking of my legs, up my shins and over my knees.

  They lapped two wet paths up my thighs and belly, and scooped up the fruity slivers. Alex paused to suck up the little pool of juice that had gathered in my navel.

  My back arched as teeth grazed my nipples and bit off the pineapple ring from each of my breasts.

  “That just leaves the strawberry.”

  “May I?” Alex asked.

  “You’ll be fucking her later, so why not?”

  My thighs quivered as Alex’s lips closed over my pussy. The elongated ‘Mmmm’ sound he made as he sucked out the strawberry vibrated against my clit.

  “Put the soles of your feet together and lower your knees ‘til they touch the table.”

  I complied with David’s order. A steady rhythm pulsed between my thighs and my pelvic muscles contracted in anticipation. My pussy ached with the need to be filled.

  “I bet your cunt is soaking.” David’s hot breath fanned my cheek. “He’s going to finger-fuck you, and you will come because I allow it.”

  My body spasmed the instant Alex slid two fingers inside me.

  “Slowly,” David commanded. “Make her really want it.”

  Alex withdrew his fingers and slowly pushed them back in up to the second knuckle, over and over. The exquisite torture as he rubbed against the hub of nerves had me peaking. My rising need escaped my mouth in a long moan.

  “I think someone wants it hard,” David murmured in my ear. “You can answer me.”

  “Yes,” I exhaled the word. “Please.”

  “Fuck her hard and fast,” he told Alex.

  My hips strained upwards as I reached for release, every exhale a growled moan as Alex’s fingers pistoned into me. When he pressed his thumb against my clit, I came with a guttural groan that became a plaintive whine as the motion of his fingers slowed and he continued to circle over my clit. He drained every drop of my climax.

  I lay there, my head still mussed by my orgasm, only vaguely aware of the sound of running water in the en-suite bathroom.

  David was at my side a moment later. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said softly, as he helped me to stand.

  I leaned against the table as he carefully wiped the warm, wet facecloths over every inch of my body, cleaning off the sticky residue of the fruit and sauce.

  After he toweled me dry, he held me close; his chin resting on the top of my head.

  David’s steady heartbeat thudded beneath my hands. The weave of his suit pants felt rough against the sensitized skin of my thighs. I longed to run my hands beneath his crisp, cotton shirt and tease my fingers in the soft hairs on his chest. I wanted him naked and inside me, but knew I must wait until he was ready to take me.

  I sensed the transition in him even before he spoke.

  David inhaled deeply and released his breath in a long, slow exhale. He clasped his hands around my shoulders and held me away from his body.

  “She’s all yours.”

  Released from David’s clasp, I swayed a little on my feet, confused by his dismissal. I thought this was all going to be under his instruction. Now he was giving Alex carte blanche with me?

  I tensed at the sounds of Alex undressing: the clump of his shoes as he kicked them off, the jingle of his belt buckle, the crumpling of his of clothes being tossed over the back of one of the dining chairs.

  Alex’s breath warmed my face as he hooked a lock of hair behind my ear. I trembled as he traced his middle finger down my spine, and came to rest at the rise of my behind.

  “All mine,” he whispered, his mouth close to my ear. “I’ve never stopped wanting you.”

  I moaned softly as he pulled me into him. I wanted him too.

  “There are so many things I want to do to you,” Alex groaned. “I want to spank your gorgeous ass until it’s rosy red and my palm is stinging. I want to tie you up and flog you just to hear you moan in ecstasy, but there isn’t time. David has us on the clock.”


  “But I can taste you.”

  Goose bumps followed in the wake of his touch that feathered down my sides as he lowered to his knees. He eased my legs apart and ran his tongue from my kne
e to the soft flesh of my inner thigh, before repeating the slow lick up my other leg.

  My pussy pulsed as he pressed his mouth against my slit in a soft kiss. He gently spread me open with his fingers and lapped at my inner flesh; already slick with need. Ripples of pleasure spiraled through me as he sucked and licked. He flicked his tongue over my clit and teased my pussy as it dipped inside.

  My legs buckled beneath me and I sank against his shoulders as I clawed at his hair.

  Alex’s hum of approval vibrated against my swollen lips. When he took my engorged clit in his mouth and sucked hard, I was lost.

  A white wall of sensation engulfed me, pulling me down and I fell helplessly into the whirlpool of pleasure with a long low moan.

  As my orgasm subsided, Alex tugged me down to straddle his thighs. He held my face between his palms and pressed his mouth to mine. His lips felt soft and bruised, and I tasted myself on them and his tongue that tangled with mine.

  “Just as sweet as I’d imagined,” he murmured.

  His erection twitched against my abdomen, sending little darts of sensation pulsating down to my pussy. I wanted to taste him too, to have him in my mouth, to feel him hit the back of my throat. Wanted to lick and suck him to climax, and swallow him.

  His cock throbbed against my palm as I closed my hand around it. He moved his hands from my face to weave his fingers in my hair.

  I kissed a path down the smooth, soft skin in the valley between his small hard pecs and over his tightly toned abs.

  Alex gasped. His body tensed as I touched the base of his cock with my tongue and began a slow and steady lick up to the crown.


  David’s sudden bark startled me. A tremor of fear shivered down my spine as guilt wrapped itself around my heart and squeezed. I’d forgotten he was there.

  “Remember our deal, Alex.”

  Deal? What deal?

  I had no time to ponder this as Alex shifted us to a standing position. He scooped me up into his arms and carried me the few paces necessary to deposit me on the bed.


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