Dragonlord: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Dragonlord: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 9

by Delta James

  “I don’t seem to recall any protests or complaints on your part when you were writhing in my embrace and your sheath pulsed all along my staff. Rest assured, my Bridget, I will see to all of your needs, as well as my own.”

  “You’re an arrogant prick,” she said.

  Gideon cupped her head in his hand and drew her across the space between them. Capturing her mouth with his own, his tongue pushed past her teeth to sweep through hers and enticed her tongue to do the same. Even though she was sitting, Bridget could feel herself go weak at the knees and felt as though she might turn into a puddle of need and slip from her horse. She needed to do something to recapture her equilibrium. As his lips left hers, she knocked her forehead against his, wheeled her horse away from him, and galloped away. Bridget could hear Gideon give chase and could only hope that her horse was faster than his or she could outride him.

  Her hope was short-lived as Gideon drew alongside her, plucked her from her mount, and deposited her face down across his saddle. He had barely brought the horses to a stop before he brought his hand down on her upturned bottom with a resounding thump. Even with the protection of her breeches, she felt the impact and yowled in response as he spanked her several more times.

  Having found herself in a vulnerable position, Bridget had thought he would only swat her a few times, but Gideon seemed intent on giving her a full-fledged spanking. His hand connected with her backside over and over until he moved it down and began targeting the backs of her thighs and the sensitive spot at the juncture of her thighs and rump. As much as her derriere was stinging from swats, her arousal was what occupied her mind. Her nipples became stiff and sore as they pressed against the hard boning of her corset. She could feel the well of desire swirling in her belly traveling down to pool at the entrance of her core and was quite certain that even her bottom hole pulsed with need.

  “Have you had enough, or do I need to peel your breeches down and give you a proper spanking?” he said with very little rancor in his voice.

  He waited for her answer, his hand poised over her behind.

  Blinking back her tears, she said, “I’ve had enough, Gideon.”

  “Good. Then, do I need to bind your hands and lead your horse, or can you be a good mate and ride beside me?”

  “You don’t have to bind me; I’ll ride at your side.”

  With the same strength and speed with which he had unseated her, he put her back astride the horse as if she’d never left its back.

  “Good. I will arrange to have your horse returned to Dundalk along with mine.”

  “Why would you send Ruari that stallion? He’s magnificent.”

  “He is, but I shall return him to your alpha along with a note letting him know you are safe, and that the stallion is merely a token and will have your bride price sent to him within short order.”

  “My what?” Bridget asked, appalled.

  “Your bride price. I realize wolves are far more used to using their females to cement alliances, and certainly you are a prize worth having, so I will be generous.”

  “I hate to repeat myself, but you are an arrogant prick. You can’t just decide you’re taking me and send him a fistful of gold to pay for me.”

  “I assure you, my Bridget, you are worth far more to me than a mere fistful of gold. I will be more than generous, and your pack will be adequately compensated.”

  Shaking her head, she asked, “Tintagel is in Britannia and we are still in Eire. How exactly do you propose to get us there?”

  Smiling, he answered, “We will fly, my beloved.”

  Taken aback, she said, “I... I can’t fly. I mean I don’t feel the dragon inside me.”

  “And you won’t until you are fully transitioned. We will find a safe place away from the village to spend the night where I will use both cock and dragon’s tongue to encourage your dragon to come forward.”

  Bridget squirmed and couldn’t repress the shiver that passed over her. What concerned her most was that it wasn’t one of fear or revulsion, but rather of arousal and need.

  Seeing her response, Gideon continued, “Tomorrow morning I will shift to my dragon form and you can climb aboard, and I will fly us home. As much as I look forward to easing our mutual need tonight, I long to get you home and take you to our bed to rut.”

  She felt as though her reaction would have been more at home with a silly schoolgirl than a woman who had been mated and borne a child. Ciara! What would happen to Ciara? Would Gideon accept her daughter? Could she tear her child away from the only home she’d ever known?

  Far more intuitive than she would have liked, Gideon reached over to place his hand on her thigh.

  “You will be safe on my back. I would never let you fall. If it causes you too much concern, I can simply carry you in my claw. I thought you would enjoy the experience of flying free.”

  Bridget shook her head. “I can’t, Gideon. You can’t possibly understand.”

  “Perhaps, but your choice is not about whether or not you will be mine, merely about how you experience flying for the first time.”

  “Why is it men, be they dragon or wolf, seem to think nothing of just turning a woman’s life completely upside down and then get pissy when we don’t just go along?”

  “I can’t speak for male wolves, but dragons do not get pissy.”

  “No, they just kidnap women, fuck them whenever they like, and beat their backside when they aren’t pleased about something.”

  Gideon laughed, leaned across, and quickly bussed her lips with his. “Precisely. See? Nothing in your litany was pissy.”

  Bridget snorted, but said nothing as he turned back in his saddle and headed toward what was for her an uncertain future.

  Chapter Eight

  After a long day’s ride, they found a village of suitable size that Gideon was able to secure their lodging for the night, someone to take their horses to Dundalk, and find a seamstress who promised to have two gowns ready and delivered to them by morning. Bridget noticed that her new mate—no, she refused to see him as her new mate—was generous with his gold and seemed intent on pleasing her.

  As they were returning to the inn after having dinner, she asked, “Why is it men are so insistent that women wear dresses? Breeches are so much more functional.”

  She found it interesting that she could talk to Gideon so easily. Bridget had never been able to talk to her wolfen mate with the same kind of candor that she did with Gideon. She told herself it was because she cared less what Gideon thought of her but knew that wasn’t true. It was that for all his arrogance, Gideon seemed far more interested in what she felt and thought. It most often didn’t alter his course, but he did listen.

  “I suppose,” he started, “I could say it was because it was tradition, which does play a part in it. But,” he said, sliding his hand down to pat her backside gently, “mainly, I think because it is far easier to simply lift your woman’s skirts out of the way to make use of your charms.”

  Bridget laughed in spite of herself. “That’s awful, but there’s probably more truth to that than I’d like.”

  “I can’t speak for all males, but I can tell you I’d far rather you were in a skirt so being able to bury my cock in you could be accomplished by simply lifting a hem.” He leaned close to whisper so only she could hear, “Better yet is to have your mate naked and available for your use.”


  “Shh. I will not listen to you deny what we both know to be true.”

  They returned to their room. Bridget was surprised to see a large tub filled with steaming water.

  “You arranged for a bath for me?”

  He nodded. “I thought you might enjoy it. At Tintagel we bathe in warm saltwater from the sea. It helps to relax us and polish the skin. I believe you will find it invigorating.”

  Bridget found it odd that she suddenly felt shy with him. After all, she had spent a momentous night with him and then he had taken her again just this afternoon. Each time sh
e had climaxed easily in his embrace. She turned her back to remove her shirt and was startled when he kissed the side of her neck and began to unlace the back of her corset.

  “Allow me.”

  His deep, rumbling tone touched her in a way she had never felt before. Not even in the throes of ecstasy with another had she felt so intensely moved.

  Gideon loosened the stays before reaching around her to unfasten the clasps that ran down the entire length of the front of the garment. She leaned against his broad chest and sighed. His hard length pressed along her backside and memories from their previous couplings came to mind and made her shiver with desire.

  Having completely unfastened her corset, he pulled it from her body with one hand while cupping her breast to tease her areola and nipple with the other. When he’d tossed the corset to the bed, he unbuttoned her breeches and pulled them down so that he could stroke the swollen nub at the apex of her legs, causing her to moan and press back against him. She rubbed her buttocks against his engorged member and softly keened with need.

  Gideon’s hand moved lower and he traced a line from her clit back to the opening of her core, which was already wet and eagerly anticipating his use. He nuzzled her neck as he probed her opening before gently penetrating the entrance to her sheath. He stroked her softly and she felt the ember of desire that had been with her throughout the day burst into a flame. Sensing her need, Gideon began to fondle her breast with more intent as well as leaving her core to focus his attention on her nubbin. Bridget bucked her hips as Gideon chuckled, nipping her ear and pinching her sensitized bud and nipple at the same time, resulting in an unexpected climax. His still enlarged shaft strained at his breeches and reminded her that he had only begun to pleasure her this night. She came with a soft cry of release as his breath thrummed against her neck. He held her while she gently floated back to earth before helping her out of the remainder of her clothes and into the tub.

  Gideon took a seat on a chair by the fire with a brandy sifter in one hand and watched her bathe, the pupils of his eyes changing shape as lust coursed through his body. He stood and crossed the room to fetch another brandy.

  “Why is it that males seem to like looking on our unclothed bodies but don’t think we enjoy the same?”

  “Would you like me to get naked?”

  Bridget nodded and then blushed when he chuckled seductively and proceeded to remove all of his clothes. She couldn’t help but stare appreciatively. He really was beautifully made—tall with dark brown hair, ice blue eyes, and slab muscle upon slab muscle. He may have been asleep, but his muscles had not atrophied. They were well defined and she could see how they translated to his ability to shift into a dragon. There was a kind of primitive marking along one shoulder and down over his pectoral muscle. His abs were well defined as was the v-shaped that directed her attention to the heavy cock that rose up from between his legs. It was the same basic shape as most male cocks, but it wasn’t a smooth, cylindrical shape, but rather seemed more powerful, bulging with a musculature all its own with a twisted and raised ridge wrapped around it. The head was more of a pointed tip, working its way down the muscular shaft that seemed to be covered in plating, bumps, and curves. The ridge didn’t seem large enough to have filled her back passage the way it had. The memory of how that had felt made her shudder.

  She looked up to see him watching her look at him.

  “Tell me, my mate, does my form please you as much as yours does me?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes, there is a great deal to admire, especially that thing you keep between your legs.”

  “And are you a connoisseur of the male form?” he teased.

  “I’ve seen my fair share. But other than yours, they are more smooth with only veining where yours seems to have muscles of its own and that... what did you call it?”

  “The dragon’s tongue.”

  “What an odd name...”

  “Not really, it does resemble my tongue when I am in dragon form... only a much smaller version.”

  “It doesn’t look as though it is as large as it felt stuck up my bum.”

  He laughed. “That is because it swells to fill whatever cavity it is in not only to pleasure the female, but to seal her so that its seed is trapped and can take root.”

  Not understanding, Bridget cocked her head. “You mean whatever it is that it imparts to transform an unsuspecting female into a dragon.”

  “Unsuspecting, perhaps, but pleasured nonetheless. And that is one of its three functions.”

  “Three?” she asked, fascinated.

  He nodded. “The second is when it is still wrapped around the cock. It scores the inner walls of the female, not only increasing her pleasure but readying her to be bred and become impregnated. Dragons do not get their mates pregnant by chance. It is a decision we make, giving up our immortality to do so.”

  “And so, you can force not only breeding on a woman but stripping her of her immortality as well?”

  He shook his head. “No. As much as wolves abhor the idea of turning a human into a wolf without his or her consent, dragons feel the same about instilling a mortal coil on our females. There are, of course, exceptions.”

  “Like when the Lord of the Earth wakes and wants offspring...”

  “Like when the survival of our species depends on it.”

  “What about the others, why don’t they restart your species?”

  He grinned at her. “Our species, beloved. At the risk of distressing you, you are no longer wolf, you are dragon. And they will do their part as well.”

  “Male wolves still outnumber she-wolves. The wolves may well object to having three more of their kind abducted...”

  “Perhaps my brethren will not be so fortunate to find a she-wolf worth having. Dragons are not limited as to what we can turn. We have the ability to turn humans as well as shifters of other kinds.”

  “Really? Wolves can only turn humans. We don’t have the ability to turn other types of shifters.”

  “And females can turn humans as well, can’t they?”

  “Yes, can’t female dragons turn someone?”

  He chuckled. “No. They have nothing comparable to the dragon’s tongue to initiate the change.”

  Bridget blushed. “Right. I hadn’t thought of that. Why are you smiling?”

  “One, because it pleases me to look at you, and two, because you are interested in learning more about who you will become.”

  “What I will become,” she corrected. “Without my consent.”

  Gideon nodded. “Yes, without your consent. But that is not something that has ever held much sway, or any at all to be honest, with my kind.”

  She shook her head and sighed. “I don’t care what you say, it is wrong. But what’s the third thing the dragon’s tongue does?”

  “It is actually the body part that will plant my seed in your womb. The breeding of dragons can be complicated and involved, but I will see you pleasured by the act.”

  “How would that work?” she asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer.

  “I had hoped to explain in retrospect, but I will not have secrets between us nor will I have you lacking information and knowledge.” Gideon took a deep breath. “For dragons, mating and breeding are two separate things. A dragon can choose to take a mate and not produce offspring. But should he choose to take a mate and sire children, both parents give up their immortality. Hers is lost as the child begins to form within her womb. His is lost at the birth of their child.”

  “But how does the dragon’s tongue enter into it?”

  “I will couple with you as I did when we first met, only I will allow the ridge to grow larger as it scores your sheath to make it ready. Once I have emptied my cum into your sheath, your body can accept my seed. At that point, I will disengage and roll you on your belly, only to have the ridge unfurl so that it is separate. I will mount you from behind with my cock taking your bottom hole and the dragon’s tongue entering your pussy where
it will enlarge so that you are being doubly penetrated and stroked. When you have orgasmed at least once, the dragon’s tongue will implant the seed into your womb as I achieve my own release with each of my members. As I do so, you too will be climaxing so that your body greedily accepts what is being given and it can take root.”

  Bridget could feel her eyes had grown large. She wanted to deny the wonder of his explanation and the profound state of arousal she felt. There was only one thing left to explain.

  “But I thought dragons laid eggs...”

  “Not lay but give birth to them in much the same way as human or she-wolf does. The egg then finishes gestating and the baby emerges six to eight weeks later.”

  “It is born child or dragon?”

  “Child. You will hold and nurse our babies in your arms as you would have done if you and your wolf mate had been blessed with children. Unlike wolves, dragon seed is strong and always results in pregnancy.”

  “So, the only time that thing will be in my pussy by itself is when we are breeding?”

  He smiled. “Yes, but you will often feel it when it is wrapped around my cock scoring your sheath or unfurled snaking up inside your back passage to enhance your pleasure. And will also feel my cock take your ass even when you are not being bred. Female dragons can be formidable and are not given to yielding easily. There seems to be something rather humbling for a female to have her mate’s cock up her arse.”

  “I think most females would agree.”

  Gideon stood up, taking a towel in one hand and beckoning her with the other. “Come, Bridget, let’s go to bed. Your questions have increased the state of my arousal to painful proportions. It’s time I had you on your back with my cock in your pussy and the dragon’s tongue in your dark hole.”

  Bridget stood up gracefully. She had never felt totally comfortable naked in front of Ciara’s father, nor had she ever seen him such. But Gideon had no modesty and the blatant look of longing and lust she could see in his eyes was encouraging. She took his hand as he helped her out of the tub and began to dry her gently, lingering on her breast, mons, between her legs and derriere. Gideon kept her warm, pressed against his body as he interspersed kisses and caresses with drying her with the towel.


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