Wild, Wicked & Wanton

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Wild, Wicked & Wanton Page 12

by Tawny Taylor

  “Do I want to ask what this place is?” she asked, following Maks deeper into the room.

  He stopped in front of a wood structure that looked a lot like a weight bench. Behind it, bolted to the wall, was a low wooden cross.

  Torture chamber? No. Bondage dungeon. Oh, God!

  Warning sirens blared in her head. She shrank back, hoping the guys wouldn’t notice she wasn’t following them until she was closer to safety.

  No such luck.

  Cy did that crazy quicker-than-a-blink thing and suddenly he was behind her, his bulk blocking her escape.

  She spun to face him. This wasn’t just a game. Her domineering knights, Cy and Maks, were determined to force her to her knees any way they could. That realization made her shudder.

  Cy captured her wrists in his huge fists and forced them out, walking her backward until she was literally crushed between his powerful body and the cold stone wall. She shivered as his erect cock branded her flesh, his lethal-sharp gaze pierced her eyes. He kicked her feet apart, widening her stance and she nearly melted to the floor.

  She’d never imagined it would be this way, being dominated by two powerful men. A delicious, terrifying, wicked thrill.

  She stood that way, smooshed between his body and the wall for several agonizing moments. She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t think.

  “This way,” he murmured, finally stepping back. He nudged her along.

  She knew enough about bondage to understand that there were various levels and kinds of bondage play. Some were definitely more gruesome than she was prepared to handle. Needles. Blood. Yuck. “W-what are you going to do to me?”

  “Nothing you won’t enjoy,” Cy said, his voice dripping with sexual promise that made her insides go from ice cold to steamy hot in an instant.

  She so wanted to shoot back some kind of sarcastic retort, but her tongue seemed to have swelled. Or something. She couldn’t talk. And things only went from bad to worse when Maks eased her around and forced her to sit on the narrow bench thingy. Her legs straddled the seat, pretty awkward and slightly arousing.

  “We will train you to be a proper wife in this room,” Maks stated matter-of-factly, lifting her arm and securing her wrist in a leather cuff. “Today, we start with the basics.”

  Train her to be a proper wife? How exactly would they do that?

  Again, she was wishing she’d finished reading Maks and Cy’s book, before she’d invited them into her apartment. The novel had arrived, as promised by her anonymous source, at her door a few days ago. As much as she’d wanted to read the entire thing, there hadn’t been time. If she’d taken the extra days to finish reading the book, she would have missed the full moon.

  This stuff was so beyond her personal experience. Chains and leather cuffs? What kind of hell had she gotten herself into?

  A terrifying… kind of thrilling hell too.

  While Cy fastened a cuff around her other wrist, Maks knelt at her feet -- his face was right there, so close to her delicate bits! -- and buckled similar cuffs around her ankles.

  She was now sitting with her knees bent, thighs spread and arms out to the sides. Crazy, but being so powerless and vulnerable was making her both hot and cold at the same time.

  Could she secretly have been craving stuff like this? Kinky stuff, tying up?

  It was hard to imagine. And yet in the darkest part of her head, where all her secrets were hidden, a little voice was saying yes.

  Now what? Both guys walked around in front of her. She studied their faces. Surely training a woman didn’t involve any serious pain or torture. Right? They were just going to play with her a little.

  She hoped.

  Not knowing was killing her.

  Maks went to a closed armoire in one corner of the room and pulled out a basket full of stuff. He carried it over to her and set it on the floor.

  Naturally, she had to look.

  Torture devices wouldn’t be in baskets. They’d be sterile, wrapped up on plastic trays, like in an operating room. Those were most definitely not articles of torture.

  Although… God, look at the size of that dildo. Depending upon how it was being used, she supposed that could do some damage to a girl. In both a very good way and a not-so-great one too.

  “Since today is your first time in the dungeon, we will take it slow.” Maks pulled a blindfold from the basket and bent over, until his nose was nearly touching hers. “We’ll start with a little sensation play.”

  Oh my, he was so close and he smelled so good. And look at that face. Swoon!

  Her head was spinning. And when the blindfold went on, she let the swirling colors behind her eyelids swallow her up.

  Robbed of vision, her other senses heightened. She heard the scuffle of Cy and Maksim’s boots on the floor. Smelled the glorious scents of leather and man and fragrant essential oils.

  She licked her lips, her mouth dry. She was trembling, her heart smacking against her ribcage. Strangely, her pussy was burning. In a very good way.

  “As your Masters and guardians, we vow to always put your pleasure first,” Maks said from somewhere to her right.

  “O-okay.” She had to admit, that vow, if they really kept it, was something to think about.

  How many of her past lovers had thought about her pleasure first? Had any of them? Certainly not the guys she slept with when she was younger. The only one she could say had made even half an effort had been the older guy she’d dated when she was in her mid-twenties. He’d been fifteen years older. A patient man.

  Too bad she’d learned a few months into the relationship that he was married. Great lover or not, he was history as soon as she found out.

  The teasing stroke of soft feathers traveled down her arms and legs. Making her all tickly and tingly. Oooh, that felt gooooood.

  Since breaking up with John, she’d only had a few lovers. Her sex life hadn’t been the focus of her attention. Nor had her social life.

  Instead, she’d buried herself in work, in her quest to become the next famous investigative reporter. That took all the time and energy she had. There was nothing left for distractions, even pleasant ones.

  Now that she thought about it, if she didn’t go home by the end of tomorrow, this would be the first twenty-four hours she hadn’t worked since she’d graduated from high school. No, before that.

  Work was her life.

  She didn’t want to think about how sad that was, or what she might have missed. She’d chosen her path and she was committed to it. At least until these guys stole away her choices.

  At the moment, she wasn’t complaining. Maybe she was overdue a break. Constant stress was bad for the body, the spirit, the mind.

  And this pampering thing was so very good.

  Now something else was stroking her skin. It wasn’t really a sensual touch, and yet her body was slowly warming up. It felt like a small fire had sparked in the pit of her stomach and the flames were flaring brighter, hotter, with each touch. At the same time, chills swept up and down her spine.

  Such a bizarre and wonderful combination of sensations.

  “Pleasure comes in many forms,” Cy said, from his position on her left. “In a soft touch. A shared moment. A stolen glance.”

  Holy crap! These guys were so freaking romantic. Maybe the whole kidnapping thing was barbaric, but the after stuff was so not.

  They were true Masters -- of romance.

  It was too bad she couldn’t stay. She wouldn’t stay here. She had to find a way to get back to her world. Maybe playing these games would be fun for a while. But every day for weeks, months, years. She couldn’t be happy living like that, without her work, without the challenge of seeing her lifelong ambitions come true.

  “In exchange, we expect your complete submission. Of mind and body. You will hunger to serve us, to please us. Your entire life will focus on your Masters, or you will find yourself very unhappy.”

  She wondered if they would punish her or if that was
just a general statement.

  “The many benefits you will receive will slowly ease the pain of the price you have paid, your freedom.”

  She believed Cy, kind of. But, knowing herself, she also believed she would eventually start to resent the guys for what they had taken from her.

  No, somehow she had to find a way to get home.

  Oh, God, that felt good.

  She’d think about escape later. Most definitely later. For now, she was going to do something she hadn’t allowed herself to do in a long time. Relax and enjoy.

  She wondered if they’d ever get around to touching her breasts. Pussy. The bits that were feeling really neglected at the moment.

  Then, suddenly, unexpectedly, they stopped, removed the blindfold and released her from the restraints.

  Oh, that was so not right! She’d been totally enjoying herself. Had actually let herself just relax. Had she done something wrong? When would they bring her back?

  “It’s late. You need your rest.” Maks returned the basket to the armoire while Cy helped her stand. Her legs felt like rubber as she wobbled her way down the hall to a bedroom. The guys helped her into bed. And in about two blinks, she was sound asleep.

  It was exhausting, being stolen from home, carted through a cross-dimensional portal, and slathered with male attention. Yes, indeed, extremely exhausting.

  Chapter 5

  Cy’s body was about to combust. Their bride’s lush and curvy little form was so tempting, it killed him to have her so near and yet be unable to take her.

  Soon. They would perform the claiming as soon as he’d settled things with Maksim. They still had a few details to work out, some issues to resolve.

  It was the law. They had to come to their bride clean, free from conflict and anger. At the moment, that would be impossible.

  When he’d learned which Twelfth Knight he would be bound to for the rest of his life, he had been furious. Naturally, there was no recourse. No Knight had ever succeeded in changing the Knight he would be bound with. Not that many had tried.

  Most of the time, as was the case with his former superior, Xander, the Knights sharing a bride were close friends or past lovers. But not in his case. Why had the goddess forced this on him?

  Maksim wasn’t a bad guy, really. He just wasn’t the kind of man Cy found easy to respect. Which made it hard to prepare for the claiming.

  The claiming. How he ached for it.

  His cock was hard enough to break through concrete, and his balls were so tight and hard he couldn’t help gritting his teeth.

  Their bride. He’d concentrate on their bride for now. Cheryl. Such a sweet name for such a feisty, outspoken woman. Her training would be painful, for both her Masters, no doubt. Frustrating too. Cy was partial to a naturally submissive woman, the kind who fell to her knees with ease. His bride was definitely not that type.

  And yet, the fire in her did something to him, besides frustrate him. Yes, it had done that too. He felt a little challenged by her, which made her acquiescence all the sweeter when she’d finally surrendered.

  He had never expected to be so intoxicated by a woman, especially a woman who dared challenge him the way Cheryl (no doubt) would.

  Now that he had a taste of his bride’s spicy dish, he knew he wouldn’t be able to wait long for more.

  * * *

  Oh, the agony.

  Cheryl looked at the clock for the zillionth time in the last hour. Was the stupid thing broken? Or was time just dragging by at a snail’s pace?

  Or maybe it was her body being all turned around, since it seemed she was not only in a different dimension but also time zone.

  She’d been brought to bed sometime around three o’clock in the morning, and she’d slept until after ten. Had some breakfast. Took a shower. Been primped and waxed and shaved -- she still wasn’t comfortable with being groomed by a strange woman. Waited a while. Ate some lunch. Waited some more. Waited. Waited.

  It was finally five o’clock. Surely the guys would be here soon. This was agony, sitting around doing nothing all day. Absolute torture. She couldn’t wait to have someone to talk to. The women who’d brought her breakfast and lunch hadn’t spoken a single word to her. Not even a friendly greeting. What the hell?

  She’d already searched every corner of her room, looking for anything that would help pass the time. A single piece of paper and a pen was all she found. On one side, she doodled, drawing an intricate pattern of curlicues and flowers. On the other, she wrote a very short story about a woman who was kidnapped by a couple of sexy men and forced to do a bunch of naughty stuff.

  The story made her warm and toasty, and helped pass the time for a little while, but all too soon she was out of paper and then she was back to scavenging through her room looking for some other form of amusement.

  No more paper.

  No books.

  No television.

  What were they trying to do to her?

  There was a sound at the door, and her heart did a little hop in her chest. Yay, they’d come to see her. She wouldn’t be alone. But for how long?

  The doorknob turned. The door swung in, and in walked Maksim and Cy.

  Oh, they looked so great. More handsome than yesterday, if that was possible. Her insides fluttered.

  Butterflies? God, when was the last time she’d felt butterflies for a guy? High school.

  “H-hi,” she stammered, running her shaking hands down her thighs.

  “Present, bride,” Maksim said by way of a greeting.

  Oh yeah, that.

  She slowly lowered herself into position and launched into the spiel. She couldn’t remember the exact words, so she improvised. “Your bride presents these breasts for her Masters’ inspection and approval.” She lifted her breasts in her hands and waited for them to nod. Slid her hands down her belly and between her legs, “Your bride presents this vagina for her Masters’ inspection and approval.” She waited.

  Cy stepped closer, squatted, and with eyes glittering and dark, reached between her legs and fingered her labia.

  Oh God. She nearly melted at the sweet invasion. She felt her mouth form into an O of surprise.

  His finger found her slit and slowly pushed inside. She nearly fell over. Her inner muscles tightened around his probing digit, and she shuddered, suddenly burning up with lust. What were these guys turning her into? A nympho?

  He withdrew his finger, smiled and nodded.

  With a shaky voice, she continued the presentation thingy, shifting her hands around her back, to spread her buttocks. “Your bride presents this ass for her Masters’ inspection and approval.”

  She held her breath, wondering if one of them would touch her there too. She secretly hoped so.

  Because she was looking straight ahead, she couldn’t see behind her, but she felt their presence. Awareness took the form of a prickly heat traveling up and down her spine. And then there was a touch, at the small of her back, and she literally whimpered.

  Down the touch went, in the crevasse of her ass, around her anus.

  “Relax,” Maks said. “Take my finger inside.”

  She hadn’t taken anything in her ass, ever. She didn’t know how. But she nodded and concentrated on relaxing the muscle, hoping that would be all it took.

  His finger pushed and there was a burning pain. She felt her whole body tighten up.

  “No. Open. There isn’t much time before the claiming. It will hurt if you don’t learn how to relax your anus.”

  She didn’t want anything to hurt. “I don’t know how.”

  “Try bearing down a little,” Cy suggested. “Push against his finger.”

  She tried that and was shocked when Maksim’s finger slipped in with ease.

  It felt strange and yet wonderful at the same time, to have something in there, filling her.

  Maksim slowly withdrew his finger, and she was shocked to discover how badly she missed it when it was gone. “While you wait for us during the day, you will trai
n yourself. Hourly.” He set a tapered thing with a flare on one end and a tube of lubricant on the floor in front of her. “With this. Use this every hour.”

  “Yes, Master.” Was she really going to do this? Teach herself how to take something up her bottom?

  “We have been told there is no greater pleasure for a woman than having a cock in her ass and pussy at the same time.”

  She could neither confirm nor refute that statement. She knew she’d always held an odd fascination, watching girls take it in both in porn movies. She’d had a boyfriend who loved to watch that stuff before they had sex. And she hadn’t minded at all. The movies warmed her up, even if they did get a little dull and repetitious after the first twenty minutes or so.

  “We can go now to the dungeon.” Cy offered her a hand up.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Cy paused at the door. “Today, we will not be alone in the dungeon. We have invited a couple of other Knights and asked them to bring their bride, to show you what we will expect of you, eventually.”

  There would be other people there? And she’d be naked? Oh God.

  She hesitated, really not wanting to go to the dungeon now. Not if she was going to be watched by other people. An exhibitionist she was not.

  Maksim’s bulk forced her through the door and out into the hall. She padded barefoot the short distance to the double doors, and waited, breathless and shaky, for them to open.

  “Watch. Be silent.” Maksim pushed open the door and proceeded into the room, halting in front of a small group of people standing next to a huge wooden structure affixed to the wall.

  Okay. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe she’d be doing the watching, rather than the performing. “Yes, Master.” She was gently forced in front of her Masters, facing the three strangers -- two gorgeous men and a petite woman whose body was as curvy and soft as her own. Gentle pressure on her shoulders told her she was expected to drop to her knees.

  No words were spoken between her Masters and the other men. The visitors simply nodded. The woman, who was also on her knees, not more than three feet in front of Cheryl, went through the presentation thing, just like Cheryl had in her bedroom. It was both uncomfortable and strangely thrilling watching the other woman present her breasts, pussy, and ass to her Masters. Cheryl couldn’t help looking, especially when the woman’s fingers parted her labia, exposing her slick passage. When she lifted her eyes to the woman’s face, their gazes met and Cheryl’s cheeks burned.


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