Chance Of Rain

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Chance Of Rain Page 3

by Laurel Veil

More than eager, Bri jumped up to go. I was glad to be alone.

  A few minutes later, a deep voice asked, “Is anyone sitting here?”

  It was him! Pool table guy. I shook my head.

  He turned the chair around and straddled it.

  “You look familiar. We know each other from somewhere, right?”

  My stomach was tied in knots, but I finally managed to speak. “We’ve never met.”

  “So…” he said, as he leaned in. “What’s your name?”


  Smiling, he extended his arm, the one with the tattoo. “I thought you looked like an Ashley.”

  I reached out, and his hand swallowed mine. It was even stronger and warmer than I’d imagined. He grinned as I took my hand back. It was hard for me to look into his chestnut eyes, so I turned away.

  “I’m not making you uncomfortable, am I?” he said with a chuckle.

  “No.” I quickly felt embarrassed. He had a stamp like mine on his hand, but he seemed a little older than me.

  He looked around. “Do you come here a lot?”

  “Just every now and then. It’s too loud in here for me. What about you?”

  “I’m new,” he said, short and sweet.

  Without warning, Blake put his head to mine. “Miss me?” he said into my ear, loud enough for all three of us to hear. His warm breath made my skin crawl.

  I glared at Blake, but before I could introduce him as my friend, pool table guy stood to go.

  “I gotta run,” he said, as he ambiguously pointed with his thumb over his shoulder.

  All I managed to say was, “Bye.”

  “Who was that?” Blake asked.

  “Nobody,” I said, as I watched him vanish into the crowd.

  Bri sashayed up with her new friend. “Hey, this is Blake’s friend Cole.”

  Cole was big—more than six feet tall and probably close to three hundred pounds. He had sandy-blond hair and honest, blue eyes. Despite his large stature, there was an innocence about him. Maybe it was his baby face. I had a feeling I was going to like Cole. Physically he paired up nicely with Bri. She looked petite standing next to him.

  We exchanged hellos, and then Bri whispered into my ear, “I saw you and Mr. Hottie! Well, don’t leave me hanging. What happened?”

  “Blake happened!” I hissed while rolling my eyes.

  “OK, folks, settle back down. We’re gonna wrap up tonight’s battle of the bands with some boys from H-town. Give a big Road House welcome for…” The MC hesitated then looked at the lead singer. “What’s y’all’s name again?”

  The singer smiled and shrugged. “We haven’t decided just yet.”

  The audience laughed, and the announcer improvised. “Well, it’s a good thing we’re laid-back around here. Give it up for…Anonymous!”

  The long haired musicians electrified the crowd as soon as they began. They made their instruments come to life and the lead singer had a rough voice that reminded me of Chad Kroeger of Nickelback.

  Bri and Cole went off to dance, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the stage. The next thing I knew, Blake was pulling me to my feet and onto the dance floor. I didn’t want to go at first, but I had to admit it was fun.

  When a slow song began to play, I wanted to go sit and watch the band, but Blake had other plans. “Come on, Ash,” he said. “Just one more.”

  Before I could say anything, he pulled me close. As we turned, I caught a glimpse of him, and he was looking at me. He looked down quickly, but I was almost certain the corner of his lip revealed a tiny smile.

  He was sitting alone near the pool tables, messing with his phone.

  When the song finally ended, Blake and I returned to our seats. Then the MC concluded the evening’s event. Of the four bands that had participated, by show of applause, Anonymous was the hands-down winner.

  I looked back toward the pool tables, but my guy was gone. As I turned back around, I spotted him heading in my direction. Is he coming to talk to me? I wondered.

  Blake must have thought so, because he was watching and deliberately intercepted.

  “It’s eleven thirty. Bri told Cole that you two have a curfew. I guess you’d better get going so you won’t be late.”

  Bri overheard Blake and glanced at her cell. “Oh, my gosh! No way! We should head out, Ash.”

  What? She was right, but since when was Bri worried about rules?

  I felt a sense of panic; I was running out of time. On a whim I decided to go over to him. I took a deep breath, but before I could take my first step, Lacey Sanders swooped in out of nowhere on her broom.

  Between Blake and now Lacey, to say I felt frustrated was an understatement. I motioned for Bri to head to the door. Who was I kidding anyway? That guy was way out of my league. I was such an idiot for even thinking I stood a chance with someone like that.

  It was a very…long….ride…home, even with the windows down.


  25 %

  When I got home I showered and got ready for bed. I opened all my windows and switched off the light. The moon was almost full. I let it hypnotize me as I thought about what might have been. I couldn’t wait to go back to the Road House. I had to see him again. Him…I didn’t even know his name.

  The crickets faded into the background, and I stumbled into a dream.

  I tried my best to sleep in, but my eyes popped open at the first rays of light. I was watching a deer at the edge of the forest when my phone startled me with a ding. It was a text from Bri.

  U up? Gym?

  I quickly replied:

  K. Ready in 10.

  In less than fifteen minutes, Bri and I were on our way to Fit City.

  “I have sooo much energy. This is good, though. It’ll help me lose weight! I can’t believe school starts Monday. Cole is so cute! I think I’m in love! Ash, are you awake, or are you sleepwalking?”

  “I’m gonna need some coffee to keep up with you.”

  Bri turned into Dunn Bros, and I got a small with two creams and four sugars.

  The gym parking lot was far from being empty like I’d expected. “Don’t these people have lives?” I grumbled.

  When we walked through the doors, I felt like I’d jumped into a cold pool of water. The burst of freezing air, combined with the caffeine I’d sucked down, jolted me wide-awake.

  We made a pit stop in the locker room. Then, like we’d discussed, Bri and I headed to the treadmills. Loud music was pumping out of the speakers, but she managed to carry on a conversation with me anyway.

  “I hope Cole calls me like he said he would.”

  “Did you forget we‘re working tonight?” I asked, hating to disappoint her.

  “Uh…’bout that…”

  “I don’t like how that sounds,” I said, as I wondered what she was about to lay on me.

  “I’m sorry, Ash, but last night when Blake was playing matchmaker, he saw that Cole and I were hitting it off, so he offered to switch nights with me so we could go out. He said he’d call Mack to change our schedules this morning.”


  “I didn’t think you’d mind. Of course this was before he messed up things with your hot guy.”

  “So where’s Cole taking you?” I asked, trying to be happy for her.

  “I’m not sure. He mentioned maybe getting something to eat.”

  “I guess I’ll need to make arrangements with my mom to borrow her car. Don’t let me forget.” Bri smiled a guilty grin. “What now?” I asked.

  “Blake offered to drive you if you need a ride.”

  “Imagine that,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  Bri was breathing heavily now. Perspiration was rolling down her face, and her cheeks were rosy apples. She looked exhausted. “I’m going to change into my swimsuit and cool down in the pool. Wanna come?”

  “No, thanks. I’m going to work on my arms some now.”

  “Suit yourself,” she said. “See ya in a few.”

  I looked dow
n at the treadmill. A little more than three miles—not bad. I stepped off and went in search of an area off to itself where I could be alone and not have an audience.

  I found a place in the corner. And there weren’t any mirrors by these weights either. It was so embarrassing to look at myself while I worked out.

  I just wanted to keep firm, not look like the Hulk, so I grabbed the ten-pound weights. I felt a little self-conscious at first, but gradually I became more comfortable. I did several reps, and then out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone walk up next to me, just a few feet over. Hello? This place is enormous. You can’t find anywhere else to work out?

  It was a guy too. Feeling uncomfortable, I put my weights back so I could move.

  “There she goes, leaving me again.”

  I turned and saw him smiling at me. “Oh…hey,” I said, startled. “I didn’t know you worked out here.”

  He grinned. “Well…how could you? You run off every time I try to talk to you.”

  “Well, if you’re referring to last night—”

  “I am,” he interrupted with a faux-stern tone.

  “You seemed kinda busy,” I said.

  He stuck out his hand. “I’m Trent.” He was so confident, and I…wasn’t. My heart was racing, and all I could think was, So that’s his name. What a great name!

  He was dressed in a thin, clingy T-shirt. From what I could see, he had the abs of an Abercrombie & Fitch model, and despite having just worked out, he smelled like one too. Well, at least he smelled like a milder version of an Abercrombie store.

  “So what are you working on here?” he asked, as he eyed the weights.

  I reached for the dumbbells again and tried my best to act like I knew what I was doing. “Just a little toning. I don’t want to wind up with batwings in my old age, you know?”

  Trent grinned. “You’re working your biceps. What you want to do is isolate your triceps.” He reached out and lightly brushed the bottom of my right arm. “Here,” he said.

  He was very matter-of-fact, but my arm burned where he touched it. He took one of the dumbbells and returned it to the rack. “Place both of your hands on this one.”

  I did as told, and then he instructed me on how to lift it. I felt feel my face turn fifty shades of crimson.

  “Bend your elbows, and let the weight go behind your head. Then slowly lift it. Do a few of those, and you should feel it start to work almost immediately.”

  I did more than I wanted to so I wouldn’t look like a wimp, and then I finally had to surrender before I dropped the weight. He took it from me and set it down. “I’m going to feel that later,” I said, as I shook my arms out.

  He laughed. “Well, when you do, don’t think too badly of me.”

  I tried not to smile and looked away. I hadn’t stopped thinking about him since last night.

  “So no class today?” he asked me.

  “How did you know?” I asked with surprise.

  “I just realized why you looked so familiar last night. I saw you here yesterday.”

  He was one of those annoying onlookers! I tried to picture what I must have looked like. The image was horrible. I wasn’t wearing any makeup, my hair was yanked up in a messy ponytail and I was covered in sweat. I was so embarrassed.

  Trent looked down at his phone, which had been in his pocket. “Looks like I have to go. I’ll see ya around, Ashley.”

  I loved the way he said my name. His voice was deep, but not too low. And it sounded warm, or at least that’s the way it made me feel on the inside. It always had sort of a sleepy whisper to it.

  He gave me one last crooked smile before turning to go and left me melting in a puddle on the floor.

  As soon as the coast was clear, I went to find Bri as quickly as I could. She was still in the pool, and I filled her in on all the details.

  “Are…you…kidding…me?” she said.

  I thought she was going to burst.


  30 %

  “You should have left a note, Ashley,” my mom grumbled as soon as I opened the door. At least she wasn’t freaking out this time.

  “Relax, Mom. Why didn’t you just call me?” I waved my cell at her.

  “My cell phone is dead, and I can’t find the charger again. I don’t have your number memorized either, and it’s not programmed on my work cell,” she said, almost at the point of tears.

  I felt sorry for her.

  “Mom. It’s OK. I’m OK. I have to get ready for work now. That reminds me. Can I use your car?”

  “Honey, I thought that’s why you and Brianne work the same shifts, so she can drive you. I have to show a house in about an hour. Do you want me to see if Chase can stop by and pick you up?”

  “Uh…no, thanks. Don’t worry about it. Blake can take me. He’s working too.”

  “Oh, good. He’s a nice boy. I feel like you’re safer with him than Bri anyway.”

  If she only knew, I thought.

  “Oh, and honey, one more thing. I’ve told you about sleeping with your windows open. It’s not safe. I know you didn’t want a fence and lights out back, but if I catch you leaving your windows up one more time, I’m going to take a loan out and have it done. I don’t care how much it costs. Got it?”

  There was no point in arguing with her. We’d had this conversation before. I just nodded and went to my bedroom to shower and get ready for work.

  My mom knew that I liked looking at the field and forest out back. A fence would block my view, and I never would see another deer. And who wants security lights when you can have the moon and stars? Ugh!

  I texted Blake, and he was more than happy to swing by and get me. What a surprise.

  In the shower, the hot water felt so good on my tender arms. It occurred to me at that moment that Trent had seen me twice now sweating at the gym without a drop of makeup on—and he still talked to me.

  Blake got to my house ten minutes early. I purposely made it a point to be ready ahead of schedule, to avoid having to invite him in.

  “You look nice,” he said with a wide smile as I got into his car.

  I actually thought I did look pretty nice, but it wasn’t for him. I could tell that in his mind this was like a date. I didn’t act flattered. Instead I pretended like I didn’t know what he was talking about. “Thanks, I guess. Oh, and thanks for the ride.”

  “My pleasure.” He slowly leaned across me and locked the door. “The electric locks are broken. I wouldn’t want you falling out.” Puke!

  I looked out the window and listened to Blake rattle on and on about nothing in particular. Every now and then, I shook my head and said, “Uh-huh.” How could you do this to me, Bri?

  When we got to the theater, Blake rushed to get the car door for me, but I was too quick.

  As we walked to the entrance, I got a wolf whistle from someone driving by. I guess I’d put a little more effort into getting ready than I’d thought. I laughed to myself when I noticed Blake’s chest puff up with pride a little, as if he were saying, “Yeah. She’s with me.”

  Before clocking in, I went to the restroom. As I washed my hands, I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was swooped up in a loose bun; a few long ringlets escaped here and there. I was wearing a strand of pearls and a crisp, long-sleeve white shirt that was cinched at the waist. I had it neatly tucked into a fitted black skirt that stopped just above my knees. I decided to wear my shoes a little higher tonight and my eyeliner a little darker. Maybe I’ll get some good tips, I thought with a chuckle.

  I made my way to the Star-Lite Café, a tiny coffee shop in the theater lobby. Patrons could grab a bite while waiting for their movie to start. My job was pretty easy; I handled the cash and was the hostess. I greeted everyone who came in and seated them with menus. When it got crazy, I took an order or two to help out, which was OK with me, because that was when I make my tips.

  “Dang. Lookin’ good, Devoe.” I looked up from the hostess podium to see Danny, who helped in the kitchen.
He had shaggy blond hair and reminded me of a surfer. I used to have a little crush on him. It figured he’d notice me now.

  Before I knew it, I was swamped with customers and wishing just a little that I’d worn my shorter heels.

  Every time my phone vibrated, I got excited, hoping it was Bri with a juicy detail about her date. It was always my mom, though, checking up on me. Guess she found her charger.

  I looked at the time and saw that it was almost ten. Closing time! Yes! That was the great thing about being busy—the night flew by.

  “Excuse me, miss.”

  What now?

  “Can I get a cup of coffee?”

  I quickly finished stacking the menus and looked up to see him leaning over my podium, smiling at me. My entire face smiled. I couldn’t help it; I was so happy to see him.


  “Hard at work, I see,” he said with a grin.


  Crooked nose, crooked grin. Who was I kidding? I was attracted to him. I felt a strong urge to reach out and run my fingers through his disheveled hair. He had on jeans and a T-shirt, but he was also wearing a dark jacket that made him seen bulkier through his shoulders.

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to get your coffee to go.” I pouted. “We’re about to close.”

  “Ash, we need to get ready to go now,” Blake said, glaring at Trent.

  I jumped. Blake had a way of sneaking up and startling me sometimes. My smile vanished. I’d forgotten I’d gotten a ride with him.

  “Hey, Blake,” I said, trying to sound as friendly as I could. “This is Trent. Trent this is my friend, Blake.” They shook hands but didn’t smile. I felt the testosterone in the air.

  “Let me grab him a coffee first,” I told Blake. Then I turned to Trent. “Blake’s my ride home. My friend Bri, who usually gives me a ride, is off tonight,” I said almost apologetically. I tried to smile. “I’ll just be a second.” I turned to Blake. “Then we can go.” I headed toward the kitchen.

  “Hold up, Ashley,” Trent said. “I’ll take you home, and we can get a coffee somewhere else.”

  Yes! I didn’t want to hurt Blake’s feelings, but I wanted to go with Trent so much that it hurt.


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