Just...Breathe: The Love They Had Always Wanted, and Now Try to Fight... (The Broken Series #1)

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Just...Breathe: The Love They Had Always Wanted, and Now Try to Fight... (The Broken Series #1) Page 2

by Angela Fattig

  “Wait, Ms. Smith,” I said and she turned back to me with a look that could kill.

  “What?” she barked.

  I picked her resume up and handed it to her. “Don’t forget this,” I said. She snatched the paper from me and stormed out of my office muttering under her breath as the door slammed shut.

  I smiled. I really did enjoy rattling the wenches up. She tried and failed. “Score eleven for me; zero for them,” I said aloud and laughed.

  Sandy stormed in with an angry look on her face. It took me back. She was a longtime friend and like a second mother to me. ‘What has her so pissed?’ I wondered. ‘It takes a hell of a lot to piss her off.’

  She closed the door and stalked to my desk shaking her finger at me. I knew I was in deep shit now.

  “Chase what in the hell did you say to the sweet girl?” she demanded to know.

  I was stunned as if she had just slapped me. “What are you talking about?” I asked. “She’s like all the rest.”

  Her face softened. “Oh Chase, that bitch really did a number on you,” she whispered. “When are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours that not all women are like that?”

  Again, I felt like she had just slapped me. “But she lied,” I reasoned. “She is not qualified for this job.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “I know that, Chase,” she said. “I’m the one that spoke to her on the phone. I questioned her. I knew just by asking a few simple questions, but I also knew she would be great for the position and you. When I saw her downstairs, my thoughts were confirmed and again right outside this office. She took one look at that painting and quoted you, ‘A painting that can make you believe in fairy tales.’” Her look hardened again. “You made her cry Chase.”

  I sucked in a breath. I had no idea, but I still cannot shake the bad feeling. The one I got when a woman was up to no good. However, I felt like shit.

  “Should I call her or are you going to?” she asked.

  “You really think she’s right for the job?” I questioned and Sandy nodded. I growled, “Get me her number.”

  Sandy smiled and handed me a sheet of paper. “Already have it,” she beamed.

  Like before, my intercom buzzed. “What?” I growled.

  “Sir, your next candidate is here,” the voice said. I dropped my head down on my desk and groaned.

  Reaching out, without raising my head, I pressed the button. “Tell her the position has been filled,” I said. “Call the rest and tell them the same.”

  “Yes, sir,” the voice answered.

  I looked at the paper in my hand. It was a background check on Jaden Smith. I glanced back to Sandy. She smiled and left the room.

  I saw she had a home phone, but I knew she could not have made it home yet. There was another number, looks like a cell phone, but it must be a prepaid. I dialed the number and it rang.

  “Hello?” Jaden answered with a sniffle.

  Damn, I really did make her cry. ‘I am such an ass,’ I thought. “Ms. Smith. It’s Chase Daniels,” I said. “I’m sorry for the way I had acted. I’ve had a very bad day and it was not right to take it out on you.”

  “You are correct Mr. Daniels, it wasn’t right,” she said.

  I ran my hand through my hair. “Would you consider coming back to my office?” I asked. “I would very much like to offer you the position.”

  I heard her swift intake of air, yet there was silence. I thought for a second she had hung up.

  “Yes, Mr. Daniels,” she finally replied. “Thank you.” Then the phone went dead.

  I placed the phone back in its cradle and pressed the intercom. “Sandy, when Ms. Smith returns please join her and me,” I instructed.

  “Yes, Mr. Daniels,” she giggled.

  “How the hell am I going to pull this off?” I questioned aloud. “I am very much attracted to her and I don’t date employees.”

  I felt panic starting to set in. “Just…breathe, Chase,” I mumbled.

  Chapter Three

  Dream Job?

  I could not believe the gall of that man. How dare he make accusations like that! ‘I am not my mom,’ I silently said. I could not hold the tears back as I rushed pass Sandy.

  “Jaden?” Sandy called, but I just kept running.

  I held my breath until I was outside. I slumped down on a nearby bench and allowed the tears to flow. The pain from his accusations were almost as bad as the day I walked in on Steven and my sister in bed. My mother and Sammie were the gold diggers, not me. All I has ever wanted was to be loved.

  After Steven and Sammie’s betrayal, reality seized me. Love, respect, and good sex were fairy tales, nothing more. I blamed the books I have read for my mislead delusions about relationships.

  Reality is I will never have the one thing I have dreamed of. I will grow old alone, no love, no children, and no future. This was my darkness, my hell. I cannot help but feel like I am being punished, yet not sure what I did wrong.

  My prepaid cell rang and I rummaged through my purse for it. ‘Damn, this will expire tomorrow.’ I thought. Looking at the caller ID I didn’t recognize the number and hesitated. “Oh, well. What more can happen today?” I mumbled.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  . “Ms. Smith. It’s Chase Daniels.” The disembodied voice said. “I’m sorry for the way I had acted. I’ve had a very bad day and it was not right to take it out on you.”

  Oh, my, was he really apologizing? “You are correct Mr. Daniels, it wasn’t right.” I said.

  “Would you consider coming back to my office?” He asked. “I would very much like to offer you the position.”

  I gasped. Was this for real? Was he for real, my dream job finally being offered to me? It took me a second to steady my voice. “Yes, Mr. Daniels,” I finally replied. “Thank you.” Then I hung up, not giving him a chance to retract his offer.

  I stepped back through the door and was greeted by Sandy. She smiled warmly and said, “Let’s stop off at the ladies room so you can freshen up, ok?”

  I nodded and followed Sandy. I couldn’t help but feel like this was more of a hand out. I don’t do handouts.

  Sandy opened the bathroom door, a smile still on her lips. “In you go, dear,” she said and I stepped through.

  One look in the mirror confirmed that I really did not want to come face to face with him again. The harsh reality was, I must. I had to have a job there is no getting around it.

  I splashed my face then patted it dry. “This will have to do,” I said as I took one last look in the mirror. It was still evident that I had been crying. I sighed and stepped through the door.

  Sandy ushered me back to the fourth floor, but this time she joined me in his office. He was sitting there with his face buried in a folder. He looked up and our eyes connected. I gasped and his eyes widen. I could feel the heat, yet I knew it was one sided; what looked like sadness flashed in his eyes.

  He shook his head and stood. “Ms. Smith, please have a seat,” he said, motioning to the chair in front of his desk. “Sandy, please take notes so the contract can be drawn up later.”

  My eyes widen. ‘Contract,’ I silently questioned while I watched Sandy take the chair next to me flipping open a note pad. “Mr. Daniels, I never said I would take the job,” I said looking back to him. “I said I would come back in so you could offer it to me. I would very much like to hear the details before I agree to anything.”

  He sat back in his chair studying me rubbing his chin as a smile played on his lips. “Well, Ms. Smith as this is not the way I normally handle things, I am at a loss,” he said. “My normal protocol is to hire people who are actually qualified for the position. Seeing as you have no college experience or rather no experience in anything, I figured we would create the job description as we go. Is that fine with you?”

  “May I see a copy of the normal job details?” I asked not breaking eye contact. “I would have a better understanding as to your needs. Only then will I know if
I can satisfy you.”

  Sandy chuckled as he sucked in a breath and his face turned a shade of red. He recovered and with a twinkle in his eyes, he leaned forward. “Ms. Smith, I have no doubt as to your ability to satisfy me,” he whispered.

  I was shocked when the realization of what I had said hit me and my face reddened. I looked quickly down to my hands. I heard shuffling and peeked up as he was pushing a file towards me.

  “This is the job details for a qualified person,” he smirked as he leaned back in his chair.

  I scooted my chair closer to his desk and opened it.


  Personal Assistant to Chase Daniels

  Daniels Law Firm/CEO, CSD Inc.

  The attributes of a good PA are:

  Personal assistant, office personnel, secretary, PA-

  - Efficient

  - Self-motivated

  - organized

  - Good communicator, and

  - IT literate

  - Reading, monitoring and responding to the principal's email

  - Answering calls and handling queries

  - Preparing correspondence on the principal's behalf

  - Commissioning work on the principal's behalf

  - Liaising with staff, clients, etc.

  - Managing the principal's electronic diary

  - Booking meetings

  - Organizing travel and preparing complex travel itineraries

  - Attend meetings on your boss's behalf

  - Writing minutes

  - Taking dictation

  - Planning, organizing and managing events

  - Managing a budget

  - Attending events/meetings as the principal's representative

  - Conducting research on the internet

  - Writing reports, executive summaries and newsletters

  - Preparing presentations

  - Preparing papers for meetings

  - Managing and reviewing filing and office systems

  - Updating websites

  - Typing documents

  - Sourcing and ordering stationery and office equipment

  - Managing projects

  - Managing an Assistant


  - Accompanying to Events

  - Must dress appropriately

  Work hours:

  Must be available 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week.

  Salary will be paid monthly at the sum of $8300.00 directly deposited into banking account.

  The company will provide travel expenses, company car, Blackberry, and an expense account. Expense account may be used for business and pleasure.

  Starting Balance- $100,000

  This will be refilled monthly at the amount of $20,000.

  Expected start date: June 9, 2014 7:00 AM

  My eyes kept flashing back to the pay. ‘Could I do everything he wants?’ I asked myself. ‘If not then I see that pay going way down and God knows I need this money.’

  I squared my shoulders and looked up to him. “Mr. Daniels, I’m sure with a little training I could exceed your expectations,” I announced.

  A look shot through his eyes. I was not sure what it was, but I was not going to squirm under his intense gaze as I held his eyes. ‘Damn it! I need this,’ I thought to myself.

  He cleared his throat and sat up. “I’m sure you could, Jaden,” he agreed. Without breaking eye contact, he addressed Sandy. “Sandy, take Ms. Smith to fill out the paperwork. After that is complete, take her shopping for business attire.” He then turned his eyes to Sandy and she nodded as her face was beaming with delight. He turned back to me. “I will assume you have a passport Ms. Smith?”

  ‘Shit!’ I thought as I felt my skin flush. “No, sir, I don’t,” I admitted.

  He shook his head. “I should have known,” he mumbled. “Sandy, see to it that one is obtained.”

  He glared at me. I could feel my temperature rising. “You know what they say about assumptions don’t you Mr. Daniels?” I fumed as he tilted his head just looking at me. “It makes an ass out of you.”

  Sandy laughed as she stood and I followed suite. As he sat there speechless, I turned to follow Sandy and he spoke, “You are going to be the death of me Jaden. You know that don’t you?”

  I turned back to him, as it was my turn to be left speechless. “No Chase, I don’t know,” I whispered once I found my voice and his eyes widened.

  I turned back to Sandy and we walked to the door. Sandy then turned back. “Anything in particular we need to look for on this shopping trip?” she asked, smiling broadly at him.

  He waved a hand. “You know what I like,” he said, completely horrified. “I mean you know what’s appropriate. Oh hell! Just get out of here and put it on my personal credit card.”

  It was Sandy’s turn to be shocked. “Not the expense account?” she questioned. He shook his head. “Very well,” she added with a smile and opened the door.

  Now I was pissed. “I am not a charity case Mr. Daniels,” I hissed.

  “No Jaden, you most certainly are not,” he whispered, running his hand over his face.

  I just stood there stunned. Sandy touched my arm. “Come on dear let’s get this all taken care of,” she said.

  I nodded as confusion filled me and I followed Sandy out of the office.

  Chapter Four


  I was sitting in my office trying to forget the day I had while listening to my 70’s and 80’s mix music.

  The string of women throwing themselves at me, and then Jaden Smith, was just too much for me. Such a plain looking woman and I had accused her of doing the same as the others. She had denied it, of course.

  I shook my head and turned to look out the window at the darkening sky. Who was I kidding? There was nothing plain about Jaden. She had a sharp tongue, beautiful brown hair and eyes you could get lost in, and a figure to die for. Hair I would love to run my fingers through and a body I would love to kiss. Then there were her lips, so full and soft looking. Just thinking about her made parts of me grow.

  Looking over her resume, one could assume that I was right in my first assessment of her. However, having Sandy come down on me and a closer look at a background check on her, I could see that maybe, just maybe I was wrong.

  I groaned and put my head in my hands. “It’s too late now, Daniels,” I said aloud. “Even if she is the real deal, you can’t date an employee.”

  Lifting my eyes back to the sky, I let my mind go once more. I read about how her father died and that was where it ended until she appeared in the work force at the age of twenty. Her family vanished for ten years.

  I saw that she had not always been poor. Her father owned a very profitable shipping business when he died. What puzzled me was what happened to all that money? Of course, there was the funeral cost, but still the man was loaded.

  Could I finally be wrong? Could this woman be the real deal? Now that Sandy badgered me into hiring her, I may never know. She could always be an enigma to me, a goddess on long golden legs. I groaned deep in my throat.

  “So, you still listen to that sappy music?” I heard John say as I turned around and switched the music off.

  “I will ignore the crack about my music,” I said. “Why are you here?”

  John gave me a confused look. “Dinner,” John said.

  “Damn. I forgot,” I admitted. I had promised to do a blind double date tonight. I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. “Do I really have to go?”

  “Yes, you promised,” John said.

  I groaned again. “Will you at least tell me her name?” I begged.

  John shook his head. “All in due time,” John said chuckling.

  John and Lori never interfered in my love life, why now?

  “Ok, but after the day I’ve had she better not be a bitch,” I said.

  John could not help but laugh. “No, I promise, she is not a bitch,” John said. “Now come on, we don’t want to be late. You can tell me about your day as we head down to t
he cars.” As I stood, I grabbed my suite coat and we left. “Now, tell me about your day.”

  I let out a breath shaking my head. As we walk down to the car park, I replayed my day.

  “It does sound like you had one hell of a day,” John said. “Well, it’s about to get better. By the way, this weekend Lori and I are starting our vacation and we wanted to see if you cared to join us on the island. By the sound of your day I would say you really need it.” I nodded.

  John was right. I really did need a vacation. “I won’t be putting you guys out?” I asked.

  John shook his head and smiled. “Not at all, Chase,” John said. “We really want you to come out.”

  “Ok, sounds great, man,” I said. “Count me in, but I can only stay a week.”

  “Good,” John beamed. “Since we already have the travel arrangements made.” I shook my head and laughed. “You and I will be flying out Friday night and Lori will be meeting us there Saturday morning.”

  “Sounds fine and it gives me time to clear my desk,” I said still laughing. “Knew I wasn’t going to say no, huh?”

  He shrugged. “You love the island too much to say no,” John said.

  I nodded in agreement. I really did love that island. It is a beautiful and breathtaking place. “You got that right,” I admitted. “Now what restaurant are we meeting them at?”

  “That little place on South Grand Ave.,” John answered.

  ‘The expensive place,’ I thought to myself. “Ya, I know the place,” I said. “I’ll be right behind you.” John nodded, got in his car and I followed suit.

  I followed John, once parked we entered and we are taken to our table. I was feeling nervous, which is something I normally never feel. However, seeing as John wanted to keep the identity of this woman a secret, it was no wonder I felt this way. “Are you ever going to tell me about this woman?” I asked, “If nothing else, maybe her name?”

  John laughed. “Hey buddy,” John chuckled. “Just…breathe.”


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